A dozen turned up for Team Trev Saturday morning, last to arrive the long missing Chris the Pom, with a missing helmet (early onset dementia?) The embarrasment chasm swallowed him instantly to retreat home for the essential brain bucket, the rest set off in 4.6 degrees with a helping hand from a light south west wind. No BigMat but FeltMat attended, Shorty, GG, Rocket, Trav, Nick, Cougs, Trev, Steve and Jase filled the ranks. Up Boundary the Pom returned (correctly attired this time) to join the banter and social discourse. Gravel has been swept from Ford Rd at last, the eastbound Cat pack passed with (permanent?) tail-lights Dawg and Goose attached (avoiding bird strikes, or work?). Andrew was rolling out the same direction soon after, our group on a steady cruise control to Rudd Rd. but Steve had mixed thermite in his Weet-Bix to bolt to the finish line (uncontested). Retired to the Lemontree (most convivial to conversation) then followed up a 2nd dose of caffine at the Butterfactory, chin wagging with (recent lifesaver) Sprinter and the Cats. 5 x 6.45 ers in at 8.20 so a yarn with Hoffy too.
A late evening text from Temple teed up a medium paced ride early Sunday, a pair of Benalla worn legs thrashed hard Friday needed some sympathy. Headed out Archer (the manic magpie no longer on the attack.....laughing too much at Ken's zip ties?) then east in Mitchell. A double doona layer of fog hung in the lowlands, the rising sun streamed rainbows of light through the branches as if to herald a second coming (a modest halo upon Temples head? Perhaps light shining from another orifice?) Much was discussed along the course particularly the miserly 4 degrees we scored to start a day. Passed the piggery (a familiar Shaw gait southbound) and charted a north passage to Ford, then west homeward. The odd twos and threes were now on the circuit (one with lipstick!) enjoying temperature now rising. Rounded up a newbie on an ancient steed, equipped with runners, bike rack, trousers and safety vest, but at least having a dip. Back into town via Wanganui and Rudd and into the Butterfactory, a banana toast & coffee to finish. 17,220 on the pedometer.
A steady anti-clockwise ride Monday morning witnessing the usual bunches heading south. Only Fox & Meags representing the P&W's (many on a recovery from big k's at the weekend?) Cats were chasing a Rabbit, even Liam out solo on executive hours. An enjoyable lap without the need to re-write the record book, ideal to start a new week. At last a real Spring day, 26 degrees was worth enjoying after work (after convincing the defeatist side to ride) Another random circuit based on the simple formula of a tail wind home. Headed west on the Midland to the urban sprawl of Byrneside with a NNW blowing a challenge at 18km/h. Nearly a wind shear with oncoming trucks almost blowing the bike backward. The usual obstacles, flotsam & jetsam by the highway were avoided, turning into more toil along Brewer Rd toward Merrigum. 11k's of head wind tested the pace calculation, pleased to keep the tempo just in the 30's till Lancaster, the channel bridge felt like a catagory 3 climb though. 14k's of side wind to deal with for the long haul of Mooroopna-Lancaster Rd, eyes peeled for some sections without a stopping (pseudo cycling) lane. A bit of a let down in Mooroopna-Wyuna Rd, not the wind assistance i'd hoped for (or was the tank emptying?) but finally back into town to total 60k in 1.50. Today's pedometer at 45,923.
12 degrees on Tuesday attracted a record turn-up to Archer and Channel. 18 Couldabeens had teamed up and suprise, suprise, BigMat was there, Chris the Pom with helmet attached, Daniel on time and many braving shorts, possibly attempting to coax the sun out. A smooth start slowly built up a rate of knots where all survived, good strength in a physically and mentally bonded team, considerate eyes out on turns kept the bond too. Picked up an early stray feline in Boundary Rd, if there was a trace of wind it was behind us now. HR was in Zone 3 for Mitchell matching the drive of BigMat then Leon at the front. Yet another transient tomcat was swallow up in the speed out of Roubaix, cutting in was a little out of order though. Conrod came into sight as did the medium 40's but we'd only served as a springboard for Rocket (in the box seat, mid pack in the closing stages) to unleash another victory. A 36.1 average a decent rate to start the day, noticed the train had yet to arrive at the station, driver still in bed?
A late afternoon shower dampened enthusiasm and motivation to fly out a greasy road attempting to keep up with young guns, enough kilometers done so far, pedometer needs a rest too at 29605 for the day.
Lucky on Wednesday to be treated to a full set of quick chicks at SPC. Fee, Meags, Hayley, Cougs, Kylie & Stace rolled away just on 5 to, by Dobson's estate Weapon had joined in to complete arguably the best looking & smoothest bunch in town. Cool again out of town but warmed up keeping pace with the femme fatale's. A calmer Couldabeen crew were headed north, a solitary Greendawg 5 minutes behind. I had quite a push to match Hayle's horsepower, Meags and Fee doing long turns, Cougs picked it up a few notches in Mitchell, Kylie hammering along.....I might need to sit on the back in the near future? Across Central Kialla big Shirms cruised past at a handy pace, 500 meters later Eggy, Nev and crew in pursuit. 51 (Act 3) then passed us just on Archer Rd, Vince and company with a lot to do. We had an unusually traffic free run across Melbourne Rd and a smooth trip down Raftery, Stace squeezing the gas pedal for a blast to the finish. Remorse shown for the train driver allowing him to leave 40 seconds before we crossed the line.
A dozen Couldabeens lined up Thursday morning, Dalton back after a big assult on the hills Monday, but a few absentees (maybe from a big effort Tuesday?) An elephant stamp for BigMat (two rides this week). The waft of blood & bone spread on Channel Rd veggie farms fertilised Jase & Daniel to power up, Trev's sensibility brought things back to managable. A stray girl Cat today (feline's testing our water?) jumped on in Boundary, BigMat jumped half a bike eager on me in Mitchell. At Archer Rd we bid our farewells to Daniel and Temple, female feline fatigued, feared frying? Excitement grew with an easy cross of the highway but there was no excitement in my legs, so sat back to watch a perfectly choreographed sprint by Rocket, launch site predicted to perfection. 35.3 a good effort in pea-soup conditions, train driver back in his place again (asleep) Pedometer 33,288
Felt the need to put a longer ride in Thursday arvo (climatising to 30 & 40k rides me thinks) and a perfect 22 degrees to boot. Rolled out past Tarcoola and the golf course, onto Wanganui and Ford but north on Lemnos North Rd and onto Jubilee, avoiding dead tigers (snakes) and live long-necked turtles. A tiny puff of a south west breeze took me to 5 ways then south on Cosgrove North Rd chasing a tractor (which turned off 300 meters shy of catching it) It's a long stretch of tarmac to the Emu (smoother surface helps in the 2nd half) then veered east to the quarry. Plenty of spilt stone in Quarry Rd, a lot nicer to turn west and head toward the church (no sins to confess, well today anyway) then resume the toaster circuit clockwise. Kept an eye rearward for the Library bunch and kept an eye on cadence (trying to "spin" a bit on the 16 sprocket, if 76 is rotating) Attempting to hold mid 30's was becoming increasingly tiring but made it to River Rd, spying Bo (slow) eastbound on a flash set of carbons. Almost to Central Kialla Rd a long list of library lads finally caught and overtook, Eggy, Bo and many new faces spelled a fast one. A dozen g'days from familiar faces (some stressed by speed) drew slowly away, I was quite content to roll at my speed instead of hanging on to a bunch and doing a couple of fast turns. Soon caught young Scott (cast off the back) and 3 others took Archer home, tail between their legs. I pushed on the usual course (Scott's windtrainer winter hadn't prepared him for the reality of the road) and emptied the biscuit barrel trying (in vein) for a 40 finish, but chuffed to chalk up a solo 80k's @ 33 (=3 bacon double cheese burgers and a diet coke, but cooked something a little more nutritious) Pedometer 49,675
Meags, Fee, Stace, Cougs, and Hayley were the determined ones Friday am. A quiet lap thanks to some intensive running and netball activity last night suited me fine. (joints needed oiling, muscles a bit ragged from last nights effort) No argument giving way to a B double at the roundabout on the way out, no argument having gentlemen Trav and Ryno from the Couldabeens join us to share the load after Channel Rd either. Temple and Daniel were anti-clockwise in Boundary Rd (maybe on a recovery too?) while we were treated to a slight helping hand in Mitchell with a light breeze behind. Puddytats gradually reeled us in and showed great sense waiting till after the last bend of Conrod to pass, giving fair space too. (good to see Doc out of hibernation at last) Allowed the train priveleges of leaving town just a block before we crossed the track. 39,765 steps today. Red wine as recovery!
Week 42 474km 17,064 calories (see picture...5 x 750g) 32.2km/h average YTD 16,315km
"Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind" Bernard Baruch US financier 1870-1965
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