The forecast rain looked ominously imminent, but something lures us into a ride. Some are drawn by fellowship, others to overdose on achievement, the pursuit of fitness, a few crave victory, some to repair punctures? A humid 17 degrees, yet low clouds filled the sky, just 0.4mm of rain predicted by my favourite <>. 16 had queued for the OC's, Forgy and Maurie's son on their maiden voyage. Ryan arrived advising Chris was half a km back changing a puncture so the green flag was tucked away momentarily. Rode down to lend moral support (no, he's not the "Messiah" Barnsey, just a very naughty boy!) just as he was completing the task , but a dodgy valve wasn't doing his confidence any favours. The group rolled out southward aided by a light northwesterly, a bunch of 8 non-conformists leaving earlier each week (20 minutes head start this time) Not so many Cats this Saturday, maybe the weather kept a few under their doonas? Bo was keen to monopolise the tailwind up Mitchell Rd and quickly gave Leon the lead when there was wind to tackle in Boundary. He'll keep! Chris's 2nd puncture halted us near River Rd, the 3rd puncture at the Broken bridge and the 4th just after the highway! Would the bunch have enough tubes and CO2 canisters?! Punctures finally fixed, then a light shower dampened enthusiasm a bit more, the thought of coffee now rose to the top of the agenda. A suggested detour down Old Dookie Rd met with approval, but metres from the turn Nick changed the plan spreading mass confusion through the tail end. New Dookie Rd was the reset route, a further light shower making a challenging leg home. Gave the guns up front a chip for the crazy pace through town, slippery roads and Saturday traffic a recipe for disaster. (the earlier group had met with such fate on the slippery Canterbury Ave roundabout, Tony with elbow injuries, another with 'tarmacitis' to the head) Just to top off the ride, i scored a puncture arriving for coffee! A sliver of glass lodging in the (already) cut front tyre. (experimenting with Selleys "shoe glue" to fill these cuts, preventing glass/grit re-enrty, photos next week) Despite the countless pitstops and rain, good coffee & banter afterward. Bike clean-up due again.
A few opted for an early lap Sunday, Daniel, Marion, Temple & Chris taking on an increasingly strengthening southwest wind (18-24km/h) on a Couldabeens circuit. Daniels' tenacious torque was hard to match, i had a real battle in Mitchell Road. Had 20 billion neurons in overload, left hemisphere saying give up, right hemisphere drowning the negatives with dopamine. (weird how the brain can rule) Quite a few other riders out, even the Walrus spotted in Raftery Rd.! Lap finalised, it was great to enjoy a coffee and chat with the crew, the finer points of smooth rotation discussed at length.
Woken by savage southerly winds Monday morning, gusting up to 41km/h. Abandoned ideas of a P&W lap, opting for a solo reverse circuit. (i don't need the cruelty factor of that headwind!) Rolling out Channel Rd the distinct aroma of "eau de blood & bone" in recently worked soil (where once stood an orchard) nearly melted nasal hairs. The side wind shoved the 50mm wheels about, but heaven arrived turning north for a couple of kms in Boundary. Barely an effort to maintain 36+ with the wind behind. Spied tough lads Rabbit, Aka and two Scottys bravely southbound, a fair contingent of cats two kms later. 27km completed at 32.4 was enough.
A special Couldabeens get-together for Melbourne Cup day, the lure of breakfast at the Butterfactory post ride was enough to enthuse 17 starters. A 15-20km/h southerly tested on the first leg, but relief for Mitchell & Boundary Rds. Went back for Lance who'd fallen back at the top of Mitchell rd, but he waved us on after two unsuccessful attempts at holding on. Vince & Rob were relishing the tail wind, touching 46 by the Broken River bridges. The left turn into Ford Rd brought reality back, mid 30's was the pace home. (wind had swung to the SSE @ 24-32 by then) After a brief halt for traffic at Numurkah Rd, the steath bomber Nev arrived quietly on the back of the bunch (straight after a big circuit with Area 51 by the way). The engine drivers bolted quickly, not much thought for those on the back just crossing the road. A hard slog to the finish with the bunch strung out, but a good grouping of the tailenders made the distance to see Rob take the chocolates, Nev 2nd and Daniel 3rd. 34.3 av. A really good get-together at the Butterfactory, lots of hearty breakfasts enjoyed with Norms' (significant) birthday cake for dessert.
Wasn't predicting a big turn-up for the hospital group on a public holiday evening, correct assumption with only 5 waiting. Just back on the bike after a big injury, Matt was happy to sit on, Axel, Jamie & co enjoying the assisting and strengthening SW wind (18-35km/h) heading east. Work was to be done after the emu though, turns became shorter and pace abated. Jamie & i shared the tow truck duties after the toaster, Steve & Chris arriving as back-up in Boundary Rd were most welcomed (but they continued on for a big circuit when we turned at Channel Rd) A pleasant change to roll home without a sprint, keeping the crew together. A 33.6 a far cry from the hurt normally handed out! On the way home a 'thump thump thump' developed in the front tyre, (thought it a lump of tar picked up) but a fractured ply (from last weeks puncture slash) had balooned to render a 1800km tyre useless! About as funny as a Qantas chairmans' payrise.
Looked forward to Wednesdays recovery ride as always. Summer could hurry up though, only 10 degrees for a November morning is a dud deal. Guess we'll be sooking about hot weather before too long.
A whole 1 degree warmer on Thursday morning. 13 Couldabeens set off, Ryan running a few moments late was spotted by the eagle eye of Marion, true team spirit shown by taking a slow build up to let him catch on. Bo had sucummed to a bout of gastro, Rob & Vince more than making up for his absence! A stunning sunrise of orange cloud against a sky going pale from deep blue was worth getting out of bed for. Good to have Gavin & Glenn back on board. Paired with Steve today, a rapidly improving lad in his apprenticeship. Stops for traffic at nearly every intersection didn't impede a good average of 33.7, the rocket showing Vince how to master the sprint finish. Considered and wise words from Temple was a fine conclusion to a fine ride. Train driver finally had us stop at the boom gates.
Great intentions to ride an anticlockwise loop and turn to join the library group on Thursday night. Had covered 9km when a sudden and rapid puncture dashed enthusiasm. A nasty 7mm slash in the sidewall (slowly balooning) prompted a return home to fit a spare tyre. Just completed by 5.55pm and got to Tarcoola by 6, so headed on the usual course, thinking the group would soon catch (maybe by DECA) Looked rearward once or twice heading eastward, but they were some distance back. Passed sprinter Brendan on a slow warm up near Doyles, but still no bunch breathing down my neck. Kept a decent pace up but the 20 odd still hadn't made many inroads into the defecit, so thought it best to make them work really hard for their supper. A rotten SSW breeze (26-35km/h) made the leg to the toaster agony, and Boundary Rd as excessive as James Packers $45,000/day salary. The softies still hadn't caught by the pub, so bit on the bullet and hammered it out. Finally, at Euroa Rd., the bunch caught me. (A reassuring pat on the back from Chris A, Mitch and Robbo.) My tank was bone dry when they hit the loud pedal to 38 and was unceremoniously dropped off the back by 50 metres. Kept going at a fair clip though, catching 3 of the bunch "fallout"after Melbourne Rd. Mike & his mate were keen for a tow, so took them the last 3km (with a squirt to 47 at the finish) for the honour of 3rd last. Nice to scroll up 68km @ 33 in that breeze though.
Creak, ouch & groan when the alarm went off Friday. A slow roll to the P&W start loosened the legs, 15 waiting at SPC. Fi, Chaddy, Dutchy and the pair of Scottys had slogged out an early 35k's to syncronise perfectly as we left. Couldabeens Kel, Leon & Ryan took us the first few k's in fine smooth style. Stew and Grant (missing for months) were valued inclusions (getting in some tri- training me thinks) Last nights brutal SSW was reduced to a puff, the Fishmonger and Choppy happy to play bunch tail-lights. I'm impressed with Jeramy's improved form, polished well from rusty only a few months ago. The big Shirminator put in a brief appearance, but jumped onto the Rabbit & Guysy TT train at the Mitchell chicane. A decent steady pace for the rest of the circuit, very thankful to score Dutchy ahead for a B-double like tow. The weeks' toil tolled in the sprint, 46 was flat chat and not enough to get near the pointy end, but finishing with mates is great reward (Minto took the honours), pleased with a bunch average of 35.6. Crossed the tracks 6 minutes before the train left.
Week 44 ; 431km 15903 calories (144 Powerbar Gels, that's 5.9kg of them!) 32.8 average
Quote of the week "A friend is the person who knows all about you......and still likes you" Elbert Hubbard
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