Post #716
23/9 A somewhat sensible Saturday ('till the end!)
Tasked with tow truck duties to Sanctuary Drive diverted my usual complaints about the struggle to reach the start line, though Tina and the Jenerator could have done better towing me! The Godfather, Lance, Liam, Rocket, Bruce, Grumpy, Trav, GiantAndy, PistolPete, Bo, Gazza, Greg and BamBam swarmed the grid for the 6am launch. When a swift but smooth pace is commonplace, a sudden slow is a shock to the system; an unseen kangaroo at Archer Rd's roadside causing caution with it's trajectory unknown (and subject to change without notice!)
Tina tends to be my tail-gunner when the flag drops and positions get sorted for the spin south, so come time to transition to the advance, I've usually got the curly one to follow. BamBam had drawn the short straw of GiantAndy's wheel (Andy's claims of being out of form might mean under 45 km/h). With six pairs ahead, duty wasn't due for a while and speed had stayed in the realms of social, so fear of fronting was low. Fog in the fields set a scenic view but attention quickly focused on yet another 'roo at River Rd's roadside. The Godfather's angst cleared our path. A bit of social therapy distracted any worry of what work was to come while the breeze at the bum on Coach Rd camouflaged any performance anxiety.
The helmet feels tight when it was easy to hold 37's. BamBam's determination to drive to Old Dookie Rd stirred some drive of my own to reach the Toaster; Tina called half time at the bridge so the balance was two k's more alongside Gazza. Despite his call for a quiet shift he's still quick (and younger than my son!). Speed was disappointing till the turn north toward the church felt like steering a Morris Oxford on cross-ply's (a soft front tyre signaled the reason for my snail-like speed). Emerging from Winter's wet, the poor Michelin looked like it's suffered the shower scene from Psycho.
A microscopic chip of glass was extracted and (old school) tube replaced to The Godfather's satisfaction of less than 5 minutes. (Getting gloves back on sweaty hands nearly needed more!) A reshuffle on the restart aligned the wattage line astern, so with noses pointed toward town, nostrils flared among the thoroughbreds to make 40's the fashion for Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd. Legs put up quite a protest about pace though I'll admit the smoothness of speed made it sustainable. No fear of that dreaded freewheel habit at this velocity!
40's for the length of Ford Rd suggested a tougher tempo to come, so when Tina and the Jenerator called the choice of taking a Verney Rd escape I needed little convincing to join; the moment legs slowed for that stupid steel plate across the tarmac at the roundabout they refused to get back on the gas again! (besides, Eighty8's menu was firmly in my focus and the tank felt fairly empty!) Three sharing a sensible speed south into town made a welcome change from what would be a brutal bolt along the Boulevard. The road less travelled, seizing the day and celebrity sightings soaked up the sentences while breakfast blessed the taste buds.
25/9 Monday made manageable.
The sensation of starting on a flat battery wasn't there on Monday, though I wouldn't say it was fully charged. Finding a bit more push for the pedals was a welcome change headed to the start line, with even a little oxygen to spare for a chat at the front with Wozz. (almost a first). No, it wasn't a gale force tail wind either! (I could get used to this sensation; not counting un-hatched chickens mind you) Greg, Bo, Wozza, Bruce, KnightMichael, Kel, Kreeky, The Godfather, Tina and the 5ft Ninja were present at Sanctuary for PistolPete to pair with Wozz and lead us south, a breeze blowing from somewhere, no doubt to be discovered when I got to the front. Headwinds usually find me when I get there!
KnightMichael stood out among the regulars (bare arms and legs marked him as hardman) to work with Wozz to Central Kialla, that breeze now identified as an easterly when just a nose peeked out from the slipstream (not a hold-up for those two at the front though!) Kreeky and the Ninja had confined themselves to the caboose till full fitness returned, so I got on the line of promotion to the pointy end with Bruce, The Godfather and Tina to serve before me. I'd guessed The Godfather would stubbornly stay in the drivers seat from River Rd's dip, hopefully sparing Tina and I that easterly till the turn at rooster corner. Fronting for the north trip along Coach Rd would be an easier effort.
The Godfather graciously held tempo with Tina to the Broken (it's always the other one that sets the pace at the front isn't it?) so I stayed level likewise when Tina rolled to the left. A kangaroo in the distance called for a little caution but it bounded toward the Broken. Tina seemed toasted a few hundred metres on, so with PistolPete pairing alongside to the highway, we went easy on the gas for her recovery. No such luck for me now second wheel in Boundary Rd; Pistol and Wozz worked up their watts to Old Dookie. There's a certain serenity with the wind up the wastegate (The Godfather's garble shatters that though) but naturally the pace picks up accordingly. Legs felt the sting of speed but at least the engine wasn't miss-firing. Greg set a speed slightly slower from Central Ave so a few watts had returned in readiness for the spirited squirt to SPC. (Made this Monday most manageable compared to others)
26/9 A rare sighting of the endangered 'Cyclus hibernatum'
It took a decent serve of sarcasm to drag a hibernating LiamM from the comfort of his Winter long bed. How easy it is to slip into a routine of soft starts to the day! As sure as the day is long, Tina turned up in Rae St and Julz had a justifiable reason for her absence, so how dare others depart for holidays! Greg made it four at the shop's grid, (a bit slim for a squirrel spin) so there'd be work to do. The slightest hesitation at 5:29 had Greg take the lead, so of course I got the Doyles to Orrvale thing. At least the school and Orrvales half dozen houses shielded the southerly from my spin. Relishing the recovery was on my wish list 'cause another turn would come around soon (It's a shame restoring the respiratory system takes a little longer) LiamM hadn't lost any form when Tina handed him the reigns at the Kinder (adding a couple of k's to the tempo didn't help my restoration) and that became infectious for Greg when given driving duties at the cypress trees.
36's was the standard to the S bend where my number came up again, so 35's was my contribution, applying a pensioner's discount. There was enough in the tank to continue to the highway but I wasn't getting greedy with the tailwind so handed over to Tina. Liam was given the lead role when Tina elbowed him at the bridge, Greg given the task at Old Dookie Rd. Fog in the fields conjured up thoughts of pushing through a soup-like atmosphere so 35's felt like a thrash to reach Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd. Tina found that feeling too but soldiered on to the bridge. Liam's shift to Lemnos gave Greg Ford Rd to drive so the shorter squirt to Verney was an easy shift for me (though it needed most of the reserve tank to get there). I felt guilty giving Tina the headwind to aim at Balaclava Rd, but she dug up the determination to get to Graham St where Greg was the gentleman and took the towing duties to Balaclava (though the green light saw him coming and reverted to red)
27/9 Too fast? Too slow? (the crew's conundrum)
The call for a cruisy speed Wednesday barely got a bite on What'sApp, all apparently cautious to commit to a speed something like social? I guess the big engines risk stalling and the smaller engines risk over-revving, but the quick usually tolerate the not-so-fast and the not-so-fast usually finish the lap alive to tell the tale (and it's rare anyone is left to suffer an o.t.a. alone) (Still, it's a free country to choose who you collaborate with. It's the fellowship that binds the bunch together, whatever the watts). The 5ft Ninja, Grumpy, Wozza, Troy, Greg, PistolPete, The Godfather, Tina, Gazza, Boof, Rocket, Bruce and Kreeky converged on Sanctuary's grid in the usual pecking order of pace; the fast at the front and the somewhat slower lining up in the lower order for maximum duty delay.
The 3 k's to Mitchell Rd was probably cruisy at 37's into the south southwester for Wozza and Pistol, silence in the rear ranks said otherwise for the survivors. Almost climatizing to the tempo, I was grateful when the pace was capped at 38's for the way east to Central Kialla then north to River Rd. It could have turned supersonic with the favorable wind so I guess this was social for the swift. Gazza got greedy with the tailwind for a big drive on River Rd, doing little for the hopes of Tina and I of a turn with wind assistance (the swift would have to suffer our sort of social speed!) A dead 'roo at the roadside was one less to worry about, a flat snake in Coach Rd a sign of the season to come.
Bo's absence got The Godfather grinning though I wasn't smiling at my choice of fingerless gloves in feels like 6 (I was hoping Spring would deliver temperate temperatures. Silly me!) Nobody grizzled at The Godfather's half block to the Broken, but Tina was given the distance directive when pairing with Greg on Boundary Rd. Bruce took an early exit via Channel Rd (tough when work gets in the way of a good ride). I'd paired with Tina for her part two at the fig farm but had drawn the short straw of fighting the wind in Old Dookie Rd for my part two. The Ninja had braved the front beside me but a skyrocketing heart-rate had her searching shelter swiftly.
PistolPete was kind enough to accept my social 34's to the bridge but with Wozz set their 39's standard to Central Ave. (Recover is over-rated anyway!) Troy's 6 days off had him at a hurry nudging 40's to the truck route, my grip slowly slipping to the wheel ahead when Gazza turned the hurry to hell at 43's to SPC. My prayers to the new traffic lights were answered with red, halting those in a hurry so I could be counted with the crew again.
28/9 Savoring sunshine.
So much for Spring weather! Feels like four forced a quick search for knee warmers and that extra layer of insulation on Thursday; an important part of the kit when it's therapy Thursday (a not-so-hot pace drops the engine temperature a bit). All last night's encouragement enticing LiamM along had come to naught; only Tina joined Wendy and I in Rae St to head to the squirrel start. Just as well Julz and Greg showed their allegiance (obsession) arriving at the shop for 5:30's launch. Julz jumped the starting gun to lead into Channel Rd, a south southwester blowing the tailenders in the gutter en-route to Doyles, but it inspired a bit more cadence to put temperature in the legs. To rattle the routine, Greg got the Doyles to Orrvale leg, so I got my change of scenery to drive the 2 k's to the Kinder. Strangely, it felt easier at the front than second or even third wheel.
Guilt got to me handing over a headwind to Tina on Central Ave but it hadn't hindered her hurry to get to the cypress trees. Nothing sluggish about Wendy's drive to the S bend either. Coach Rd's tailwind extended Julz shift to the highway. Sharing the breeze at the bum with the team, Greg's turn terminated at Boundary's bridge, so again, I had different scenery driving to Old Dookie Rd. Tina hit the front with guns blazing to New Dookie Rd (seems my speed wasn't good enough).
I had to wait till Lemnos before seeing the front again; once Wendy took us to Lemnos-Cosgrove and Julz and Greg shared the 3200 metres to Lemnos North Rd, the speed a little spicier than therapy standards but who was I to complain! How rare to sight three Goats (Hommy, Sandy and Brendy) cruising east. The 1200 metres to Verney was taken by Tina so Wendy took on the headwind toward Balaclava unchallenged. For a moment it appeared clear passage was likely through the intersection but that red got us again.
29/9 A quality cruise.
Suggesting a tap of the seven bridges circuit didn't get a lot of nibbles (some of the horsepower were headed for the hills for the public holiday) but it'd be the same old same old Sanctuary circuit if I'd kept my mouth shut. (We'll wear out that tarmac before long). The threat of stoning LiamM's roof got him out of bed and onto the bike in Rae St and Tina' always keen for k's, so we plied the path to Sanctuary's grid to find Grumpy, Julz, Greg, Bo, PistolPete, Troy, The Godfather and Kel circling the streets.
Serves me right suggesting a different course 'cause I was ushered to the number one grid position as the guide, Troy pairing with me for the opening salvo to Mitchel Rd. My suggestion of a tap meant a tame tempo of 33's, a standard obliged by Troy. The Godfather punctured at the truck route, the opportunity to sledge almost irresistible, but we were ushered onward by Pistol, Bo The Godfather and Kel (time was against them so the Sanctuary circuit suited). The sun set the scenery for our southbound path in Euroa Rd, the sedate pace finding favour even for the likes of Grumps and Troy (clocking a hundred on Wednesday and again on Thursday had earned them an easier effort).
As expected, Union Rd was as rough as a hessian g string, the sun warming our backs (when it was just five degrees) dulled the discomfort. Across the highway, LiamM and I paired at the front to the bridge, walking the planks of the old Goulburn crossing so as not to lose a wheel in the gaps. A slight southeaster raised some effort on the Toolamba-Rushworth Rd though with speed set at social, it barely raised a sweat. With plenty of grins and a fair bit of gas-bagging, the delight of a suffer-free spin in zone three was almost a pleasure long forgotten (Reckon I've hit on a favoured formula to plan another). With the blessing of the breeze, Dhurringile Rd lessened the labor for the tap to Tat, the town mostly asleep as Greg and Troy turned us east onto Ferguson.
Temperature had doubled from the start and fingers and toes had now thawed as the appetite pondered what might be the temptation on the Milk Bar menu. A diversion via Pyke Rd minimized time on the Mooroopna-Murchison Rd, though traffic was thin. I got the job of pilot to steer us on the bike path to Shepp (how rough that's become) to finish with an al fresco breakfast to fill the 70k hole.
This week 325km
YTD 10, 030km