21/4 Peace? Pfftt! (Poppa)
Arriving early would be a little uncomfortable, so a circle to stall 'round Kialla Lakes solved the quandary. Popgun and Cougar had the front row of the grid, TatPaul, Bruce, The Godfather, Boof, CatCol, Grumpy, Trav, ScottMatt, MyRideTrev, Shorty, TatMat, BigLen, Wozza, Rocket, PistolPete, ChrisA, Sean and TrekTrev assembling for the Saturday circuit. Popgun and Cougar took the relaxed route via Channel, the remainder strung south on Archer into a feint fog and 7 degrees. Speed was slightly spicier than social (because the bunch was bereft of the female factor?),
The Godfather even more rambunctious (neat cordial for breakfast?) than usual. Betwixt CatCol and Trav suited me, arriving at the front in River Rd but distracted by camera craved views as the sun painted pink clouds above a distant Mt. Major. TatMat was fashionably kitted in noir et blanc (though not quite as dapper as PistolPete), booties and Belgians back on the haute couture list too as winter's arrival draws near. Some were nudging the 40's in Boundary Rd, just a hint of a southeaster pushing the pace.
Nath (rarely riding a road bike) joined in at the Broken bridges to even the numbers, a snap crackle and pop of tyres over the 8mm stone at Old Dookie and Boundary's re-surface. A line of Cat leds marked Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, our paths crossing a little later than last Saturday. Sun up set a scenic sight behind as we worked west toward town, The Godfather and Rocket swapping sledges and speed at the front, difficult to discern if the racket was comical or critical.
Wozza hurled himself on the sacrificial sprint altar at the treatment plant in Wanganui Rd, Bruce following suit at DECA as two rows thinned to a skinny string of survivors behind (saving me the duty of desperation on the front). The Godfather's hyperbole was still heard over the chorus of carbon, ChrisA and Boof bolting away at Mt.Wanganui in a battle for bragging rights. Chop chop on the Boulevard to breakfast scored a few Strava scores, a long Lemontree table (the Couldabeens walking / running division almost outnumbering departing Goats) buzzing with the babble of basketball, concrete and school fees.
22/4 Ranges ridden.
I took a short drive to Euroa on Sunday to take on the "ride the ranges", one of those good value small town events with a modest entry fee, donated food and services and all funds supporting charity. 180 had entered (30/85/130k events) with 50 odd lined up for the 130, TatPaul, Determined Dan and I flying the Couldabeens flag. The first few k's were erratic and shambolic, nobody setting a standard or calling the rolls, riders undertaking and changing lines, so a Couldabeens chase committee got cracking to catch the front 8 (sitting not far behind the lead car about a kilometre ahead). Somewhat surprised to find the Strava Stalker among us, Euroa's Tim and Chris joined in our pursuit in the high 30's for 4k's catching the crew to form a friendly 14 with Anthony, ChrisJ, DanP, Ian, Kim, Rainman, Leif and Tom.
The long and tedious tarmac to Meipol was helped with a touch of tailwind, the little ups and downs to Pine Lodge Rd taking the slack out of the rectus femorus (and sending the Stalker OTA). The road steadily thinned and roughened as we sliced through the dry-as-a-chip grazing country to Karramomus, the old 'two-split-at-the-front-and-the-bunch-rolls-through' turns were precarious on just 4 meters of bitumen width, but when in Rome......... Over Honeysuckle Creek and up to the telephone exchange (McKernan Rd) we pointed east, a few k's cranked till Violet Town Boundary Rd (Swinging south caught Kim off guard, into the gravel and OTA)
Though pleasant to pedal in perfect sunshine, thirteen (with pummelled posteriors from a poorly paved road) pushed into the breeze just to ensure we weren't going soft. TatPaul copped a thorough whole biking from Rainman, but he soon complied to peloton protocols. Determined Dan drove up the inclines through Tamleugh, the bunch sharing the workload past the chicken farm to reach the silky smooth Murchison-Violet Town Rd, rounding up some of the 85k entrants (mudguards, mirrors, pack-racks, camelbacks and backpacks!)
We had a halt for hydration (and irrigation) in town, deciding a separate assault on Harry's Creek Rd was best (who can bunch ride up hills?), each in their own headspace climbing under the shade and shelter of the Strathbogie ranges. Handbraking the heart-rate on the gradual ascent (252 meters over 9k's), I was surprised to catch TatPaul and DeterminedDan half way up (and there was Mr.Magnet, as big as a barn, parked & pooped), reaching Marrawee

Out of Strathbogie and on the long grind to the fire station whittles down the will, but the decent descent of Kelvin View is what we all came for. It's fab to freewheel after several hours of pounding the pedals, 7 k's declining at 6 % engaged the grin factor. All too soon the fun finishes and the road levels, but I'd strangely found a second wind to push the flat 8k track back to Euroa, reaching town and the finish to smash a steak sandwich and savour the social side with Paul and Dan.
23/4 A lax lap to loosen lethargic legs.
The cure for cooked calves is a calm crank, so Monday's meander set south on Archer with no heed to speed and no attitude to averages, but it was the sting in the tail that tormented (yesterdays legacy from tortuous tarmac). It was a little depressing to slice through the dark (Sunday's sunshine spoilt the senses), switching to 1200 lumens lit up a roadside fox and a terminated tiger (snake that is) en-route to Mitchell Rd. The tendons twanged cresting Dave's dip (such suffering for all of 50 meters!) but Foss felt fine on the flat a moment later. Over the highway, a wary watch for wildlife was wise, five weeks on from Bo's buster and we're all still spooked. Back in suburbia, recovery via toasted banana bread and a long black helped the head.
24/4 One.
Hopes of 5:45 starters were at a big fat zero, Killkenny Paul confined to rehab quarters, Softa simply soft, not a text or a peep on What's App and the FDC's don't give a fundamental. Tumbleweeds were rolling across the carpark at 5:45 so I set forth ahead of the Hares (in frustration) to tackle the Tuesday track solo.
Speed was set at survival (no draft, no respite), a strengthening east northeaster furrowing the brow along Channel Rd. Getting grumpy with the wind added a couple of km/h's but bumped up the heart rate to boot, so doin' the distance took over from the greed for speed. It felt like Christmas reaching Boundary Rd to shoot south to River, lights behind turned up my hurry, but it was a passing car I was trying to outrun! The breeze at the back brought River Rd relief, a peek over the shoulder (expecting a pursuing pack) found only darkness. Hopes (and speed) lifted to beat the Hares to the highway, balancing head and heart, legs and lungs on the limit was tricky without dipping into the reserve tank (preserved to catch the Hares tail). I'd passed Central Kialla's hall as the Hares headlights swung south 2k behind, General McArthur's "age wrinkles the body, quitting wrinkles the soul" kept my cadence cooking. Westward on Mitchell and the led's loomed larger, but reaching Dave's Dip then the highway ahead of schedule put me in a 'pleased as' place. Off the throttle over Melbourne Rd I prepared to pounce on the Hares tail: PistolPete, Rocket, Wozza, Nev and Liam had the hammer down (ask Boof, Bruce and CatCol, dishonourably discharged earlier) and I just found the wattage to tag on. Once over the hurt of the hurry, I got to sit back in the slipstream soaking up the smoothness as the five swapped the suffering to Conrod straight. The last k's speed stung, but the satisfaction of survival got me to the finish, a scenic sun-up a distraction from sore legs.
25/4 A Cat collaboration.
There was a solemn start to Wednesday's lap, attending the dawn Anzac service. The tradition of a spin after had Kenworth, NewAvantiJohn, Ralphy, Rocket, Grumpy, SuperMario, Car+Mel, Shorty, Trav, Wozza, Nev, Boof, Cate, Bruce, Tina, The Godfather, PistolPete, CatCol and TrekTrev roll up. Wozza and Rocket go the tempo organised toward the golf course as Cats created a crammed caboose, clutching the Couldabeens coat-tails. Yet another super sun-up lit Wanganui Rd, our course set to line up with a Lemontree 8am booking.
Cats were still content to sit in the rear seats as our turns rolled, progressing to the pointy end for my one and only turn.
CatCol cranked out a thorough half wheeling to SuperMario but he'd observed Rule #86 when I paired past the piggery. My turn to finish off Old Dookie Rd with Rocket hurried the heart rate, care taken on the swing into Boundary Rd with gravel still lying in wait. Some Cats began to roll through en-route to Channel Rd (long-time-no-ride-with Brendan, Matho, Jason, LegalSteve, CatKev, Cam, Kelvin, Keeno etc), much mess avoided when all turned for home into Channel Rd. Many sighed relief when a sprint was struck from the agenda, the two clans separating at Archer Rd to the cafe's of choice, our date for breakfast and banter at a packed Lemontree.
26/4 Hare style.
The enthusiasm tank was almost empty on Thursday, but something dragged me out of bed and aboard the Baum to tackle the 5:50 express. Trav, Wozza, ChrisA, Rocket, NewAvantiJohn, Boof, PistolPete, Tina, Travis, Cate, Liam, Bruce, Softa and Boof combined in the carpark, tolerating the temperature to tackle the lap. Softa and I did the taxi to Kensington gardens, building to cruising speed with ChrisA to the truck route, the 7 degree atmosphere like a sledgehammer to the sternum. (Intentions of further turns were quickly erased!) I felt a bit guilty taking a tax free tow, viewing the Hare style of smoothness and speed, the shift swaps seamless (but don't tell them that, they'll need bigger helmets!) The bitumen blurred as I tried to keep breakfast where I put it, eventually getting my breath back. Hats off to Softa for hanging on when bike time has been baulked by her indoors. Cate and Tina shied from shifts too but Hare conditioning soon made the tempo tolerable, reaching the end of River Rd without bits breaking off the back. Many were glad to reach the highway where the wick gets turned down a bit (a kangaroo caution), but clear of Skippy's stomping ground the speed stepped up for a fast finish (and kept quick into town for a crew craving coffee)
27/4 Tuesday's tempo?
So close to slacking off and sleeping in on Friday (the price of riding 12 days straight?) but the post ride pleasure is better than a rideless regret. A cruisy crank to the carpark sparked up the spirits (though the speed was still sluggish) finding Shorty, Nev, Tina, Boof, Sean, TrekTrev, MyRideTrev, Rocket, Travis, Liam, SuperMario and The Godfather launching from the grid. Hanging onto the tail was a test, biding my time to pair with SuperMario (not so vicious on the velocity). Pistol, Wozza, Grumpy and Bruce haven't let the early edition die (joining on cue at the truck route), the southwester having little effect on Nev, Boof and The Godfather driving to Mitchell Rd, glad I wasn't due at the front till sometime in River Rd. Short knicks, longs and inbetween, booties, leg warmers and a few braving bare arms signals Autumn and its "what do I wear?" temperatures is upon us, there'll be no option soon when winter bites! My stress free turn at the front with SuperMario was soon swapped to match Pistol's pace, Rocket then Wozz continuing the tempo akin to a Tuesday (the tailwind treat). The thin line of a Goat train of pain was almost into River Rd as we turned out of it, up to Channel Rd to see who'd draw the short straw of the ChaCha. Sean, TrekTrev and SuperMario were sitting out the sprint and I'd been called over from the down line to follow up the wattage of Nev and Travis. (as if!) Thankfully, Nev poured on the power at Kinder corner to thin and lengthen the bunch, Travis and I with the sense to tuck in to the string of survivors.
Week 17 370km YTD 4,976km.
23/4 A lax lap to loosen lethargic legs.
The cure for cooked calves is a calm crank, so Monday's meander set south on Archer with no heed to speed and no attitude to averages, but it was the sting in the tail that tormented (yesterdays legacy from tortuous tarmac). It was a little depressing to slice through the dark (Sunday's sunshine spoilt the senses), switching to 1200 lumens lit up a roadside fox and a terminated tiger (snake that is) en-route to Mitchell Rd. The tendons twanged cresting Dave's dip (such suffering for all of 50 meters!) but Foss felt fine on the flat a moment later. Over the highway, a wary watch for wildlife was wise, five weeks on from Bo's buster and we're all still spooked. Back in suburbia, recovery via toasted banana bread and a long black helped the head.
24/4 One.
Hopes of 5:45 starters were at a big fat zero, Killkenny Paul confined to rehab quarters, Softa simply soft, not a text or a peep on What's App and the FDC's don't give a fundamental. Tumbleweeds were rolling across the carpark at 5:45 so I set forth ahead of the Hares (in frustration) to tackle the Tuesday track solo.
Speed was set at survival (no draft, no respite), a strengthening east northeaster furrowing the brow along Channel Rd. Getting grumpy with the wind added a couple of km/h's but bumped up the heart rate to boot, so doin' the distance took over from the greed for speed. It felt like Christmas reaching Boundary Rd to shoot south to River, lights behind turned up my hurry, but it was a passing car I was trying to outrun! The breeze at the back brought River Rd relief, a peek over the shoulder (expecting a pursuing pack) found only darkness. Hopes (and speed) lifted to beat the Hares to the highway, balancing head and heart, legs and lungs on the limit was tricky without dipping into the reserve tank (preserved to catch the Hares tail). I'd passed Central Kialla's hall as the Hares headlights swung south 2k behind, General McArthur's "age wrinkles the body, quitting wrinkles the soul" kept my cadence cooking. Westward on Mitchell and the led's loomed larger, but reaching Dave's Dip then the highway ahead of schedule put me in a 'pleased as' place. Off the throttle over Melbourne Rd I prepared to pounce on the Hares tail: PistolPete, Rocket, Wozza, Nev and Liam had the hammer down (ask Boof, Bruce and CatCol, dishonourably discharged earlier) and I just found the wattage to tag on. Once over the hurt of the hurry, I got to sit back in the slipstream soaking up the smoothness as the five swapped the suffering to Conrod straight. The last k's speed stung, but the satisfaction of survival got me to the finish, a scenic sun-up a distraction from sore legs.
25/4 A Cat collaboration.
There was a solemn start to Wednesday's lap, attending the dawn Anzac service. The tradition of a spin after had Kenworth, NewAvantiJohn, Ralphy, Rocket, Grumpy, SuperMario, Car+Mel, Shorty, Trav, Wozza, Nev, Boof, Cate, Bruce, Tina, The Godfather, PistolPete, CatCol and TrekTrev roll up. Wozza and Rocket go the tempo organised toward the golf course as Cats created a crammed caboose, clutching the Couldabeens coat-tails. Yet another super sun-up lit Wanganui Rd, our course set to line up with a Lemontree 8am booking.
Cats were still content to sit in the rear seats as our turns rolled, progressing to the pointy end for my one and only turn.

26/4 Hare style.
The enthusiasm tank was almost empty on Thursday, but something dragged me out of bed and aboard the Baum to tackle the 5:50 express. Trav, Wozza, ChrisA, Rocket, NewAvantiJohn, Boof, PistolPete, Tina, Travis, Cate, Liam, Bruce, Softa and Boof combined in the carpark, tolerating the temperature to tackle the lap. Softa and I did the taxi to Kensington gardens, building to cruising speed with ChrisA to the truck route, the 7 degree atmosphere like a sledgehammer to the sternum. (Intentions of further turns were quickly erased!) I felt a bit guilty taking a tax free tow, viewing the Hare style of smoothness and speed, the shift swaps seamless (but don't tell them that, they'll need bigger helmets!) The bitumen blurred as I tried to keep breakfast where I put it, eventually getting my breath back. Hats off to Softa for hanging on when bike time has been baulked by her indoors. Cate and Tina shied from shifts too but Hare conditioning soon made the tempo tolerable, reaching the end of River Rd without bits breaking off the back. Many were glad to reach the highway where the wick gets turned down a bit (a kangaroo caution), but clear of Skippy's stomping ground the speed stepped up for a fast finish (and kept quick into town for a crew craving coffee)
27/4 Tuesday's tempo?
So close to slacking off and sleeping in on Friday (the price of riding 12 days straight?) but the post ride pleasure is better than a rideless regret. A cruisy crank to the carpark sparked up the spirits (though the speed was still sluggish) finding Shorty, Nev, Tina, Boof, Sean, TrekTrev, MyRideTrev, Rocket, Travis, Liam, SuperMario and The Godfather launching from the grid. Hanging onto the tail was a test, biding my time to pair with SuperMario (not so vicious on the velocity). Pistol, Wozza, Grumpy and Bruce haven't let the early edition die (joining on cue at the truck route), the southwester having little effect on Nev, Boof and The Godfather driving to Mitchell Rd, glad I wasn't due at the front till sometime in River Rd. Short knicks, longs and inbetween, booties, leg warmers and a few braving bare arms signals Autumn and its "what do I wear?" temperatures is upon us, there'll be no option soon when winter bites! My stress free turn at the front with SuperMario was soon swapped to match Pistol's pace, Rocket then Wozz continuing the tempo akin to a Tuesday (the tailwind treat). The thin line of a Goat train of pain was almost into River Rd as we turned out of it, up to Channel Rd to see who'd draw the short straw of the ChaCha. Sean, TrekTrev and SuperMario were sitting out the sprint and I'd been called over from the down line to follow up the wattage of Nev and Travis. (as if!) Thankfully, Nev poured on the power at Kinder corner to thin and lengthen the bunch, Travis and I with the sense to tuck in to the string of survivors.
Week 17 370km YTD 4,976km.