Saturday was ideal conditions to ride, 14 degrees and barely a puff of wind. Got to the start a bit early, 11 keen for a quiet amble (including Barnsey, blaming secondhand knees). Waited till 7 for the regulars, not dissapointed with 16 of the party faithful attending. Nice to have Forgey, Dave, John B and David B return, a wide-bodied Matt too! Serious work to be done with Nev (on a flash TT rig) and Robbo in the pack, but missing the sarcasm of Temple & Daniel (entered the Kelly Classic) and Marion's sharp wit (at a family wedding). The usual well drilled ride at a fair rate of knots, hats off to Hoffy, Chris and Norm. Oncoming Cats were strewn in tatters across Mitchell Rd, courtesy of Rabbits impatience. A touch faster turning into Boundary Rd, not a lot of talking going on in the high 30's. (I'd guess some would be preoccupied with oxygen intake) Interesting to observe the different styles in riding, from the rock solid smoothness of Norm to Vince's John Wayne stature, and everything in between. Finally to Wanganui Rd (after a long intermission for traffic) the rollovers became far more frequent, much to Bo's dislike! Robbo gentlemanly did lead-out duty, Vince in hot pursuit with Bo & i tagging for position. Dean peeled off forVince with 50 to go, i missed 1st by a tyre, Kel an excellent 3rd. Averages keep climbing, this week a fine 35. The Butterfactory was packed inside and out, good company and coffee a fitting end. Gools informs me Sully is still quite sore after last weeks t-boning, get well soon.
#32 South Yarra's Elly Franks |
After a big weekend of Ironman, perhaps there'll only be a few doing a quiet lap with the P&W's on Monday. Ha ha, how wrong! (about as wrong as Berlisconi's future political prospects) 9 had lined up early, Kel. Bo. Leon and Steve from the Couldabeens joined regulars Scotty, Bart, Minto, Cougs and Rabbit, the big fish up the road half a k. A light tail wind assisted outbound on Old Dookie, setting the pace high. There was little let-up in Boundary, even with Rabbit a bit shagged from yesterday. Not a lot of talk at the pointy end, oxygen being used for the blood supply rather than chat. Mitchell Rd passed quickly, Raftery too. Bart took the chocolates capitalising on Rabbits horsepower expenditure the day before. A quiet 30k Monday lap turned into a 38 average. All the way home before i heard the train horn. Another pair of Fortezza Tri-Comp's fitted, only 1800k's before one was assigned to the bin, badly cut from glass. (the other becoming a spare should i have a repeat misfortune) That's 10 tyres for the year to date.
Another big turn-up for the Couldabeens Tuesday. 18 to sing a happy birthday to Steve, now officially over the hill. A muscle friendly gentle build up out Channel Rd, but whacked a big pot hole (not called or pointed to) thankfully not busting a wheel. Great to have Tim back after a hospital reconditioning. Funny to think only 12 months ago this group numbered half a dozen on a great day. Southbound in Boundary Rd when Daniels rear tube (on the bike) had a severe flatulence problem. Mr mechanic Trev to the rescue for a lightning change, Cats passing just as we started off after repairs. Only a k into Mitchell Rd when Daniel punctured again (must love the attention) but waved us on, quite a few against the clock. Apparently there was a third puncture repaired not long after!! Trying to outdo Chris' efforts? Those not under time constraint stayed, but those against time continued. Down to just 10 now, but a fine engine running on strong cylinders. We'd gradually reeled in the bunch of (16) Cats and chose (wisely) to stay at the back while they wound up for Conrod straight. Rob, Glenn and Ryan had a dip at the end, i chose to keep out of harms way of the ragged scatter at the rear. A handy 36.3 average (still craving a gentle lap though!)
Tuesday arvo was a good taste of summer with 30 degrees and a light west- northwest breeze. 16 started at the psychiatric wing of the hospital (how appropriate!) picking up another 10 along the way. Came across Jamie, Axle, Mitch, Gools and a few others slowly building speed a bit beyond the toaster. We all ingested a chemical cocktail at the Boundary Rd orchard courtesy of an active spray pump. I guess we wont be getting codling moth and leaf blotch now! Reached for the bidon to satisfy a thirst, but some fool had left it on the kitchen table hadn't he?! A dry ride tonite. Pace went up and down a bit, proportional to the fitness of who was on the front. Sly motoring along well, recovering quickly from a big stack while racing a few weeks ago. As has become de rigeur, speed bumped up after Melbourne Rd, and just beyond Arcadia Downs many had adopted single file position. Sly had become the solo engine driver, many keen to see him empty the big tank. Young Mitch took line honours, Sean nipping at his heels for 2nd, i just made it past a big battle to take bronze. (again, it took 58.5km/h just for the minor place. Damn these lads are fit!) 37.4 another quick average, grateful to know tomorrows' will be more kind.
Old master Chris was keen to put in a (restrained) Wednesday lap, and despite some dark blue/grey clouds rolled around with Cougs & i. The odd spit from the heavens spelt trouble, but one should make lemonade from lemons, a positive attitude denying what seemed an inevitable drowning. Optimism was soon squashed by reality in Boundary Rd, the spots multiplying rapidly to become a shower. Took pity on the Cats/P&W combined bunch that had passed southbound near the pub, they had extra k's to complete before they got home to dry off. Big sympathies to Ironman Ayto who'd tapped out 65k's in almost constant rain, minus the promised attendance of Princess (doona snuggler!) It's a bit alarming to grab a fistful of brake when back in town, to find them almost non-existant with dripping wet wheels and pads. However, made it home to a most welcome shower and change..
Rolled out to the Couldabeens Thursday morning. Usually see a few Area 51ers heading northward on the way, but this morning Steve & Vince were on another of their magical mystery tours (knocking over early extra km's) 14 were keen to start, quite a few cars about without headlights on in the early hours is alarming. A sensible 1st leg, but someone hadn't seperated Bo & Vince who were quick to battle for supremecy up front. The hot topic was about the cold (11) , and the decision on how much to wear (glad i chose the arm warmers, wished i'd chosen the 3 quarter dacks) Thankfully the bunch was puncture free today. Came across Greendog on an anti-clockwise mission (turns out he'd slept in and missed the start). Glenn G was going great guns, by Arcadia Downs he almost bolted at the front. I went for broke with 400 to go, but all 53km/h did was lead-out the Rocket and Vince (who'd capitalised on the tow, then jumped with 50 left...happy birthday tomorrow Rob, thanks heaps Vince!). Pleased with a 35 average, thrashed the train by 4 minutes too.
Thursday night had 14 front to the Library. Good to see Nick attending for a change, the regulars including Jamie, Dalton, Sean, Bomber, Nath & Trev there to fill the ranks. Picked up the same number again in the travels to the Emu, one being the young Ford mobile chicane! (eagle eyed concentration needed). Steigy, Mitch, Chris & co appeared after the church, pleased i'd remembered the bidon tonite, a steamy 26 degrees with a light north east wind. Gools the last to latch on, we headed south on Boundary then west into Mitchell. A road crew had repaired the Mitchell pot-holes, but had left plenty of loose stones to bring on the caution. A nice steady ride in the mid to high thirties, made enjoyable with the humidity dropping. Crossed Melbourne Rd to have the pungent young chichane go silly out front on some strange mission. 200 later he blew apart and was rounded up and the serious mission of speed was on. The regular drivers did their duty on the front, some chose to sit on at the rear, but Mr Chichane did a spectacular job of heading near the front and exploding, keeping to his namesake, right when the hammer went down! Bomber & Mitch darted left, me and others to the right, but Chris & Birchy had benefitted for the 1, 2, ahead of the melee. Glad to finish 5th and upright, 35.4av and a 54 max.
Observed the Vince & Steve roadshow again in the early hours on my roll out Friday, quite a turn up for the P&Wstart. Lots of Couldabeens there to up the numbers, several P&W's arriving from an earlier 30k sojourn. A few were waiting a km up the road too, more factions than a politcal party lately! I got the 2nd leg with Ayto (and what a lousy draft he is now, like hiding behind a matchstick!) Blighty's new TT Giant most desirable, bargain price too i believe. A halt for traffic (rare) at the Boundary Rd turn, would be nice to see through all the tall grass on the roadside. Good to catch up with Stace, Minto & Chaddy, everyone absorbing a great summers morning. (missing the razor wit of Fee and Meags though). Recent patching at the eastern end of Mitchell was put out as a cautionary reminder, quite a well behaved bunch today and a steady rate of knots too. The last few k's went well (courtesy of Chaddys smooth technique) , a gentle wind up helped Big Pete to cruise across the line 1st. Good to have the team finish close together, beating the train by 9 minutes too! 37.7 a nice end to the week, Ayto's 60k @ 35+ worth a gong.
Week #46 382 km 14,095 calories ; 1409 jellybeans (or 3.5kg) 35.6 km/h average
Quote of the week "All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, then success is sure" Mark Twain
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