Friday, May 25, 2012

Week 21

A correction to begin, Rocket was credited with Tuesday's win (week 20) but our ace on the spot reporter Greendawg was closest to the action to witness Chris take the laurels. Apologies to all concerned.

Thought my compass was crooked on Saturday, heading south from the north to the start I saw some of our starters from the south heading north, intent on a Cat attack. Numbers were reduced from the usua Saturday ride but a quality team of 7 rolled away at 6.30,  hardly a breath of wind in 4.7 degrees. Temple had solved the Ridley click, a dud pedal bearing to blame, but I can't seem to rid my BM of the brake howl.  Norm and Nev in the mix, good to have Hoffy and his humour back from a bout of flu.  Dave was lurking just beyond Melbourne Rd to join the little train on the usual course, only an odd patch of fog in the low areas to contend with.  Andrew stayed till Mitchell Rd (sporting obligations with kids made a Mitchell Rd exit.) a little consideration for Hoffy's recovery was excercised for the rest of the lap. Not so much a sprint to finish the circuit, more a gentle build of speed to cross the line with 32 averaged.  Quite a philosophical discussion at the Butterfactory (and some on the technicalities of time trialling) interupted by the good fellowship of birthday cake and hoorays for Cougs.

Fronted the lake Sunday morning to find not a soul there. Thoughts of the days when 25+ riders would roll up for 60 to 100 k of action and chin wagging, sprints and coffee afterward seem to be now history. Set off solo out Channel Rd with no particular course in mind, eventually deciding a three-quarter anti-clockwise toaster loop would do.  Caught Straddles doing a solo clockwise near the piggery, Nath (in the work van) tooted soon after, then all the way to the emu before Robbo was spotted solo (heading to Dookie for Vet racing?) The only bunch was a gazelle sheilded by two guys in Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, then almost to Grahamvale before spying Eggy headed east.  Quite a trip down the memory lane of Wanganui & Rudd Rd, (now squeezed by a narrow roundabout) finished the course.  33 average over the 40k warranted French toast and coffee.

A few texts Sunday night told of the few regular P&W's being absent, so a short course with Cougs was a great start to the working week.  The icy chill of winter had gripped the air though (minus 2 at the observatory) horizontal veils of fog hung about the channels to give us some obstacles. Only a few frosty time triallers headed south silently (too cold to call g'day?) Cats were down on numbers too but Matho gave a hoy.  Fingers and toes felt like the thick frost capping the cars parked overnight, great to get home for a hot shower, hot coffee and hot toast.

In need of a quiet circuit Tuesday so the short course Channel - Boundary - Old Dookie chosen. Seemed tropical at 9 degrees. Area 51 and the Cats were out as usual, even the odd one or two rolling along behind.  Tuesday evening had only 7 starters at the hospital (there's a winter lethargy in the air me thinks) the cold evening air almost encouraging Axel to don the electric socks (yes, electric heated socks)  Good to have Graham back again from drilling duties for coal seam gas in FNQ. A few k's out the road there was only Sprinter & Dalton joining in, the guns missing eased a few concerns.  Newbie Rob had a go on the front but soon opted to stay on as tail-light, the pace a bit much for him.  Arriving at the Midland Hwy Steve and Dave joined in (after rolling out with the Stevenson clan) a light north easterly aided 37km/h down River Rd (that seemingly endless bit of tarmac with a curly finish) Dave exited for Toolamba at Melbourne Rd, the remainder fought it out on Raftery.  The rotations weren't too popular from Arcadia Downs onward, many hoping for the box seat? I inherited the lead with 400 to go (a candidate for being used up and then swamped by sprinters) so wound up the heart rate to 197 and the speedo to 50k's to make 'em earn their dinner. Kev had glued himself to my wheel and had reserved a kick for the 50 metre mark to draw by and claim the honours.  A decent lap at 34.2

Wednesday morning the P&W crew sorted into left and right factions, 4 for time trail, 5 for a steady lap. Erin back after a very long absence, Meags, Cougs, Princess and I doing the duty of the regular 30k course.  The TT's rolled by soon after the pub, Grasshopper, Fox, Minto and Wizz (?) made good time down River Rd and beyond, a line of red tail-lights just visible to us in Mitchell Rd. The Cats respectfully passed as we headed to a moderate Conrod finish.  A brief yarn with Nev at the Butterfactory, Area 51 stretched into 3 groups today, generous use of the accellerator apparently.

Chose another quiet lap Thursday to keep passion in the pastime, towed by Greendawg and Cranky (off to play with the Cats) heading out Channel. Maybe the winter weather has dulled enthusiasm (old age catching up?) a steady roll around minus the raw speed seems appropriate. Forecasts came true for Thursday night with rain aplenty, would have struggled for motivation to ride even if was dry. It was almost easy to cancel ideas for a lap on Friday morning, a few spits of rain and the threatening radar picture made it easy to sleep in till 6.

Week 21  316km   10,774 calories (1070 Malteesers) 32.1 average  YTD 8317km

"We must become the change we want to see"  Mahatma Gandhi  1869-1948 

Questioning the worth of this blog of the 'follow' button or comment if I should continue.  

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