Rather optomistically attired for summer on Saturday morning but it felt like September with just 7 degrees on the guage. Set off to the usual start, collecting Wozza on the way for his bunch debut. Only Shaz and Zan to brave the Breakaways, but Dion, Rocket, Cougar, Shorty, Nick, PistolPete, SuperMario, Pom, WhisperingJack and birthday boy RidleyTrev made up a dozen. Woz impressed many with a fine lead on leg one, quickly settling into the peleton protocols. The habitual dose of sarcasm from HBK reached new depths, news and views from others on the wind free run to Boundary. A bunch was eastbound in Old Dookie (a moment of right of way with the Breakaways), but we made no gain on them on the run to the toaster. At the rail line we had inducted Nath and Smuggler aboard, (aforementioned group headed toward the quarry) no discernable heat from the sun had my thoughts turned to coffee and toast already. Cats were unsighted today, reaching Ford Rd we'd discovered a reason, road (eastbound) closed. More resealing will have us amongst stones again next week I guess. The speed infringement blame game was tossed between WhisperingJack, HBK and PistolPete headed to Wanganui, none prepared to own up, RidleyTrev seemed to be little troubled by it. Unabaited pace to Rudd Rd and most of the Boulevard, a Smuggler and Nick exit for work, but all retired to the Lemontree for birthday cake and caffine with cheers for Trev. Enthused discourse on motel bookings, BonJovi and Tuesdays hitters was interrupted by a very short skirt and departures of 51 & Goats/Gazelles/Muppets
Intercepted Temple on a warm up to a Harvey Norman assembly at 7 on Sunday, old faithful Ridley letting him down (literally) with a seatpost malfunction. Minded the start line while he returned home to change steeds, HBK and FeltMat arrivng in the meantime. A few routes chewed over, the anti-clockwise toaster won the vote. With Temple aboard it was southward in Conrod, a rapid warm up beside HBK for a long (6.5 k) first leg. Pointed into Mitchell, a brewing northeaster was as subtle as Mathos' Cippolini, temperature building too from 13 to 19. Temple and FeltMat provided a much welcomed draft but all too soon it was duty time at the front again, +35bpm worth. Quite pleased to see Boundary Rd's tarmac layed out northward, the wind now at 2 o'clock more managable. FeltMat drove well from River Rd to the pub, the course now trimmed of toaster and Emu, straight up to Lemnos-Cosgrove won the poll. A little tree shelter leading up to New Dookie Rd then Christmas arrived turning west. All was well with the world with the wind assiting passage home but a diversion needed with Ford Rd closed (from yesterday's road works). Veered left down to New Dookie Rd then westward home, HBK lighting up the pace touching the 50's, a great yarn over Butterfactory coffee capped off the ride. A great day for Weapon (11.48.28) and Tommygun (10.47.20) at the Busselton Ironman, HurtLocker scooped the Shepp Crit B grade with Bart 1st and the Fox 3rd, Anna Meares clocked a 54.8 average on a 500TT and Francois Peruis nailed a kilometer in 56.3 secs at the world track championships. I feel quite inadequate now!
The need for an early start Tuesday needed a shorter lap, Cougar a willing participant to head out on Channel a three minutes before the Couldabeens and take the Boundary-Old Dookie option home. A west north wester set the wheels humming, so pushed east well enough to keep the Couldabeens behind . Bearing north, it was Graeme's greeting from amongst the Cats, Nev driving the 51 train in pursuit, and a bold bushy bearded bloke busting a boiler in Boundary (aka Ayto) with a P&W trio. Facing the headwind for Old Dookie Rd, LegalDave offered encouragement (from within a gaggle of Goats) so it was heads down to drive into the breeze for 7k home.
A slightly smaller gathering than normal at the hospital on Tuesday evening, BassoDave, Coggo, GT.Craig, Paul, Sticks, Tony, Clive, Hamish and Scott making the most of a magic 21 degrees, just the westerly (24-30km/h) to enjoy out and torment back. Roadworks continue in Ford Rd, a km stretch of rolled dirt to negotiate beyond the rail line. Found Kev loitering near the main channel, Sticks, Hamish and Paul ramping up the pace into the fifties cracking the pack. The three guns slowly crept into the distance but the eight remaining teamed up to share the load, a push to the toaster and a slog to Boundary Rd. Easier southbound toward River Rd (some shelter from the trees) an ambling 'world champion' was caught easily as we approached the Pub. Kev and GT.Craig drove well into the head wind on River (the 'champion' quickly diving for cover instead of a go at the business end) the group finding Andy near Laws Drive on a bike powered by 2 stroke. "Champion" quickly jumped on to be motorpaced on monoxide, but the bunch soon gathered them up in Mitchell. Raftery Rd was relatively free of gasping, heart attacks and shattered hopes, a steady build up of speed in co-operative company was rare but enjoyable. Rotations went my way to have Basso Dave and GT.Craig into the mid 40's ahead of me with 200 left of Conrod. Put in a blast to the line to pinch the chocolates, pleased there's some life left in the old legs (400W) and ticker (192bpm) with a 56 at 56.
Wednesdays' Kialla start had an encouraging turn-up, Shorty, Rocket, Jase (bling bestowed for birthday, aboard a flash new Avanti Corsa DR), Nick, AvantiTrev, FujiTrev (thought he'd sought Muppet assylum?) DiscoSteve (back from shoulder reconditioning) Wazza (on bunch ride #2), Cougar, FeltMat and PistolPete (almost north to the start line before his southward u turn) as 6 o'clock chimed. A pleasant roll down Archer with 10 degrees most acceptable, a light WNW to help us along Mitchell (aiding Nick's jellied legs from yesterday) Pistol Pete in a new Garneau kit was judged best dressed by couture & culture captain Cougar. FujiTrev was up to familiar manoevres with an erratic slice across Nick's wheel in Boundary Rd, only two small groups in TT format seen southward toward River Rd's race. Jase is climatising to the Corsa (and it's SRAM and Zipps) on it's second day out, a far cry from the old faithful Giant about to be divorced. Wozza has quickly embraced bunch morals and is circulating like a pro, not bad for his second dip. The turn into Channel Rd with the now westerly breeze at 15km/h didn't seem too tough, maybe hidden amongst the orchards kept us from the real task? Three red tail-lights ahead were like red flags to the bulls on the front, driving up to the kinder and collecting Breakaways Shaz, Patty & Jen to attach for a tow. Silence in abundence as oxygen was heartily consumed for 500 metres but their rubber band snapped at Prentice Rd. Well done anyway ladies. FeltMat peeled off after the school, the remainder saw out the finish, all minus inspiration for a Bonanza blast with the wind hampering progress.
Thursday was yet another September day in December, cold to the point of wishing the 3/4 knicks were chosen (ancient knees protesting). Plenty of tough Couldabeens at the shop though, Rocket, Jase (still wearing the Avanti grin) Shorty, Cougar, PistolPete, Trav,Temple, HBK, AvantiTrev and FujiTrev. Nick and WhisperingJack had completed an earlier 25k and u-turned at Kensington to make up a bakers dozen. Nicely warmed up (instead of toasted) on the first leg with Jase's consideration, a precursor to the wattage of Rocket & PistolPete paired for leg 3. Several WTF moments half way out Channel Rd with fog rising from the channels, check your calandars folks, it is almost half way through December. Due consideration was held for the rubber-band effect out of corners and intersections, Nick showing a little wear and tear of extra k's when southbound. Paired again with Jase on the last 2k of Boundary when a quadrella of guinea fowl slowly ambled into the middle of the road throwing mahem into the bunch. All emerged upright and unmarked (bikes and birds) but heart rates stayed high a bit longer. The Mitchell Rd scenery shot past quickly, soon on the brakes for Central Kialla, then on the gas till the highway (HBK exit stage right) The kettle boiled slowly in Raftery till full steam was reached in Conrod, a few hanging on by the fingertips at the back, Rocket signing the scorching sprint with a #1.
A work workout prompted a night off the Library lark, (Rocket pipped all) topping off the week with a quiet observation lap of the boys blistering Boundary. I reckon 30+ in the Supercats, a small pack of AristoCats with Doc at the wheel 5 minutes behind. Choppy's cheerful chime from the P&W's and a (Goat?) trio in Old Dookie. A hint of south westerly put Cougars' head down and the speed up, quickly back into town where it felt more like summer for TGIF.
Week 50: 337 km ( Lake Reeve to Nuytsland Reserve W.A.) YTD 17,545 km
"Do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive" Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915) US writer & philosopher
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