A new place and time for a Saturday circuit, same faces though. (although Matt must have been a hologram?) Good starting location on the service road, away from the traffic. 17 assembled for this watershed ride, great to cover new ground, although a few still a bit nervy after last Thursdays prang. Bo on a Ridley tryout coming to grips with Campag, Kylie & Clint back for another dose, Simmo on a maiden voyage, pleased to have Ryan & Trav join in too. A west northwest inspired velocity down Central Kialla Rd to the point of thinning half the bunch to single file before Karramomus Rd. The excitement eased a little heading east, some nice teamwork northbound too. Bo & Kel did a tennis exit in Mitchell, Trav a gym exit in Channel. Unexpected fine mist fell north of the highway and had a cheery greeting from P&W's on a clockwise toaster loop. The serious business of the sprint in Old Dookie got Dave itchy to have a go, but the wind being a little more westerly turned sharp anticipation to dull reality for him, Vince avenged Thursday's 51 spit out for a good win, we all had a win with a respectable 34 average over the 47k. Early in the Butterfactory door for a strangely peaceful ambience, albeit shortlived with the early group (now the later) arriving. Matty ploughed into a well deserve breakfast, all seemed pleased with the new Saturday agenda.
Only Graeme and Lance waiting at the Lake on Sunday morning (tried for an earlier P&W ride which had zero takers) so showed them the new Saturday circuit as a change of scenery to the somwhat worn-out Sunday Toaster loop. Only 3 to tackle the distance made a difference, just 8 degrees was a winter wake up too, but these two have improved heaps in recent months. Spied a few out on their Sunday laps.... Iggy, Harry and wives, Rocket, Sully, even Ayto on a cruize (in the Cruise though). Paused at the Pine Lodge pub for Graeme's puncture then resumed, with a big coffee craving to satisfy. Had a little dip in the closing stages of Old Dookie , happy with 32 for the 47, trifecta considering. Training methods compared over coffee but banana bread shared was better.
Opted for a solo philisophical 25k Monday morning, what a reminder of winter! Out Old Dookie and down Boundary, slicing through several blankets of fog, topped off by a top temperature of 6 degrees! Thank heaven the winter base layer was chosen. Couldn't make ground on a bike ahead in Channel Rd (pointless really, turned out to be Mo!) Still, 33.7 was ok for a cold start to the week.
Lots to mentally chew over Monday arvo too, the magical mystery tour was the Byrneside - Merrigum - Lancaster -Mooroopna lap. 20 degrees was spot on, the south westerly could have dissapeared to make it perfect. Didn't feel too bad heading west, able to hold a reasonable speed (traffic draft may have helped?) despite a dozen different road surfaces. The sweeper near Cooma was billiard table smooth thankfully, enhanced with the light breeze almost coming from behind. No traffic jams in Merrigum and a good run up to Lancaster, but could feel the breeze pegging back speed on the long almost endless drag east toward Mooroopna. Turning into Echuca Rd really hurt, oncoming traffic delivered wind gusts crucifying tired legs. A long road back to Shepp and hardly a car to offer a second or two of respite with a draft. Seemed forever, but Mooroopna finally came into view, pleased to knock over 65k's at 34, a new heart rate monitor showing a 150bpm average to justify a supersize dinner.
Chose a sensible lap with Cougs Tuesday morning, doubt the legs would have tolerated a Couldabeens thrash. Barely 12 degrees and the sun won't rise till i'm back home, changed and on the way to work. Ah, winter is almost upon us. The smooth steady ride was just the tonic to put life back into a pair of tired legs.
Rejuvenated by mid arvo Tuesday, a hospital group circuit was in order. 9 rolled out of town and managed to pick up 13 more by the kennels. The mandatory belt on the front with Deano (is no-one else game to pair up with him?) at 40 kept the HR at 160, nice for others to share the load a k later. Eggy had brought along the little egg to polish the bunch etiquette, Steigy becoming a regular player, newbie Dwayne having a try out, even Killer appearing after a long absence. The regular course followed, relief with Boundary swept of loose stones. Just managed to hang onto the rubber band at turns and intersections, only enough gas in the tank to do a couple of turns after the highway on the 4k Raftery wind up. The big engines of Nath, Mitch, & Robbo kept everyone speechless, I was content to hold on for 6th for a 36.6 average, HR peaking at 179, averaging 133.
A great ride Wednesday with the P&W's. Fox, Sootie, Minto, Grasshopper, Rhino, Princess & Jeramy were on the TT mission, but Stace, Meags, Fee, Hayles, Cougs, HWK and THM had voted for a steady tap around. The TT boys caught us just before River Rd, but Rhino had divorced them to join our happy crew for the remainder. THM almost out of character doing long turns and gassing it up Mt. Nicolaci, HWK completely in character with a trademark half wheel ahead. No heroics or breakaways, a great team ride with a strong finish (THM summonsed to drug testing after i think) to get home before the train with a 33.3
A touch milder on Thursday and a good turn up of Couldabeens, 17 present, (Vince on 51 duties). Trev toughed out the flu to turn up, Bo warming to the Ridley, but we're all missing our mate Leon on rehab, collarbone repaired with plate and screws. A few turns beside Nick today, becoming quite the smooth operator. A steady roll around, the clan united for a squirt in the closing kilometre of Conrod. Rob took the spoils as always, 33.5 took the honours over the train and felines.
24 degrees and a light northeast breeze were ace conditions Thursday arvo for a tour with the library bunch. 13 to begin with, which doubled over the next 10 k's. All had a laugh seeing the sit on king (drafting a truck) but despair soon followed, spying ahead the father/son mobile chichanes. Good to welcome Gools, Brendan, Steigy, Mitch and others to the pack, young Nath in his bachelor swansong bumped up my HR to 170 for a big stretch on the front. Got a breather after the emu, a chance to steal a brief chat with a few. Big Simmo stole half a wheel on me in River Rd but his shift was short. Grit the teeth for Mitch's effort into the low 40's and hang onto the rubber band turning into Central Kialla Rd. A little calmer in Mitchell Rd but the younger aromatic chichane decided to roll through (after being towed 36k's), i drew the short straw on his wheel, the worn attire clearly advertising the horror of the intergluteal cleft. His sudden surge on the downhill of Mt Nicolaci was followed by a gearchange from hell (dropped onto the little ring instead of a rear cog), spun like a top blew up, immediately swamped by the bunch. (capital w.t.f.) A brief wait for traffic at the highway was a timely tonic, but the Mitch and Nath armoury fired early into Raftery. 46 wasn't enough to bridge the gap to the front 4 (looked back and all had gone single file behind me) Simmo went shy, finally little Sprinter came to take over my shift 700 metres later. Had about 30 seconds to regain composure (whilst avoiding an exploding father chichane) and hit again for the last 100 to grab 3rd, with Mitch #1 and (the somewhat senior) missile Gools 2nd. A cracking 37 average over the 48k, maxed at 54 and valve bounced the aorta at 194bpm. Scrambled eggs, chorizos and olives went down a treat.
Thank heavens for a commonsense recovery lap with Cougs for Friday. Temple, Daniel, Steve, Bo & Kel rolled out (and passed) on Channel Rd too, a whisker brisker than our aim. Pondered their plight noticing the supercats bearing down behind them in Boundary, but tapped away northward viewing a good sized P&W team, had a g'day from the (simmering?) Cats and a growl of carbon wheels from Area 51 in hot pursuit soon after. Beat a steady path back to town, picking up Fitzy on the way.
Week 13 515km 19,003 calories (11 meatlovers pizzas) 33.3km/h average YTD 5164km
"Thinking is more interesting than knowing, but less interesting than looking"
Johann Wolfgang Von Gothe 1749-1832
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