Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 43 : Considering doping?

Post 368

Craving k's after just one day off the bike, but sloth almost overpowered me in the early hours of Sunday morning, 5 degrees and a swift southwester dialled up the doona desire, needing cranial concrete to cast off the covers at 5:15.   Porridge poured in the tank, I boarded the Baum to tap out a Saturday circuit (sans speed and social stimuli), quite a twang in the rectus femorus trying to maintain low 30's, so sat the chain on the 15 to grind out some progress (71 rpm).  Nice to be tucked into my own little solitary headspace, surfing random thoughts in the tranquility, but a pooch parked in the centre of Channel Rd (near the Kinder) seemed to be savouring my ankle, so served it an H2O aperitif to hinder his hunger.  The muscular niggle slowly subsided on the assisted passage along Boundary and Old Dookie Rd, recovering just in time to labour the leg west back to town.  It wasn't so snail-like on the 17 cog pushing into a (now) WSW'er, the mood lifted but I needed something to lift the temperature.  A bunch crossed Grahamvale Rd (a g'day from Mel) as I ramped up the resolve to face the Wanganui Rd breeze, another eastbound bunch (averse to a greeting) at DECA. Fingers and toes weren't too pleased with the temperature but the head happy to have overpowered the earlier lethargy. 
Steps 29,889

Monday found Cate keen for k's again, a little interval training on New Dookie Rd going single for the passing traffic till Lemnos North Rd, then the serenity of watching the orange of the suns' slow arrival to the horizon as we cranked to the Church.  The parfum du piggery pronounced a southwester all the way back at the Toaster, into the breeze of Old Dookie Rd wasn't as tough as I'd imagined, though Cate's pace dialled up the heartrate. We'd beaten the Cats to Boundary Rd, a push down to Channel Rd and back to town with a few chuckles, the now customary squirt at the Cha Cha clearing out the cobwebs.
Steps 35,910

Peloton position played a part, performance, perspiration, politics and pleasantries personified to particular pairing and placement with the Tuesday Turtles. I'd lined up with AvantiTrev who applied the handbrake of unity to leg one, Chops pressing the throttle of achievement on leg two, HBK pulling out all stops (of course) when he got the drivers seat for leg three. Hollywood, Temple, Kenworth, Car+Mel and AvantiMat played ball, Cougar rotating to all but the front-of-house as eleven carved through the easterly to Boundary Rd.  Kenworth had a bidon malfunction on the turn, slowing to a crawl revived some and shuffled the deck till the velocity resumed soon after southbound.  My new berth had Mel to match and Hollywood as follow-up, his almost consistent comeback now paying dividends. (which turns me to the long list of lost and lax: BigMat, KillkennyPaul, Gazzagrasshopper, Softa, HashBrown, WhisperingJack, SuperMario, Fisky, Nath, et al.  All taken up basket weaving?). A now ideal northeaster helped our journey west in River Rd, shame the crimson daybreak was screening behind us.  Turns varied in velocity through to Central Kialla, there was a cautious approach to Melbourne Rd as we weren't tall enough to see over the roadside weeds.   Chops lit the Conrod fire out of the first dip, HBK driving forward moments later, a hungry Hollywood timing his burst to the last 250, but I kept a close wheel on him to make him earn the chocolates, Mel clocking a fine third.
Steps 42,681

Word up BassoDave, back on two wheels after a horror crash just 7 months ago. Can't keep a good man down! 

The season's swung! 15 degrees at 5:45, the atmosphere thick with airborne protein to chew on the crank to the Couldabeens carpark, my commute heavensent with a harem of Mel, Weapon and Cate as company.  "Get your turn done early with the tailwind Foss, then repose in the tow" head said to self. (well, that was the theory!)  Equaling Boof then staying level with Chops emptied my biscuit barrel, insert Wozz, Grumpy, Pelly, Troy, Ralphy and BamBam from the 5am FDC frolic and fast forward to Mitchell Rd.  Pistol and Nev bore the workload of the NE'er to River Rd, Shorty's back from holidays, Nick on comeback #2, a chat with the legluscious Weapon and glowing gratuity from Grumpy as Bruce, Rocket, Jase, Hollywood, AvantiMat (and all aforementioned) rolled through for a go at the pointy end.  22 km/h gusts shortened shifts, my best laid plans of respite till Channel Rd went OTA, Rocket and Boof weren't going to shoulder the load for the length of Boundary. The pot-hole plague continues as recent rains ruin roads, a small crevasse near one tree dam was indicated early but doesn't reach everyone in time; Mel's manoeuvre, missing mayhem, masterful. A blast with Boof to the Broken bridges then a long 700 metre drive to Channel coached by Chops (where does he get the oxygen to talk?) had me seeing stars well shy of the turn.  Reserves previously unknown were summoned to catch the draft in Channel, speechless till the S bend.  Ralphy sought asylum (too much toil with Nev, Pistol and Bruce ahead) so I let him into the luxury of the left line. Full steam into Kinder corner (a Garmin glance told story of stress), legs were being asked for more at 50 clicks when Boof and Rocket rose from their seats to start a real sprint, a wheel to wheel battle to the end from my blurred perspective half a dozen back. 
Steps 38,457

Back to the habitual early solo lap Thursday, not leaving the month's distance target to the dying days this month!  A rare chance to absorb tranquility and focus the inner thoughts (scary!) on Ford and Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, progress average despite the assisting SSW'er.  A second wind was ironically 
found into the headwind back to town, into the rhythm at 77rpm, three then one then the Cat pack exiting suburbia as I aimed for Friars.  Coggo, Belly, Spiessy, PrincipalSkinner, Bickers, Sandy, Phil, Tina, Hommy, Heady and HG had just launched, a smooth crank to Boundary Rd with the mandatory hole in the bunch left by HG.  I'd drawn the short straw of Boundary Rd's headwind beside Hommy, staying level with me was way out of character (like Trump having diplomacy and empathy).  It was good to swap sentences with Goats on my part-time shift, but one must appease the pedantic time-clock police at the salt mines.  The caboose found favour with Sandy, Bickers and HG while 8 shared the workload of River Rd, all too soon the clock summoned me via the truck route to Archer Rd and back to base, catching the Cats tail (long time no see Matho, Keeno and co) in town.
Steps 55,724

Wozz, Cate, Mel, Kenworth, Chops, Trav, Cougar, AvantiTrev, Boof, Rocket, Pistol and Hollywood filled Friday's fraternity, positioned at second wheel in the Indian filed first leg to Kialla Lakes (mesmerised by the metronomic drive of Wozz), I'd resolved to recline in the tow instead of repeating Wednesday's desperate dive in at the deep end.  Bruce had joined the perspicacious Pelly, bodacious BamBam, gratulatory Grumpy, transcendental Troy and rapscallious Ralphy (palms greased and prides pampered FDC's, payola to the Foss retirement foundation asap), the six pack added to our dozen for the leg to Mitchell. Into the 5 degree chill of River Rd and the mandatory scenic sunrise, chat of weekend plans was shared with those who could spare the oxygen.  My sole donation to the days drive came beside Cate to finish off River Rd, then with Wozz to the Broken bridges, a cautious point to the pot holes near one tree dam after Wednesday's pandemonium.  From the privileged position of 4th last into the Channel Rd ChaCha, I got to witness the Rocket launch at Prentice Rd, frame flexing and Zipp's howling for mercy, he hunted down a pseudo sprint ahead to humble all within 200 metres.  The roll of recovery homeward probably had many reassessing performance (and consider doping?), I ranked finishing within eyesight of the front runners a success.
Steps 38,200

Week 43.       249 km.            YTD 13,127

Monday, October 17, 2016

Week 42 A latte lifestyle

Post 367

Hard core (and soft centre) devotees swarmed at Saturday's start line, KillkennyPaul and Softa emerging from late hibernation to join junkies Kel, Bo, Wozz, Car+Mel, AvantiTrev, Jase, TatPaul, BamBam, Boof, Troy, PistolPete, Rocket, HBK, Trav, Temple, SuperMario, Cougar, Bruce, Popgun and BassoDan (not listed in any order of dependence or attendance), though someone decides the bunch belongs in the bin by parking pole position half way down the grid.   Launched at 6, two long lines energised east, the Godfather joining the tail pontificating his heritage (and kit to suit).  I could hear KillkennyPaul and Softa (broccoli barrister?) chatting between gasps in the caboose, but their long hibernation had handbraked any attempt at rotation.  Nath appeared at the pub (a rare sight on a road bike),  Kel's eyes (both sets) transfixed any behind or beside, tantamount to being out of uniform in a Cat kit, but a cheeky grin overrides her infringement.   All week we've battled a southerly or westerly in the southern circuits, the moment we try a northbound lap, a northeaster niggles!   My Baum turned one today, still feels new despite the 15,624 k's clocked.  Into Pine Lodge Rd at the Toaster was shared with Temple, from the church with Mel meant more muscle to match.  Twas easy peezy at the Emu with the northeaster to blow us back to breakfast, Dookie bound Cats dropping tailenders in Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, even CatPhil left to ponder a puncture at Ford's end.  Promoted to the pointy end nearing DECA wasn't on my wish list, getting around Bruce was a big ask for the legs, particularly when Pistol hit the boost button at the test track.  I began the slide backward toward the back of the bunch as the sprint starved got hungry for the hill, but gained a sense of purpose towing Car back to the pack in Rudd Rd.    Kitchens, great gigs and hayfever occupied conversation, avacado, mushrooms and tomato on toast occupied the taste buds, my 3 week sugar culled diet lifting the bike performance and throwing 3kg off my handicap. 
Steps 27,300

Silverchairs' "Diorama" set the mental mood on a drive to Benalla, the 'Better Bike Hike' not tackled since 2009 (and it satisfies Strava's October Grand Fondo)  There were only 26 starters for the 125k ride, but that's preferable to a mass of maniacs.  An 8 man Team FIS (Flemington Institute of Sport) dominated the bunch, good to catch up with ex pat Cat Brownie in their pack.  The forecast northerly (24-48 km/h) hurried us out Kilfeera Rd (but would hamper us home), the whole field stayed glued together for the 37k loop to Moorngag.  Seems each event bunch has a loudmouth, a bad suit (all over the bike like a......), a steady slogger (I'll stick with that one) , a newbie (runners & toeclips, saddlebags and rainjacket) and a firecracker (boom then bust).  Amongst the bunch were the worthy, Andrew, MeridaJohn, Pete and Pete, Mick, Col, ChrisR, Brownie and Matt......amongst the Cervelo, Giant, LaPierre, Scott, Cube, Look, Colnago, Bianchi, Ridley and Willier, were 3 Baum's! (what are the odds?).  The first few pinches in Tatong-Moorngag Rd busted the bunch in half (newbie, loudmouth and firecracker), my recall of the upcoming steady climb to Tolmie switched me to conservative mode, a steady 6k stoked the boiler to get me up the rise. The 14k's up sorted out the chaff, bad suit flinging the bike about on mixmaster cadence, a steady crank for me made the distance and elevation seem far shorter than past memories.  A brief downhill dash to Tatong for a 10 minute pit stop to top up fluids and fuel, then back aboard for the 60k return before engines cooled.  With a dozen to share the headwind home, rolling turns worked for 16k, a few pinches nearing Mollyulah snapped 9 off the back, just MeridaJohn, WillierCol and I left slogging the track toward Upper Lurg.   Two sharpish hills spaced us out, the few k's spent happily solo to settle and recover.  I clawed back to WillierCol on the downhill, MeridaJohn a k ahead chasing the lead car.   WillierCol and I swapped turns for 14k's of Kilfeera Rd with 48 km/h gusts whipping at the wheels, energy evaporating but some inspiration passing the leaders of the 60k ride. The city in sight slackened the stress, fulfilled to finish third (it's not a race......until the end!), sausages, sandwiches and soft drink satisfying a starved stomach.  A great little event with spot-on marshalling and support, 100% of the entry assisting the Capability Building Inc and Edspace.
Steps 69,988

A ride to rid rigormortis on Monday, the demons of distance had lashed the legs overnight to warrant a spin to loosen the rust.  Two bikes in the first k (both minus lights) makes you muse the mentality of some, life obviously not worth a $3:95 tail light and a 35 cent battery?   East on New Dookie Rd found Cate keen to crank, déjà vu last weeks' westerly drying off the 4am shower.  Six passing cars seemed like peak hour, but beyond Lemnos the asphalt was ours to philosophise the important things in life : aforementioned 'bad suits', hills and grand fondo's.  Grit and determination drove the west leg back to Boundary (legs loosening to 78 rpm), sniffing seems socially acceptable as 8 degrees turns on the nasal tap.  Cate's crusade of effort knows no bounds as the wind funnelled between Channel Rd's orchards homeward.  Monday's must be made for morons, ye olde ute charging a roundabout needing a big skid to give way to us. 
Steps 25,084

Car+Mel's company to the Couldabeens carpark contrasted to HBK's chilled sarcasm at the grid, thankfully Temple, Jase and AvantiTrev rolled in to restore the balance.  Turtles away at 5:40, and I wasn't taking the HBK bait deliberately dangled half a bike ahead on leg one, ignoring the rearward glances and wry grin.  Temple played fair on leg two and kept the bunch together, AvantiTrev easing off the throttle a little, but Car+Mel piled the pace on again.  A north northwesterly made light work of Boundary Rd, the turns repeating again for River Rd.  AvantiMat was found in Mitchell Rd, the invitation to climb aboard accepted.  An early decision to abstain from the sprint was made by the legs still labouring from Benalla's breeze but the chance to leave HBK out to dry in Conrod was high on the entertainment list.  It was a tidy finish with Temple and Jase making HBK work for a result, Car+Mel deserving a tenacity trophy, AvantiTrev just glad it was over.  A weeks leave allowed coffee and chat time, Hares Wozza, Nev, Hoges, Pistol and Troy joining moments later, BamBam arriving solo from an alarm malfunction.
Steps 29,064

The grip of winter returned Wednesday, a paltry 3 degrees drawing the warmer layers out of mothballs. Reasonable numbers fronting the grid (Mel, Pistol, Hollywood, Cate, Weapon, Huddo, Boof, AvantiTrev, Robbo, Rocket, Cougar and Jase) considering the conditions, a dose of social reality finding someone sleeping rough under the shop verandah.  A single filed line got up to speed exiting the town, convincing myself to resist the tow temptation and venture forth to form the up line, but found Rocket driving the tempo and Boof breathing down my Fizik.  FDC's Troy, BamBam and Pelly with a k craved Wozza circled the Sanctuary roundabout and climbed aboard, old Foss blurring at the edges focussing on reaching the truck route beside Boof (but trying not to let the body language tell the true story of toil).  And so began the recovery in the tow to Mitchell, turning social as the oxygen craving subsided, cold weather the hot topic en route to Central Kialla, a rare run of traffic splitting the bunch on the turn into River Rd. My respite lasted till Boundary's Broken bridges, matching Rocket to Channel put the heart rate on the roller coaster.  Turning into Channel Rd and off the seat to get up to pace, I had that scary sensation of another's wheel rubbing against mine sending a shiver.  Thankfully Boof stayed vertical, a momentary visual diversion while clearing the olfactories.  BamBam had drawn the short straw of the ChaCha lead-out with Pistol and Wozz the swift standards ahead, lucky me at third wheel in the down line had better promise of placement.  The bunch drew long and skinny from Kinder corner to Prentice Rd, then fattened up as BamBam and the early pace setters ran out of steam and were swallowed up by the hopefuls.  Another day of post ride caffiene (I could get used to this latte lifestyle!) with chins wagging on the cycling club cash crisis and prangs of the pros. 
Steps 28,895

A layback preparation for a 6am Goat gathering on Thursday, almost a week of standard starts has returned me to almost sane.   Only Coggo, Tina, Spiessy, AvantiLeigh and Dipper were at Friars with 3 minutes till launch, the numbers doubling in the dying moments (Hommy, Sandy, Snow, Phil, HG, Belly, Spartacus and MeridaJohn).   The quiet roll through the streets to exit town is a gentle warm up for old engines struggling to fire in 4 degrees, forming an up line beside AvantiLeigh, and with Dipper following, made me the stale Strasbourg between two slices of fresh bread.  Could have sworn we pushed into a ENE'er (bureau said calm) but all had a go at the driving duty to Boundary Rd.  Man flu hampered Hommy's half wheeling, MeridaJohn (ex-CerveloJohn) was today AvantiJohn thanks to the house of AvantiTrev and a Fruitloop raffle. (28mm tyres and disc brakes ain't as light as the Merida but you don't look a gift bike in the specifications).  Spartacus back from a Tour d'Italia, HG considered for a rename to HBB (half bike back) staggering the bunch symmetry.  A 'steady roll' was screwed up and chucked in the bin, AvantiLeigh setting swift standards south in Boundary Rd.  There was a gradual decline of nominees for the pointy end as Boundary made way for River which made way for Central Kialla Rd, nudging the 40's reducing the drivers to 7 as 7 sat on.  Rooster Roscoe was gathered up in the caboose as the bunch barrelled into Dave's dip, but there was a long wait for commuters clogging the highway north and south.  7 drivers became 6 as I swapped turns with Coggo, Dipper, AvantiLeigh, Belly and AvantiJohn to Arcadia Downs, 6 became 5 and 5 became 4 into Conrod straight as speed spiralled. I hit the front with 600 to go, and finding one thin line behind me left no alternative but to burn up on re-entry.  Legs and lungs refused the mental messages for more, with 300 left my elbow showed the way past for all 13, as I attempted to dial down 185 bpm.   Yet another cafe conclusion completed the circuit, waxing philosophicycle with Tina and a work-bound Weapon on fi-fo's and fine food. 
Steps 26,552

Almost mild, one less layer and short knicks braved for Friday morning to put variety in the weeks wardrobe.  The 24+km/h NNE'er kept a few away but Pistol, Bruce, Chops, Boof, Troy, Pelly, Wozza, Hollywood, Cate, AvantiTrev, Temple, Rocket and Nev braved the breeze. It was someone else's turn to drive at the front in Archer as the tailwind excited the troops of tempo, Hollywood ahead and Pelly behind made fair partners for me. The drive into River Rd against the wind wore down the reserves ( I hoped 208 bpm on my Garmin was a monitor malfunction), Boof and Wozz blown sideways by the breeze may need a Hoges diet of pies to add ballast. All were hoping that Nev and PistolPete would drive the Boundary distance to Channel Rd, but the rotations rolled all to soon to put me at the front with Troy from the Broken bridges, the drive to Channel a vision too far, the Garmin glance too scary, so focussed on the blurred tarmac instead.   Running on empty I just managed to grab onto the tow in Channel Rd,  Bruce, Nev, Boof, Pistol, Rocket and Wozz the fast freaks finding even more wattage to crank into the ChaCha as most clawed at the draft to stay in touch.  Yet another post ride caffiene rehab enjoyed, a fast commute homeward with Rocket and Wozz finalised the week.

Week 42.         361km.            YTD 12,878

Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 41 Fit, fitter and far from it.

Post 366

Discovering a flat at saddle-up time put Wozza way behind agenda, head-on into a stiff southerly to meet like minded insomnicyclusts made a swift start for our 5k commute to the carpark.  Rocket, Bo and Kel had waited patiently, a Wednesday / Friday tap lap turned to attack, red led's ahead dangled like a carrot.  Rocket and Wozz drove a hard bargain into River Rd's darkness, the Wozz and Bo combo similarly swift, so good on Kel for facing this pace at the pointy end.  My legs said 'no way Jose' but the head said HTFU, and inspired by Kel's effort I ventured forth, just as the call "single" went out.  The last 600 of River at 40 cooked me, reserves from unknown sources had to drive me to catch the now Rocket powered train in Boundary Rd, but the led's ahead weren't for catching as our course turned into Channel.  Still filed Indian style, the tempo turned down to mid 30's, at last a chance to compose head and heart (down to 160) to arrive back at our start point as the Couldabeens congregation converged (HBK, AvantiMat, Temple, AvantiTrev, TatPaul, SuperMario, Shorty, Cougar, Nick, Boof, The Godfather, PistolPete, Trav, Hoges, Tum and Jase.)  Yet another foreigner had fronted (OrbeaMat) from fields unknown, at least his logistics and line looked compatible as we rolled out Channel Rd, would his speed and sociability suit? HBK incurred penalties for the pace at the S bend, Hoges has a knee still taped, SuperMario aboard again (from one-a-month to two in two days), Tum awaiting a first-born, and TatPaul giving birth to a puncture.  The pitstop pause screened a scenic sunrise, soon back to the business toward the Toaster, partaking the piggery pungency.   The turn for home with the wind at our portside bow made for tough turns, TatPaul made a brief appearance at the pointy end, my luck drew the test of a PistolPete partnership to Boundary Rd, (Trav's turn seemed cruisy in contrast).  The bunch had fanned across Ford Rd in search of shelter, only half were now volunteering a turn in the drivers seat.  Crossing Grahamvale Rd the tail end snapped off, Bo & co doing the tow to get 'em back aboard.   Seems the strugglers lost their grip at Verney Rd too, but without a word, the main pack was oblivious with heads down and tails up.  Only 8 drivers braved the Wanganui workout, a long thin tail of survivors summoning the dregs of wattage left to stay in touch.   There was a chance of composure and to break the sprint silence as Rudd Rd allowed a regroup, Boulevard bound for breakfast turned the mood from suffering to sociable swiftly.  Displeasure at being dropped was aired, the banter on effort, escape plans and roadside treasure ping-ponged across the Lemontree table, Bo's artery attack breakfast outgunning the hollandaise. 

And so begins 29 days of a corporate pedometer challenge, the conversion from bike distance to steps is 200/min at 32+km/h, so I'll add that to work walking for a daily total. 

Rule 9 applied Monday, a wry smile unstoppable hearing WhatsApp ping the abandonments, the passing shower at 4am was an out for some and opportunity for others.  East on New Dookie Rd found Cate keen for k's, just the large puddles to dodge, a 24km/h WNW'er drying the smaller ones.  One grumpy truck amongst the usual 4 passing vehicles, objecting to a bike taking up a metre of the left lane. (and I thought Reids stockfeed ran a professional outfit!)   A good spin to the church made way for a solid grind into Old Dookie Rd's headwind, insects served as an atmospheric breakfast (I prefer my protein dished up as steak)   There was a steady slog into Channel Rd to get us home, the ChaCha tempting Cate to put a spike in the Strava data, I just had to try to keep up.                  
(37,305 steps)

Running late certainly sharpens the focus, 3 minutes to make up in the 5k commute to the Couldabeens warmed up the muscles quickly.  The turtle faction drew BamBam, Troy, Temple, Cougar, HBK and Hollywood to berth, AvantiTrev's arrival right on flagfall.  Velocity varied in Channel Rd as fit followed fitter as far-from-it followed, feeling the breeze on the starboard side in Boundary Rd forecast a push for River Rd.   BamBam was half biked for the first leg, Temple matched HBK for a brief burst, I took the helm to turn it an Indian file drive to Trevaskis Rd (receiving notices of an ease motion on the way).   AvantiTrev and Cougar had taken a back seat while Hollywood, Temple and BamBam shared the rest of River Rd.   HBK, driving the Central Kialla leg, received a handbrake suggestion, the rubber band snapped in Mitchell though, a long cruise to Archer allowing a regroup.  Calm was contained for the northern leg home till the town limits begged a blast, I led out a sprint starved Hollywood to take the chocolates, but Troy had the lungs to score the honours.           
(41,601 steps)

Thought I was running to schedule Wednesday, but by the time the Garmin sprang to life there was four minutes to make up.  Wozza had waited patiently, a hard drive to the carpark with 40 seconds to spare was my penance for procrastination.   Kel, Bo, BigRon, Rocket, Cate, Robbo, Huddo, Mel, Mitch, Pistol Boof, Jase, Chops, AvantiTrev and Hollywood filled the carpark, a few breaths then saddle up to spear south single filed.  A long left line was reluctant to join an up line of three, eventually two even lines got organised by the Sanctuary roundabout.  BamBam, Grumpy, Pelly and Troy joined from the earlier FDC lap, social updates with Chops, Jase, Pistol and Robbo before duty at the front with Cate and Hollywood silenced sentences.   Bikes in pairs, singled and swarmed cranked west, our journey east spent lamenting the cold, dark and damp, how soon will the grizzles of heat start?   A belt up Boundary and a chase in Channel drew me closer to the rushin' front,  Boof, Wozz and Rocket the formidable front men ahead as the ChaCha drew nearer.  A few dived for cover in the left line at Kinder corner as the pace percolated, my role was to round up Rocket and Wozz, but I'd burnt the biscuits by Prentice Rd.  Swamped by all in 200 metres, the dregs of my tank were used to catch the bunch at the school.  Weapon joined from her suburban yeah-nah-but ride, my rare chance to join the coffee faction for a mid-week yarn on PistolPete's performance and MTB trails.  
A day off begged daylight k's, congregating with the Adams family posed some risk (Wobbly Trev and Mr.Magnet) but some sociability (Tina, BianchiPat, Barnsey, Norm, Col etc).  Adjusting to rather different peloton protocols (fit in or f.... off!) makes you appreciate the regular clans, see-saw speeds and tenuous turns with 16 on Mitchell and Boundary kept the wits filed sharp. Old Dookie Rd beckoned several to short-cut homeward but a dozen continued to the Toaster, a tailwind treat till the toil 12ks back to town on Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd.  It was difficult to set a tempo at the front with speeds floating 15%, long and short, solid and slow back to Wanganui Rd.  There were just 3 left offering themselves to the lead role as 10 drew single, winding up my attack at the hill drew no challenge, it was a 300 metre sprint between 60 signs in Rudd they'd waited for!   Back home with 90k's clocked satisfied the Strava target, I'm not leaving the 1250k goal to the last day this month!        
(56,625 steps)

You'd think I'd have learned the late lesson lately, the rigmarole of multiple winter layers in Spring put my schedule out again, covering 5.4 k's in 9 minutes with a 20km/h headwind (and three halts for traffic lights) got the h.r. cooking.  I just caught the Turtles tail as they'd exited the carpark (HBK, Temple, Pelly, BamBam, Shorty, Troy, Cougar, AvantiTrev and Popgun), a recovery in the rear seat prepared me for the headwind beside Troy at the Kinder. The next shift with Shorty at the cypress trees earned an "ease-up", some in the draft in distress.  AvantiTrev and Temple took on Boundary Rd's headwind, Popgun (pooped) pointed north toward the Pub.  Beside BamBam out of River Rd's dip then with Shorty at the bridge, the southerly whipped at the wheels to make a WobblyTrev trajectory easy.   Temple and HBK had a handbrake applied to their leg in Central Kialla, sneakily the speed crept up for Mitchell.  Over the highway the clamp was called again, a minute to reacquaint myself with the rare Raftery Rd (partly submerged for the last few weeks) before HBK pressed the accelerator again at Arcadia Downs.  A dream sit at 3rd wheel behind BamBam into Conrod put the odds in my favour, Troy turned the bunch single file out of the dip, BamBam rattled the valve stems taking the lead with 500 to go, I sat playing the waiting game for the first sign of fading.  Pouncing at the 300 mark was optimistic, only just finding the extra to fend off HBK, Shorty and Pelly for a rare win.    
(44661 steps)

Finally on schedule, no wind, and hooray it's Friday!   Bruce, Boof, Cate, Wozza, Kenworth, Rocket, Pistol, Temple, Shorty, Nev, Weapon, Chops, Cougar, AvantiTrev, Jase and Hollywood arrived to tap a lap for the weeks end, BamBam and Troy appeared at the truck route from their early course.  Fog had layered on the paddocks and an orange daybreak distracted us from the 4 degrees, the cool air gripping the lungs like a vice when visiting at the front.  I'd taken an early shift with Wozz in an effort to get some concrete in my diet, but a rotation calculation predicted my next go would be in at the deep end of the ChaCha challenge.  So where else do you get a civil engineer, a district nurse, an office manager, a storeman, an excavator operator, a bike shop owner, a psychologist, a maintenance foreman, a salesman, and a turner & fitter hurl themselves into the pre-breakfast elements before work?  Tis a strange social mix that bonds in this ride ritual.  Wozza was keen for a calm crank, so why was I pushing 40 beside him in McFadyen Rd?  It had taken 18k's for the bunch to go full circle, it took just 900 metres for it to turn totally again for the ChaCha.  I'd run out of road to get closer than sixth, but it's reassuring to finish within sight of the victors. 
(40,375 steps)

Week 41   312km.           YTD 12,517km 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Week 40 : Here's mud up your nose.

Post 365
Addicts only on a saturated road and with a 30 km/h westerly, Saturday's weather made doona diving a choice of many.  Just the hard core starters Weapon, Wozz, Boof, Rocket, Cate, Shorty, PistolPete and Temple congregated at the grid, BamBam and Ralphy last minute additions as we exited the carpark at 6.   Mud up the nose, a filthy bike and a spattered kit seems de rigeur as winter refuses to let go its grip on Spring, all were making full use of the west northwester whilst navigating the path less puddled in Channel Rd.   An echelon eased the effort in Boundary Rd, but the taste of toil came at Emu corner.  There's solace in the struggle when the bunch are united in technique and tenacity, just that Rocket, Boof, Wozz and Pistol have tenacity by the truck load!   Hats off to the entire team who had go at the front, especially Weapon and Cate who kept turning up for more.  BamBam's body language translated to torture as we crested the summit of the main eastern channel bridge, we crossed paths with just one stray cat, grinning like a Cheshire one with the wind behind him. (the solo struggle home would have him cursing his pseudo team).    Matching PistolPete didn't last long after my draft behind Ralphy, I ignored Pistol (a bike ahead) and zoned in on my own battle with the elements, holding a line and keeping a rhythm took all priorities. A few bunch fractures started to appear in Wanganui Rd as the performance of Wozz, Rocket, Pistol and Boof outclassed 60% of the field, conditions cancelling the sprint for the sake of survival. Back to base camp almost gloating at the achievement, idioms, sugar and the merits of a cheer squad cornered the conversation, multiple coffees aiding the recovery of a few. 

A dose of carpe diem Sunday, relentless rain was set to spoil a few chances during the week, joining Goats Coggo, Tina and Belly for a Toaster lap at 8 (how civilised!)  Wind again hogs the seasons stage, a 20-37 km/h northeaster turned us single file toward the Emu, four sharing the workload had just enough recovery time between turns to avoid blowing a gasket. (Tina's tough doing this after a fine fifth at Griffith the day before).  The easement at the Emu was ecstasy, and pairing up now made it sociable, turning up the tempo to the high 30's for the tailwind back.  Coggo's Avanti was carrying a ballast of mud, Tina risking the ride on yesterday's singles, Belly's Giant gleaming.  Pushed beyond a pace otherwise taken solo is bitter sweet medicine, tastes tart at the time but feels better later. Proper daylight shows pot holes as craters, one at River Rd's bark breeder could swallow half a wheel (surely a bucket of "bitchy" isn't too much to ask?).   Rising waters have closed Raftery Rd again, our Archer exit inevitable to face the wind back to brunch.  Sharing it Indian file, Coggo slogged a long leg to the truck route (RussCat caught struggling solo jumped aboard), Belly, Tina and I shared the load back to town to find Rooster idling a k from the Friars finish.  Brunch (see above) enjoyed over chat on age and the oft forgotten treasure that is good health.  

Cycleops (the God of cycling) took pity Monday morning, the heavens had been parted of rain to squeeze in a lap, but he'd turned up a WNW'er to make it a workout.  Blessed with Cate company, the easterly exit form town put pleasure before pain, rather refreshing to break the routine and share a different circuit with a like minded addict.  What got us hooked occupied the chat on New Dookie Rd before the headwind agenda ahead of the Toaster, Cate's spirited attack was no casual crank for me (the force is strong in this one) as my heartrate climbed into zone 5.  A breather in Boundary prepared us for the wind funnelling through Channel Rd's orchards, the four limits (legs, lungs, heart and head) balanced to enjoy the endorphins of achievement back in town. 

Lungs laboured in the grip of a 5 degree Wednesday morning, but I shouldn't grizzle, at least it was dry.   Foreign guns Huddo, Mitch and Robbo had joined natives AvantiTrev, Jase, Mel, Boof, Cate, Wozz, BamBam, Rocket, PistolPete, Cougar and Chops.   Plunged back into darkness at 6 (daylight spendings) the pack propelled south on Archer relishing the north wester, assisted east on Mitchell too (though 64 freewheels from 1 during 2k was a bit excessive)   Mitch and Pistol paired to pump the k's in River Rd, Wozz delivering a message at the bridge of a rear fracture.  Half a k cruising regrouped the dropped, back up to pace beside Jase in the cool air put my breathing in a vice, one more white post, maybe one more, before calling a roll.  The breeze not so obvious on the Channel Rd return to town, but I'd been spooked out of the sprint with Huddo, Mitch, Robbo, Rocket, Wozz and Pistol all line astern ahead.  Mel magnetised to my Mavic motivated me forward as BamBam approached kaboom at Prentice Rd, sniffing 4th place just before the last chance braking point for Orrvale Rd.  A few who'd straggled off the back were gathered back in town, those on executive hours swung south for coffee, the working class north to earlier employment.

Blanketed by blackness beyond the Cateye's reach on Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, it had taken 3 k's to get the old engine up to satisfactory speed on Thursday, or was it a westerly wind to thank? Right at the Emu and right at the Toaster gave an answer of no wind to hinder which lifted the spirits (and the speed) back to town.  Bunches and bunchettes navigated east, I parked at SPC to catch the 6am Goat express.  An advanced party pairing of Manny and Carl left town, a few minutes behind Coggo, Belly, Tina, Principal Skinner, Sandy, Dipper, Phil, Hommy, Heady and Tum, a Dogma dude (a tongue tied visitor from Horsham) making up a dozen.  Funny how you find an extra 20% pace in a bunch, a draft off a dozen inspires expending the extra watts.  Two led's well ahead (Manny and Carl) maintained a good gap, in River Rd rotations continued but Sandy and Principal Skinner sat in the rear stalls.  Vic Roads had generously donated some tarmac to fill the River Rd chasms, Hommy's habitual half wheeling hadn't stopped, Coggo's turns altering in compensation. There was a wait for tail enders at "wait for David" then back into the pace till the Mitchell Rd flooding forced another Archer exit.   Hommy emptied his tank as Kialla Lakes drew near, more a strong finish than a sprint (for want of a finish line to aim at)

The first hint of Spring warmth (13 degrees) had short knicks and fingerless gloves out of mothballs, climatising a pair of Jurassic knees to the atmosphere on an 18k solo spin prior to the Couldabeens circuit.  PistolPete, Kenworth, Shorty, SuperMario, Hollywood, Rocket, Chops, Cate, Jase, Nick, AvantiMat, AvantiTrev, Boof, BigRon, Temple, Kel and Bo gathered at the grid, no shortage of volunteers to the front as the wind blew us toward Mitchell Rd.  Earlier birds BamBam, Grumpy, Troy and Ralphy (worked over by Wozza wattage) were waiting at the truck route, joining two long lines to steam south, then battle the northeast elements all the way to Channel Rd. I didn't quite reach the usual first turn distance on River Rd with Jase, the breeze at the brow turned the negatives on before the bridge. A long recovery while 22 others shared the workload, but another turn came due, just as we rounded Hopeful corner.   Ahead, SuperMario hit the limiter so I rolled straight over to loan a tow, the glance at the Garmins 49 km/h at Prentice Rd was mental murder, Boof and Wozz sprung from a waiting game behind to start the real sprint. Gradually OTA, I watched a Rocket launch through the blur, slowly hauling myself (and SuperMario) back to the calmed pack at the school.  Somebody reinstated the Mexican bonanza sprint to Channel Rd's bus stop, just to clear any cobwebs that may have remained.

Week 40.    282km.        YTD 12,205km.

Hats off to Steve Abraham (UK) who set the world month/distance record at 11,433 km. (381k a day for a month is a big ask!)