Perfect weather Saturday morning, brave enough to don short knicks in 14 degrees but soft enough to go with the armwarmers. Wind turned off and attendance turned on at the carpark. Rocket, Temple, Shorty, AvantiTrev, Patrick, Cougar, Tim, PistolPete, Smuggler (and his mate Yahoo) and GG were blessed with Weapons' presence, a somewhat more portly Pom back from oblivion too. The flag dropped at 6 to venture east, quite a noticable contrast of Weapons' almost horizontal TT position against Temple's upright sit. A bit of nickname chat on the way out, deciding Tim should be dubbed SuperMario (plumber) instead of others' less flattering handle, GG's return has crowned him the WhisperingJack title (more comebacks than Farnham) HBK u-turned from his role as breeze domestique in Boundary Rd, but no Nath with foot repairs taking precedence. Weapon scored my Concours d'Elegance prize for the "pinkle" bike, with matching socks, jersey, bidons and even eyewear. The only headwind that sprung up co-incided with Cougars turn at the helm in Old Dookie (did she ride under a ladder or over a black cat?), but drove it well to the toaster. Yahoo and Pom took good care of the rear gunners' position, many soloists were oncoming before the arrival of a generous gathering of Gatti di Micci, well driven by Clive this morning. A k behind, LeighMac and a punctured other were left to the elements (maybe to catch up via Boundary Rd?) Our collection of Couldabeens rode to the rules (with a few un-noticed excesses) Rocket & PistolPete taking a monopoly at the front for a good distance. A bunch spilt at Numurkah Rd had Cougar to drive the tail train well, regrouping at DECA for a collective cruise to Rudd Rd and into the Boulevard, no back off till traffic in town slowed progress. Lemontree seats were being warmed by SuperMario boss and HBK boss breakaway belles, discourse on quotations, druggies and pole dancing over copious breakfasts and beverages ensued.
Overcome with a big case of C.B.F's on Sunday (inflamed and irritated by strong winds) it was Monday till a leg was eventually thrown over the bike. A short lap was enough studying last weeks odometer, many were out and about on the usual route in ones two's and bunches. Repeated the 6am habit on cup day with Cougar (keen for an early lap as work was on the agenda) spotting a more compact contingent of Cats for the public holiday. Cougars' strong drive back in Old Dookie returned us to town in good time to make the posted 7am Couldabeens ride. Temple, Trav, SuperMario, Shorty, Jase, Rocket, WhisperingJack, HBK, AvantiTrev and FeltMat were inspired by the later start (or the temptation of a big breakfast?) to roll away from the Archer carpark and down Raftery to clock an anti-clockwise toaster lap. Rocket was cruising but I was bruising on a keen start into a light southerly, a few rollovers and an ease of energy allowed recovery by Mitchell, had a nice tow till duty called again in the closing k up to Boundary. Pointing north, Nath and Laura came into view as pace amplified with a now SSE wind. An approaching Subaru alarmed many, noticing the driver deeply concentrating on an i-pad hand-held up on the dashboard . A more easterly breeze made Old Dookie a chore, more than pleased to relinquish the front to Jase to drag us up to the Emu. A few small bunches were now eastbound as we wound west, no speed restrictions had many nudging 40, HBK nudging the usual length ahead of SuperMario. Avoided the bitumen bumps in Ford and drove on to Wanganui, a split (for traffic at Numurkah Rd) had the throttle off till Nath and Laura re-attached. Rocket and Shorty bolted on the Boulevard (coffee craving?) but soon slowed to have a collective cruise into town, a focus on pink clad walkers distracting navigation a little. An infusion of carbohydrates and caffine made a great tank filler to 90k.
Felt like a mild morning until a few k's down the road, short knicks and fingerless gloves were a bit too optomistic for 6 degrees on Wednesday. Wondered if many had played too hard on yesterdays Cup day, only Cougar at the start. Eventually others rolled in, Rocket, Temple. Nick, Jase, Pom, Shorty, even BigMat made the pilgrimage from Mooroopna (and his social functions). Off at 6 and on the gas with Rocket's pace awaking many senses early. BigMat followed suit with Jase for the first leg of Mitchell Rd, a little calmer when others rolled. Shorty's excess Cup hydration had taken the edge off his tempo (WhisperingJacks must have halted) but it was adequate for an unknown male and female to take the liberty of a tow by the bunch. Pom's putting in a decent comeback but nursing injuries may prevent a turn for a while. A good drive up Boundary, 51 & co approaching River at warp speed as we crossed the intersection. A little easier bearing west in Channel Rd, reeling in the breakaway lasses at the kinder, the abbreviated Wednesday lap finished in record time at Archer, left and right factions seperating for the roll home.
Let the young guns do their fast thing on a mild Thursday morning, a shorter lap with a bit less stress suited better. Maybe 'fossilisation' is taking hold, it's becoming harder to put in two quick laps in a day lately. Plenty of southbound champions hit Boundary Rd with a mild 13 degrees to enjoy (a tad of tail wind a bonus?) Puddytats aplenty driven by Tina (is that allowed?), a chirpy greeting from the P&W bunch, a dozen silent Goats and a grinningTommygun was a broad variety. Cougar hit the gas again in Old Dookie to spike the graph, flags flapping (ENE) are better seen at the end than torment the mind beforehand.
Summer arrived with avengence Thursday arvo, 32 degrees and humidity in heaps for the usual thrash with the library bunch. Robbo, Nath, Dalton, Clive, Rocket, Mitch, Paul and Simmo lined up, Gav the suprise emergence from a lengthy hibernation to blow some cobwebs off. At the third stroke it was Robbo who rolled away on the dot, caught a few napping in a chase to group up for the exit from town. Rudd and Wanganui were tackled at a fair clip, a sleeveless LegalSteve caught in the opening stage of Ford. Rocket and Robbo were comparing kilowatts along Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd (a bit more loose gravel atop the recent reseal peppered the legs) Steve, Trent, Trudy and others joined in nearing the church. It was hard to judge where the wind was coming from, but it wasn't compromising speed. Sprinter & Gools attached in Boundary Rd, my turn at the front felt oddly adequate at 38 over the bridges and down to River Rd. Mitch was measuring Rocket by the dip, talk ceased to maintain mid fourties for a few clicks. Velocity settled in Central Kialla and Mitchell Rd's, but petrol was thrown on the fire out of Roubaix with the big guns loaded for target shooting. Steve, Robbo, Mitch and Rocket ramped up proceedings into the high 40's with 2k to go, I was happy to keep out of rotations at that rate with nothing to donate to the cause. Many who ventured forward were selected for early retirement half way into Conrod, Dalton, Paul, Simmo & I colaborating to finish happily mid field, podium positions were unsighted due to blurred vision at 190 bpm in the mid 50's (informed later it was gold for Steve, silver for Mitch and a bronze Rocket inches behind)
Felt quite secondhand Friday morning, legs lax and toosh tired, the best prescription a short and steady loop (a pair of breakaways ahead ventured south and east) with Cougar topping off the week nicely.
Week 45 339km (Edaggee to Geraldton WA) YTD15,850km
"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence"
Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821
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