Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 3 : Avoiding a Car-tastrophy

Restraint at the breakfast table Saturday morning, leaving room for a Lemontree breakfast after the ride. Set forth into the sunrise with a quarter tank of fuel, the clouds dusted orange from below by the sun about to rise.  Several had defected this mornings' tour, many craving the ascent of Harry's Creek Rd, others keen to be big sharks in a little OC pond. Devotees Steve, FeltMat, Mike, Axel, Cougs, Pom, GG and Choppy got the jump on RidleyTrev's arrival, the boot now on the other foot with Cougs driving the engine with gusto to cease the conversation early.  All settled into a steady rhythm for Channel and Boundary Rds, an odd whine from some returning to work after holidays but hey, it pays for tyres and chains doesn't it? A keen eye on gravel at turns at Old Dookie and the toaster, the predicted spectacular sunrise fizzled to a non event. Noted a pair well ahead as we approached the rail line in Cosgrove North Rd, finally catching Nath and the Smuggler nearing the kennels (not the circling Cat 'vultures' of last week)   Cats tapped steadily east (conserving horsepower for Sunday's crit?) spotted Sly solo sixty seconds shy, seated smugly astride a new Trek.  All the rotations respected the limit (within 0.004 km/h at one stage) to get us back collectively for sustainance (minus Choppy and Mike work and domestic commitments). Debbie excelled remembering most caffine preferences, all but one enjoying a cooked breakfast too.  A mass of muppets departed west and east (including defector FujiTrev) Area 51 arrived on cue, Adams family on schedule with Temple & Daniel aboard.  After copious conversation and suitably socially satisfied,  I set sail homeward. The car waiting in the sidestreet but slowly creeping out into the bike lane is a common sight, certainly centres the focus, but the (unseen) car shooting across from the opposite side at the last nano-second startled the sphincter, a big Dura-Ace lock up to avoid becoming a Camry left hand rear door.  Blood boils quick in such situations, adrenalin steering me in pursuit of the offender who suprisingly had pulled up at her destination a few hundred metres away (of course, blissfully unaware of a bike at the previous intersection which had right of way)  A (restrained) reminder to 'look before she leapt 'delivered, a nice big flat spot in a 7 day old rear tyre as a souvenir, guess i'm lucky it wasn't me flattened.

RidleyTrev had suggested a Sunday lap prior to the Criterium, Cougs joined in but no show by Laura. A very ordinary sky (more like June) and a stiff south south wester made Raftery a chore.  Trev's encyclopeadic knowledge of who's who on a bike enlightened us to the identity of a couple of brave souls on the road. The trifecta were colllectively happy with a 34k lap (in via Old Dookie), the pace picked up a bit when a hint of precipitation fell. (barely enough to shine the tarmac though) Mike & wife were out battling the cross wind, nice to get back in after an hour and warm up with some internal caffine heating at the Parklake, the box seat for viewing the Crit.  Many notable faces having a dip, a few taking some skin off in an enthusiastic cornering manoevre, thankfully no serious injuries.

The regular Monday lap was at a cool 9 degrees, fishing out the winter base layer a few months early. Always good to get a few k's in to start the day, get the dopamine flowing to face the inevitable work day, arrive bright eyed and bushy tailed, if only to irritate those sulking in their coffee . Just 3 P&W's single filed in Boundary Rd , a mixture of 51's and Cats a few minutes behind.

A few rare faces had returned to the Couldabeens on Tuesday morning. BigMat arrived to dispell rumours of his dissapearance, Temple back from holiday and Leon returned from an extended break. 14 degrees had the Kenworth rugged up, a little train of 14 rolled out on schedule with coal-miner Steve jumping aboard at the last moment.  Nice to have a few nasty pot holes patched in recent days, wheels and tyres might survive a bit longer. The team cut through a light north easter to Boundary Rd, hearing a little news from Rocket & Nick on recent hill climbing adventures. Nath climbed aboard near the cypress trees and things got a little lively with the wind behind us in Boundary Rd.  Enthusiasm drove the train along Mitchell at a similar rate, Steve u-turned at Central Kialla , Daniel & Leon prepared to take Archer Rd home.  A familiar application of the accelerator at Arcadia Downs, but Rocket found himself boxed in and Nath took the laurels, the course covered in 46 minutes.

A somewhat petit peleton departed the hospital Tuesday evening, a light westerly and 29 degrees had motivated Robbo, AvantiTrev, Reece and Simmo, but ranks grew collecting Sprinter then Bomber, Sticks, Steigy and James further out.  Mid 30 kilometres in the hour to start,  then high 30's, into the low 40's for a bit, depending on who set the tempo on the front. Olympian Steve was a welcome addition approaching the church but a few were keen to display their speed skills while most just hung on. Frequent fluctutaions made good interval training I guess, Steve and Reece ramping it up into the 40's to mow down Lloyd on a solo in River Rd. Robbo chewed up all who attempted to go up front in Central Kialla, Sprinter, Simmo and I unable to sustain a lot, young James more than capable though.  Reece and Steve launched a breakaway at Archer Rd, all the others content to stick together to see if it lasted.  I found a second wind exiting Roubaix to drive up for half a k, the pack catching the culprits at Arcadia Downs. (the unsighted dead crow in the middle of the lane proved to be my suprise speed bump) This old engine was out of tune in the last k (so tucked in slipstreaming Lloyd prevented throwing a rod) content with 5th, just 1:07:02 had ticked by to cover 42k, enough achievement for the day.

Misjudged the cool of Wednesday morning, wouldn't have minded a base layer and arm warmers when I was 5 k from home but only needed to drink a cup of concrete.  Chose the anti-clockwise loop from Kialla Lakes, a swansong ride for Pete H, migration to Millicent next week.  Jase, Nick, Chops, Shorty, Cougar, Tim & Rocket made up a team, Luke climbing aboard at the last moment, but no Trev? Felt like a southerly heading toward Mitchell (the breeze didn't arrive till 7), a little easier pointing east in Mitchell Rd. The P&W's were certainly catching the worm at Central Kialla, a very early ride, well ahead of Supercats (not seen till the top of Mitchell)  Just 3 SPC P&W's were in Boundary, Greendawg was about to take River Rd and 51 had the afterburners glowing half a k behind him. Another Pete (CPG) attached himself to our clan as the regular Cats passed by (Dalton's cheshire grin amongst many disconsolate faces) Much sledging commenced with Trev joining in (came out clockwise and u-turned at the bridges), a bit long fiddling with a troublesome tail-light at home it seems.   A steady tap back into town, half heading south, half north at Channel Road's end.

Thursday's viscous atmostphere felt like two clicks on the handbrake, not a puff of breeze to blame. Yet another early start at work ruled out the Couldabeens, but had Coug's company to notch up 25 k. Annoying to finally get a comfortable position on the bike when a small bump upsets the serene sit site. (Fizik not quite as friendly as the original equipment) In Channel Rd FeltMat was headed west, bunnies headed into the long grass, Nath headed to conquer Couldabeens, as we headed east to Boundary. Lots of carriages in the Cat train today (did Keeno have his whistle I wonder?) and in Old Dookie a growing Goat gathering (girl guided) ground gears, gainfully grasping a similar route. Flags were dormant at the tractor shop back in town, a great ride done, now for the mundane work day ahead.  Pulled the pin on a ride Thursday night, 38 degrees overstepping my limit.

A return to the P&W's on Friday morning, quite a pack assembled at the starting line. Suprised to see the long lost Captain Ayto there, quick chicks Jo, Stace, Hayles, Cougs, Fee and Liz added the class to the team of THM, HWK, Jase, Simon, Pom, Coota, Al & Princess. An early get-away (?) got quickly up to speed with an enthused HardMan, usual rotations underway further out the road (not the short roll-overs of last week apparently).  It's a bit disconcerting following Coota's wheel (an apprentice to Muntzy?) , his saddle bag hanging by one strap (akin to the scrotum of a prized stud ram) had uncomfortable predictions going.  Good to catch up with the regulars, news of hard training sessions of late for forthcoming events. The Ayto engine was very low on Krispy Kreme's nearing River Rd and some irregular turns were being made up front, a solid hit by Princess & THM, I finally settled into a long turn at the helm with Jase. Greendog then RobMac were seen pointing east in Mitchell, no sign of Cats behind us, Supercats and 51 well ahead of schedule.  A good run through to Roubaix corner with HWK calling a ladies day, Irongirl Jo taking the laurels i'm told, but all quickchicks firing on all cylinders.

Week 3   364km 12,012 calories (35 Krispy Kreme blueberry doughnuts)  YTD 1,034km

"The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do more and you are not yet decrepit enough to turn them down"  Thomas Stearns Elliot  1888-1965  US born Poet


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