A slightly smaller crew for Saturdays gathering, no Rocket (resting the afterburners for the evening Criterium), Patrick (7 peaks mountain climbing) or Nick (work beckoned) but AvantiTrev, Jase, Pom, Cougar, Temple, Trav, Shorty, FeltMat and HBK took to the Saturday ritual in 12 degrees, a puff of a southwester to assist.
The k's ticked over without drama, and like sands through the hourglass, we'd turned at the toaster then the emu, Cranky and crew spied on a reconnisance for the (scaled down) Cat pack in Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd. We felt the handbrake of the light southwester against us for the journey back to town. A (un-neccessary?) reseal of Ford Rd brought on the snap crackle and pop of tyres on loose stones, a few nervy moments hoping traction was on our side. A good run over Numurkah Rd, up Mt Wanganui without busting a head gasket and onto Rudd Rd. Had to skip the post ride fix of caffine and conversation, much to do in preparation for the 70.3 Ironman.
A chronic case of "worn out" Monday morning shelved ideas of an early lap, but workmate Wozza was up for an introduction to the toaster loop in the late arvo. Soon to dive into the world of road bikes (but still on a flat bar) we set off on a clockwise tour at a decent rate, a pair of 900x23 road tyres his only advantage on a 13kg Avanti. A trip down memory lane recalling my first (very green) attempts at this circuit, Wozza had no dramas staying at 33. (think my first go was at 23!) Two flat snakes on Ford and a train to wait for were the only distractions, perfect 27 degrees and just a whisker of ESE to push into. Legend behind the Emu and Toaster and road riding matters and manners discussed, still holding low 30's up to the pub. (breeze now a southerly to test tenacity) Spied Axel and others in River Rd as distance slowly wittled down Woz (a nodding head a dead giveaway) but credit due, he soldiered on holding 30. Effort eased out of Roubaix with the breeze almost behind, a little dip in Conrod as icing on the cake.
13 degrees felt a mild start to Tuesday, a big crew and a favourable north easterly was a recipe for records. Nick and WhisperingJack (already had an early 30 chalked up), Shorty, AvantiTrev, Temple, Trav, SuperMario, Rocket, Kenworth, BigMat, FeltMat and PistolPete (back from FNQ holidays) had an 'on the dot' HBK cue to roll out from the Archer shops. A steady build of speed for the first two legs was most considerate, I was paired with Kenworth for a hot leg 3, worth the 170bpm effort to get his tow after the roll over. All smooth and swift in Boundary, a couple of k's added with Mitchell Rd's tail wind, BigMat and WhisperingJack commenced a shoot out at the OK corral, macho matching to the dislike of some on the limit. Just 3km/h shaved off on the next few turns helped all to recover, HBK exiting in Archer on a work schedule. BigMat and WhisperingJack round 2 commenced at Arcadia Downs but it was a short bout. Two rows fractured into single file in Conrod, Rocket ventured forth where many feared to tread to show us how it's done with 500 to go. Many meters expired (with no coins left) in the last 200, my needle on the redline (194bpm) to finish with silver, impressed with PistolPete's pace after time off.
It's been a while since double dosing two brisk rides a day, wonder how the neolithic muscles will cope? Minimal prep time at 32 degrees, just jersey and knicks is a far cry from the endless layers needed during winter. Ozzie back from the Adelaide epic and holidays, blowing 5 weeks of cobwebs off. Tony, BassoDave, Clive, AvantiTrev, Paul, Nath, Craig, Sticks and Sly congregated at the boomgates, comparisons on wildlife struck till the clock struck 6. Hamish and Kate joined on in Graeme St, Steigy and MachineSteve in Verney. Chose the first shift well with Oz, a steady warm up into a muggy north-northeasterly (note to self to drink plenty, habits of abandoning the liquids in winter are to be changed) Kev, Travis and young Liam blended in as we crossed Boundary Rd, the tempo approaching 40 as usual. Glad things settled a bit for the south leg to the toaster, feeling a bit toasted myself (noticed that a crafty type has made a fake piece of toast for the toaster :-) Dalton was the last to join in Old Dookie Rd (a chase from a late start just missed us) to make up 19. A brief respite beyond the pub to wait for AvantiTrev and Kate (split by traffic at the highway) then back on the gas southward. Nath pulled out with a puncture nearing Channel Rd, insisting on a solo fix. Travis and MachineSteve drove the train to perfection, swift and steady progress by others in River Rd too, a testament to smooth turns. Sly's Trek with 11 DuraAce cogs, Steigy's stealth like Pinarello, Paul's Avanti clocking up it's first 1000, Dave's monogramed Basso, all humming along nicely. A squirt in Central Kialla Rd (thanks to the northerly) then resumption of the previous pace for Mitchell. Paired at the front with the torquey Dalton at Archer, lots of fuel burnt to climb Mt Nicolaci nudging the 40's, Christmas to get a rest slowing for the highway. The wick was slowly wound up in Raftery, Craig hit the front nearing Arcadia Downs and bolted like a startled rabbit, gapping the pack. Not enough jellybeans in the jar for me to get around the lad so tucked in hoping the big guns would venture forth. Hung out to dry at the business end, it was left to Paul, me and Sly to burn up on Conrod's dipper, the heavy artillery sitting back just waiting to light their fuse. With 300 to go a big train passed (carrying many not seen at the front for ages I might add), nothing but 50km/h to give at the end but satisfied with a fair contribution to finish mid field.
A perfect morning Wednesday, 13 on the thermometer and a weak southerly made it ideal for the mid week Couldabeens tour. Supermario, Shorty, Cougar, Rocket, Jase, LegalDave, Pom, AvantiTrev and FeltMat cued at the roundabout till the 6am flag dropped. PistolPete (getting over the post holiday blues?) joined in on the Archer Rd cue, a steady tap out Mitchell Rd with yet another ripper sunrise on show. Mild enough weather today to get Nick into short knicks, it brought the Pom out too (steadily recovering and regaining some form), LegalDave in prep for a Great Vic. Enjoyed our somewhat relaxed rate vs yesterdays thrash, Cats were aiming at the turn into River Rd with the locker lads closing in behind, keen to fluff up some fur. Our sheltered run west in Channel Rd kept the wheels turning, most keen to miss FeltMats flapping hankie when it broke free near the school. Rocket and Jase took a big dip in the closing stages for an assult on the Mexican Bonanza (55 clicks) I was most content to keep within zones 2 & 3 to allow old legs a chance to recover.
Stepped out the door at 5.35 Thursday all kitted up, low grey clouds and the smell of rain in the air threw the grey cells into doubt. Glad I didn't look at the radar. Oh well, hope springs eternal. Rolled down to the Archer shops (a few punters northbound put some sense into riding) finding a decent Couldabeens turn-up, many may have skipped peering at the BOM too? Kenworth, Jase, Temple, Rocket, Nick, RidleyTrev (the Avanti currently under Sprinter) Cougar, PistolPete, Shorty, Vince, Trav and WhisperingJack. A few negative predictions were silenced by action, out Channel at post haste pace with a WNW assistance. No sparring partner for Whispering Jack today, on his best behaviour earned an elephant stamp. The lead 8 got a bit eager turning into Boundary, gapped the 4 at the rear but a rebunch was soon in place. Felt the westerly pointing into Mitchell but dug deep at 170 beats, worth the push to get the Kenworth tow when he rolled the turn. Shorty had the nods nearing Central Kialla, a brief recovery at the slow for Central Kialla did the trick. Fast forward to Raftery's race, Whispering Jack pumped the pace in Conrod's dipper (gapping the bunch), Rocket set off in pursuit with a trailer of Jase, Vince and Trav stuck to his wheel. I spectated the finish, the Kenworth ran low on diesel, Whispering Jack was TKO, Vince took the chocolates, Rocket holding off a closing Jase.
Ye olde bike got a spring clean Thursday arvo, even rotated the Michelins to prepare for an abbreviated Library bunch ride. Proper summer weather at last and a westerly (20km/h+) to make work of heading home. We shouldn't grizzle about a little breeze after months of cold wet and miserable winter. Nath, Axel, Clive, Justin, Paul, Dalton, Robbo (promised to take it quietly; below 130bpm) Sticks, Tony, Gav, Luke, Travis and Liam got away at 6, the deck being shuffled early snookering me to score Nath's wheel (yeah, thanks!) As soon as Gav relinquished the lead, Nath took a torch to the tempo (tailwind in Wanganui got things keen) Daltons big engine stirred the pot moreso, soon to have three splits in the pack after Numurkah Rd. Travis brokered a peace deal before Verney, speed soon settled so that all may congregate. Kev, Bomber and LegalSteve were inducted, a 6 pack of TeamVeganPro joined after the soup tin (lentils I wonder?) Out to the Emu without much dawdling, little effect on speed facing the sidewind on the leg to the toaster. Headwind reality in Old Dookie pegged back the urgency to mid 30's, Portia's, Bobalino's and Nico's taking a short and sweet roll at the business end. A slick squirt to the pub then a peel off in Channel Rd to meet a dinner engagement. No hiding from the headwind heading homeward, kept the head down to the S bend to discover the Portalino team had tucked in behind. Rotations began but by the cypress trees I was struggling with their 33 to 38 variation track turns, dipping out on a few shifts. By the school, the lads were content to roll quietly in so I tapped out to the end without a bonanza finish. Much Indian food rectified the calorie loss.
Quite an internal argument on Friday morning, to ride or not to ride, that is the question. It was effort vs regret for a while, but copious cups of Kellogs Koncrete cured the motivation. Off down the main drag in the early hours a 13km/h remnant of last nights westerly all to contend with (until a ratbag Rodeo pulled alongside then turned left across my bow, parentage profusely pondered. Down Conrod straight (feels foreign southbound) I rounded up a newbie (brand new everything) inadvertantly scaring the whatevers out of the lad. Hope a kind wave resolved it. Another picture perfect sunrise at 6, shafts of orange light spearing from behind the clouds, justified the earlier arguement. Set a course via River Rd to peruse the passing parade of pumped peltons, just Fitzy aboard the TT as the first act. The arrow straight formation of Hurt Locker soon appeared, stark contrast to the Supercatpack on attack a bit back. 51 looked the business half a k behind, all the way to the ripple strips before a cheery P&W greeting. Pleased I'd clocked a PB for River eastward, spied the AristoCats followed by just 3 Goats southward in Boundary. Managed to keep in zone 4 for the circuit, despite feeling the pinch of a headwind in Channel. Came upon Shaz, Trish and the breakaways rolling the westward course home, continued on to town, again without a bonanza bust, but with 33 in the hour.
Week 47: 377km (Badgingarra to Bunbury W.A) YTD 16,397
"Old age is a good and pleasant thing. It is true you are gently shouldered off the stage but then you are given such a comfortable front stall as spectator" Confucius (551-479 BC) Chinese philosopher
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