Only 10 weeks remain of 2012 (you'd hope there's some decent weather to come) and just 3,700k to go to reach the target. Quite a collection at the Archer St shop at 6 on Saturday, 14 in all when Trev arrived (who immediately got down to business out Channel Rd, leaving many still in the mounting yard.) Great to have Christine along (joining Cougs to keep the boys in line) Chris (with helmet) Daniel (without arm warmers) Temple (with razor sharp wit) and the regular crew. Fertiliser filtered through the nostrils in Channel Rd, a south wester aided in Boundary Rd too where Nath joined in (having found his shoes and air pressure for a soft tyre) Enjoyable banter amongst the troops, mindful that an infringement of Trev's speed limit meant shouting coffee for all. (even Daniel conformed) BigMat & Cougs drove a fine train homeward into the wind of Ford Rd as a similar sized pack of Cats headed out of town. A refreshing change to finish in Rudd Rd without the spectacle of a sprint, but an impatient imbicile gave us a big blast for taking 3 seconds out of her day, oh the inconvenience of giving way! We were treated to a finger as a greeting (reflecting her inteligence) but being recognised may well be her downfall. Coffee and toast al fresco at the Lemontree a fitting finale to the ride. Got greedy for a second round at the Butterfactory with philosophy, politics and witicism on the menu. (Pedometer a paltry 16,684)
An early night Saturday (overwhelmed by the monotony of television on offer) resulted in an early awakening Sunday with the only attraction being an early ride. Set off a Verney Rd launch of the toaster loop (keen to meet up with Trev & co for an 8am tour de somewhere) barrelling out Ford Rd then Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd avoiding a quick brown fox (with no lazy dogs to jump over). Again, a magic sunrise over Mt Major to view, 10 degrees with 18km of wind per hour from the south west was going to make everything from the Emu onward like work. Trying to "spin" again on the 16t cog, but HR was at 160 so tried the 15 which sucessfully pegged it back to 151 at the same speed. Guess I'll never be a mixmaster. The i-pod entertained, Flume the flavour of the day, felt only half silly when I spied two others riding in Mitchell. An eye on the clock confirmed an achievable e.t.a. so rolled to Raftery's end to finish 45k @ 32 then hunt down a tap to refill a bottle. Found Trev's ponderosa (as had Chris the Pom, Cougs & Laura) to join in a quiet lap of a similar but anti-clockwise course (cutting out the toaster/emu leg) A pleasant social ride with a good measure of laughs, mindful of the speed limiting device fitted (payment of coffee for all) by Trev. The southerly put up a fight in Ford Rd but willpower drove us on, into the headwind of Rudd Rd thinking of coffee and sustinance (a whistle from Meags on a run on the Boulevard) all the way down to Degani's. A very bike friendly outdoor setting (cushioned chairs were most appreciated) and a good slab of banana & walnut bread filled the tank after 85k's. A close call with a Nissan just missin' on the way home, seems the right of way doesn't count for bikes. 35,763 on the pedometer.
Muscular malady on Monday, limbs quite lethargic but arose knowing a quiet circuit would be the best medicine. Porridge has given way to muesli (in the hope to entice winter to go away) then a very slow build up to cruise 25k quietly on the Channel-Boundary-Old Dookie circuit. At the piggery, pussycats perambulated past, perspicaciously pedalling, pounding pectorals, puffing pysche, punetively perusing peleton prey. (pardon poetic prattle!) A restrained ride in the interests of survival, yes, felt far better for commiting.
More pleasant weather Monday arvo, 19 degrees and sunshine, just a little easterly the only hinderance. Seemed a pity to waste, so all aboard for a random reconnisance. Ventured south on Archer out to Mitchell, then south on Central Kialla down to Karamomis Rd, a road not travelled for many months (and I remembered why) The rough and narrowing track was highlighted by an easterly headwind, about as much fun as a barium enema (or a night out with Ken). Happy with progress though, suprisingly got to Shepp-Euroa Rd earlier than expected. Headed north to Boundary (one bike southward) being pushed left by the wind and up to the Pine Lodge pub (tempting) to rest the cadence and gluteus for a few metres. A shortcut via Old Dookie was tempting but guzzled a large cup of concrete to turn up to the toaster, onto the Emu then west homeward, just as the easterly breeze died :-( Moved into overdraft on the energy account for Ford Rd, Liam spied eastbound. Kept the head down, steadily gaining on a bike ahead a great incentive (passing him up the Wanganui hill was an achievement) to finish 65k @ 33.4. (Pedometer 44,096)
Tuesday brought just 5 degrees, a light north easter at least was a bonus. A dozen Couldabeens assembled, Kenworth back from a week off, Tim back again having a go, Dalton's bike creaking (under the sheer horsepower?) Daniel minus arm & leg warmers (of course) and the usual villans. Blood & bone continues to thicken the Channel Rd air so it was a relief to reach Boundary for more than just a favourable breeze. Trav had our company today (was stood up by Big Mat yesterday), seems our popularity is with stray cats lately, picking up two half way down Mitchell. Leon & Daniel did the usual Archer exit, the freerange felines sat in the back seat until one braved a tiny go in the dying stages. Rocket had the box seat again (i was avoiding our interlopers, one undertaking, the other attemting to force a move out (i guess bad habits are taught elsewhere) Good to finish with a 35 average, train beaten soundly. Infiltrated by a pair of gazelles on the roll through town, our popularity increasing by the half hour.
Took in a lap of the schoolies circuit at Dookie late Tuesday arvo with Cougs, Nath and Liam (riding in flouro green board shorts?) there too for rapid roll. Memories from ages ago riding this one (174 metres of climbing) but good to enjoy the scenery on a mild afternoon. Awesome views at the top of Major Plains Rd (a panorama from the Strathbogies all the way to the snow country near Bright) and an enthusiastic descent but the climb in Duggans Rd had painful memories (satisfaction today to scale it on the 56-21) The season has evaporated the canola's yellow (but hayfever is at full strength) from the rolling hills but still is great country to view, albeit through watering, itchy eyes. (37,194)
Chris the Pom was granted a temporary visa to team quick chick for Wednesday's ride, Cougs then Meags keeping the pace on into the north east wind. Weapon, then Tommygun kept tradition in running late but their assistance was worth the wait. A very unassuming crew today, Hayles, Tommygun and Weapon scored a string of gongs at the Yarrawonga Tri but barely a squeak about it from them. (awesome efforts by Goose, Greendawg, Grasshopper and others too by the way) Bunches converged on us from all angles at Central Kialla Rd, 51 from the right and Cats from the back. Nev, Mo & Chris had launched an attack and Eggy bridging the gap were keeping 51 working, Kelvin driving a considerate train of Cats soon after. Just beyond Roubaix, Princess, Minto, Fox, Sooty and the TT's cruised by, our crew glued united for a fine finish. (28,635 steps for the day)
Real spring weather finally came on Thursday morning but half the Couldabeen quality was missing with only 10 at the shop. Vince & Chris A attending meant a testing tempo, 17km/h of NNE wind set it in stone. Rocket and BigMat had early work duties, Daniel must have stuggled with his mankini (16 degrees must be a heat wave for him) and Cougs had earned a rest day, but the compact team pushed out Channel and were pushed down Boundary. The wind had steadily swung more from the west to make Mitchell a pain but the pace was plenty. A short wait at the highway gave us a chance to catch a breath or two, Temple taking the rear gunner's role thereafter (handing me a pairing with the very young and very rapid Chris) Rotations picked up dramatically in the closing k, and found myself beside Chris and towing Vince with 500 to go. As the Daewoo amongst the Diablo's I spent all the pennies early (only make Vince earn his breakfast), 388 watts into the wind acording to Mr Garmin, but Vince took the lead in the last 100 when i hit the 198bpm redline. Ryno had himself glued to Vince's wheel and pounced in the last 50 to take a slim win (my money was on him back at Arcadia Downs) A lazy night off the bike, enough k's so far this week, a quiet 23,325 on the pedometer today
The polar opposite of weather for Friday (from Thursday) back to 7 degrees and the wind at 17km/h from the south west,'s October, which means 57 different varieties. Hayles, Fee, Cougs, Stace, Meags and new lad Alan rolled away from SPC at 5 to, Chris the pom catching up a k out (Tommygun and Weapon missing in action). Fee apologised for slow performance then promptly set a cracking pace into the head wind of Boundary. Traffic call for the Midland Hwy was a bit miscalculated, all survived though. Gentlemen Trav and Ryno enter via Channel Rd to latch on (Temple and Daniel spied taking the tailwind northward), we even picked up (newest quick chick?) Melinda after the bridges to join as rear guard. Pace was as smooth as a politicians rhetoric by all in all directions, great tonic for second-hand legs. Nice to be treated to a tow by the Pom and Stace for the final k in Conrod, no other bunches to contend with. (pedometer read 35,026 for the day)
Week 43 474 km 17,065 calories (26 doner kebabs) 31.5 average YTD 15,841 km
"Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get"
W.P.Kinsella (Canadian novelist 1935- )
Friday, October 26, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Week 42
Friday evening was off the bike, but a bike related 'knee's up' at the Tri Club 25th anniversary dinner. The quick chicks had morphed to glam chicks frocked up for the festivities (The lads quite dapper in decent attire too). Fine words from Pres Stace (with kind words layed on) and a big cheer for Sooty scoring a life member gong. A carbo and protein overload with a big feed, and i'm sure the big wedge of lemon meringue was an essential food group, vital for well being.
A dozen turned up for Team Trev Saturday morning, last to arrive the long missing Chris the Pom, with a missing helmet (early onset dementia?) The embarrasment chasm swallowed him instantly to retreat home for the essential brain bucket, the rest set off in 4.6 degrees with a helping hand from a light south west wind. No BigMat but FeltMat attended, Shorty, GG, Rocket, Trav, Nick, Cougs, Trev, Steve and Jase filled the ranks. Up Boundary the Pom returned (correctly attired this time) to join the banter and social discourse. Gravel has been swept from Ford Rd at last, the eastbound Cat pack passed with (permanent?) tail-lights Dawg and Goose attached (avoiding bird strikes, or work?). Andrew was rolling out the same direction soon after, our group on a steady cruise control to Rudd Rd. but Steve had mixed thermite in his Weet-Bix to bolt to the finish line (uncontested). Retired to the Lemontree (most convivial to conversation) then followed up a 2nd dose of caffine at the Butterfactory, chin wagging with (recent lifesaver) Sprinter and the Cats. 5 x 6.45 ers in at 8.20 so a yarn with Hoffy too.
A late evening text from Temple teed up a medium paced ride early Sunday, a pair of Benalla worn legs thrashed hard Friday needed some sympathy. Headed out Archer (the manic magpie no longer on the attack.....laughing too much at Ken's zip ties?) then east in Mitchell. A double doona layer of fog hung in the lowlands, the rising sun streamed rainbows of light through the branches as if to herald a second coming (a modest halo upon Temples head? Perhaps light shining from another orifice?) Much was discussed along the course particularly the miserly 4 degrees we scored to start a day. Passed the piggery (a familiar Shaw gait southbound) and charted a north passage to Ford, then west homeward. The odd twos and threes were now on the circuit (one with lipstick!) enjoying temperature now rising. Rounded up a newbie on an ancient steed, equipped with runners, bike rack, trousers and safety vest, but at least having a dip. Back into town via Wanganui and Rudd and into the Butterfactory, a banana toast & coffee to finish. 17,220 on the pedometer.
A steady anti-clockwise ride Monday morning witnessing the usual bunches heading south. Only Fox & Meags representing the P&W's (many on a recovery from big k's at the weekend?) Cats were chasing a Rabbit, even Liam out solo on executive hours. An enjoyable lap without the need to re-write the record book, ideal to start a new week. At last a real Spring day, 26 degrees was worth enjoying after work (after convincing the defeatist side to ride) Another random circuit based on the simple formula of a tail wind home. Headed west on the Midland to the urban sprawl of Byrneside with a NNW blowing a challenge at 18km/h. Nearly a wind shear with oncoming trucks almost blowing the bike backward. The usual obstacles, flotsam & jetsam by the highway were avoided, turning into more toil along Brewer Rd toward Merrigum. 11k's of head wind tested the pace calculation, pleased to keep the tempo just in the 30's till Lancaster, the channel bridge felt like a catagory 3 climb though. 14k's of side wind to deal with for the long haul of Mooroopna-Lancaster Rd, eyes peeled for some sections without a stopping (pseudo cycling) lane. A bit of a let down in Mooroopna-Wyuna Rd, not the wind assistance i'd hoped for (or was the tank emptying?) but finally back into town to total 60k in 1.50. Today's pedometer at 45,923.
12 degrees on Tuesday attracted a record turn-up to Archer and Channel. 18 Couldabeens had teamed up and suprise, suprise, BigMat was there, Chris the Pom with helmet attached, Daniel on time and many braving shorts, possibly attempting to coax the sun out. A smooth start slowly built up a rate of knots where all survived, good strength in a physically and mentally bonded team, considerate eyes out on turns kept the bond too. Picked up an early stray feline in Boundary Rd, if there was a trace of wind it was behind us now. HR was in Zone 3 for Mitchell matching the drive of BigMat then Leon at the front. Yet another transient tomcat was swallow up in the speed out of Roubaix, cutting in was a little out of order though. Conrod came into sight as did the medium 40's but we'd only served as a springboard for Rocket (in the box seat, mid pack in the closing stages) to unleash another victory. A 36.1 average a decent rate to start the day, noticed the train had yet to arrive at the station, driver still in bed?
A late afternoon shower dampened enthusiasm and motivation to fly out a greasy road attempting to keep up with young guns, enough kilometers done so far, pedometer needs a rest too at 29605 for the day.
Lucky on Wednesday to be treated to a full set of quick chicks at SPC. Fee, Meags, Hayley, Cougs, Kylie & Stace rolled away just on 5 to, by Dobson's estate Weapon had joined in to complete arguably the best looking & smoothest bunch in town. Cool again out of town but warmed up keeping pace with the femme fatale's. A calmer Couldabeen crew were headed north, a solitary Greendawg 5 minutes behind. I had quite a push to match Hayle's horsepower, Meags and Fee doing long turns, Cougs picked it up a few notches in Mitchell, Kylie hammering along.....I might need to sit on the back in the near future? Across Central Kialla big Shirms cruised past at a handy pace, 500 meters later Eggy, Nev and crew in pursuit. 51 (Act 3) then passed us just on Archer Rd, Vince and company with a lot to do. We had an unusually traffic free run across Melbourne Rd and a smooth trip down Raftery, Stace squeezing the gas pedal for a blast to the finish. Remorse shown for the train driver allowing him to leave 40 seconds before we crossed the line.
A dozen Couldabeens lined up Thursday morning, Dalton back after a big assult on the hills Monday, but a few absentees (maybe from a big effort Tuesday?) An elephant stamp for BigMat (two rides this week). The waft of blood & bone spread on Channel Rd veggie farms fertilised Jase & Daniel to power up, Trev's sensibility brought things back to managable. A stray girl Cat today (feline's testing our water?) jumped on in Boundary, BigMat jumped half a bike eager on me in Mitchell. At Archer Rd we bid our farewells to Daniel and Temple, female feline fatigued, feared frying? Excitement grew with an easy cross of the highway but there was no excitement in my legs, so sat back to watch a perfectly choreographed sprint by Rocket, launch site predicted to perfection. 35.3 a good effort in pea-soup conditions, train driver back in his place again (asleep) Pedometer 33,288
Felt the need to put a longer ride in Thursday arvo (climatising to 30 & 40k rides me thinks) and a perfect 22 degrees to boot. Rolled out past Tarcoola and the golf course, onto Wanganui and Ford but north on Lemnos North Rd and onto Jubilee, avoiding dead tigers (snakes) and live long-necked turtles. A tiny puff of a south west breeze took me to 5 ways then south on Cosgrove North Rd chasing a tractor (which turned off 300 meters shy of catching it) It's a long stretch of tarmac to the Emu (smoother surface helps in the 2nd half) then veered east to the quarry. Plenty of spilt stone in Quarry Rd, a lot nicer to turn west and head toward the church (no sins to confess, well today anyway) then resume the toaster circuit clockwise. Kept an eye rearward for the Library bunch and kept an eye on cadence (trying to "spin" a bit on the 16 sprocket, if 76 is rotating) Attempting to hold mid 30's was becoming increasingly tiring but made it to River Rd, spying Bo (slow) eastbound on a flash set of carbons. Almost to Central Kialla Rd a long list of library lads finally caught and overtook, Eggy, Bo and many new faces spelled a fast one. A dozen g'days from familiar faces (some stressed by speed) drew slowly away, I was quite content to roll at my speed instead of hanging on to a bunch and doing a couple of fast turns. Soon caught young Scott (cast off the back) and 3 others took Archer home, tail between their legs. I pushed on the usual course (Scott's windtrainer winter hadn't prepared him for the reality of the road) and emptied the biscuit barrel trying (in vein) for a 40 finish, but chuffed to chalk up a solo 80k's @ 33 (=3 bacon double cheese burgers and a diet coke, but cooked something a little more nutritious) Pedometer 49,675
Meags, Fee, Stace, Cougs, and Hayley were the determined ones Friday am. A quiet lap thanks to some intensive running and netball activity last night suited me fine. (joints needed oiling, muscles a bit ragged from last nights effort) No argument giving way to a B double at the roundabout on the way out, no argument having gentlemen Trav and Ryno from the Couldabeens join us to share the load after Channel Rd either. Temple and Daniel were anti-clockwise in Boundary Rd (maybe on a recovery too?) while we were treated to a slight helping hand in Mitchell with a light breeze behind. Puddytats gradually reeled us in and showed great sense waiting till after the last bend of Conrod to pass, giving fair space too. (good to see Doc out of hibernation at last) Allowed the train priveleges of leaving town just a block before we crossed the track. 39,765 steps today. Red wine as recovery!
Week 42 474km 17,064 calories (see picture...5 x 750g) 32.2km/h average YTD 16,315km

"Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind" Bernard Baruch US financier 1870-1965
A dozen turned up for Team Trev Saturday morning, last to arrive the long missing Chris the Pom, with a missing helmet (early onset dementia?) The embarrasment chasm swallowed him instantly to retreat home for the essential brain bucket, the rest set off in 4.6 degrees with a helping hand from a light south west wind. No BigMat but FeltMat attended, Shorty, GG, Rocket, Trav, Nick, Cougs, Trev, Steve and Jase filled the ranks. Up Boundary the Pom returned (correctly attired this time) to join the banter and social discourse. Gravel has been swept from Ford Rd at last, the eastbound Cat pack passed with (permanent?) tail-lights Dawg and Goose attached (avoiding bird strikes, or work?). Andrew was rolling out the same direction soon after, our group on a steady cruise control to Rudd Rd. but Steve had mixed thermite in his Weet-Bix to bolt to the finish line (uncontested). Retired to the Lemontree (most convivial to conversation) then followed up a 2nd dose of caffine at the Butterfactory, chin wagging with (recent lifesaver) Sprinter and the Cats. 5 x 6.45 ers in at 8.20 so a yarn with Hoffy too.
A late evening text from Temple teed up a medium paced ride early Sunday, a pair of Benalla worn legs thrashed hard Friday needed some sympathy. Headed out Archer (the manic magpie no longer on the attack.....laughing too much at Ken's zip ties?) then east in Mitchell. A double doona layer of fog hung in the lowlands, the rising sun streamed rainbows of light through the branches as if to herald a second coming (a modest halo upon Temples head? Perhaps light shining from another orifice?) Much was discussed along the course particularly the miserly 4 degrees we scored to start a day. Passed the piggery (a familiar Shaw gait southbound) and charted a north passage to Ford, then west homeward. The odd twos and threes were now on the circuit (one with lipstick!) enjoying temperature now rising. Rounded up a newbie on an ancient steed, equipped with runners, bike rack, trousers and safety vest, but at least having a dip. Back into town via Wanganui and Rudd and into the Butterfactory, a banana toast & coffee to finish. 17,220 on the pedometer.
A steady anti-clockwise ride Monday morning witnessing the usual bunches heading south. Only Fox & Meags representing the P&W's (many on a recovery from big k's at the weekend?) Cats were chasing a Rabbit, even Liam out solo on executive hours. An enjoyable lap without the need to re-write the record book, ideal to start a new week. At last a real Spring day, 26 degrees was worth enjoying after work (after convincing the defeatist side to ride) Another random circuit based on the simple formula of a tail wind home. Headed west on the Midland to the urban sprawl of Byrneside with a NNW blowing a challenge at 18km/h. Nearly a wind shear with oncoming trucks almost blowing the bike backward. The usual obstacles, flotsam & jetsam by the highway were avoided, turning into more toil along Brewer Rd toward Merrigum. 11k's of head wind tested the pace calculation, pleased to keep the tempo just in the 30's till Lancaster, the channel bridge felt like a catagory 3 climb though. 14k's of side wind to deal with for the long haul of Mooroopna-Lancaster Rd, eyes peeled for some sections without a stopping (pseudo cycling) lane. A bit of a let down in Mooroopna-Wyuna Rd, not the wind assistance i'd hoped for (or was the tank emptying?) but finally back into town to total 60k in 1.50. Today's pedometer at 45,923.
12 degrees on Tuesday attracted a record turn-up to Archer and Channel. 18 Couldabeens had teamed up and suprise, suprise, BigMat was there, Chris the Pom with helmet attached, Daniel on time and many braving shorts, possibly attempting to coax the sun out. A smooth start slowly built up a rate of knots where all survived, good strength in a physically and mentally bonded team, considerate eyes out on turns kept the bond too. Picked up an early stray feline in Boundary Rd, if there was a trace of wind it was behind us now. HR was in Zone 3 for Mitchell matching the drive of BigMat then Leon at the front. Yet another transient tomcat was swallow up in the speed out of Roubaix, cutting in was a little out of order though. Conrod came into sight as did the medium 40's but we'd only served as a springboard for Rocket (in the box seat, mid pack in the closing stages) to unleash another victory. A 36.1 average a decent rate to start the day, noticed the train had yet to arrive at the station, driver still in bed?
A late afternoon shower dampened enthusiasm and motivation to fly out a greasy road attempting to keep up with young guns, enough kilometers done so far, pedometer needs a rest too at 29605 for the day.
Lucky on Wednesday to be treated to a full set of quick chicks at SPC. Fee, Meags, Hayley, Cougs, Kylie & Stace rolled away just on 5 to, by Dobson's estate Weapon had joined in to complete arguably the best looking & smoothest bunch in town. Cool again out of town but warmed up keeping pace with the femme fatale's. A calmer Couldabeen crew were headed north, a solitary Greendawg 5 minutes behind. I had quite a push to match Hayle's horsepower, Meags and Fee doing long turns, Cougs picked it up a few notches in Mitchell, Kylie hammering along.....I might need to sit on the back in the near future? Across Central Kialla big Shirms cruised past at a handy pace, 500 meters later Eggy, Nev and crew in pursuit. 51 (Act 3) then passed us just on Archer Rd, Vince and company with a lot to do. We had an unusually traffic free run across Melbourne Rd and a smooth trip down Raftery, Stace squeezing the gas pedal for a blast to the finish. Remorse shown for the train driver allowing him to leave 40 seconds before we crossed the line.
A dozen Couldabeens lined up Thursday morning, Dalton back after a big assult on the hills Monday, but a few absentees (maybe from a big effort Tuesday?) An elephant stamp for BigMat (two rides this week). The waft of blood & bone spread on Channel Rd veggie farms fertilised Jase & Daniel to power up, Trev's sensibility brought things back to managable. A stray girl Cat today (feline's testing our water?) jumped on in Boundary, BigMat jumped half a bike eager on me in Mitchell. At Archer Rd we bid our farewells to Daniel and Temple, female feline fatigued, feared frying? Excitement grew with an easy cross of the highway but there was no excitement in my legs, so sat back to watch a perfectly choreographed sprint by Rocket, launch site predicted to perfection. 35.3 a good effort in pea-soup conditions, train driver back in his place again (asleep) Pedometer 33,288
Felt the need to put a longer ride in Thursday arvo (climatising to 30 & 40k rides me thinks) and a perfect 22 degrees to boot. Rolled out past Tarcoola and the golf course, onto Wanganui and Ford but north on Lemnos North Rd and onto Jubilee, avoiding dead tigers (snakes) and live long-necked turtles. A tiny puff of a south west breeze took me to 5 ways then south on Cosgrove North Rd chasing a tractor (which turned off 300 meters shy of catching it) It's a long stretch of tarmac to the Emu (smoother surface helps in the 2nd half) then veered east to the quarry. Plenty of spilt stone in Quarry Rd, a lot nicer to turn west and head toward the church (no sins to confess, well today anyway) then resume the toaster circuit clockwise. Kept an eye rearward for the Library bunch and kept an eye on cadence (trying to "spin" a bit on the 16 sprocket, if 76 is rotating) Attempting to hold mid 30's was becoming increasingly tiring but made it to River Rd, spying Bo (slow) eastbound on a flash set of carbons. Almost to Central Kialla Rd a long list of library lads finally caught and overtook, Eggy, Bo and many new faces spelled a fast one. A dozen g'days from familiar faces (some stressed by speed) drew slowly away, I was quite content to roll at my speed instead of hanging on to a bunch and doing a couple of fast turns. Soon caught young Scott (cast off the back) and 3 others took Archer home, tail between their legs. I pushed on the usual course (Scott's windtrainer winter hadn't prepared him for the reality of the road) and emptied the biscuit barrel trying (in vein) for a 40 finish, but chuffed to chalk up a solo 80k's @ 33 (=3 bacon double cheese burgers and a diet coke, but cooked something a little more nutritious) Pedometer 49,675
Meags, Fee, Stace, Cougs, and Hayley were the determined ones Friday am. A quiet lap thanks to some intensive running and netball activity last night suited me fine. (joints needed oiling, muscles a bit ragged from last nights effort) No argument giving way to a B double at the roundabout on the way out, no argument having gentlemen Trav and Ryno from the Couldabeens join us to share the load after Channel Rd either. Temple and Daniel were anti-clockwise in Boundary Rd (maybe on a recovery too?) while we were treated to a slight helping hand in Mitchell with a light breeze behind. Puddytats gradually reeled us in and showed great sense waiting till after the last bend of Conrod to pass, giving fair space too. (good to see Doc out of hibernation at last) Allowed the train priveleges of leaving town just a block before we crossed the track. 39,765 steps today. Red wine as recovery!
Week 42 474km 17,064 calories (see picture...5 x 750g) 32.2km/h average YTD 16,315km
"Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind" Bernard Baruch US financier 1870-1965
Friday, October 12, 2012
Week 41
For the first time in 30 weeks, rain shut down Saturdays ideas of a lap (bit of a treat getting a sleep-in)
Sunday sprang hopeful in the weather department thankfully, getting a bit itchy for a ride. Joined Cougs for a scenic and southerly tour to Rushy, into a freshening head wind but enthusiasm came pondering the bakery sustainance, coffee and a tail wind home. The long stretch of tarmac to Hartson (foot & mouth capital of Victoria) seems endless, the Basin coming into view puts an end to the mundane and some variety in gears and elevation. Had an agro magpie visit for the first time this year (but he only gave us a 50% swoop). Soon over the lumpy bits, into Rushy and wrapping the laughing gear around a muffin and coffee when Sly rolled in (via Ky) to pour an apple slice into the tank. Formed a trio for the return, the forecast south wester making life a bit easier, quite chilly through the hilly bits but warmed enough on the flat to make an enjoyable and steady 60k chalked up. Who needed to get wet yesterday? (Some it seems)
Only Meags, Weapon & Cougs enlisted for P&W duty on Monday, winter still has a grip on temperature. A light slowly enlarged from behind at the end of Old Dookie, Tommygun had caught us (must have his clock set on Eastern Standard Daniel Time?) There was a little resistance heading south and noticed 4 in Channel Rd approaching Boundary. Couldabeens Nick, GG, Tim & Rocket had joined the course and finally caught on at the turn into Mitchell, all welcomed into the fold to share the workload. Puddytats passed after Central Kialla, Vince (bored?) on the hands free. We all had a muscular and respiratory reprise after Roubaix corner with the respectful Couldabeens gentlemen rolling in with the team, earning brownie points with the harem.
Daylight savings opens up options in the arvo so rekindled the random Monday circuit to add distance and variety, dispensing with the lighting gear (but kept the base layer predicting a chilly end) A relentless south west wind was still in force (18km/h) heading out Toolamba Rd so tuned into Tame Impala's new album (ironically "Lonerism"...bit sad eh?) to motivate the muscles. Discovered a new tourist spot near the Tat turn-off, a tarmac grand canyon that could swallow a whole Mavic. (thankfully avoided) Got into Toolamba at peak hour (well, it was busy at the pub anyway) then east toward the highway and the posterior punishment of Union Rd. Wind had dropped to 7km/h for the turn north into Central Kialla Rd so lost a helping hand to Central Kialla and up to Boundary via Mitchell. Still light at 6.50 but chose to dip out on the toaster/emu option, straight up Boundary instead to ensure there was some light left to get through town. It had turned a touch icy in places in Ford Rd (glad to have a base layer blocking off the chill) and there was just enough sun left to push on to a Rudd Rd finish, tallying up 65k at 33. A workplace pedometer challenge started this week; 31,677 steps today, helped by the meter attached on the ride.
Nearly a full house at the Archer St shop on Tuesday, despite just 5 degrees registering. Daniel was on time today (must have got his clock right changing to daylight savings?) Dalton is becoming a regular participant (as if he needs to get stronger!) , Liam back again, good to have FeltMatt along too (holding on well for an apprentice) Much acclaim at the attendance of BigMat today, earned a lot of sledging for his no-show Monday. A posse of 16 rolled out at 6 bells, all halted at the alt. route for traffic a bit larger and faster than us. Young Nath was at the top of Channel to add more horsepower, a considerate turn into Boundary let everyone catch on. Rotations ticked over like a clock (save those resting legs from a Benalla bashing on Sunday) down to Central Kialla. Leon & Daniel departed in Archer, a need to activate auto surge control for the next k or so (bit like a yo-yo on the back) , almost a relief that traffic halted us again at Melbourne Rd. The usual proceedure to Arcadia Downs where boys get itchy for a sprint. A hard charging Kenworth looked likely to take the win, but our nemisis Rocket had lit the afterburner to reign supreme. All rolled back into town long before the train departed.
A dozen had assembled at the hospital at 6 on Tuesday, Robbo had survived a slow head on in a weekend MTB event, soon-to-be councillor (?) Dave survived a wet weekend of Melbourne racing, even had the Weapon along (on a swan-song tour for the TT Felt?) In typical form there were casts of thousands out Ford Rd, amongst them Gools, Sprinter, hadn't seen Wongy for ages, Huggy back on two wheels too. Several of the big calibre guns had assembled at the rear (plotting their break) which was launched just after the Emu, Bomber taking Hamish, Dave, Steigy, Mitch and others up the pain road but the majority were content with a steady ride without bursting a head gasket. Turned into Boundary and shared the lead with Steve down to the pub, still keeping the breakaway in sight, though becoming more distant. River Rd, Central Kialla & Mitchell Roads travelled without much pain or incident but Axel delivered the caution we had inherited the young aromatic chicane on the back. Sure as eggs he finally came up to the front in the last 2k's, took the lead, thrashed two lengths ahead and promptly melted faster than Fukishima's reactor. Mayhem ensued with the bunch swarming past (yes, his invitation was revoked again) . Mo, Dalton, Sly and others wound up the tempo in the last k, a few wild overtaking manoevres in the excitement, but I was happy just to sit back and witness (Monday evening's lap had taken the edge off), home just as sun sunk. Today this blog scored it's 4000th view, Foss flabergasted, thanks for your continued interest. (and the pedometer clocked up 41,626).
A full compliment of 7 quick chicks assembled at SPC on Wednesday including a welcomed debut for the tough Kylie. Tommygun tagged in too , we even picked up Sly who had paused to pick up an escapee bidon. Cougs set a cracking pace on the first leg, all had a momentary ease for traffic at the roundabout. Great to have Hayles back on the mend after a big dose of the lurgy, shame we didn't have a decent temperature back, but we got patches of fog to remind us of the winter past. As always, tenacious teamwork for the course with a now obligatory wait at Melbourne Rd for traffic (a few cars actually had headlights on to see where they're going!) 51 had gradually reeled us in by Arcadia Downs, Eggy's ever eager esteemed ensemble edged east, erring easement, exiting ephemerally (there goes that loose literary lather again!) Pedometer 31,517
Thursday mornings' soaking from the sky donated another indulgent snooze till 6, one could turn to marshmallow quite easily at this rate. Late arvo had the same scenario, not keen on damp roads, black skies and the odds on favourite to being soaked through. Pedometer 17,635 (without bike)
Friday dawned a decent day, off to SPC roundabout (Supercats just exiting town) where lots of chickies were ready to tow an old rooster out. In familiar tradition Tommygun came scuttling up behind at the first roundabout, running late again. The now familiar south wester put up a fight in Boundary but all tackled the elements in fine style. Distant red lights were apparently Couldabeens thrashing out a circuit (craved from missing a lap in yesterdays weather) A few obstacles on the way down Mitchell, fallen branches and a wounded magpie (mowed down in a hail of feathers by Greendawg in the bunch ahead it seems) Copped a honk from a redneck in a red hi-lux but finished our tour upright and intact (ahead of Cats unable to catch) , only to have a maniac in a Mazda fail to give way at Seven Creeks Drive (a rush to fulfil a 7am start?) Pedometer 31,633
Week 41 365km 13,140 calories (867 pickled onions) 31.8 average Y.T.D. 15,841km
"Life is like a 10 speed bicycle, most of us have gears we never use"
Charles M Schultz ("Peanuts" creator 1922-2000)
Sunday sprang hopeful in the weather department thankfully, getting a bit itchy for a ride. Joined Cougs for a scenic and southerly tour to Rushy, into a freshening head wind but enthusiasm came pondering the bakery sustainance, coffee and a tail wind home. The long stretch of tarmac to Hartson (foot & mouth capital of Victoria) seems endless, the Basin coming into view puts an end to the mundane and some variety in gears and elevation. Had an agro magpie visit for the first time this year (but he only gave us a 50% swoop). Soon over the lumpy bits, into Rushy and wrapping the laughing gear around a muffin and coffee when Sly rolled in (via Ky) to pour an apple slice into the tank. Formed a trio for the return, the forecast south wester making life a bit easier, quite chilly through the hilly bits but warmed enough on the flat to make an enjoyable and steady 60k chalked up. Who needed to get wet yesterday? (Some it seems)
Only Meags, Weapon & Cougs enlisted for P&W duty on Monday, winter still has a grip on temperature. A light slowly enlarged from behind at the end of Old Dookie, Tommygun had caught us (must have his clock set on Eastern Standard Daniel Time?) There was a little resistance heading south and noticed 4 in Channel Rd approaching Boundary. Couldabeens Nick, GG, Tim & Rocket had joined the course and finally caught on at the turn into Mitchell, all welcomed into the fold to share the workload. Puddytats passed after Central Kialla, Vince (bored?) on the hands free. We all had a muscular and respiratory reprise after Roubaix corner with the respectful Couldabeens gentlemen rolling in with the team, earning brownie points with the harem.
Daylight savings opens up options in the arvo so rekindled the random Monday circuit to add distance and variety, dispensing with the lighting gear (but kept the base layer predicting a chilly end) A relentless south west wind was still in force (18km/h) heading out Toolamba Rd so tuned into Tame Impala's new album (ironically "Lonerism"...bit sad eh?) to motivate the muscles. Discovered a new tourist spot near the Tat turn-off, a tarmac grand canyon that could swallow a whole Mavic. (thankfully avoided) Got into Toolamba at peak hour (well, it was busy at the pub anyway) then east toward the highway and the posterior punishment of Union Rd. Wind had dropped to 7km/h for the turn north into Central Kialla Rd so lost a helping hand to Central Kialla and up to Boundary via Mitchell. Still light at 6.50 but chose to dip out on the toaster/emu option, straight up Boundary instead to ensure there was some light left to get through town. It had turned a touch icy in places in Ford Rd (glad to have a base layer blocking off the chill) and there was just enough sun left to push on to a Rudd Rd finish, tallying up 65k at 33. A workplace pedometer challenge started this week; 31,677 steps today, helped by the meter attached on the ride.
Nearly a full house at the Archer St shop on Tuesday, despite just 5 degrees registering. Daniel was on time today (must have got his clock right changing to daylight savings?) Dalton is becoming a regular participant (as if he needs to get stronger!) , Liam back again, good to have FeltMatt along too (holding on well for an apprentice) Much acclaim at the attendance of BigMat today, earned a lot of sledging for his no-show Monday. A posse of 16 rolled out at 6 bells, all halted at the alt. route for traffic a bit larger and faster than us. Young Nath was at the top of Channel to add more horsepower, a considerate turn into Boundary let everyone catch on. Rotations ticked over like a clock (save those resting legs from a Benalla bashing on Sunday) down to Central Kialla. Leon & Daniel departed in Archer, a need to activate auto surge control for the next k or so (bit like a yo-yo on the back) , almost a relief that traffic halted us again at Melbourne Rd. The usual proceedure to Arcadia Downs where boys get itchy for a sprint. A hard charging Kenworth looked likely to take the win, but our nemisis Rocket had lit the afterburner to reign supreme. All rolled back into town long before the train departed.
A dozen had assembled at the hospital at 6 on Tuesday, Robbo had survived a slow head on in a weekend MTB event, soon-to-be councillor (?) Dave survived a wet weekend of Melbourne racing, even had the Weapon along (on a swan-song tour for the TT Felt?) In typical form there were casts of thousands out Ford Rd, amongst them Gools, Sprinter, hadn't seen Wongy for ages, Huggy back on two wheels too. Several of the big calibre guns had assembled at the rear (plotting their break) which was launched just after the Emu, Bomber taking Hamish, Dave, Steigy, Mitch and others up the pain road but the majority were content with a steady ride without bursting a head gasket. Turned into Boundary and shared the lead with Steve down to the pub, still keeping the breakaway in sight, though becoming more distant. River Rd, Central Kialla & Mitchell Roads travelled without much pain or incident but Axel delivered the caution we had inherited the young aromatic chicane on the back. Sure as eggs he finally came up to the front in the last 2k's, took the lead, thrashed two lengths ahead and promptly melted faster than Fukishima's reactor. Mayhem ensued with the bunch swarming past (yes, his invitation was revoked again) . Mo, Dalton, Sly and others wound up the tempo in the last k, a few wild overtaking manoevres in the excitement, but I was happy just to sit back and witness (Monday evening's lap had taken the edge off), home just as sun sunk. Today this blog scored it's 4000th view, Foss flabergasted, thanks for your continued interest. (and the pedometer clocked up 41,626).
A full compliment of 7 quick chicks assembled at SPC on Wednesday including a welcomed debut for the tough Kylie. Tommygun tagged in too , we even picked up Sly who had paused to pick up an escapee bidon. Cougs set a cracking pace on the first leg, all had a momentary ease for traffic at the roundabout. Great to have Hayles back on the mend after a big dose of the lurgy, shame we didn't have a decent temperature back, but we got patches of fog to remind us of the winter past. As always, tenacious teamwork for the course with a now obligatory wait at Melbourne Rd for traffic (a few cars actually had headlights on to see where they're going!) 51 had gradually reeled us in by Arcadia Downs, Eggy's ever eager esteemed ensemble edged east, erring easement, exiting ephemerally (there goes that loose literary lather again!) Pedometer 31,517
Thursday mornings' soaking from the sky donated another indulgent snooze till 6, one could turn to marshmallow quite easily at this rate. Late arvo had the same scenario, not keen on damp roads, black skies and the odds on favourite to being soaked through. Pedometer 17,635 (without bike)
Friday dawned a decent day, off to SPC roundabout (Supercats just exiting town) where lots of chickies were ready to tow an old rooster out. In familiar tradition Tommygun came scuttling up behind at the first roundabout, running late again. The now familiar south wester put up a fight in Boundary but all tackled the elements in fine style. Distant red lights were apparently Couldabeens thrashing out a circuit (craved from missing a lap in yesterdays weather) A few obstacles on the way down Mitchell, fallen branches and a wounded magpie (mowed down in a hail of feathers by Greendawg in the bunch ahead it seems) Copped a honk from a redneck in a red hi-lux but finished our tour upright and intact (ahead of Cats unable to catch) , only to have a maniac in a Mazda fail to give way at Seven Creeks Drive (a rush to fulfil a 7am start?) Pedometer 31,633
Week 41 365km 13,140 calories (867 pickled onions) 31.8 average Y.T.D. 15,841km
"Life is like a 10 speed bicycle, most of us have gears we never use"
Charles M Schultz ("Peanuts" creator 1922-2000)
Friday, October 5, 2012
Week 40
Old Kanumbra woolshed near Merton July 2012 via i-phone
Gave the Saturday 6.30 ride one more try, seems many have abandoned for other rides or the comfort of a sleep-in, only one or two keep trying to support it. There maybe some Darwinian theory on natural selection, but it seems a shame that the glory days of 20 odd to share the load and laughs have diluted to just a few. May just cross the floor next week to Trev's team, consistent turn-ups, team spirit and a very social get-together is what it's all about. Travelled south to the Peppermill, catching a threesome at the bridge, Dalton and better half Christine, with newbie friend Wazza (recently off the gaspers, threw himself in the deep end of Tuedsay nights thrash) Recriuted the three along to the start, BigMat and Andrew the devotees with quick chick Weapon along to keep standards high. A wicked westerly was forecast, initially at 22km/h kept us pitched a few degrees starboard down Raftery. Swinging east after Roubaix corner brought comfort, down the Mt Nicolaci descent and up the other side brought Tommygun into the fold, running a little behind schedule for the start. Big speed was possible up the length of Mitchell Rd but commonsense dictated a little be left in reserve for the push home, even though an early retreat via Old Dookie had the majority vote. No puddytats sighted this morning, maybe an early retreat for them too? By the time our 7 had turned into Old Dookie we had 32km/h of resistance, gusts to 55. Dalton, BigMat & I had the honours, keeping the bunch compact and intact (fearing a wayward rider being blown to Benalla) Tommygun assisted the final leg for all to enjoy a lengthy caffine revival in town. Just 5 Cats seated at the Butterfactory, seems a testosterone tainted team of Toms tackle a Tour de Titty at two to titilate themselves, turning traitors to the traditional team. (sorry, there goes that poetic prattle again)
Had to reaquaint the gluteus with the Fizik on Monday, a day off the bike on Sunday made things foreign. Meags, Cougs and the Fox were the only ones to toil a P&W circuit. It's October already but just 4 degrees to start the day, can I get my money back? A steady lap to start the week, 51 took till the highway to catch.
Fought off the sloth demons late Monday arvo (always easy to find excuses to stagnate on the couch after work, hardest to drive the enthusiasm to kit up and roll out a few k's) Arrived at Tarcoola (thankfully not as a resident) to find Stace, Sootie, THM and BigMick ready to ride. Rolled up the Boulevard, past the Golf Course and steered right into Wanganui to find a 'world champion' over revving a Cervelo to invade our team, so zipped the lip to avoid litigation. Our 'addition' soon vanished so normal social interaction resumed. In a week, daylight saving will allow the lights to be left behind, maybe extend the distance, forthcoming Tri's may drag a few more into the fold too. Shared the front with THM who was digging deep, good to see for one who's favourite flavour isn't the bike. Stace and Sootie are naturals, BigMick is on the big curve of progress (shame we level out later, trying to shave tiny percentages here and there) 35k soon ticked over, thoughts drifted to dinner with a variety of aromas on the way through town.
Councillor Dave was first on the scene to Tuesdays Couldabeens start (helps driving the ute in) The Kenworth soon appeared hyperventilating, Temple, Shorty, Trav, Cougs, Dalton and Leon assembled too. With numbers up to 10 by 6am we rolled out of the carpark to have Daniel, Jase and Trev appear at the last moment, alarm malfunctions? A coolish 5 degrees and a diminishing south wester helped all out to Boundary Rd, the Kenworth firing on high octane fuel whenever he got to the front. Good to have Tim back after a 6 week (working out of town) absence ; maybe that's BigMat's reason? Allowances made for the slightly rusty ones, a good steady lap clocked up with the oblligatory thrash at the end to get us in town before the train left.
Broke with tradition on Tuesday night, rolled out 15 minutes earlier to do a solo lap (acompanied with lots of thoughts) ahead of the pack. A momentary pause for a (rare) train at the Ford Rd crossing, but otherwise head down to push out to the Emu, solving the Middle East crisis, Uzbekstan's foreign policy and a few quantum physics puzzles, but none of my own. Kamikaze insects are in abundance at dusk, doing my best to keep them from orifices and eyes, trying to keep a decent pace up too (spinning a bit faster tonite at a 72 cadence) Followed the standard Tuesday route (despite my dislike of River Rd) but roads seem a lot longer when solo. The biscuit barrel was emptying by the time Raftery came into view but there were a few crumbs left to get to the finish line with a 34 average.
Wednesdays tonic was a quiet 25k roll without any heroics or targets. An easy ride back through town but a moment when a passing truck suddenly hooked a left turn while beside me. Just avoidable, but hit the brakes when it's trailer behind came across my path! Driver no doubt preoccupied with a coffee, a mobile phone or a culinary treat from a Scottish restaurant?
Little slumber Wednesday night and in the wee hours of Thursday. Eyelids beat the 5am alarm by an hour, so breakfast downed, kit up and knock over an early 45k loop. Daylight comes earlier each day but will slip backward this weekend, at least the evenings will be a bonus (and give the headlight a well earned rest) with daylight savings upon us. Out Ford, down the long stretch of Boundary then Mitchell (longer than a Slipper vs Ashby legal stoush) a bit of the suns' warmth a blessing on the legs (and the enthusiasm) Over the finish line at 6.30, home and prepared for a big (and early) day at the coal face.
Thursday afternoons wind had thankfully eased a bit to get brave enough to front up at the Library to find 10 others, including father/son combo of Andrew & Andy. 6 bells chimed and I drew the fast straw with Nath on the long leg in the lead to the top of Rudd Rd. Eagerly anticipated the rotation (and an ease of tempo?) but next up was Bomber, who'd slipped quietly in behind me un-noticed. Two more k's at Bombers rate burnt me to a crisp, good to then draft and recover (but attempting to avoid the clearing nostrils ahead was no fun) The bunch grew as always, a large battery of w.m.d's got us to the Emu then the toaster quickly, avoiding the cow on the loose near Boundary Rd. Sat at the rear for a while, then a homeward leg via Channel Rd for me tonite. Spying on Paul & Craig's Garmin info (on Strava) later, told that pace continued unabaited for the rest of the usual lap. I was satisfied to run Channel Rd at a good rate, avoiding a fox, magpie, rabbit and Springs' first snake.
A few were northbound for freaky Friday in the early hours, chose instead to tap out 30 on a solo ride, had archived the headlight, dispensed with thermal attire too. Out Old Dookie and over Boundary, Grasshopper, Sosso and Minto spotted oncoming on a TT effort. Wasn't concerned with speed, just zoned into the horizon, dawn arriving on cue. Hark! What light above yonder Mt Major breaks? An amber haze of light awakes, flooded fields with shadows long, O sweet Spring warmth, soothe a troubled.......WTF? Too much zoning, or was it the piggery? A few obstacles to navigate on the leg to the Emu and back to town, a flat magpie, a deceased Dunlop, Springs' 2nd snake (already!), a dead mudflap too. Much patching of Ford Rd's potholes, liberally dusted with gravel f.y.i. Home to enjoy breakfasts 2nd course with time on my side.
Week 40 391km 14,076 calories (45 hot dogs with cheese & onion) 32.1 average YTD 15,476 km
"You have enemies? Good! That means you've stood up for something sometime in your life"
Winston Churchill 1874-1965
Gave the Saturday 6.30 ride one more try, seems many have abandoned for other rides or the comfort of a sleep-in, only one or two keep trying to support it. There maybe some Darwinian theory on natural selection, but it seems a shame that the glory days of 20 odd to share the load and laughs have diluted to just a few. May just cross the floor next week to Trev's team, consistent turn-ups, team spirit and a very social get-together is what it's all about. Travelled south to the Peppermill, catching a threesome at the bridge, Dalton and better half Christine, with newbie friend Wazza (recently off the gaspers, threw himself in the deep end of Tuedsay nights thrash) Recriuted the three along to the start, BigMat and Andrew the devotees with quick chick Weapon along to keep standards high. A wicked westerly was forecast, initially at 22km/h kept us pitched a few degrees starboard down Raftery. Swinging east after Roubaix corner brought comfort, down the Mt Nicolaci descent and up the other side brought Tommygun into the fold, running a little behind schedule for the start. Big speed was possible up the length of Mitchell Rd but commonsense dictated a little be left in reserve for the push home, even though an early retreat via Old Dookie had the majority vote. No puddytats sighted this morning, maybe an early retreat for them too? By the time our 7 had turned into Old Dookie we had 32km/h of resistance, gusts to 55. Dalton, BigMat & I had the honours, keeping the bunch compact and intact (fearing a wayward rider being blown to Benalla) Tommygun assisted the final leg for all to enjoy a lengthy caffine revival in town. Just 5 Cats seated at the Butterfactory, seems a testosterone tainted team of Toms tackle a Tour de Titty at two to titilate themselves, turning traitors to the traditional team. (sorry, there goes that poetic prattle again)
Had to reaquaint the gluteus with the Fizik on Monday, a day off the bike on Sunday made things foreign. Meags, Cougs and the Fox were the only ones to toil a P&W circuit. It's October already but just 4 degrees to start the day, can I get my money back? A steady lap to start the week, 51 took till the highway to catch.
Fought off the sloth demons late Monday arvo (always easy to find excuses to stagnate on the couch after work, hardest to drive the enthusiasm to kit up and roll out a few k's) Arrived at Tarcoola (thankfully not as a resident) to find Stace, Sootie, THM and BigMick ready to ride. Rolled up the Boulevard, past the Golf Course and steered right into Wanganui to find a 'world champion' over revving a Cervelo to invade our team, so zipped the lip to avoid litigation. Our 'addition' soon vanished so normal social interaction resumed. In a week, daylight saving will allow the lights to be left behind, maybe extend the distance, forthcoming Tri's may drag a few more into the fold too. Shared the front with THM who was digging deep, good to see for one who's favourite flavour isn't the bike. Stace and Sootie are naturals, BigMick is on the big curve of progress (shame we level out later, trying to shave tiny percentages here and there) 35k soon ticked over, thoughts drifted to dinner with a variety of aromas on the way through town.
Councillor Dave was first on the scene to Tuesdays Couldabeens start (helps driving the ute in) The Kenworth soon appeared hyperventilating, Temple, Shorty, Trav, Cougs, Dalton and Leon assembled too. With numbers up to 10 by 6am we rolled out of the carpark to have Daniel, Jase and Trev appear at the last moment, alarm malfunctions? A coolish 5 degrees and a diminishing south wester helped all out to Boundary Rd, the Kenworth firing on high octane fuel whenever he got to the front. Good to have Tim back after a 6 week (working out of town) absence ; maybe that's BigMat's reason? Allowances made for the slightly rusty ones, a good steady lap clocked up with the oblligatory thrash at the end to get us in town before the train left.
Broke with tradition on Tuesday night, rolled out 15 minutes earlier to do a solo lap (acompanied with lots of thoughts) ahead of the pack. A momentary pause for a (rare) train at the Ford Rd crossing, but otherwise head down to push out to the Emu, solving the Middle East crisis, Uzbekstan's foreign policy and a few quantum physics puzzles, but none of my own. Kamikaze insects are in abundance at dusk, doing my best to keep them from orifices and eyes, trying to keep a decent pace up too (spinning a bit faster tonite at a 72 cadence) Followed the standard Tuesday route (despite my dislike of River Rd) but roads seem a lot longer when solo. The biscuit barrel was emptying by the time Raftery came into view but there were a few crumbs left to get to the finish line with a 34 average.
Wednesdays tonic was a quiet 25k roll without any heroics or targets. An easy ride back through town but a moment when a passing truck suddenly hooked a left turn while beside me. Just avoidable, but hit the brakes when it's trailer behind came across my path! Driver no doubt preoccupied with a coffee, a mobile phone or a culinary treat from a Scottish restaurant?
Little slumber Wednesday night and in the wee hours of Thursday. Eyelids beat the 5am alarm by an hour, so breakfast downed, kit up and knock over an early 45k loop. Daylight comes earlier each day but will slip backward this weekend, at least the evenings will be a bonus (and give the headlight a well earned rest) with daylight savings upon us. Out Ford, down the long stretch of Boundary then Mitchell (longer than a Slipper vs Ashby legal stoush) a bit of the suns' warmth a blessing on the legs (and the enthusiasm) Over the finish line at 6.30, home and prepared for a big (and early) day at the coal face.
Thursday afternoons wind had thankfully eased a bit to get brave enough to front up at the Library to find 10 others, including father/son combo of Andrew & Andy. 6 bells chimed and I drew the fast straw with Nath on the long leg in the lead to the top of Rudd Rd. Eagerly anticipated the rotation (and an ease of tempo?) but next up was Bomber, who'd slipped quietly in behind me un-noticed. Two more k's at Bombers rate burnt me to a crisp, good to then draft and recover (but attempting to avoid the clearing nostrils ahead was no fun) The bunch grew as always, a large battery of w.m.d's got us to the Emu then the toaster quickly, avoiding the cow on the loose near Boundary Rd. Sat at the rear for a while, then a homeward leg via Channel Rd for me tonite. Spying on Paul & Craig's Garmin info (on Strava) later, told that pace continued unabaited for the rest of the usual lap. I was satisfied to run Channel Rd at a good rate, avoiding a fox, magpie, rabbit and Springs' first snake.
A few were northbound for freaky Friday in the early hours, chose instead to tap out 30 on a solo ride, had archived the headlight, dispensed with thermal attire too. Out Old Dookie and over Boundary, Grasshopper, Sosso and Minto spotted oncoming on a TT effort. Wasn't concerned with speed, just zoned into the horizon, dawn arriving on cue. Hark! What light above yonder Mt Major breaks? An amber haze of light awakes, flooded fields with shadows long, O sweet Spring warmth, soothe a troubled.......WTF? Too much zoning, or was it the piggery? A few obstacles to navigate on the leg to the Emu and back to town, a flat magpie, a deceased Dunlop, Springs' 2nd snake (already!), a dead mudflap too. Much patching of Ford Rd's potholes, liberally dusted with gravel f.y.i. Home to enjoy breakfasts 2nd course with time on my side.
Week 40 391km 14,076 calories (45 hot dogs with cheese & onion) 32.1 average YTD 15,476 km
"You have enemies? Good! That means you've stood up for something sometime in your life"
Winston Churchill 1874-1965
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