Post #722
4/11 Rampant 'roos.
How much horsepower would arrive at Saturday's starting grid spread a little trepidation among some starters at Sanctuary Drive (though there's always one or two happy to keep company with any o.t.a occurrences). The bunch was well populated at 5:59, Emil, the 5ft Ninja, Kel, Jack ,Wozza, Tina, Greg, Boof, Bo, Julz, The Godfather and Nev had lined up behind PistolPete and Rocket, with engines ready for effort. Bo's perfection at positioning near the back was noted. Speed had spooked a few in the opening act toward the truck route, just five had formed the right line while eight sheltered behind Pete in the left line bound for Mitchell Rd. (Was finding a fair wheel to follow into the advance the worry?) Like most other laps, you usually harden up to the hurry and prepare to do duty somewhere on the circuit as fast as your fitness allows (inevitably slower than the first ones to front....yet they don't seem to mind).
Bo seized the chance to get on The Godfather's wheel (thick as thieves these two!) and young Jack cruised in behind, so it surprised me to find Tina take his wheel in the advance (banking on his chivalry when they got to the business end?) The relentless southerly made a miserable commute to Sanctuary Drive but all were now reaping the reward of a boost to the backside to River Rd and some assistance toward rooster corner. Young Jack was considerately off the gas pedal for Tina to co-pilot to Coach Rd, my turn with Tina northbound focused for wildlife ahead. Just as well Tina called 'roos (because they were alongside in the long grass) though none paid heed to The Godfather's call. A slow half k to regroup relaxed the lungs, the pairing with Boof toward Channel Rd getting them labored again.
Despite the southerly spreading us across Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, pace was fairly spicy toward town (I held Rocket and Wozz responsible for the rush toward breakfast) although the fifteen that started were still in attendance. (Some weren't speaking though). Fourth wheel as we entered Ford Rd spelled a struggle on Wanganui for me, so when Tina voted for an early exit via Verney I found reason to take the short-cut too (silly me added up last weeks' k's to tire the legs). Julz found reason too. The southerly stung for the 4k's back to Eighty8 but it gave reason to justify breakfast. Plastic meercats, wildlife on rides and the weird wealthy ones kept the chat active.
6/11 At least it wasn't a southerly!
Strangely, the southerlies had stopped, though an east northeaster had sprung up to make work on Monday's lap and give us something to complain about! Tina and I made the most of the southerln spin to Sanctuary Drive with hopes of hiding from the headwind among Lenny, Troy, Greg, Wozza, Julz, Bruce, Rocket, The Godfather, PistolPete, Kel and BamBam assembling at the start. I'd sharpened elbows to stop The Godfather from muscling into the left line as Pistol and Rocket set the speed to swift toward Mitchell Rd.
Lenny had made another comeback and Troy had returned from 10 days away, both showing little signs of labor while Bruce ploughed into the headwind to Central Kialla. The typical Monday negatives had hit me, struggling with speed even at fifth wheel, but if I stuck at it for a few k's, the hardening up process might just help. Julz braved the business end at River Rd's dip, Greg giving a discount on pace ('cause he knows what's good for him!) which helped a few still in struggle street.
Lenny played Mr Diplomacy at the front with Tina to rooster corner so my pairing north on Coach Rd was deja vu Saturday (minus the roadside 'roos). Plenty of Skippy's poked their heads up from the crops to see what all the racket was about (but we all know that's The Godfather's job description). Tina called an end to her effort at the dam so my pairing for part two got just beyond the bridge when Kel either called it half time / got bored with my speed / took sympathy on a struggling senior citizen / could only reach the highway paired with Pete (strike out what doesn't apply Kel....but thanks for the draft!)
Looking forward to the tailwind back to town got me through the effort Rocket and Pistol applied to Old Dookie Rd. It goes without question that velocity amplified for the west way to suburbia, those in charge of the charge being careful to keep the number of starters the same as the finishers. It does the head good to be nudging the 40's with the h.r. well below bursting point and it did the taste buds good to consume Little Lipari's latte at the end (with many of the usual haunts closed)
7/11 Dragged out, blown back.
Exposing arms to the atmosphere seemed risky, but there it was on the observatory numbers......16 degrees at stupid o'clock! (A long cold Winter has many wary). A 3am shower had passed and the lightning with it, so it was game-on for the Cup Day Caniambo circuit. The assembly of Liam, GiantAndy, Bruce, Wozza, KnightMichael, Kel, The Godfather, Bo, Boof, PistolPete, Julz, Lenny, Tina and Greg had varied motives ; 1. A spin to Dookie, a lap of the Major plains circuit and back. 2. A tap to the Camel Farm and back and 3. A Saturday circuit. (Horses for courses as it happened, some on time limitations too). 32 wheels got rolling south under PistolPete and Wozza's guidance (and they weren't sparing the horsepower!)
Pace became infectious at the front; Rocket and Bruce on a giddy-up to Central Kialla, Liam and GiantAndy not needing any encouragement to continue the rush. Those on options 2 and 3 happily sat in the slipstream, shuffling for position to either avoid the front or prepare to swing north at Mitchell's end. How GiantAndy and Liam drive into an east northeaster at 38 I don't know (I'd be happy with half of it!) but it certainly ceased the chatter. Many were just hanging on, hoping for something slower. (A free tow usually comes with a hidden tax attached!) Pistol, Kel, Bo, Boof, KnightMichael and The Godfather turned noses north into Coach Rd to spin the Saturday circuit, the rest doing the right left over the East Goulburn Main Channel and into Armstrong Rd.
Focus wasn't on the 12k's of narrowing tarmac or the hectares of nothing on view, eyes were glued on the wheel ahead and finding the energy to stay in the draft while the horsepower kept the hurt happening for the mere mortals. Only stubbornness kept me in the draft, Armstrong becoming Bells and the tarmac thinning a little more. Tina lost her grip a couple of k's on but it was always the intention to hang on till the rubber band broke where those on option 2's would group to form a survival squad. Andy, Wozz, Rocket, Bruce and Liam were left to stretch their watts toward the horizon while Lenny, Greg, Julz, Tina and I grouped to share the suffering on Cosgrove-Caniambo Rd.
At Kellows Rd Greg got keen to drive to Dookie but the lure of a tailwind back was too much for Julz, Tina, Lenny and me. Keeping 35's on the speedo with little stress on the engine did the head good after the prior thrashing, several turns being shared on New Dookie, Pine Lodge North and Old Dookie Rd to seek a public holiday breakfast at the MilkBar.
8/11 Excavating enthusiasm.
A late night and a stupidly early morning and legs lamenting a labored ride Tuesday got the encyclopedia of excuses flung open in the head. I went mining for motivation. With 12 degrees on the gauge and barely a breeze blowing, a sociable Wednesday spin shouldn't need prodding to get a bag of old bones on a bike. But it did. Hanging onto the back of the boys working their watts on Bells Armstrong Rd yesterday came with a mental legacy. (though with a box of matches I could build a very small bridge and get over it, couldn't I?) Catching Rocket and Wozza's draft at Benalla Rd to Sanctuary Drive was a bonus, but the payment was keeping up with their performance. (Wish I could cruise at 36's and casually chat at the front!)
It was an effective warm-up though, arriving at the grid almost ready for the peloton's pace. The Godfather, Wozza, Bo, Rocket, Bruce, Lenny and Tina tucked into Pistol and Emil's tow to the truck route, the few who'd braved bare arms probably feeling the fluctuations in temperature that I'd insulated against. Several regulars were awol though a team of ten suited the circuit well. Wozza's wheel was my berth in the bunch though I'd already reached the rear as Emil and Bruce towed us to Euroa Rd. Time to follow Tina to the pointy end. Lenny and The Godfather did their duty from River Rd's bridge to the dip, Tina setting sights on the quarter horse fence while The Godfather behaved as co-pilot.
Happy to keep wheels level with Tina for part two of her shift kept a few watts for my pairing with Wozza, the last k to rooster corner slowly building speed to 35's again. It was a day off for kangaroos but geese had gathered for our turn into Coach Rd. Bo didn't do the distance to the highway but halved it to the bridge (knackered knee says he), and not so much as a murmur about full blocks received! Rocket and Bruce made tempo the test on Boundary Rd (pass me another box of matches!) and predicting pace would continue to climb, Tina took a back seat for the 8 k's return to town. With a little luck, I'd avoid the front where faster became the fashion (others ahead might tow me to suburbia?) Emil was baptizing Bruce and Lenny with a sealant spray to Dobson's bridge. All survived an almost restrained (barely breached 40) rush to SPC, Lenny ditching his plans to head straight home 'cause the sermon on tubeless at the Butter Factory wasn't to be missed.
9/11 Effort east, winners west.
16 degrees, a tailwind home, quality caffeine and a liberal dose of enticement got Molly back on the bike but how we get LiamM back on two wheels is the $64,000 question. (Free beer? A 9am start? Prizemoney?) Kim, Emil, Tina, Julz and Greg didn't need bribery to turn up to the shop and despite an easterly to hamper progress for Channel Rd's length, Emil extended his shift beyond the truck route for a heroic haul to the cypress trees. A bonus for those at the back but beginning to wear away the watts for me at second wheel (and setting an expectation for Greg and I to drive something similar). Getting to the S bend spent me, Greg soldiering on to Coach Rd and north to the highway to spare the others the effort into the easterly.
Wind at the starboard side didn't slow Tina's shift or the aim at reaching the fig farm, the couple of k's to New Dookie Rd not enough for Julz either, so overtime was spent to the rail line. Molly braved the front and made it to Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd for Kim to taste the tailwind toward Lemnos. Without the benefit of a visual on velocity, 37's made quick work of 3 k's. Thinking Emil was in for another long haul, his elbow said otherwise just a 100 metres into Ford (Others were being gifted tailwind turns but I'll bet he was saving some watts for the finish).
Easily driving 36's just under the aerobic rate for 3 k's is the stuff of fantasy for Foss; this was division one data but I needed a big breeze up the bum to do it! Emil's saved watts were unleashed for the final 400 metres to Balaclava Rd, Greg salivating for the sprint too, so the inevitable red light came for the rest of us mere mortal under 40 km/h finishers.
This week 288km
YTD 11,550km