So much daylight at 6.30 now, almost feels like i'm running late (soon to go dark again though with daylight saving almost upon us.) The windy season is up and running, a strengthening south wester made getting to the start a workout! A good turn-up of 17 (8 non-confirmists left early) a little push down Archer, then enjoyed a little assistance over the right shoulder for Mitchell. About two dozen stories going at once amongst the crew, could call it the "GossipGiro". Hummed along Boundary but heads were down for the westerly leg home. The early starters came in sight before long, our engine drivers pouring on the gas to pass with gusto. (Ken and a few threw away their rule book and jumped on for the tow home). With 4km to go a lot of ducking and weaving started by some, positions changing faster than a Greek current account defecit! Witnessed a close call after the turn into Rudd Rd, a handlebar and knee contact, a bit of leaning, but all kept upright thanks to Norms class experience. Funny to see some (that had shyed a go on the front) come up to try for line honours, but i managed to time the jump to edge past big Daniel (2nd) and a crafty Chris (3rd). A decent 33.5 average, and a decent caffine infusion after!
Sundays' lake group (now with decent numbers) had 10 for a calm anti clockwise toaster loop to take some advantage over the breeze. Haven't seeen Lance in ages, Watty too maybe on the comeback trail. Kel & Bo's retreated down Channel Rd with family commitments (Ray, running out of steam, followed). We were joined by Renee on a flash bit of TT equipment and rolled the turns back to town for the obligatory coffee. A steady 32.5 justified a relaxed arvo.
A sizeable P&W bunch waiting Monday morning. 6 degrees and a northeaster didn't deter those on the front standing on the gas from the word go. (feel for those carrying injury or, like many, take a little distance to warm up) Must have got the calandar confused, Monday became "freaky Friday" with a Rabbit & Sly breakaway, followed soon after by the fishmonger, princess and others keen to beat their chests. Stuck with the main group and enjoyed the assisting breeze, good banter and the entertainment of those ahead, belting each other to a pulp! Me thinks they should go out to play in the real world with the big boys?
Tapped out a solo loop Monday evening in an attempt to exorcise (or should that be excercise?) a few unemployment demons, the Thalamus and the Occipital doing battle to the tunes of Tame Impala. Nice to turn at the Emu after a decent push into the north east wind, a cruisy run to the Toaster and even better down Old Dookie. Cut the lap a little shorter coming down Channel Rd (been a while since heading east down that one) and rolled home with a 32 over the 40. Didn't want to miss Mythbusters!
The popularity of the Couldabeens was on show Tuesday am, brilliant to see 18 in the bunch. Daniel on a loaned Ridley, some scum thieving his Oppy! (hasn't the bunch grown in a year or so, just 2 or 3 regulars back then) Nice steady build up against a tough wind out Channel Rd, lots of sighs of relief turning into Boundary Rd. The usual few turned off at their usual spots with work or time commitments, good to have a dozen finish down Conrod though. Rabbit & Sly just short of catching us. A 34 average and a train beaten again! Becoming accustomed to a regular social coffee post ride, now that work at 7.45 no longer beckons. Good to network some gossip and the odd fact with a few, I could get used to this!
Opted to skip the hospital bunch in the evening, enjoyed the toaster loop at a steady pace with a magnificent sunset to view. (sky fading from pink to deep orange) Great run down Mitchell (predicted a few cold patches, the winter base layer a good choice) and into Raftery. A hospital bunch breakaway of 7 passed with half a km to go, Kev & Robbo wrung out and dropping off the back. The rest of the bunch scattered way back. Glad i stayed away, need an easier pace at present.
Great to have a relaxed lap with my little buddy Wednesday, though the strengthening north easter took up any slack in the muscles! Saw the P&W train near the Pine Lodge pub, though two seperate breakaways had fractured the normal two neat rows. Glad i'd skipped that one! Admired Stace, Fee, Chris, Meags & co to slog it out as a team.
Thursday's forecast spelled a rest day. Almost looked tempting at 5.15 but a check of the radar changed the plan quickly. Nice to enjoy a "doona transition" listening to a few brief downpours (thinking if any were brave/silly enough to try?) The motivation tank was dry Thursday night, a bleak western sky made the decision easy. Turned out i could have put in a lap, but hey, the couch wasn't bad!
Another suprising turn up of 10 Couldabeens to join the 9 P&W's for the Friday lap (a couple have dual citizenship though). A strong westerly pushed us out Old Dookie, but work was in order for the rest of the course. Seemed a few (with itchy feet for a breakaway) were having second thoughts, no-one commiting to hit. It wasn't till the Euroa Rd that Minto launched an attack (which lasted as long as a Gillard popularity party) then quickly was humbled to the tail end by the reality of a headwind! Nice try, no cigar. Good to have some team spirit up to Arcadia Downs, the rabbit finally cruising off ahead. Stayed with the champions (all giving 100% effort) for the tough wind into Conrod. Nice to finish with a 35.6 average, train driver asleep, Cats nowhere to be seen. Great Friars coffee and conversation after to wind up the week.
Odometer clicked over 122,000 this morning, it was 100,000 this time last year. (Mmm....must make an appointment with the psychologist!)
Week 39 408km 15055 calories (125 slices of raisin toast) 33km/h average
Quote of the week " Youth, which is forgiven everything, forgives itself nothing. Age, which forgives itself everything, is forgiven nothing" George Bernard Shaw.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Week 38
A change of photo (above) to relieve the monotony, taken in Archer Rd just before last years' storms and flooding hit. (5.20pm looking west. Nokia phone camera)
Sunday was the annual Fruitloop ride and our chance to support Hospice. As always, a great band of volunteers to register, support, feed, guide and congratulate all, though some zealous policing nabbed a few riders not stopping when they should have. A few $ and demerits lost. (hope it doesn't wreck attendance next year) Our great "dream team" assembled to belt out a 100k's including a smoothly shaved Vince, Temple with wit finely sharpened and Steve expertly prepared. A handy south west tailwind helped out Old Dookie, even better for the long stretch of Labuan. Great work by Norm, Greg, Marion, Daniel and special guests Johnny Brett & Graeme. Our class act quickly attracted a few foreigners into hanging on, then joining the rotation. (stylish smoothness diminished soon after!) Our troops rallied to organise the pack for the slog west toward the Wunghnu break at the 50k mark. A brief intake of essential food group vegetables (carrot cake) and grains (peppermint slice....well, there's breadcrumbs in it!) a brief 'repos toilette' and the 2nd leg was underway, still with a few stowaways. The team kept together (despite some erratic rotations by our passengers) for the push home, a few shallow dips & rises in the Bunbartha were quickly dubbed the 3 peaks! Criss-crossing our way via Zeerust, the crew eventually came down Wanganui Rd and into Rudd. A wicked grin from Vince signalled a sprint at the cemetery, ably won by Daniel (assissted by a Vince lead-out i'd suggest!). A solid 32.2 average justified a protein/carbo loading on hamburgers and baked potatoes. All were tough enough for the ride home after, Vince & Steve still to cover 10km in the head wind!
Monday morning the legs were a little creaky. A gentle roll out to the P&W start felt ok, only Princess, Goose & Greendog, Minto & Trav waiting there. The rabbit stayed well back. A 20km/h northeaster made Old Dookie difficult, Boundary & Mitchell much kinder. No hint of enthusiasm in Conrod staright from the softies, so the Foss dished up a 'whippin. A 34.2 to beat the train home. Turned soft myself Monday night, a 48km/h westerly threatening life and limb.
Forecast showers didn't front on Tuesday (nor did the Cats!) so joined 10 Couldabeens to battle the 22-32km/h west northwester. Tough work turning into Mitchell, the odd spit of rain dampening effort too. Good to have young Graham along (his 4 wisdom teeth were due out later in the morning......boy, he loves pain!) Great team effort of 32.8 to arrive at the boomgate as the train left. Took a bit of caffine on board afterward, but paid the price by getting soaked on the way home! Forced a night off the bike Tuesday in leiu of Sunday's Fruitloop.
A gentle recovery lap Wednesday morning with Norm & Marion was good therapy. Watching the P&W's blast down Boundary Rd ratified the decision for a gentle roll. (heard later of the 38km/h flog out Old Dookie, wise decision)
So good to get a sleep in till 5.30, take my time over porridge, expand the mental horizons with 15 minutes of "The Thunderbirds", roll out with no need for headlights, listen to the Carbone symphony in C major by Mavic and think up sledges for the OC's. 16 turned up (a dozen non-conformists leaving earlier) to front 6 degrees and a light northeaster. Great to have Leon, Bo & Kel back joining the style of smooth operators Norm & Chris, statesmen Barnsey & Hoffy and the regular squad. A fine pace out Mitchell and well driven up Boundary for the windward leg in Ford Rd. A few had opted out of the sprint to preserve the energy needed for tomorrow's Fruitloop, but it was always a battle for 2nd with Nev in the bunch. So it was bridesmaid Bo, then Kel with afterburners firing for 3rd. Clearly a holiday hasn't slowed 'em a bit! Hats off to Andrew, Steve and Tim having a great go. Plenty of room at the Butterfactory for the post ride analysis, excuses, hero worship and posturing, with a bit of sunshine to warm the bones.
Monday morning the legs were a little creaky. A gentle roll out to the P&W start felt ok, only Princess, Goose & Greendog, Minto & Trav waiting there. The rabbit stayed well back. A 20km/h northeaster made Old Dookie difficult, Boundary & Mitchell much kinder. No hint of enthusiasm in Conrod staright from the softies, so the Foss dished up a 'whippin. A 34.2 to beat the train home. Turned soft myself Monday night, a 48km/h westerly threatening life and limb.
Forecast showers didn't front on Tuesday (nor did the Cats!) so joined 10 Couldabeens to battle the 22-32km/h west northwester. Tough work turning into Mitchell, the odd spit of rain dampening effort too. Good to have young Graham along (his 4 wisdom teeth were due out later in the morning......boy, he loves pain!) Great team effort of 32.8 to arrive at the boomgate as the train left. Took a bit of caffine on board afterward, but paid the price by getting soaked on the way home! Forced a night off the bike Tuesday in leiu of Sunday's Fruitloop.
A gentle recovery lap Wednesday morning with Norm & Marion was good therapy. Watching the P&W's blast down Boundary Rd ratified the decision for a gentle roll. (heard later of the 38km/h flog out Old Dookie, wise decision)
Thursday mornings discussion was centred around the cooler climate and the need to rug up. Suprised then to see Daniel turn up in short knicks and no arm warmers! Quite pleasing to have 14 in the team, Steve & Ryan clearly bitten & infected by enthusiasm. Only Leon, Kel & Bo turning off today, a well sized group commiting to the full distance. Vince cranked up the intensity in the 1st dip of Conrod straight (clearly hanging me out to dry) when "gatecrashers" Rabbit & Sly steamed past in TT mode. Such a pompous display was firmly dealt with, "pocket rocket" Rob showing how it's done at the finish. I managed to round up the Rabbit for 2nd, the Team victorious over the train and the Cats for a Couldabeens quadrella. 34.4 worth more caffine.
Thursday night had 12 lined up at the library. Suprised to see Chris Brown up from the big smoke and Walshy after a long absence. Thankfully no hillbillies. Picked up 13 more by the emu, fairly steaming along too. At last the pot holes have been filled in Old Dookie Rd, no suprises on the bridge now. Pace continued in Boundary and Mitchell, humbled sharing the lead with the Eggman for half a k. Pressure was applied after Melbourne Rd, all went single file and silent after "Roubaix" corner (just as i rolled from last place!) Picked my way through lots desperately holding on, bridged the odd gap too and got to the first 6 or 7 with 600 to go. As the speed climbed to 50 i crawled past Robbo, then Mitch, then Nath, then Eggy, then Bomber to hit the pointy end with 50 left. A perfect lead! Earned a decent feed with a 36 av & 54 max.
Muscles creaked like old floorboards Friday morning, quite a decent turn up at the P&W start. Suprised to see half the Couldabeens lined up for Freaky Friday! Some tough P&W's had just rolled a 30km loop at 5am to join us, (bringing the bunch to 21) but the pace was on from the start with little consideration. Rabbit struck hard half way down Mitchell taking 4 with him. The bunch spread out (front runners attempting to join the waskally one) but got organised thanks to some astute verbals from Meags and Stace! All settled in for a solid finish (34.4 av), a great "special stage" at Fryers followed.
Rolled out an extra 30 after, chasing down the retirees and ramping up a fast 15 at 38+ (ably assisted by a light south wester)
Week #38 475km 17,527 calories (5.2kg of fruitcake) 33.2 av
Quote of the week "Ever tried, ever failed? No matter, try again, fail again. Fail better" Samuel Beckett
Thursday night had 12 lined up at the library. Suprised to see Chris Brown up from the big smoke and Walshy after a long absence. Thankfully no hillbillies. Picked up 13 more by the emu, fairly steaming along too. At last the pot holes have been filled in Old Dookie Rd, no suprises on the bridge now. Pace continued in Boundary and Mitchell, humbled sharing the lead with the Eggman for half a k. Pressure was applied after Melbourne Rd, all went single file and silent after "Roubaix" corner (just as i rolled from last place!) Picked my way through lots desperately holding on, bridged the odd gap too and got to the first 6 or 7 with 600 to go. As the speed climbed to 50 i crawled past Robbo, then Mitch, then Nath, then Eggy, then Bomber to hit the pointy end with 50 left. A perfect lead! Earned a decent feed with a 36 av & 54 max.
Muscles creaked like old floorboards Friday morning, quite a decent turn up at the P&W start. Suprised to see half the Couldabeens lined up for Freaky Friday! Some tough P&W's had just rolled a 30km loop at 5am to join us, (bringing the bunch to 21) but the pace was on from the start with little consideration. Rabbit struck hard half way down Mitchell taking 4 with him. The bunch spread out (front runners attempting to join the waskally one) but got organised thanks to some astute verbals from Meags and Stace! All settled in for a solid finish (34.4 av), a great "special stage" at Fryers followed.
Rolled out an extra 30 after, chasing down the retirees and ramping up a fast 15 at 38+ (ably assisted by a light south wester)
Week #38 475km 17,527 calories (5.2kg of fruitcake) 33.2 av
Quote of the week "Ever tried, ever failed? No matter, try again, fail again. Fail better" Samuel Beckett
Friday, September 16, 2011
Week 37
Got an early 30k lap in before the OC's this week to climatise for longer distances, particularly the upcoming Fruitloop. (so many laps just doing 30 or 55, about time to step up a bit) The eagle eye of Cougs spotted 3 kangaroos near the olive groves, thankfully retreating before my luck with wildlife came to haunt me. Each day is getting longer now, there's a lot to see even at 6 these days. Saw the early birds head out at 6.45 but rolled in to join the traditional 7am departure. 14 today made a good crew, only missing Bo, Leon & Kel's spice to the speed. A bit of wind didn't impact too much, the journey home in Ford Rd quite favourable. A few were champing at the bit on the turn into Rudd Rd, Matt & i being kind to the group with a slow squeeze of the accelerator. We should have factored Daniel into the equation, glued to Matty's wheel ready to pounce with 300 to go. Used up all of the nitrous @ 53 to keep him at bay at the finish (i was certain we were level on the line, but he came over all gracious saying i had the gold) Not such a big crowd at the Butterfactory, managed a seat and decent table indoors this week.
After Saturdays 85k a shorter 35 was in order with the lake group. 7 fronted including long lost Ray & Brian, blowing off winter cobwebs in the 8 degrees. Good to roll around at a moderate pace with Rob, Matt, Chris, Marion & Graham and enjoy a bit of caffine culture after. The accuracy of <> came to the fore, a predicted 10.30 shower of 0.7mm came in just 15 minutes after getting home. There'd be some soggy ones up Harry's Creek this morning!
Mondays' P&W circuit is usually light on attendance, Just Rabbit, Fishy & Cougs to start, Erin catching up after a late arrival. A chilly zero reminded us winter has only just finished.The waskally wabbit good enough to kerb his turbo use till Arcadia Downs. A steady lap to beat the pussys home. Opted out of a Monday evening lap, chewing over redundancy instead. A tough meal with a sour aftertaste.
8 Couldabeens fronted Tuesday morning, Good to have Chris & Norm ("smooth & smoother") along. A slightly milder 8 degrees made things comfortable. Rocket Rob and Vince fought out the sprint, a decent bunch hanging on behind were smashed by Marions' fine grab for 3rd on the line.
Tuesday nights' thrash from the hospital had 17 half way out Ford Rd. A very mild 14 made me leave the thermal at home, but things went chilly from the 20km mark onward, a base layer only just fighting off 7 degrees. Lots of sweat didn't help either. The pair of Fords sat on the back till Melbourne Rd, then made things ugly joining in the rotation surging like rabid taxi drivers. Noticing a leg warmer flapping loose around an ankle conjured very uncomfortable scenarios! Finally got through the long train of "carriages" hanging onto the engine of Deano, Nath, Mitch & Leedy, but arrived at the pointy end way too early. So, spiced up the young fellas by going for broke at 400, so was instantly humbled by Mitch & Garry's youth and speed. 35.5 average & a 51 max was nothing to sneeze at.
Wednesdays' usual recovery ride was bliss on the muscles. Norm opted out but Cougs and i dodged the plethora of potholes (growing in number daily it seems) and/or gravel to tap out 20kms. A deep cut in the front tyre has opened a lot and despite a repair to the inside has balooned a lot lately. Time to ditch it before a blow-out and substitute a spare with 5k on it. May last till the 4th set goes on for the year.
A couple of new faces in Thursdays Couldabeens. Big Bill is back, with a stent to keep the ticker ticking, Tim bringing a mate Ryan along for a lap. The south wester made Boundary Rd a slog but grateful there were 10 to share the load. Tim doing an ace job, months of Queenslands warmth and back to our chill would be murder! (Predicting a big bunch when the weather gets a bit milder) Rob and Matt drove a good sprint engine in Raftery Rd, all home to see the train head out and not a cat in sight.
20 in the library bunch Thursday night by Lemnos Rd, a niggling westerly taking up the slack when we turned at the toaster (which isn't there) A couple of pot-holes on the Old Dookie bridge are a right old pain in the axle, time for more patches on the patches Vic Roads. A few more coming out to play these warmer days, even Gav braving the pace. No massive attacks tonite in Mitchell, a good steady roll (with Mike's "breather" every so often). Nath was testing his cadence big time (170) and had more spin than a Labor Party Caucus. As if he needs to improve! The wick was steadily wound up at Arcadia Downs and not much comes close to Mitch on the finish line, 54km/h not good enough to get alongside, but enough for 2nd. Earned my spaghetti.
Freaky Friday had only two takers, Rabbit (of course) enticed the Wizz to play, Scotty and Sooty changed course down River Rd on some strange misunderstanding of direction! A good contingent of legendary pluggers held it together for a team finish. The razor like profile of the waffer thin Ayto turning a strong 38 down Mitchell (tail wind?) Good work too from Fee (she'll deny it) Hayles and big Pete at the finish. Very pleased with a 35.8average, the trains' engine not even fired up when we crossed the tracks in town! Really good to enjoy the banter, tall stories and laughs at Fryers afterward. Ayto's strict training diet of French toast consumed with joy. (it's the Canadian bacon that makes it ok!) With time to spare, i rolled out an extra 35km, a 54 thrash in the last km to wear off the maple syrup!
Week 37 ; 503km 18560 calories (39 serves of French toast with Canadian bacon.....mmmmmmm) 32.5km/h av.
Quote of the week "Champions are everywhere....all you need is to train them properly" Arthur Lydiard
Arrr, where are my followers??
After Saturdays 85k a shorter 35 was in order with the lake group. 7 fronted including long lost Ray & Brian, blowing off winter cobwebs in the 8 degrees. Good to roll around at a moderate pace with Rob, Matt, Chris, Marion & Graham and enjoy a bit of caffine culture after. The accuracy of <> came to the fore, a predicted 10.30 shower of 0.7mm came in just 15 minutes after getting home. There'd be some soggy ones up Harry's Creek this morning!
Mondays' P&W circuit is usually light on attendance, Just Rabbit, Fishy & Cougs to start, Erin catching up after a late arrival. A chilly zero reminded us winter has only just finished.The waskally wabbit good enough to kerb his turbo use till Arcadia Downs. A steady lap to beat the pussys home. Opted out of a Monday evening lap, chewing over redundancy instead. A tough meal with a sour aftertaste.
8 Couldabeens fronted Tuesday morning, Good to have Chris & Norm ("smooth & smoother") along. A slightly milder 8 degrees made things comfortable. Rocket Rob and Vince fought out the sprint, a decent bunch hanging on behind were smashed by Marions' fine grab for 3rd on the line.
Tuesday nights' thrash from the hospital had 17 half way out Ford Rd. A very mild 14 made me leave the thermal at home, but things went chilly from the 20km mark onward, a base layer only just fighting off 7 degrees. Lots of sweat didn't help either. The pair of Fords sat on the back till Melbourne Rd, then made things ugly joining in the rotation surging like rabid taxi drivers. Noticing a leg warmer flapping loose around an ankle conjured very uncomfortable scenarios! Finally got through the long train of "carriages" hanging onto the engine of Deano, Nath, Mitch & Leedy, but arrived at the pointy end way too early. So, spiced up the young fellas by going for broke at 400, so was instantly humbled by Mitch & Garry's youth and speed. 35.5 average & a 51 max was nothing to sneeze at.
Wednesdays' usual recovery ride was bliss on the muscles. Norm opted out but Cougs and i dodged the plethora of potholes (growing in number daily it seems) and/or gravel to tap out 20kms. A deep cut in the front tyre has opened a lot and despite a repair to the inside has balooned a lot lately. Time to ditch it before a blow-out and substitute a spare with 5k on it. May last till the 4th set goes on for the year.
A couple of new faces in Thursdays Couldabeens. Big Bill is back, with a stent to keep the ticker ticking, Tim bringing a mate Ryan along for a lap. The south wester made Boundary Rd a slog but grateful there were 10 to share the load. Tim doing an ace job, months of Queenslands warmth and back to our chill would be murder! (Predicting a big bunch when the weather gets a bit milder) Rob and Matt drove a good sprint engine in Raftery Rd, all home to see the train head out and not a cat in sight.
20 in the library bunch Thursday night by Lemnos Rd, a niggling westerly taking up the slack when we turned at the toaster (which isn't there) A couple of pot-holes on the Old Dookie bridge are a right old pain in the axle, time for more patches on the patches Vic Roads. A few more coming out to play these warmer days, even Gav braving the pace. No massive attacks tonite in Mitchell, a good steady roll (with Mike's "breather" every so often). Nath was testing his cadence big time (170) and had more spin than a Labor Party Caucus. As if he needs to improve! The wick was steadily wound up at Arcadia Downs and not much comes close to Mitch on the finish line, 54km/h not good enough to get alongside, but enough for 2nd. Earned my spaghetti.
Freaky Friday had only two takers, Rabbit (of course) enticed the Wizz to play, Scotty and Sooty changed course down River Rd on some strange misunderstanding of direction! A good contingent of legendary pluggers held it together for a team finish. The razor like profile of the waffer thin Ayto turning a strong 38 down Mitchell (tail wind?) Good work too from Fee (she'll deny it) Hayles and big Pete at the finish. Very pleased with a 35.8average, the trains' engine not even fired up when we crossed the tracks in town! Really good to enjoy the banter, tall stories and laughs at Fryers afterward. Ayto's strict training diet of French toast consumed with joy. (it's the Canadian bacon that makes it ok!) With time to spare, i rolled out an extra 35km, a 54 thrash in the last km to wear off the maple syrup!
Week 37 ; 503km 18560 calories (39 serves of French toast with Canadian bacon.....mmmmmmm) 32.5km/h av.
Quote of the week "Champions are everywhere....all you need is to train them properly" Arthur Lydiard
Arrr, where are my followers??
Friday, September 9, 2011
Week 36
Saturdays 'early shift' started even earlier, but the regular legends lined up for a 7am OC blast-off. Good to have Barnsey, Hoffy, Tony and the 2 Tims (tim tams?) along. Masters Chris and Norm kept the quality standards up too. A northeaster strengthened to make Boundary Rd a bit of work, but the prophecies, tall stories, gags and the odd fact made it a great ride. Young Matt launched a brave, tough solo breakaway with 2k's to go but was reeled in in the closing stages by the charge of Bo, Vince, Kel & company. Bo took the win with Matt, Kel & Vince in hot pursuit. I missed the Butterfactory debrief (kids soccer and hockey beckoned early) but heard later Bo needs a XXXXL helmet! (A Queensland break will turn him into Mr Whippy pretty quick)
I went soft Fathers Day and had a decadent sleep-in (wow....till 7.20am!) and was spoilt with an egg & bacon muffin cooked then served in bed by my champion boys. (first day off the bike in 3 weeks....tragic eh?)
Rolled out to the P&W start Monday morning and was greeted by a pea-souper fog, difficult to navigate the streets. 8 of us barely covered a km when Frosty blew a tube big time. The protocol of waiting for repairs was observed (unlike many other groups) which left a few of us with time constraints. Bart and the Rabbit had the turbo spooled up, but i chose a shorter Channel Rd course home. (some aren't spoilt with office hours) Quick chicks Cougs and Meags, also on limited time, joined in for a decent belt along the old circuit, a 33.6 av a good reward for effort. Great company a bonus. Relieved to get some sunrise to find the road home too.
Quite a mild 16 degrees Monday night (ditched the winter thermal) so kitted up for a solo lap. Set up an electro / drum & bass playlist on the i-phone, put the head down and got in the zone with Nero, SebastiAn and Chemical Brothers. (music does focus the senses, disolves the days dramas too) Only a very light north north easter to contend with, even rounded up THM & Sootie on a quiet lap near the emu. Felt fairly fresh by half distance so kept up the push, but pretty second-hand by the finish. A pb of 1:24:31 (34.6av) for the 49km was worth it. (Logged on MapMyRIDE for you spec nerds)
We were missing the holiday makers Leon, Bo & Kel Tuesday, but a good crew of Couldabeens were at the start. Temple's dry wit mixed with the guns Matt, Glenn, Daniel & Rob made for a solid workout. Matt wound up the wick in the final 500 carving up Vince & Rob's reserves, allowing me & Marion to take silver & bronze. Thanks Matt! A good 33.6av, pipped by the train (by just 20 seconds) for a change.
Quite a chill in the air Tuesday night, barely 8 degrees and a 13-20km/h west north wester for the 12 hospital group to battle. Very odd not to have the usual vultures circling out the road to feed on us mere mortals. Beery had clearly lost it turning up to the library tonite (wondering why no one was there!) Scared a little old lady in the car park changing into his lycra too! Joined us just before Benalla Rd after Nath had severely measured me on the front, his ultra sleek DT Swiss carbons sing a nice tune though. Mike had just about blown a head gasket and did a Channel Rd retreat. Mitchell Rd turned ugly with the wind now westerly, most rolling turns over faster than Gadaffi's Tripoli exit. (all pretty smooth work to be honest, a couple chosing to be towed along) The thrash in Raftery's last kilometer went single file and i was blessed again by Robbo's class wheel (and Nath probably falling asleep for the sprint helped) to have the box seat for the last 200. Suprised to take the chocolates and top 55 at the finish, must be mum's great date loaf?! 35.6av. Quite an olfactory overload rolling back through town, a wiff of a long dead animal at the side of the road followed by a waft from someones bbq, au de sweaty bodies in the pack, then the nostrils filled with the Colonels 11 secret herbs and spices,with a big dose of dirty old diesel from a passing truck for dessert!
Good to have Norm & Marion on a steady circuit Wednesday morning , but winter was keen to have it's last (?) hurrah with just 1 degree. Sizable P&W and Cats groups spotted, so there are some strong guys and tough chicks about still. Really enjoy this mid week steady roll around, a very therapeutic recovery ride.
Dangerous to think it was the last of winter, turned to zero Thursday morning as retaliation. Brass monkeys speaking in high voices today, but 7 Couldabeens were tough enough to take on a lap. Vince was proved wrong, believing Temple would pike it. The cold forced Daniel back into long knicks too. A few peeled off before Raftery leaving just 4 after Arcadia to finish. A good lap by all turning in a 32.4.
A sizeable pack of 13 had assembled at the library Thursday night, there were lots more to join in. By the emu numbers had swollen to 30. Speed in Boundary Road was changing faster than asylum seeker policy, some heavy hitters dishing out a bit of pain. 8 degrees and a southwesterly building didn't help either. Speed settled a bit in Mitchell Rd only to go ferral when Raftery came into view. Only half a dozen were swapping turns by Arcadia Downs, a l-o-n-g train of hangers on steadily dropping off the back. Daunting to be amongst weapons like Nev, Eggman, Mitch, Nath and Robbo for the final k and couldn't match the horsepower in the last 300, but chuffed with 5th behind such WMD's. Average speed of 36.8 over the 50km worth bragging about too.
Better numbers for the P&W lap on Friday. Good to have Jeramy & THM along, kept the numbers up to 15. Ayto, Sootie & Chaddy had ripped up 30 before the start and joined 5km in. Rabbits' new TT Merida looks the business, Bart & Chaddy also with fairly new machines. (What GFC?) Stew's new, much sledging training needed though. Rabbit inticed Sootie and Bart to thrash out the last 8km, but most were keen to tap away the remainder. The Melbourne train still had the handbrake on when we crossed the tracks, a fine 34.7 average.
Hey, if you usually read this rubbish, click to 'follow' button. Or am i writing for just 4 people?
Week 36 ; 434km 16,014 calories (39 litres of Coke.......buuuurpp!) 33.7km/h average
Quote of the week "If you worried about falling off the bike, you'd never get on" (Lance Armstrong)
I went soft Fathers Day and had a decadent sleep-in (wow....till 7.20am!) and was spoilt with an egg & bacon muffin cooked then served in bed by my champion boys. (first day off the bike in 3 weeks....tragic eh?)
Rolled out to the P&W start Monday morning and was greeted by a pea-souper fog, difficult to navigate the streets. 8 of us barely covered a km when Frosty blew a tube big time. The protocol of waiting for repairs was observed (unlike many other groups) which left a few of us with time constraints. Bart and the Rabbit had the turbo spooled up, but i chose a shorter Channel Rd course home. (some aren't spoilt with office hours) Quick chicks Cougs and Meags, also on limited time, joined in for a decent belt along the old circuit, a 33.6 av a good reward for effort. Great company a bonus. Relieved to get some sunrise to find the road home too.
Quite a mild 16 degrees Monday night (ditched the winter thermal) so kitted up for a solo lap. Set up an electro / drum & bass playlist on the i-phone, put the head down and got in the zone with Nero, SebastiAn and Chemical Brothers. (music does focus the senses, disolves the days dramas too) Only a very light north north easter to contend with, even rounded up THM & Sootie on a quiet lap near the emu. Felt fairly fresh by half distance so kept up the push, but pretty second-hand by the finish. A pb of 1:24:31 (34.6av) for the 49km was worth it. (Logged on MapMyRIDE for you spec nerds)
We were missing the holiday makers Leon, Bo & Kel Tuesday, but a good crew of Couldabeens were at the start. Temple's dry wit mixed with the guns Matt, Glenn, Daniel & Rob made for a solid workout. Matt wound up the wick in the final 500 carving up Vince & Rob's reserves, allowing me & Marion to take silver & bronze. Thanks Matt! A good 33.6av, pipped by the train (by just 20 seconds) for a change.
Quite a chill in the air Tuesday night, barely 8 degrees and a 13-20km/h west north wester for the 12 hospital group to battle. Very odd not to have the usual vultures circling out the road to feed on us mere mortals. Beery had clearly lost it turning up to the library tonite (wondering why no one was there!) Scared a little old lady in the car park changing into his lycra too! Joined us just before Benalla Rd after Nath had severely measured me on the front, his ultra sleek DT Swiss carbons sing a nice tune though. Mike had just about blown a head gasket and did a Channel Rd retreat. Mitchell Rd turned ugly with the wind now westerly, most rolling turns over faster than Gadaffi's Tripoli exit. (all pretty smooth work to be honest, a couple chosing to be towed along) The thrash in Raftery's last kilometer went single file and i was blessed again by Robbo's class wheel (and Nath probably falling asleep for the sprint helped) to have the box seat for the last 200. Suprised to take the chocolates and top 55 at the finish, must be mum's great date loaf?! 35.6av. Quite an olfactory overload rolling back through town, a wiff of a long dead animal at the side of the road followed by a waft from someones bbq, au de sweaty bodies in the pack, then the nostrils filled with the Colonels 11 secret herbs and spices,with a big dose of dirty old diesel from a passing truck for dessert!
Good to have Norm & Marion on a steady circuit Wednesday morning , but winter was keen to have it's last (?) hurrah with just 1 degree. Sizable P&W and Cats groups spotted, so there are some strong guys and tough chicks about still. Really enjoy this mid week steady roll around, a very therapeutic recovery ride.
Dangerous to think it was the last of winter, turned to zero Thursday morning as retaliation. Brass monkeys speaking in high voices today, but 7 Couldabeens were tough enough to take on a lap. Vince was proved wrong, believing Temple would pike it. The cold forced Daniel back into long knicks too. A few peeled off before Raftery leaving just 4 after Arcadia to finish. A good lap by all turning in a 32.4.
A sizeable pack of 13 had assembled at the library Thursday night, there were lots more to join in. By the emu numbers had swollen to 30. Speed in Boundary Road was changing faster than asylum seeker policy, some heavy hitters dishing out a bit of pain. 8 degrees and a southwesterly building didn't help either. Speed settled a bit in Mitchell Rd only to go ferral when Raftery came into view. Only half a dozen were swapping turns by Arcadia Downs, a l-o-n-g train of hangers on steadily dropping off the back. Daunting to be amongst weapons like Nev, Eggman, Mitch, Nath and Robbo for the final k and couldn't match the horsepower in the last 300, but chuffed with 5th behind such WMD's. Average speed of 36.8 over the 50km worth bragging about too.
Better numbers for the P&W lap on Friday. Good to have Jeramy & THM along, kept the numbers up to 15. Ayto, Sootie & Chaddy had ripped up 30 before the start and joined 5km in. Rabbits' new TT Merida looks the business, Bart & Chaddy also with fairly new machines. (What GFC?) Stew's new, much sledging training needed though. Rabbit inticed Sootie and Bart to thrash out the last 8km, but most were keen to tap away the remainder. The Melbourne train still had the handbrake on when we crossed the tracks, a fine 34.7 average.
Hey, if you usually read this rubbish, click to 'follow' button. Or am i writing for just 4 people?
Week 36 ; 434km 16,014 calories (39 litres of Coke.......buuuurpp!) 33.7km/h average
Quote of the week "If you worried about falling off the bike, you'd never get on" (Lance Armstrong)
Friday, September 2, 2011
Week 35
Had a great laugh for the start of week 35. Lined up to head Saturdays ride was "Uncle Martin" Ken with half of Radio Australia on his helmet! (Zip wheels and zip ties! Haw haw....better zip my lip) 14 turned up, nice to have improving daylight and temperatures above freezing, (5 degrees with a light north easter) great to have Mr Smooth (Norm) and Nick in the pack too. Lots of chat on the circuit till the wick got wound up near DECA. Turning into Rudd Road, the little assasin Kelly hit the nitrous, (sending a panic amongst the sprinters) Vince hooked on for the tow then overtook her , but got smoked by Matt for line honours. The early posse was already seated at the Butterfactory, so enjoyed the suns warmth outdoors telling / hearing tall stories with the Cats. Drank coffee for an hour!
Rolled up to the lake Sunday morning and had Ro, Chris, Kelly & Bo, Graeme and Scott's company for a steady toaster loop ("steady" isn't in Bo's dictionary!). Only 3 degrees but some good laughs on the way. The favourite Butterfactory haunt was full as a boot, so Hudsons got the nod for coffee and toast. (not as good) Had a great group of P&W / Couldabeens mates around to celebrate this neolithic almost turning jurassic. Some good looking sorts in regular clothes for a change!
Monday's P&W attendance was just 8, but a decent ride enjoyed. The Fox's worn knicks were subject to much scrutiny, brought some good laughs. We held off both the Cats and Area 51 to get home first , train beaten too! Stayed off the bike but on the couch Monday night.
Tuesdays Couldabeens had quite a turn up. 13 must be a record for winter. Great to have Norm back, newbie Steve on a shiny new Avanti. Even welcomed back Travis, struggling to climatise from 2 weeks in Bali ! A southwester took up the leg slack in Boundary, but a good team finish.
Tuesday's hospital group started with 10 but swelled to 24 when several small bunches tacked on in Lemnos Cosgrove Rd. Gav even came out of winter hiding, but felt the push. A 12km/h southwester made hard work in Mitchell Rd particularly when the young fellas turned up the heat. The last 8km had us rolling over faster than Japanese governments, well into the high 40's at Arcadia Downs. Mitch kicked sand in our faces in Conrod straight, but pleased to get 2nd (deja vu ; last week) Suprised to read a 36.2 average and 53.5 max.
Nice to roll round a 30k recovery lap Wednesday morning. The BM rolled over 120,000 km this morning (scary..... it clocked 100k late last September) reliving memories of unpacking Part No
#80 91 0 139 773 from BayericheMotorenWerke's cardboard box and putting the bike together according to Clauss's "Prufprotokoll". Should i trade in the old girl when it's run in? Wednesday night enjoyed scoffing Kens wine at his bike safety campaign. A few ideas circulating for everyone to chew on. Good old common sense and a bit of consideration will go a long way. Again, good to see riders dollied up in something other than lycra.
Thursdays Couldabeens turn up was even larger than Tuesdays! 15 in all, importing Peter from an anti clockwise group too. Another new face (Glenn) on an Oppy is really testing this old memory for names! As usual, a good steady slog finishing as a team.
Only 7 started from the library Thursday night, but as always, lots of vultures were circling out Ford Rd and beyond. A few juggled positions early (maybe to avoid the view of Dales well worn knicks? What a plumbers grin!) with the long missing Andrew and Jamie joining in. Up to 22 in total by the toaster, Leigh & Co adding the horsepower, a little breeze against us down Mitchell. A small group turned off down Archer (including Trev, a bit flat from a blood donation) but 16 stayed for the battle down Raftery. Only a few of the big engines were driving the train by Arcadia Downs, most had gone very silent and very single file, hanging on in the 40's. There were big gaps to fill rolling up to the front but i drew the lottery when Dean rolled in front of me with 400 to go. Hung on for 100 then put all eggs in one basket, standing on the gas. Managed to take the chocolates thanks to Robbo's lead-out (and thanks to Nath missing!.....riding up Kelvins) a healthy 34.8 average over the 48k's.
10 P&W's present on Friday morning (Ayto, Stace & Meags missing doing an early 60k). Dazzled by Barts' new Merida bling and good to have quick chicks Fee, Cougs & Erin on board. Another new (un-named) face appeared, but a bit rusty in technique from a long hibernation. A nice distraction heading out Old Dookie with the beginnings of an orange glow on the horizon lighting up a low blanket of fog on the paddocks. Rabbit did his usual taunt riding past, only tempting Bart to dissapear into the distance. The remainder plugged away through the chilly (zero) patches to the Conrod finish, Fee hitting the turbo to gap us all, Peter playing mobile chicane by sitting up with 300 metres to go. Yikes!
This week; 455k 16,789 calories (4.7 kilos of jellybeans - 1,678 if you want to count 'em)
33.2km/h average
Quote of the week "Life is like riding a bike. It is impossible to maintain your balance while standing still" (Linda Brakeall)
Rolled up to the lake Sunday morning and had Ro, Chris, Kelly & Bo, Graeme and Scott's company for a steady toaster loop ("steady" isn't in Bo's dictionary!). Only 3 degrees but some good laughs on the way. The favourite Butterfactory haunt was full as a boot, so Hudsons got the nod for coffee and toast. (not as good) Had a great group of P&W / Couldabeens mates around to celebrate this neolithic almost turning jurassic. Some good looking sorts in regular clothes for a change!
Monday's P&W attendance was just 8, but a decent ride enjoyed. The Fox's worn knicks were subject to much scrutiny, brought some good laughs. We held off both the Cats and Area 51 to get home first , train beaten too! Stayed off the bike but on the couch Monday night.
Tuesdays Couldabeens had quite a turn up. 13 must be a record for winter. Great to have Norm back, newbie Steve on a shiny new Avanti. Even welcomed back Travis, struggling to climatise from 2 weeks in Bali ! A southwester took up the leg slack in Boundary, but a good team finish.
Tuesday's hospital group started with 10 but swelled to 24 when several small bunches tacked on in Lemnos Cosgrove Rd. Gav even came out of winter hiding, but felt the push. A 12km/h southwester made hard work in Mitchell Rd particularly when the young fellas turned up the heat. The last 8km had us rolling over faster than Japanese governments, well into the high 40's at Arcadia Downs. Mitch kicked sand in our faces in Conrod straight, but pleased to get 2nd (deja vu ; last week) Suprised to read a 36.2 average and 53.5 max.
Nice to roll round a 30k recovery lap Wednesday morning. The BM rolled over 120,000 km this morning (scary..... it clocked 100k late last September) reliving memories of unpacking Part No
#80 91 0 139 773 from BayericheMotorenWerke's cardboard box and putting the bike together according to Clauss's "Prufprotokoll". Should i trade in the old girl when it's run in? Wednesday night enjoyed scoffing Kens wine at his bike safety campaign. A few ideas circulating for everyone to chew on. Good old common sense and a bit of consideration will go a long way. Again, good to see riders dollied up in something other than lycra.
Thursdays Couldabeens turn up was even larger than Tuesdays! 15 in all, importing Peter from an anti clockwise group too. Another new face (Glenn) on an Oppy is really testing this old memory for names! As usual, a good steady slog finishing as a team.
Only 7 started from the library Thursday night, but as always, lots of vultures were circling out Ford Rd and beyond. A few juggled positions early (maybe to avoid the view of Dales well worn knicks? What a plumbers grin!) with the long missing Andrew and Jamie joining in. Up to 22 in total by the toaster, Leigh & Co adding the horsepower, a little breeze against us down Mitchell. A small group turned off down Archer (including Trev, a bit flat from a blood donation) but 16 stayed for the battle down Raftery. Only a few of the big engines were driving the train by Arcadia Downs, most had gone very silent and very single file, hanging on in the 40's. There were big gaps to fill rolling up to the front but i drew the lottery when Dean rolled in front of me with 400 to go. Hung on for 100 then put all eggs in one basket, standing on the gas. Managed to take the chocolates thanks to Robbo's lead-out (and thanks to Nath missing!.....riding up Kelvins) a healthy 34.8 average over the 48k's.
10 P&W's present on Friday morning (Ayto, Stace & Meags missing doing an early 60k). Dazzled by Barts' new Merida bling and good to have quick chicks Fee, Cougs & Erin on board. Another new (un-named) face appeared, but a bit rusty in technique from a long hibernation. A nice distraction heading out Old Dookie with the beginnings of an orange glow on the horizon lighting up a low blanket of fog on the paddocks. Rabbit did his usual taunt riding past, only tempting Bart to dissapear into the distance. The remainder plugged away through the chilly (zero) patches to the Conrod finish, Fee hitting the turbo to gap us all, Peter playing mobile chicane by sitting up with 300 metres to go. Yikes!
This week; 455k 16,789 calories (4.7 kilos of jellybeans - 1,678 if you want to count 'em)
33.2km/h average
Quote of the week "Life is like riding a bike. It is impossible to maintain your balance while standing still" (Linda Brakeall)
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