Ah, the tranquility.....an early Saturday morning, a gentle breeze from behind, with a soothing symphony by Mavic, (the Carbone fugue in C sharp) humming away while southbound to the OC's. At the start was young Liam (now totally addicted) , Hoffy's big grin, Temple's dry wit welcomed back (from holiday), Coug's character, Norm's smoothness, Kel's cheeky smile, a most welcome acceptance of Meags into the fold....a great way to start a weekend. 17 in the congregation today, a gentle introduction to speed set a good team spirit (as it should be) down Archer and into Mitchell for the work to begin. A northeaster had built to grind the gastrocnemius, an overdimensioned collection of cats aiming west passed with frowns aplenty, one already expired and unceremoniously spat out the back. Meags and Cougs pilotted the bunch superbly north into Boundary Rd, Hoffy too in great smooth style. Caught up with the news from the Geelong bay series from steward Chris, thoughts of a training program from Temple, Leons infectious cackle, a bit of gossip from Meags, a joke from Hoffy, Bo's hectic work schedule, the joys of nanaship from Cougs, Tim's tales of holidays.........great variety and some much needed balance to life. (thank heaven we are all so different!) Much pleasure gained too from the turn westward into Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, the wind now a touch more northward (but still helpful) favoured longer turns in the drivers seat. Great to see a lot of care keeping the bunch together at turns and intersections (the family that sticks together can sprint together) No Gazelles spied today (private parts may not have needed rest?) but a couple of groups out heading east. Mmm...just how many would be on two wheels in this town on a Saturday? Estimations please. The loud pedal was pressed firmly into Rudd Rd, Bo taking out another great win (i missed the other placings, happy to sit back today with legs protesting). No complaint with 40k's covered at 33.5. The usual noisy, yet enjoyable repose at the Butterfactory, 4 cyclistic collections copiously consuming caffine, a cocophony of customary convivial conversation. (apologies for the outburst of verbal diarrhea)
A grim forecast for Sunday was confirmed with showers overnight and into the morning, no dissapointment with a day of rest. Itching to break-in a new pair of SPD R240's though.
A temperate tap around Monday morning, 13 degrees brought out the arm warmers and base layer (still unable to store them away till winter!) Just 4 P&W's heading south in Boundary Rd, a similar grouping of locker boys a k later single filing. 20 odd Pussycats passed a few minutes later, a few of area 51 had infiltrated no doubt to cause some friendly mayhem in the sprint. An effort needed for the west-south west breeze turning into Old Dookie, but home with a 30.5 to sensibly start the week.
Thought of a late arvo toaster loop Monday, the strong westerly whipping up changed my mind though (and the thought of 360+ laps of it last year) so chartered a new course. Really wanted a tailwind home so set off for the metropolis of Byrneside in a rather punishing wind puffing between 26 and 37 km/h. Actually got down to the 17 tooth cog in the effort to hold it above 29, plunging to the depths of determination on the open sections without a trace of shelter. Turned at Byrneside toward the sprawling suburbs of Merrigum, the wind still relentless till the sweeper at Cooma Rd. A kind soul had surfaced the corner and following km in hot mix and had rolled it billiard table flat, a profound relief with the wind now at my side. Through Merrigum and up to Byrneside (got the traffic report via news helicopter to negotiate the turnpike) a new section at Karlsruhe sealed with the roughest stone ever to wake the gluteus maximus! After 40k of thrashing into the wind the turn east (Lancaster - Mooroopna Rd) to home was heavensent. Hello old friend 12 tooth, back into the mid-high 30's (with a few k @ 40) to push home. A long, flat and very dead tiger snake on the Echuca Rd, a live and inquisitive tortise too (no, it wasn't Ken!). Into Mooroopna a car drew alongside, Gools on his way home with a flattering comment to motivate the remainder of the trip. Very pleased with 70k completed at 33. (about time i broke the 30 - 45 k habit on the same old course). Maybe in future Mondays will be the magical mystery lap?
Back to the Couldabeens for Tuesday mornings 13 degrees. An admirable attendance of 16 including newbies Jason and Nick, clearly hooked. Goose had made the effort, but Greendog was hiding under his doona. All rolled out Channel Rd and were baulked by a senior cit unable to use indicators at the roundabout. Would have been ugly if not for a good call. A bit of a wake up for some extra caution. Graham back from drilling in Qld joined in, Steve pedalling well despite some recent toe surgery. A lot of back to work blues in the rotating discussion, oh well...toil pays the bills. Good even pace for the duration, a bit shorter turns into the wind a sensible idea. A gradual build of speed in Raftery was considerate to all, in the last 300 meters game was on, but hitting the gas was merely a tame lead out for the Goose to strike, a great win (rubbing salt into a Greendogs' tender bits?) with Graham shadowing, relegating me to 3rd. Great to have the whole team within cooee across the line for a 34.7 average, Cats and Train unseen.
Another nasty westerly blew late Tuesday arvo (from 32 up to 49, just to toughen us up) Only Axel, Simmo, Clive, Mike and Kev lined up, but we were all grateful to collect a few along the trail. Passed Danny and Scott (with a blown sidewall) on the side of Ford rd, picked up Gav and Steve rolling out soon after. Little effort to hold 40 out to the emu, but some rationality took over at the turn southward into a side wind. Olympian Steve joined just after the railway line and the real slog came turning west into Old Dookie Rd. Saw young Nathan (on the phone) stopped by the pig farm who waved us on (he didn't need a bike mechanic did he?) but gained Gools team skills at the bridge. All sensibly paced down Boundary in the low-mid thirties, Danny joining on after a shortcut from Scotts' blowout. Muntzy (carrying a slightly smaller wombat) spied again northbound. Difficult times against the elements in Mitchell but teamwork prevailed to get us to Raftery. With 500 to go Danny prematurely bolted, throwing lots off guard. Used up a lot of go juice to hook on till he blew a gasket (lesson served for such an early attack) , but Gools then struck with 250 left. Just caught his draft with a second kick, then had another to find to round him up at the 100. Right behind, like a little angry terrier, Brendan was biting at my heels for the win, but dug to the depths of effort with legs screaming and oxygen exhausted, 54km/h holding him off by half a bike (a super tough adversary but all round nice guy, quite the author on hydration in the current Bicycling Australia mag too) Won't overlook a big cheer to Gools too for a fine lead-out. 48k down at 33.8av. and spent the next 2k's getting enough air internally to talk, at least i appeased bookmaker Axel. New shoes with their first win are quite comfortable.
Wednesdays gentler tempo was most pleasing. Last nights' westerly was still present (pegged back a fraction to 22-35) but took us out Channel with ease, just missed the large P&W contingent southbound in Boundary. Almost on cue, three lads hurting came into view near the pub. Cats then appeared a k behind (even got a g'day) to preserve the formalities. A steady slog home into the wind relived the effort of recent days, but when's it going to stop? Thank heaven we dont live at Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica. Wind speeds recorded at 321km/h!
16 again at the Couldabeens on Thursday, Goose working and Steve away, but supplemented by Trav & the Greendawg returning. Cold as a mother-in-laws' kiss today, a mere 11 is a joke for January, Daniel impervious to the temperature in shortsleeves. A steady tour out Channel and a right turn into Boundary, slowly reeling in 2 riders ahead, being the long-missing wookie Shirms and friend. Again, good teamwork ruled, a steady pace favouring all, and all favoured with barely a hint of wind. Matt travelling well (though claims he's out of form) apprentices Nick & Jason performing as if they'd been cranking for years. The Stasi dawg had packed a fresh BYO lead-out for Conrod straight, disposing of all challengers with a victorious end salute (grandstanding the Goose's mediocre hands on finish Tuesday) Noticed Gav's affiliation with a road authority seems to exempt him from a red light on the roll into town, maybe the mass of new ink is the permit? All chuffed with 34.7 (by chance an identical average to Tuesday). Changed the routine with a tough workout on Thursday night, did horizontal cardio work (below 70bpm) on the couch. Soft eh?
Just made the P&W start on Friday, rolled up just as they rolled out. Great to join (young) old mates Sootie, Fox, Stace, Fee, Princess (on the new Felt TT) , Minto, Sossa, Hayles, Tommy, Cougs, Meags and Choppy for a steady ride. Several had tapped out a 30k NZ prep prior (the k's mattered, the per hour didn't). Princess, Chops, Sossa and Minto opted for a thrash down River Rd, the remainder turning over steadily on the usual route. Past the Mitchell dog-leg we noticed the TTers turning from Euroa Rd with a big pack of supercats and 51'ers in the mix. Had a fair pause for traffic at the highway, Cats slowly closing in. Great team tempo prevailed though, without having to prove anything. Inevitably the pussys passed in Conrod (most with due courtesy), but its the hemorrhoids on the back that are the concern (particularly if you're on the front right as i was), slicing across the front in a desperate bid to clutch on to those who drive their big engine. Suddenly, WHACK! a huge thump in the back and right arm as some tosser who can't either see or care wallops me from behind, causing a momentary unwanted tank slapper. The will to survive (and to preserve friendships amongst our group) kept me upright. (couldn't stand to think of undoing the long tough k's the IMNZ entrants have put in) Crossed the line (all vertical thankfully), a bucketful of adrenalin drove me to chase the halfwit, dishing out a acid spray with a side order of vernacular. Can't understand why the rest of the (empty) road couldn't be used to pass, but then an inconsiderate, browbeating gorilla attitude probably renders thought impossible. Sad thing is, it will happen again.........so keep your eyes and ears open boys and girls.
Week #2 387km 14280 calories (38 bowls / 19kg of beef flavoured noodles) 32.8 av.
"There is more to life than increasing it's speed" Mahatma Gandhi
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