23/6. The dedicated dozen.
Peloton population was predicted to be paltry for Saturday's single degree, but hopes heightened as a dozen (Tina, Wozza, TatPaul, Sean, Rocket, Boof, PistolPete, TatMat, TrekTrev, Bruce and Grumpy) arrived at the carpark to do the 6am business before breakfast. The spectre of fronting the first turn wasn't so daunting today (second day in succession), the others could like it or lump it while I had a grip on the cruise control. Wozza kindly paired with me welded in second gear to make me look adequate while I waged war with my signals of suffering from all quarters (engaging in polite, relaxed conversation so as not to give the game away), relief at the roundabout where Wozz with Bruce took the lead role to the truck route. Many were happy to wait their turn for driving duty though Sean stepped up for an early effort with Boof. PistolPete was back from a rare respite, Rocket should have enjoyed a warm 1 degree after taking a minus 1 day off, the tranquillity was tumultuous without The Godfather and his guffaws, TatMat's on the mend, it was TrekTrev's first ride for the week and Tina ticked off another casual 400 k's for her 7 days.
I was back at the business end with Tina then Wozz in River Rd, the glance at the Garmin bitter-sweet, cerebral satisfaction with the speed but muscular mayhem maintaining it. The temperature was just below MyRideTrev's limit, counts for countless cowering Couldabeens it seems, though cloud cover made conditions strangely bearable. A mystery quadrella cranked south on Boundary Rd (early Goats on a k craving?), Couldabeens conversation bouncing across the two rows as we worked toward the highway. Sean had reartired from driving duty and I faced the front again, the last k of Boundary Rd with Tina and the first of Old Dookie with Wozz. I was really questioning my target to reach the bridge for the roll-over, enthusiasm far greater than energy...…..again. Bruce's "good work old man" healed my hurt, a speechless minute to restore respiration and the flogging was forgotten, back to the social sentences en-route to the Toaster as the sun struggled to shed a glow on the Mt.Major horizon.
Cats had cowered from their clockwise 6:30 circuit, Zwift being the miserable substitute for their reality I guess. Another effort at the pointy end got me to Boundary Rd, closer to town and closer to being thrown into the deep end at DECA. Rocket, Wozza, TrekTrev and Sean all had sporting commitments and took an early exit via Verney, the sprint stress-less with only eight left to work Wanganui. A consensus for a calm conclusion made Wanganui Rd seem longer but shorter on strain, there was no amble along the boulevard though as Bruce kept up a keen cadence to the Lemontree. Just Sim, Mrs.Pistol and MyRideTrev made up the pedestrian peloton, so all had a warm seat at the breakfast table, the do's and don't of nasal clearance, those blessed biking Italy and good gloves made warm chat to distract from the cold commute home.
25/6. A frosty fraction frankly.
More than madness motivated me out the door into zero degrees in the wee small hours of Monday, insomnia and insanity combined to get a few k's done. New Dookie Rd was in my line of sight, just a patch or two of low fog and plenty of white crusty grass to view on the way. Low thirties was all the weather and the will could muster, but averages aint everything. A car-less course allowed me to track on the smooth line, beyond Lemnos out to Boundary Rd to steer south (with an eye peeled for the concrete traffic island that juts just a few centimetres out of the black stuff)
Surprisingly, speed stayed steady into the light south southwester (a nice massage for the mindset), the choice of which way west back to town distracting me from the temperature (or lack of it) Plans for a decent distance soon dissolved, coffee capturing the craving over k's today. Just for change's sake, I took the highway back to town, the 2 meter wide emergency lane better than any other road can offer, the professionals using it (truck drivers) kind and courteous. Back into town past the crusty cars at the roadside with just a fraction of a lap done, my toasted banana bread should have been sprinkled with concrete, but coffee and chat with Weapon was cycleogically satisfying.
26/6 Antarcticitis.
Fresh, foggy and faarctic on Wanagnui Rd in Tuesdays early hours, minus one slicing through the layers as if to knock some sense into me! The early prologue was punishment for Mondays fractional farce, though after a few k's I'd climatized to the Antarcticitis. Back into town, Coggo, Dippa, Phil, Amy, Heady, Belly, Sandy and Hommie fronted Friars for 6, had some turned up just to tough out the temperature?
A single file threaded the streets to escape east of town, Heady in the ritual role of pilot to the truck route, my job to trial a tempo on the first leg to Dobsons' bridge. Mid thirties (a small discount for the frost factor) seemed to have an agreeable accord, Coggo, Phil, Dippa and Belly following suit to Boundary Rd (Belly's variable velocity a bit out of character). Dippa's dip went well considering his long lay-off, good to see Sandy having a stretch in the drivers seat as we worked toward the highway. Heady led us to the pub for my second shift to start, gingerly on the accelerator 'cause every contributor counts in this weather. I peeled off the front at the Broken bridges but we were short one as I joined the tail, a headcount finding Sandy awol. I questioned the absence but there was no news spoken, Coggo the chivalrous one who returned to assist as seven steered west into River Rd. The chill chastised all who faced the front, the length of the sit at the front varied, but sharing (no matter how short) was better than suffering it solo. Dippa had another stint at the shiver seat, Amy's stretch showing a seasoned style, hats of to Heady's heroics and Hommy was up to his usual hijinks. Exit time for me River Rd's end, the cold driving the adrenalin to fuel the speed that made it colder, driving the adrenalin.....and so on and so on!
27/6 A substandard Selleys substitute.
Spit, spot as I saddled up at 5:40 sank the hopes a little, but I put faith in the precipitation passing.
Tina, not-so-newAvantiJohn, The Godfather, Cate, Kreeky, Shorty, MyRideTrev, Wozza, PistolPete, Rocket, CatCol and Boof filled the Wednesday grid, 4 degrees a world away from the recent minus's. Rocket unleashed the tempo for the first leg which silenced the stragglers leaving last from the carpark, but all had grouped by the Broken bridge and settled into the speed. Swiftly by Craig Lotsalumens at the roundabout, we'd swallowed up early escapee Sean on leg 3 and muscled onto Mitchell Rd, calm and cold conditions but at least the drizzle had ceased.
Two weeks off two wheels for not-so-newAvantiJohn, and the second ride for the week for Shorty, Cate braved the bare legs and C
atCol crammed the commitment, Rocket rode relaxed and Boof was busting for balmy Britain, most well over winter after only 4 weeks (and only 8 more to go!) Westward warriors were rare in River Rd, just a trio on the train of pain (but did I see two taking a tow at little cardiac cost?) MyRideTrev toiled for tempo on our tail, a tax paid for too much bed and no enough bike? Many guessed we were against a light northeaster (a southeaster forecast), but in fact the bureau recorded nil, just to stupefy the strugglers. Boof and I scored front of house as we swung into Kinder corner, I'd rolled across at Hopeful corner and wound up what wattage remained, only to have Rocket, Wozz and Pistol power past on their charge at the ChaCha. My role quickly became the gap filler (a substandard Selleys substitute at that) for the drawn out bunch behind, trying to grab the draft of the tempo'd trio ahead (and all for the benefit of others.) My elbow had overpowered my legs a little after Prentice Rd, half the bunch bolting by as Rocket resigned and Pistol podiumed.
28/6 The tap to Tat and back.
Tempted to tap a track less travelled, a course was set west early Thursday, to Tat and back would rid the ride repetition ritual. A new pair of Michelin's put comfort in the circuit, almost 6,000 k's on the previous set had served me well (considering the winter wear and tear as slivers of stone stick to the slick surface and hack 'em like the shower scene from Psycho) I put energy east on Mc Issacc Rd to Ardmona then muscled along Merrigum Rd as a southerly made its presence felt, the aim to reach Undera Rd if I could survive the posterior pummelling from the torturous tarmac.
Unfamiliar surroundings and landmarks veiled by darkness kept me moving to an agenda, arriving at Undera Rd to find roadworks had closed my course. An about-face (less I be lost meandering Merrigum) and finding an alternative to Tat (Hooper and Dhurringile Rd's) I pointed into the punishment of the southerly. Overruling the signals of hurt needed a fine focus, the search for a satisfying speed just shy of implosion. Strange we submit our suffering to Strava for scrutiny to face fame or failure. Weird us humans! Caution crossing the highway (a thought for Jodie who paid the price back in 2011), protests from the pectineus and iliacus dogged me in Dhurringile Rd trying to sustain the silly standard the head had set. I'd hoped for an easier effort east on Ferguson Rd but respite would have to wait for Toolamba Rd. Commuting cars were kind (as I was for them, riding the white line of the road's edge) but there's always a tosser just out of the angry side of bed who takes exception to giving up a measly metre of an empty road. At last, I had the small reward of six k's with the wind behind to blow me back to Mooroopna, a highway hurry home and berthed indoors just as the first drops of the days' drizzle fell.
29/6 The pedalling panacea.
Yet another grey day to make the mood morbid, and there was an early work start to suffer stocktaking, so a 5am pedalling panacea made a perfect prerequisite to Friday. I made it a push on Old Dookie Rd through the damp air (but on a dry track) in the hope for help from the northerly on Boundary Rd. Pushing the point of pain (but the speed showed no benefit), I put the disappointment down to winter and its handbrake on muscles and lungs, consistency will hopefully pay me back later. 7k's out to Boundary Rd and the northerly was as useful as a bindii on a breakaway, nothing perky about the pace headed south but the peace on an empty road was sweet. I saved a little in the reserve tank for Darth Vader if he charged in Channel Rd, but he was sensible (like most) snuggled in bed at stupid o'clock. Feeling the breeze between the orchards and through the lefts and rights back to town, the ChaCha was no challenge with just self to satisfy, but the reality of a 6:30 start turned up the tempo home.
Week 26 : 246km YTD 7,136km
How about Mike Broadwith breaking the UK Lands 'End to John-O-Groats record last week, shaving almost 40 minutes off the 815km distance with a 43:25:13 (averaging 33.9 km/h) Spare a thought for the original record maker George Mills doing it on a penny farthing in 1886 on gravel "roads" in 121:45.
Cats had cowered from their clockwise 6:30 circuit, Zwift being the miserable substitute for their reality I guess. Another effort at the pointy end got me to Boundary Rd, closer to town and closer to being thrown into the deep end at DECA. Rocket, Wozza, TrekTrev and Sean all had sporting commitments and took an early exit via Verney, the sprint stress-less with only eight left to work Wanganui. A consensus for a calm conclusion made Wanganui Rd seem longer but shorter on strain, there was no amble along the boulevard though as Bruce kept up a keen cadence to the Lemontree. Just Sim, Mrs.Pistol and MyRideTrev made up the pedestrian peloton, so all had a warm seat at the breakfast table, the do's and don't of nasal clearance, those blessed biking Italy and good gloves made warm chat to distract from the cold commute home.
25/6. A frosty fraction frankly.
More than madness motivated me out the door into zero degrees in the wee small hours of Monday, insomnia and insanity combined to get a few k's done. New Dookie Rd was in my line of sight, just a patch or two of low fog and plenty of white crusty grass to view on the way. Low thirties was all the weather and the will could muster, but averages aint everything. A car-less course allowed me to track on the smooth line, beyond Lemnos out to Boundary Rd to steer south (with an eye peeled for the concrete traffic island that juts just a few centimetres out of the black stuff)
Surprisingly, speed stayed steady into the light south southwester (a nice massage for the mindset), the choice of which way west back to town distracting me from the temperature (or lack of it) Plans for a decent distance soon dissolved, coffee capturing the craving over k's today. Just for change's sake, I took the highway back to town, the 2 meter wide emergency lane better than any other road can offer, the professionals using it (truck drivers) kind and courteous. Back into town past the crusty cars at the roadside with just a fraction of a lap done, my toasted banana bread should have been sprinkled with concrete, but coffee and chat with Weapon was cycleogically satisfying.
26/6 Antarcticitis.
Fresh, foggy and faarctic on Wanagnui Rd in Tuesdays early hours, minus one slicing through the layers as if to knock some sense into me! The early prologue was punishment for Mondays fractional farce, though after a few k's I'd climatized to the Antarcticitis. Back into town, Coggo, Dippa, Phil, Amy, Heady, Belly, Sandy and Hommie fronted Friars for 6, had some turned up just to tough out the temperature?
A single file threaded the streets to escape east of town, Heady in the ritual role of pilot to the truck route, my job to trial a tempo on the first leg to Dobsons' bridge. Mid thirties (a small discount for the frost factor) seemed to have an agreeable accord, Coggo, Phil, Dippa and Belly following suit to Boundary Rd (Belly's variable velocity a bit out of character). Dippa's dip went well considering his long lay-off, good to see Sandy having a stretch in the drivers seat as we worked toward the highway. Heady led us to the pub for my second shift to start, gingerly on the accelerator 'cause every contributor counts in this weather. I peeled off the front at the Broken bridges but we were short one as I joined the tail, a headcount finding Sandy awol. I questioned the absence but there was no news spoken, Coggo the chivalrous one who returned to assist as seven steered west into River Rd. The chill chastised all who faced the front, the length of the sit at the front varied, but sharing (no matter how short) was better than suffering it solo. Dippa had another stint at the shiver seat, Amy's stretch showing a seasoned style, hats of to Heady's heroics and Hommy was up to his usual hijinks. Exit time for me River Rd's end, the cold driving the adrenalin to fuel the speed that made it colder, driving the adrenalin.....and so on and so on!
27/6 A substandard Selleys substitute.
Spit, spot as I saddled up at 5:40 sank the hopes a little, but I put faith in the precipitation passing.
Tina, not-so-newAvantiJohn, The Godfather, Cate, Kreeky, Shorty, MyRideTrev, Wozza, PistolPete, Rocket, CatCol and Boof filled the Wednesday grid, 4 degrees a world away from the recent minus's. Rocket unleashed the tempo for the first leg which silenced the stragglers leaving last from the carpark, but all had grouped by the Broken bridge and settled into the speed. Swiftly by Craig Lotsalumens at the roundabout, we'd swallowed up early escapee Sean on leg 3 and muscled onto Mitchell Rd, calm and cold conditions but at least the drizzle had ceased.
Two weeks off two wheels for not-so-newAvantiJohn, and the second ride for the week for Shorty, Cate braved the bare legs and C

28/6 The tap to Tat and back.
Tempted to tap a track less travelled, a course was set west early Thursday, to Tat and back would rid the ride repetition ritual. A new pair of Michelin's put comfort in the circuit, almost 6,000 k's on the previous set had served me well (considering the winter wear and tear as slivers of stone stick to the slick surface and hack 'em like the shower scene from Psycho) I put energy east on Mc Issacc Rd to Ardmona then muscled along Merrigum Rd as a southerly made its presence felt, the aim to reach Undera Rd if I could survive the posterior pummelling from the torturous tarmac.
Unfamiliar surroundings and landmarks veiled by darkness kept me moving to an agenda, arriving at Undera Rd to find roadworks had closed my course. An about-face (less I be lost meandering Merrigum) and finding an alternative to Tat (Hooper and Dhurringile Rd's) I pointed into the punishment of the southerly. Overruling the signals of hurt needed a fine focus, the search for a satisfying speed just shy of implosion. Strange we submit our suffering to Strava for scrutiny to face fame or failure. Weird us humans! Caution crossing the highway (a thought for Jodie who paid the price back in 2011), protests from the pectineus and iliacus dogged me in Dhurringile Rd trying to sustain the silly standard the head had set. I'd hoped for an easier effort east on Ferguson Rd but respite would have to wait for Toolamba Rd. Commuting cars were kind (as I was for them, riding the white line of the road's edge) but there's always a tosser just out of the angry side of bed who takes exception to giving up a measly metre of an empty road. At last, I had the small reward of six k's with the wind behind to blow me back to Mooroopna, a highway hurry home and berthed indoors just as the first drops of the days' drizzle fell.
29/6 The pedalling panacea.
Yet another grey day to make the mood morbid, and there was an early work start to suffer stocktaking, so a 5am pedalling panacea made a perfect prerequisite to Friday. I made it a push on Old Dookie Rd through the damp air (but on a dry track) in the hope for help from the northerly on Boundary Rd. Pushing the point of pain (but the speed showed no benefit), I put the disappointment down to winter and its handbrake on muscles and lungs, consistency will hopefully pay me back later. 7k's out to Boundary Rd and the northerly was as useful as a bindii on a breakaway, nothing perky about the pace headed south but the peace on an empty road was sweet. I saved a little in the reserve tank for Darth Vader if he charged in Channel Rd, but he was sensible (like most) snuggled in bed at stupid o'clock. Feeling the breeze between the orchards and through the lefts and rights back to town, the ChaCha was no challenge with just self to satisfy, but the reality of a 6:30 start turned up the tempo home.
Week 26 : 246km YTD 7,136km
How about Mike Broadwith breaking the UK Lands 'End to John-O-Groats record last week, shaving almost 40 minutes off the 815km distance with a 43:25:13 (averaging 33.9 km/h) Spare a thought for the original record maker George Mills doing it on a penny farthing in 1886 on gravel "roads" in 121:45.