Hats off to the middle aged couple patrolling the lake in the early hours of Saturday morning, rubbish bags and spikes in hand, picking up last night's trash so carefully placed by our classy youth, there was a tidy bunch of lads and ladette at the Archer car park though, ready for the usual weekend activity. Nick, Rocket, an unusually early AvantiTrev, Tim, Shorty, Cougs, Daniel and Temple set forth on schedule, a cooler run with only 12 degrees registering, plenty of pungency from the standing water delivered on Wednesday evening. The pest pooch at the top of Channel Rd seems to be confined to quarters now (maybe thanks to Stace's efforts within COGS). The Smuggler joined us near the Pub (intercepted a rabbit, a snake and two foxes en route) the cruising speed a touch slower today, maybe f#&+ Friday has sapped a little speed off some legs? Barely a hint of breeze to impair us on the route to the toaster and Emu, Wizz and his offsider were crossing the train tracks, well ahead of a long Cat train (25+) back near the kennels. Some aquatic manoevres were needed in Ford Rd, drains still clogged from the recent downpour. Nick played Renshaw nearing the cemetery, leading out Cougs for a cheeky sprint to end the ride. Not all bike banter at the Lemontree, taxation, welfare, condoms for noisy valve stems and floods on the discussion list.
Sleep was unbecoming yet again on Sunday morning, headed out the Boulevard at 6 pondering my mental state, decided it's not so bad seeing two riders arriving back in town after a circuit. The h.r. was in doubt today, only registering 52bpm when up to speed, a new battery needs to go on the shopping list. A reverse of Saturdays lap planned (thankfully water had subsided in Ford Rd) just had to dodge the bunnies scattering the tarmac. Great to watch the sky slowly light up Mt Major, Flight Facilities and Flume putting a soundtrack to the picture. Was making good time when Boundary Rd was reached (Axel on a solo mission northward) so resolved to aim at Saturdays lap time. Sun was up for the Channel Rd leg, pickers up too for a day's toil in the vegetable fields, pleased to finally reach the Kensington roundabout with 13 seconds up my sleeve. Intercepted Cougs to take on a Couldabeens lap as part 2 for the morning but it was a drag (or had someone left the handbrake on?) with a breeze picking up to hinder progress, particularly south when southbound, even a bit southwest when facing westward. Clear skies kept a positive outlook, a little warmth on the back from the rising sun too, Cougs eagle-eyeing a pair of bikes ahead to chase (reeled in Princess and Grant on a leisurely lap at Roubaix) The stimuli of Degani's caffine drove the motivation to the finish line, a yarn with BigMat, Leon, Bo &Kel arriving soon after.
Lots of lumens pierced the darkness of Boundary Rd on Monday morning, a procession of pussycats the sole bunch today (probably a few 51ers mixed in to stir some action), the Goats seem to have become rapidly extinct. A solid lap with the supernana keeps the rigormortis at bay and revives the respiratories to take on another week. BigMat & Jase have posted (Strava) some impressive times of a 23k Mooroopna-Ardmona circuit, so tried out the trail on Monday after work (Axel spied yet again on the way west). 30 degrees with a southeasterly at 18km/h made the first leg in McIssac Rd enthusiastic, predicting some toil needed for the southerly leg down Ardmona Rd. Had a little sheilding from the orchards for the 5k to the highway (crossing it being the only drawback to the course) The road felt quite rough, but 140 in the Fortezza's probably didn't help the comfort level. Over the Midland without much delay (a decent look though with cars at 100) then down to Simpson Rd, but was baulked by an oncoming semi. A dog the size of a small horse was daunting, thankfully only a spectator, not a persuer! Right into Craven then over the highway again, feeling fairly confident of keeping near BigMat's 34.8 record. Reality struck hard turning right into Merrigum-Ardmona Rd, the wind had swung ESE and oncoming trucks carried plenty of gusts to tarnish tempo. A left then right into Cornish Rd, pulled out a big shovel to dig deep but the momentum wore down with the wind unrelenting. Another pooch the size of Phar Lap kicked the adrenelin up (he looked hungrily at my ankles) to get me to Echuca Rd. It was an empty tank for the last 2k, hopes of passing traffic to tow me along quickly vanished, the hard yards with withering speed played havoc on the hopes, but spirits lifted to end with a 35.2 (shaving 70 sec off) No doubt BigMat and Jase will take back the title very soon.
A TeamMat lead out for Tuesday's Couldabeens, the Big and the Felt early to line up. A pair of Trev's too (Avanti & Fuji) joined Tim, Cougs, Temple, Trav, the Kenworth, Daniel, Rocket and Shorty. A favourable and considerate build of speed over the first few legs, Nath arrived just beyond the kinder, Cats arrived early on Boundary (thanks to their 5.50 start) and were left to lead with their route via River. Mitchell is speed alley with a light wind from behind, all the way to Central Kialla (loving the 56/11 combo) at a great rate, Cats turning into Mitchell with a similar gap to 8k's prior. Daniel & Temple turned for home at Archer, the rest had a wait for traffic at Melbourne Rd keeping the two packs seperate, Rocket Nath took BigMat on an excursion to measure the difference but BigMat came back to sensibility by Arcadia Downs, a group finish in just 45:27 to get us all home early.
Tuesday nights ride has a glimmer of hope of increasing numbers, 6 at the start is an improvement. Robbo, Harpo, Jamie, Simmo and Axel all good supporters. An ideal evening, 30 degrees with a light north easter promising an easier ride home. Just a few cars overtaking on the tour to the Emu, one with trailer laden on a house move. Just over the east Goulburn channel we faced a large lounge suite as a road chicane, dislodged less than a minute before (the offender unaware or content to let sleeping suites lie). An easier run from the Emu to the toaster, Trent, Trudy and Tony joining in. Beyond the pungent piggery, young Rhys attached himself (a recovery ride for him, the weekends' 65k race averaging 45+ had taken the edge off) Corniest jokes swapped with Jamie on the journet south, a turn trying to keep up with Harpo, then a tow from Robbo & Rhys for most of River Rd. All kept fairly tidy till the last few hundred metres of Conrod straight, Robbo bolting to 53 into a light headwind, Trent chasing (and passing in the last few metres), this old engine hanging on for 3rd.
Down to the south of town Wednesday morning for a short and sweet lap. Something was moving in the bike lane in the 5.30 darkness, some bloke on a supermarket bike on his way to work (black backpack, grey jumper and dark trousers), his life worth less than a cheap tail-light and a torch it seems. A shorter lap with Cougs today to let limbs limber up, south to Mitchell, west to Raftery and a squirt home, helped with yet another mild morning and a little breeze behind. Good to put a little variety in, not stuck in the same groove.
Thursday's thrash had most of the Couldabeens crew, BigMat was on a carbo loading fishing trip but Brent & Jase were back for a dose. A smooth start allowed a proper warm up, favoured Tim too after a tough hockey session. Crafty Cats conspicuously camoflaged, curtailed Couldabeens chase (calming concerns) consolidating compact conformity. The Pom may have done a Beaullieu (or is he on a 457 Visa?) so FujiTrev inherits the senior citz role, he was chuffed to play a part amongst the young 'uns , we're lucky to have a considerate crew, lots of eyes out for all at intersections, maintaining bunch solidarity. A hint of tail wind in Mitchell kept the wheels humming, and youth was the advantage in Conrod straight (Nick making Rocket use all his afterburners to win) but all were pleased with a team finish, only a minute thirty behind Tuesday's effort.
Fridays 23 degrees and northeast breeze was bearable, lots of low cloud bumped up the humidity though, as welcome as a Labor Party opinion poll. 3 time triallers shot southward in Boundary Rd, starting the procession of peletons for freaky Friday. A sizeable set of Supercats were similarly southbound, 51, crossing the highway, had the hammer down in hot pursuit, a positive poliferation of P&W's had cleared the aroma of the piggery and a collection of not-so-super Cats were a k behind. Just for a change, we had a bike ahead on a similar route, motivating a decent pursuit in Old Dookie (nearly caught but for the hinderance of traffic at Doyles Rd)
Week 10; 421 km 14,735 calories (4.42kg of Roquefort cheese) YTD 3,444
"Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway"
Elbert Hubbard US writer / philosopher 1856-1915
If you've enjoyed the featured photographs at the top, check out "Dookie - via lens" exhibition for many more finer photos from local lens lads and ladies (and a few more from Foss). Dookie Hall 10am-4pm this and next weekend. $2 entry. Go on, ride out, view, coffee & cake at the Cafe or wine & cheese at the Pub, then enjoy the ubiquitous head wind home!
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