The best summer weather, 16 degrees overnight and low thirties predicted, just a puff of south east breeze. Perfect to ride. Quite a few of the regulars missing this Saturday morning.... Bo & Kel celebrating a wedding anniversary, Daniel san working, Norm shifting son and daughter (amongst some of the apologies). The OC's lacked a little quantity but made it up in quality with Temple, Graham, Hoffy, Vince, Steve, Cougs, JB , Ryan and Chris taking on the 40k's. The usual sighting of Cats (with a few entrenched insurgents) in Mitchell Rd, our crew quite smoothly handling the reduced numbers, stacking nicely against the breeze. As always a good variety of discussions for our journey, the essential laughs too, a few groups normally spotted were missing today. Considerate speed at corners and intersections kept the bunch tight all the way to Wanganui, Vince's enthusiasm on the front at the Rudd Rd turn instantly elected him as sacrificial lamb, bearing the brunt of slicing the breeze for all single filing behind. A waiting game was played for a hundred metres till Ryan bolted, i just managed to score his draft for a bit to leapfrog to the line, Vince 3rd, Cougs a well earned 4th. All windows of the Butterfactory lined with bikes for the regular infusion of coffee and conversation. Much discussion held on the responsibilities at intersections in light of recent observations by the highway patrol, all agreeing a concerted effort be made if merely to avoid the 3 demerits and associated dollars.
Sunday indulged in a sleep-in, a decent workout on the x-box though with my boys!
A noticable trend of two groups assembling near SPC lately, factions of speed and social integration? The P&W regulars departed at 5 to Monday morning as usual, Sootie, Fox, Meags, Fee, Princess, Cougs, HWK, Stace and Grasshopper making up a good team and tempo. Passed the Eggman in Boundary Rd cruising, awaiting the imminent arrival of the locker to dish out a touch-up? Several P&W's had clocked up an earlier 35k, their effort and dedication to the IMNZ is so inspiring. (so much work for a sub 15 hr effort one day in March) Favourable conditions again both south and westbound, good for all to have a go in the drivers seat. Princess enjoying the Felt TT, stretching it out on Mt Nicolaci, but twas a team finish into the mid 40's to score a 35.8
Set off Monday arvo for a head therapy ride, a brisk & baking northeaster (@24km/h) dictated direction. Decided to head north (in the hope of some assistance home) so set course for the big lights of Bunbartha and beyond on the C358. With two bidons on board the turn homeward was decided on when one dried up. It was 28k's out (and beyond the urban sprawl of Kaarimba) that i u turned south, the hot wind unrelenting and of less help than predicted. Lots of thistle and weed crops out this way to set a dry & dusty desert theme. Set a target speed to strive to for the return which became quite optomistic as the k's went by, even the few dips and small peaks of the Nathalia Rd tested the stamina. The last of the electrolytes ran out with the city in sight, happy to record 33.6 in 32 degrees for 60 odd clicks.
Tuesdays Couldabeens roll call totalled 16, yet another warm summers' morning with a breeze to favour our course. Interesting to take note of the give ways and stop signs after recent concerns and discussion, putting into practice what was preached not such a difficult task (and a chance to draw extra breath) and of no consequence to the lap time. The highly skilled (yet most un-assuming) Chris A was on board today, all were in the high 30's / low 40's westward, the course finished at 35.8av with Rob and Gav at the pointy end.
Took a break from the hospital group Tuesday night, a suspect chinese restaurant feed played gastric grief as pennance for missing a tour.
Was happy to coincide a recovery ride with last nights digestion, Cougs, Norm & i rolling over turns on a 25k loop. The P&W TT had added HWK & Stace as participants today, just 3 behind taking the usual course and tempo. Got the odd grunt from the oncoming Cats, at least had good company for a considerate 25k's.
Thursday's holiday had a longer Couldabeens lap at 7 planned, but eyeballs opened as usual bang on 4.45. Resistance was futile, the usual breakfast and hit the road at 5.30 to roll off 35k. Out to the emu watching the sunrise, comfortable at 16 degrees with a light southerly, quiet too without traffic. Down to Boundary Rd i came across Steve F (on lap one of how many?) and into Channel where Jason was spied on an early solo. Back in town to the usual start ,15 discussed the lap of choice. An anti-clockwise toaster took the vote, Glenn and Steve setting a cracking pace. Just the first 4 k into the breeze along Raftery, not so challenging heading east. Funny how each rider has a unique style, almost an identifying signature at a distance. Lots of wheels humming in Boundary Rd with the wind behind and unusual to turn toward the toaster with this group (usually taking the shorter course to Lemnos Cosgrove Rd) A few reminders of direction needed to those not so familiar with the loop but it was good to break with usual distance tradition. Maintained a good pace back to town (long wait for traffic at Numurkah Rd) Rob's new jersey being the appropriate colour for a stage win, Daniel 2nd, Vince & Bo quick to cry foul of being boxed in! Really enjoyed a 2nd breakfast after a 90k total, an enthused jersey discussion too. A bonus recording a 34.1 average.
With most P&W's away on a training camp, chose a moderate lap with a few Couldabeens Friday morning. Vince (on a day off), Steve, Bo & Kel, Chris, Cougs and Norm lapped the usual lap but at restrained pace. Spied the Daniel & Temple spin doctors just before River Rd, and had the Cats round us up just after the Mitchell chicane, noticing the supercat/locker TT train beating all to the Euroa/Mitchell intersection. Nice to roll around the lap without bursting a head gasket, team intact. A gentle end to week 4.
Week 4 376km (y.t.d 1575) 13,874 calories (793 Salada biscuits) at 33.5 km/h aveage
"I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work" Thomas Edison
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