There's nothing like the warm welcome of a weekend and the shared social stimulus of a Saturday lap. TatPaul, BassoDan and Cougar had berthed at the carpark, gridphobia evident again as Boof, Cate, AvantiMat, Rocket, Bruce, Kel, Hollywood, Troy, SuperMario, Tommygun, Shorty, Bo, AvantiAndy, Jen, AvantiTrev, Temple, The Godfather, Tum, Nev and even BigMat fronted. TatPaul and I were left to lead leg one as six bells tolled, Cate braved leg two, and like mischievous schoolboys, the Godfather and Bo created havoc with the velocity as we worked east. KillkennyPaul and Softa joined the long line at the Pine Lodge pub, the once enforced 35 limit is a distant memory but the carpark still fills each week. (BigMats rare appearance might just be related to next weeks Tour de Pub?) Several had doubts of hanging on as the tempo touched the fourties, the rubber band effect strong at intersections with a long line of reactions. 'Round the Toaster and up to the church, the rear order shuffled as several sought shelter in preparation for the drive west. The southwester spread the bunch across Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, over the main eastern channel to see Trudy driving a copious Cat pack cranking east. Popgun appeared at the soup tin and took up residence in the caboose, Bo and the Godfather again turning up the tempo. Cate dropped a chain at the halt for Numurkah Rd, and with the bunch driving into the distance and Jen close to expiry, I hung back to gather them, KillkennyPaul and BassoDan (the sprint cast-offs) to work Wanganui. BigMat had pitted with a puncture in RuddRd, the bunch now broken into bunchettes, Lemontree bound. Roadside rubbish, race tactics and ride variety kept the jaws flapping between coffee and breakfast.
The sanctity of Sunday's usual day off was broken for the Goats early Christmas ride, a casual muster at Friars of Spartacus, Cindy, Brendy, Hommy, AvantiAndy, AvantiLeigh, Sandy, Jen, Dipper, Heady, Tina, Phil, Belly, Coggo and HG. It was a calm start on a route to Murchison via Tatura and Rushworth, PinarelloMat, Snow, Jen, Lee and PrincipalSkinner forming a B team direct to Murch. A pause at Mooroopna as Tina dealt with diabetic dilemmas, then a southwest idle (98bpm) as the turns slowly rolled in the rare warmth of Springs' late arrival. Finally at the bunch front as we exited Tatura, I'd scored the pairing with Hommy (a house ahead), but kept steady in the standards of low 30's rather than be drawn into his agenda. Beside Jen was a different world, smooth, level and perfectly poised as the Basin drew into view. An incline or two rippled an itch through the Goat guns, a hillness lifting the tempo and relegating several to the caboose. I'd reached the front again as Hommy hammered the rise from the Basin's western channel bridge, so all stops out to make him work for his lunch. The pack had Indian filed the rise, Coggo's steady draft relieving me of driving duty as we dodged the massive tarmac blisters of recent rains. Reprieve reaching Rushworth's edge, most lured to the bakery's carbs and calories to compensate the climbs, I'd abstained (with difficulty) in vigilance to the new diet, and to keep space for a gastronomic lunch. Refuelled and remounted, it was east to Murchison, Heady and Cindy's breakaway soon shut down to resume a single filed battle against wind and traffic.
It's been many moons since feeling a heat nearing 30, H2O consumption and sweat on the brow well up from the woes of winter. Turns were about as organised as an immigration policy, shared in sorts by AvantiLeigh, Dipper, Coggo, Hommy, Belly and I, almost Pain Train days revisited in the fourties on the billiard table surface of the last 8 k's. The mass meandered into Murchison and set a course for Longleat wines, Heady couldn't help himself with a sprint to the gate. A luxurious lunch of tapas, garlic prawns, oysters, lobster bisque, mussels, pasta marinara and pavlova, washed down with Longleats' lushious liquids topped off a ripper ride, Goats prose and presentations adding the laughs.
William Cowper called it the very spice of life, a circuit change Monday put variety into the routine. Raftery Rd commenced a reverse Cat lap with Cate, a wind assisted passage south and a distracting dawn dragging thoughts away from the north and east work ahead.
All was well with the world till the turn into Mitchell Rd, the effort into the ENE'r (and Cate's Sunday attack on Harry's, Kelvins' and Polly's) wearing at the wattage. Wiz and Minno worked south at Central Kialla, Sosso solo at 'wait for David', then three long lines of stretched bunches in River Rd blasted merrily west with the wind up their seat posts while we muscled the mistrale, savouring the odd shelter of a few rows of trees. A short Goat peace train of four then an unidentified couple were the last signs of clockwise life in Boundary Rd. Finally relishing the tailwind homeward on Old Dookie Rd, a Dobsons estate sprint wrung the last watts out.
All was well with the world till the turn into Mitchell Rd, the effort into the ENE'r (and Cate's Sunday attack on Harry's, Kelvins' and Polly's) wearing at the wattage. Wiz and Minno worked south at Central Kialla, Sosso solo at 'wait for David', then three long lines of stretched bunches in River Rd blasted merrily west with the wind up their seat posts while we muscled the mistrale, savouring the odd shelter of a few rows of trees. A short Goat peace train of four then an unidentified couple were the last signs of clockwise life in Boundary Rd. Finally relishing the tailwind homeward on Old Dookie Rd, a Dobsons estate sprint wrung the last watts out.
A verandah pitter-patter finishing the 5:15 breakfast rethought a Tuesday ride, deferring was regretted till a 6:15 downpour approved the decision. (Damp didn't defer Wozz and ChrisA scorching a lap)
Almost suffering withdrawal spasms by Thursday, wet weather finally went OTA but a "feels like" 4 degrees dragged the winter base layer out of retirement. It was nearly nirvana aboard the Baum again, the well worn golf course loop spent reacquainting the ride routine. A southwester massaged the ego out to emu corner but swung WSW to hammer the heartrate (175) from the Toaster to town (12k), personal progress pleasing but. Belly, Coggo, Tum, Sandy, AvantiAndy, Snow, Jen, Tina, Hommy, PrincipalSkinner, HG, Brendy and JB were the Goats gathered, Temple and HBK a Couldabeens contingent in cross-bunch diplomacy (in light of the scarcity of Thursday turtles). It was almost a holiday tucked into the bunch draft but I was soon blessed by a proper half biking from HBK (thinks.......the clash of the Titans if he and Hommy pair!) Velocity varied depending on who was in the drivers seat, chat meant HG, silence meant Coggo. Sunday's lunch got the nod though I suspect HG and Hommy were suffering the effects of excess. River Rd's end spelt my exit, the usual short cut home avoiding pot holes and a cash filled purse speed bump (honourably handed-in but not a peep from the owner)
A golf course prologue (old habits die hard) was an attempt to warm up the old engine, a spin in the 80's loosening legs. Down the main drag into a southerly, a cute collection of Car+Mel and Cate corralled to commute south. Gripped by gridphobia, the early carpark arrivals sat short of the line **, the lead role left to the same old drivers^ yet again. Trav, Pistol, Rocket, Bruce, Nev, Chops, Boof, Nick, WhisperingJack, Shorty, Troy, Grumpy, Pelly, BamBam, AvantiTrev, Cougar, Jen, Kenworth and Weapon (by the skin of her pearly whites) launched at 6, frustration (**) fuelling my 3k foray at the front, half the first leg kindly paired by Boof (^), driven to the delicious drone of Weapons' Zipp's behind. Old Foss faired well reaching Sanctuary roundabout still firing on all cylinders, thinking the new dietary direction (and several kg's less ballast) is delivering dividends. There was a mixed bag on my demotion down the left line, Trav's pornstar mo, Grumpy on pot-hole watch, Bruce rueing Nev's nasal annointment, Pistol's return from holidays (performance unhindered), the ladies line astern an inspiration, Kenworth keen-as for tomorrow's Tour de Trough and Cougars observations on ride technique beggars self analysis. Six sizzled southbound on the Goat pain train as we plied north in Boundary Rd, Cate curiously curtailed in our caboose. There was a smooth cruise along Channel Rd, the rotations rolling rapidly by the cypress trees. Beside Shorty at the front headed toward the Kinder made he and I the ChaCha chumps, servants for the sprinters delighting in the draft to Prentice Rd. Lucky to hold Boof's wheel kept me near the pointy end, a bit squeezy in the final metres with an oncoming car limiting the road space. An effervescent epilogue with Weapon and selfies with the quick chicks concluded week 47 on a perfect positive.
Week 47. 263km. YTD 14,277km.