So good to get a sleep in till 5.30, take my time over porridge, expand the mental horizons with 15 minutes of "The Thunderbirds", roll out with no need for headlights, listen to the Carbone symphony in C major by Mavic and think up sledges for the OC's. 16 turned up (a dozen non-conformists leaving earlier) to front 6 degrees and a light northeaster. Great to have Leon, Bo & Kel back joining the style of smooth operators Norm & Chris, statesmen Barnsey & Hoffy and the regular squad. A fine pace out Mitchell and well driven up Boundary for the windward leg in Ford Rd. A few had opted out of the sprint to preserve the energy needed for tomorrow's Fruitloop, but it was always a battle for 2nd with Nev in the bunch. So it was bridesmaid Bo, then Kel with afterburners firing for 3rd. Clearly a holiday hasn't slowed 'em a bit! Hats off to Andrew, Steve and Tim having a great go. Plenty of room at the Butterfactory for the post ride analysis, excuses, hero worship and posturing, with a bit of sunshine to warm the bones.
Monday morning the legs were a little creaky. A gentle roll out to the P&W start felt ok, only Princess, Goose & Greendog, Minto & Trav waiting there. The rabbit stayed well back. A 20km/h northeaster made Old Dookie difficult, Boundary & Mitchell much kinder. No hint of enthusiasm in Conrod staright from the softies, so the Foss dished up a 'whippin. A 34.2 to beat the train home. Turned soft myself Monday night, a 48km/h westerly threatening life and limb.
Forecast showers didn't front on Tuesday (nor did the Cats!) so joined 10 Couldabeens to battle the 22-32km/h west northwester. Tough work turning into Mitchell, the odd spit of rain dampening effort too. Good to have young Graham along (his 4 wisdom teeth were due out later in the morning......boy, he loves pain!) Great team effort of 32.8 to arrive at the boomgate as the train left. Took a bit of caffine on board afterward, but paid the price by getting soaked on the way home! Forced a night off the bike Tuesday in leiu of Sunday's Fruitloop.
A gentle recovery lap Wednesday morning with Norm & Marion was good therapy. Watching the P&W's blast down Boundary Rd ratified the decision for a gentle roll. (heard later of the 38km/h flog out Old Dookie, wise decision)
Thursday mornings discussion was centred around the cooler climate and the need to rug up. Suprised then to see Daniel turn up in short knicks and no arm warmers! Quite pleasing to have 14 in the team, Steve & Ryan clearly bitten & infected by enthusiasm. Only Leon, Kel & Bo turning off today, a well sized group commiting to the full distance. Vince cranked up the intensity in the 1st dip of Conrod straight (clearly hanging me out to dry) when "gatecrashers" Rabbit & Sly steamed past in TT mode. Such a pompous display was firmly dealt with, "pocket rocket" Rob showing how it's done at the finish. I managed to round up the Rabbit for 2nd, the Team victorious over the train and the Cats for a Couldabeens quadrella. 34.4 worth more caffine.
Thursday night had 12 lined up at the library. Suprised to see Chris Brown up from the big smoke and Walshy after a long absence. Thankfully no hillbillies. Picked up 13 more by the emu, fairly steaming along too. At last the pot holes have been filled in Old Dookie Rd, no suprises on the bridge now. Pace continued in Boundary and Mitchell, humbled sharing the lead with the Eggman for half a k. Pressure was applied after Melbourne Rd, all went single file and silent after "Roubaix" corner (just as i rolled from last place!) Picked my way through lots desperately holding on, bridged the odd gap too and got to the first 6 or 7 with 600 to go. As the speed climbed to 50 i crawled past Robbo, then Mitch, then Nath, then Eggy, then Bomber to hit the pointy end with 50 left. A perfect lead! Earned a decent feed with a 36 av & 54 max.
Muscles creaked like old floorboards Friday morning, quite a decent turn up at the P&W start. Suprised to see half the Couldabeens lined up for Freaky Friday! Some tough P&W's had just rolled a 30km loop at 5am to join us, (bringing the bunch to 21) but the pace was on from the start with little consideration. Rabbit struck hard half way down Mitchell taking 4 with him. The bunch spread out (front runners attempting to join the waskally one) but got organised thanks to some astute verbals from Meags and Stace! All settled in for a solid finish (34.4 av), a great "special stage" at Fryers followed.
Rolled out an extra 30 after, chasing down the retirees and ramping up a fast 15 at 38+ (ably assisted by a light south wester)
Week #38 475km 17,527 calories (5.2kg of fruitcake) 33.2 av
Quote of the week "Ever tried, ever failed? No matter, try again, fail again. Fail better" Samuel Beckett
Thursday night had 12 lined up at the library. Suprised to see Chris Brown up from the big smoke and Walshy after a long absence. Thankfully no hillbillies. Picked up 13 more by the emu, fairly steaming along too. At last the pot holes have been filled in Old Dookie Rd, no suprises on the bridge now. Pace continued in Boundary and Mitchell, humbled sharing the lead with the Eggman for half a k. Pressure was applied after Melbourne Rd, all went single file and silent after "Roubaix" corner (just as i rolled from last place!) Picked my way through lots desperately holding on, bridged the odd gap too and got to the first 6 or 7 with 600 to go. As the speed climbed to 50 i crawled past Robbo, then Mitch, then Nath, then Eggy, then Bomber to hit the pointy end with 50 left. A perfect lead! Earned a decent feed with a 36 av & 54 max.
Muscles creaked like old floorboards Friday morning, quite a decent turn up at the P&W start. Suprised to see half the Couldabeens lined up for Freaky Friday! Some tough P&W's had just rolled a 30km loop at 5am to join us, (bringing the bunch to 21) but the pace was on from the start with little consideration. Rabbit struck hard half way down Mitchell taking 4 with him. The bunch spread out (front runners attempting to join the waskally one) but got organised thanks to some astute verbals from Meags and Stace! All settled in for a solid finish (34.4 av), a great "special stage" at Fryers followed.
Rolled out an extra 30 after, chasing down the retirees and ramping up a fast 15 at 38+ (ably assisted by a light south wester)
Week #38 475km 17,527 calories (5.2kg of fruitcake) 33.2 av
Quote of the week "Ever tried, ever failed? No matter, try again, fail again. Fail better" Samuel Beckett
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