In an attempt to loosen stiff legs and get some circulation in the cold, set off to Saturday's ride on the 19 tooth, spinning like a mixmaster (well, for me anyway) and scrubbing off the cobwebs at the bigger end of the cassette. Not able to get any sort of reasonable speed, but less load on the legs helped a little. How do many survive a 90+ cadence? Limbs had loosened a bit beyond the lake, changed into more familiar cogs so i'd get to the start on time. Only 9 degrees but a good crowd had formed at the shop. Jase, Axel, Shorty, Rocket, Cougs, Daniel, Temple,& Mike were keen, Trev missing though, his back giving more grief than Simon Creen gave the Labor Party last week. Fairly fresh in Channel Rd, attempting to climatise to this cold stuff (seems an eternity since last suffering the chills of winter past) 3/4 knicks, armwarmers and base layers almost on the must have list. (unless you're Daniel, but he has weakened using full fingered gloves) A pair of distant tail-lights were visible in Boundary Rd but it wasn't until beyond the Emu we caught Nath and the Smuggler being anti-social. Axel has bounced back to form quickly after a long bout of shift work hampered bike time, Shorty short on shove though with a week off on hols. Good mornings exchanged with the eastbound Cats, speed held within bounds of Trev's standards all the way to Numurkah Rd, with a long wait for traffic cooling the extremities. Lap completed with no takers for a sprint finish, many keen to apply some internal heating with caffine possibly? Supercoach, economics, political coups, fish and finalising pub crawl details kept the discussion flowing, none keen on saddling up with cold damp gloves and helmets for a cool roll home.
Keeping gentlemans hours on Sunday (aiming at more than 6 hours sleep lately to recharge batteries) set off at 7.45 to see who dared at the lake at 8am. About as hopeful as Kev's numbers in the caucus, not a soul to be seen. Shame, a once good ride (up to 30+) with a variety of regulars has now faded. Noticing a flicker of flags pointing south, I about faced to take the easier option of a clockwise toaster loop. May have been a bit keen on the push up to Wanganui Rd, legs burning a bit (a long way left to go with toasted thighs). Gave the wave to Mike & wife on the Verney Rd roundabout and set sail to the Emu against a little force from the north with a bit of east to give grief. Found I was now cooking the ticker on 170bpm @ 35, much better pointing south though, down to 130 at the same speed (or 41 at the earlier bpm) A gathering of Goats found at the Pine Lodge Church (repenting their sins?) setting a course to Dookie i'm told. Continued on my solo quest (banana toast at the Lemontree the target) to the toaster and on toward Boundary Rd (two bikes southbound near the Fig farm turned out to be Mike & wife who'd taken the Boundary Rd shortcut) Metered the pace to leave a reserve for Raftery but was rounded up easily by four blokes on bikes as I approached Mitchell (powered by Harley Davison I should add) By the dog-leg i'd hit the psychiatric wall, the wind had swung to a northwest at 15km/h to flatten the motivation and bump up the h.r to 175. Had to wipe off 5 to stay alive, Norm noticed eastbound at Mt Nicolaci, also keeping gentleman's hours. A little easier pointing out of Roubaix corner (a rare Greendawg sighting, also eastbound on accountant's hours) Pace was back for conrod straight (no doubt driven by a couple of slabs of banana toast) satisfied to get to Steptoe's in 1:25, heart rate over aerobic for an hour with 868 calories down. No bike conversation at the Lemontree but was quietly amused at others discussion. The old engine consumption calculated at 4 litres/100k, Coca-Cola that is.
Mondays mild 14 degrees was perfect for a journey out Channel Rd with Cougs, Roscoe a suprise addition for most of the distance. Avoided a Kenworth confrontation thanks to Coug's eagle eye, steadily tapped out to Boundary Rd comparing notes on us senior's attempts to keep pace with the young-uns. Roscoe u-turned for a Cat tow home, Coug's and I taking turns at Old Dookie Rd's now chilly patches with the sun almost out of bed. Home to start the working week, raisin toast back on the (part 2) breakfast menu spells winter is nigh.
After all the presumption of summer's demise, an almost warm 16 degrees started Tuesday morning, no sign of wind either. A dozen Couldabeens took to the usual course, coming across a pair in the first leg to Doyles Rd. (lack of headlights signalled lack of sense, but sat on the back of the bunch though) Two Trev's, a GG and the regular crew rolled on, good to have Pete back, Chris A also making a re-couperative return, firing on all cylinders despite a gall bladder removal just three weeks ago! Once up to Boundary Rd and beyond the bridges, a few took the 'please tow' option. By Mitchell Rd speed had fluctuated, Nick & Rocket were emancipated, Temple's turn was truncated (maybe hyperventilated?) those behind were compensated, I found the sweat had saturated, youth (it seems) had placated. We'd picked up gentleman Graeme out on his own, passed a not-so-quick-chick at Archer and inherited another (nameless) Pinarello punter on the dash to Conrod straight. Trav, Nick, Jase, Rocket and the Kenworth were full steam ahead, Temple quickly voted me the tow truck for the remainder, the circuit done in 46:15.
Hopeful of positive patronage at the hospital on Tuesday night it was dissapointing to find only Robbo, Hamish and Paul the only ones prepared to have a go. (All the punters from months before must have been dissolved in the pot of softies, maybe they're having pedicures whilst sipping on fragrant frappes tuned into Days of our Lives?) Robbo's torque and Hamish's exhuberance towed us to Lemnos Rd, Paul & I took the next shift but Paul cooked himself early, dropping quickly. Great team spirit came to the rescue, an ease of pace and a tow back to the pack saw him rejoin and recouperate. Back to pace after the Emu, a hint of northerly assisting the passage to the toaster. Hamish & Robbo took the helm at the piggery and drove the little train down to River Rd. Shared the front with the young fella for the 6k's of River Rd @ 38, kept the legs well warm, lots of satisfaction the lungs and h.r. didn't explode) Lots of turns by all with just a few ensued, a great workout to justify a big dinner. Swallowing an insect didn't help my breathing, spent a k trying to clear the throat. Robbo steadily built the tempo over the highway, Hamish matched till Arcadia Downs but had spent too long on the hotplate, was cooked by Conrod. I could only hold even with the Robbo-mobile for 200 metres, he just drew away in the closing stages to take the honours by the gap between white posts, 43k done & dusted in 1:12:10
The old legs and hips creaked and groaned Wednesday morning, a slow and steady warm up down to Kialla Lakes to join Shorty, Cougs, Choppy, Avanti & Fuji Trev, GG, Jase, Tim, Nick and Rocket. A northeasterly was building momentum, happy to get my first turn done before the slog of Mitchell Rd. Pete joined in to lend legs for the drive east, wind the enemy in Boundary Rd making an echelon essential. We'd stalled the Supercats to force a give way at the River Rd intersection, lots of wind dragged behind oncoming trucks gave us all a literal blast, a collective sigh of relief to turn into Channel Rd for the run home. No tractors in the dark today, a big yellow moon guiding us back to town, the bike lane in Archer Rd more akin to a crusty demon's track.
Thursday's forecast lived up to expectation, an early light shower glossed the roads and made the doona a better proposition. The heavens opened at 6.20, ratifying the decision. Rotated the tyres instead, an uneventful 3800 k's flattening the peak off the rear tyre. Roads were well dried with a 25km/h westerly during the arvo, turned up to the library but only Clive had come out to play. I suppose the previous attendees had appointments for facials or Reiki therapy, maybe cup cakes to bake? Not much hope of finding other punters on the circuit but set off on the usual route, ably assisted by a tail wind to the Emu. Pushed about by the westerly down to the toaster where we both gritted teeth to face the reality of driving westerly into the wind. 32 into 30 dug into the reserves to Boundary Rd, then a chance to draw breath on the leg to River Rd. In the interest of survival, turns were taken for the rest of the lap, quite capable Clive most courteous not tearing my legs off. The final 3k beyond the highway became easier with the breeze at our side, 47k covered in 1:27 a good workout for just two. Squeezed super close to parked cars by an overtaking and overzealous Camry passing in a corner on the ride home, a killer stare delivered at the next traffic light satisfied the payback.
The fridge door was left open overnight, just 9 degrees to enjoy a lap at a lazy 8am start. Down Archer Rd enthusiasm took it's grip with a bunch a kilometer ahead, Cougs keen for a pursuit (the Easter bunny's carrot of challenge had been dangled). In just a few km's an Adams family, slightly disarrayed, came into view and were promptly passed. Kept a steady slog up Mitchell Rd through a soup like atmostphere (minus the crispy croutons), dissapointed the forecast southerly wasn't there to help up Boundary Rd but were chuffed by good progress. A westerly greeted us for the last leg in Old Dookie Rd (nothing like a head wind home to erode enthusiasm) but determination kept the turns well paced. For the sake of history caffine was infused at the Butterfactory, a slightly darker decor and demure demeanor but sunshine and hot coffee revived us well. Quite a peleton of familiar faces arriving back in town from a charity ride, took in a second sociable coffee at Friars to catch-up with Tommygun and Weapon on the Melb Tri news, a most enjoyable finish to the bike week.
Week 13 407km 11,396 calories (8.1kg Tabouli) YTD 4,573km
"Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him" Dwight David ("Ike") Eisenhower 34th US President ('53-'61) 1890-1969
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