Friday, July 20, 2012

Week 29

Broke with tradition on Saturday (recent low numbers may have played a part) and rolled a short circuit at 7. At least a mild temperature gives some hope than there's warmth on the horizon.    Liam & Matt were the only 6.30 starters as it happens, and caught up with them at the usual post ride pit stop. Others filtered in to join an enthused conversation on all manner of subjects, a second coffee enjoyed, plans laid for a Sunday lap too.

Quite foreign to spend a leisurly Sunday morning, a relaxed breakfast and a slow amble to the library for a 9am start. Dalton, Liam and Nathan made up a quadrella, an anti-clockwise lap of the toaster circuit agreed to.  A west-northwest breeze made the eastward leg a bonus but yesterdays rain handed us a greasy road to get bikes grubby. Liam's transparent bidon showed a strange green brew (Schleck's "poison"?) Nathans white bottle disguised a probable measure of nitrous oxide. The long run out Mitchell had us slowly reeling in a trio (caught near River Rd) but the strengthening wind (26km/h) blew a change of course into the mind, just a one degree increase in an hour had cooled enthusiasm too . An exit via Channel Rd was agreed to.  Young Nath's boundless energy is hard to match, pointing into the head wind burnt up the reserves. Eased up on the pedals to kept the quartet together in the closing k's and negotiated a sea of Saturday nights' stubbies smashed onto Archer Rd (suprisingly without punctures)  A long yarn at the Lemontree, copius taxation tips from Liam, copius cups of coffee shouted by those towed on the leg home.

No starters for Monday (winter has many trawling the depths for motivation i reckon) but jumped aboard the two wheeled Prozac-mobile, even if that rotten west-northwest was still annoying (except for the Old Dookie stretch).  A random drop of H2O here and there, a few random creatures lit up by the headlight scuttled into the weeds.  Brewed over many thoughts within the cranial filing cabinet and glanced back once or twice expecting to be hunted by a pack of felines, but the lights were mere pinpoints away in the distance. The drops from the heavens became a little more frequent, quite a fine mist at the start of Mitchell (funny isn't it....rain always threatens at the furtherest point from home) but as soon as thoughts of a drenching set in, the drops subside.  Nearing the highway the horizon looked particularly grim so I set sail up Archer to avoid a bath.  Copped another heavy misting on the entry to town but not enough to saturate socks. 

A great roll-up of 15 for Tuesdays' Couldabeens course.  10 degrees had Daniel in short knicks and short sleeves, most others sensibly attired. A few were back after brief lay-offs so heard of holidays, ailments and what drains motivation (a common affliction) . After a dodgy traffic call at the end of Channel the hammer went down in Boundary, the north-wester aiding forward motion. Steve, once dropped off the back to peel off for home, now blasts off into the distance with a big dose of enthusiasm.  A keen pace kept conversation to a minimum, lots doing well despite recent time off.  A big day ahead at work made the Archer exit viable, Daniel, Leon and Cougs on a similar agenda.  The mid 30's average was a great start for the day.

Nath, Graham, Craig, Dalton and Dave had gathered at the hospital boom gates Tuesday night, 10 degrees and a NNE blew at 15k's. Kev joined at Pine Rd, Bomber and Steigy soon after spelled an imminent workout.  A high 30's pace set to the Emu, great to have Dave along, suprisingly soon after surgery.  Graeme and Nath must be on the Dimethylamylamine (stock up you crazy Jack users, soon to be a restricted schedule 9), the wheels were certainly humming toward the church.  This surge only lit Bombers fuse, all fell silent and single file after the toaster, only serious horsepower on the front now. On the turn into Boundary there was a whole 20 metres of reprieve before the action started again, I'd finally recovered some breath to resume front of house duties after the Pub (the thoughts of a Channel Rd exit had crossed my mind several times but Jens Voight's quote, "shutup legs" inspired continuation) Graeme had the jacket unzipped to avoid boiling, flapping about like a loose spinnaker.  Another short 50 metre intermission regrouped the pack at the River Rd turn, was chuffed to have got my second wind to do a k turn at 40.  Bomber was inspired to continue beyond his usual Kialla central exit and Graham bolted up Mt Nicolaci (like Bashar al Assad out of Damascus) to take KOM but emptied his tank doing so.  We'd lost Dalton somewhere earlier, many others understandably resigned from turns up front electing to hang on for grim death.   Lead duties came up again and again, by Arcadia Downs my decision was one more long turn. Gave Nath a flick of the elbow at the last kink and was suprised to see a gap of 10 metres between us and the rest. Big Bomber stepped into overdrive for the final 300 relegating Nath to 2nd,  I could just hang on for 3rd (the NNE limiting the max to 47, the HR to 188)   Pleased it was all over, pleased with a 37k / 150 hr average over 45k too.

A very slow build up in the first few k's to a gentle cruise on Wednesday morning, ankle and knee ligaments protesting at last nights punishment till warmed up, then were stretched a bit more under Coug's pace. Almost an endless stream of l.e.d.'s from the regular bunches headed south in Boundary Rd, the  howl of carbon under stress quite clear from Area 51. Could swear the sun is rising a fraction earlier, hope of warmer sunnier rides ahead? A good steady tempo home did wonders for muscular and mental recovery. The warmth (?) of 10 degrees an added bonus. 

Another early start at the coalface on Thursday meant missing the Couldabeens, a shorter earlier ride the order of the day.  Yesterdays mild 10 was a tease, back to winters frost with a minus 1, helping to numb a sore sit site. Ah, the joy of frozen fingers, iced ears, tingling toes and lungs of frost. Lots of others out enjoying the same experience says something doesn't it? Went marshmallow-like Thursday night (Liam reported another fast one with Robbo Bomber & Steve supplying the boost) with a TdeF couch session.

A close call on the way to SPC on Friday, a car sans headlights (and sans sense I think) narrowly avoided. A great reunion of the P&W harem at the start though, Meags a victim of Vietnamese buffet, Fee on a RPM respite, Stace clearing a few cobwebs but Cougs well on the pace. Chris a welcomed entry to make up a team, and with no records to set, enjoyed a steady ride with great company, a cautionary detour via Archer chosen to avoid the flooded Raftery bridge (closed yesterday) . A brief social chat over coffee topped off the week perfectly.  

Week 29  323km 11,918calories  (2.9 litres of Foie Gras)  YTD 11,073km 
(and the blog clocked up 3000 page views this week, thanks for enduring the prose)

"Let's have a moment of silence for all those who are stuck in traffic on their way to the gym to ride stationary bicycles"  SBS Cycling Central       

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