Lit by a Lampre sunrise Saturday, a pink and blue sky to turn the cranks toward the customary weekend starter. Just 10 to commence the usual circuit, others possibly bogged down by Christmas consumption? Nick, Rocket, Jase, Cougar, Avanti & FujiTrev, HBK, Temple and PistolPete lined up in the carpark (Whispering Jack on another retirement?) and set forth at 6 on a gradual warm up, simmered nicely to match Rocket for leg 2. Just a hint of an ESE breeze didn't bother, no sprint stages with Jack away and Trev's limit to respect. Fitzy spotted southbound on Boundary, Rocket got the circulation active (and the Garmin graph rising) attempting to match his 3k turn at the front, I was pleased to see the Toaster come into view just before I was toast. Squeaky pads from Temple & Jase at the church, plenty of caution peering for traffic through tall grass. Ace temperature at this hour with sun rising, left at the Emu and homeward bound, a long line of felines (24+) cranking toward the Emu on their normal trajectory. A punctured Shaz (with Zan) in Ford Rd sternly called a roadside assist from HBK, the bunch obliging a pit stop (for AvantiTrev to repair?) Back in motion after a few minutes the Breakaways latched on for a quick tow for Fords' remainder, Wanagnui and Rudd (but a second flat in the Boulevard ruined their run) Holiday plans, sledging Jack and glutony was the table talk, Weapon dropped by for Christmas greetings and a mass of Muppets made movement west.
The Monday Fb ride suggestion was for 5.55 on a course undisclosed, a proposal for an anti-clockwise Toaster circuit favoured the SSW'er to get an unanimous vote from Wozza, FeltMat, Supermario, HBK, Rocket, PistolPete and Jase. 8 degrees was less than inspiring, the wind at 15km/h made Conrod straight the chore, penalty paid for my Christmas indulgence, felt like I was carrying top weight (Rocket respectful only lightly toasting my legs at 35 and not burning them to a crisp). Relief for a moment at the horse stud kink to be out of a head wind, but PistolPete's turn pumped the speed up. An easier task tackling Mitchell eastbound and leaving other to assume the position at the front, noticed Doc plying west. A steady tap all the way to Boundary and with wind more behind us than ever it was great pace to the Pub, FeltMat putting in a big turn. To Toaster then Emu without wasting much time it was head down and grit teeth for the westward return to town. HBK added fuel to the fire of Rocket and PistolPete, SuperMario calling a short turn into the elements. By Ford Rd we'd come across Doc again (and westward again), the call to jump on was turned down for his turn for home. It was hard yakka into the SW till relief came at Rudd Rd turning toward town, anticipation of a relaxed coffee and late breakfast drove the wheels and cranks. A bruschetta and babble on trailers, caravans and the next WhisperingJack comeback topped off a solid 60k for 8.
Awake early Tuesday with unrested thoughts needed a decent lap as therapy, it was mount up time at 5.40 to top off 2013 and round off the k's for the year. Aimed at Ford and Lemnos Cosgrove Rd as an alternative but soon realised I was on 51 hallowed ground as lights bore down behind nearing Lemnos. Kept well right as their train steamed by, a g'day or two and a Newto offer to climb aboard (appreciated but turned down due to my ancient and out classed engine) As the No 51 whistled off into the sunrise I took the right into Boundary on a mission to Channel Rd. Eyes peeled at Old Dookie for Supercats right and 51 left (signs of both some distance away) it was forward ho to the Pub then a right into Channel and out of the light SW that hampered in Boundary Rd. Through the S bends (don't you hate hitting a stone half way into a corner that kicks a wheel sideways), onto the cypress trees, a right then left, up to the Kinder then down to the school, cross the bypass (upright) then back into town to chalk up 30. Slowly round a big block then on to Archer picking up Cougar to tap out a further 25k, half into a headwind but with a therapeutic tailwind home. Effort was rewarded with Degani's caffine and a great yarn, odometer stopping at 18,028km for 2013.
New years day spent off the bike (blame directed at a 2010 Cab Sav) but the craving returned on Thursday. A thin turn out of Couldabeens, PistolPete, Jase, Rocket, Cougar, AvantiTrev and FujiTrev the only ones not on holiday and/or tough enough to have a dip. A rather mild 18 degrees, the smell of last night's rain, and a slowly building SSW to make us burn off turkey and pudding. All was well heading out Channel Rd till FujiTrev caused a moment almost slicing off half of Rocket's front wheel, then duck and ducklings ambled into our path at the S bend to test reactions. The hard yards were done in Boundary against the 20km/h wind (FujiTrev quickly abandoning plans at the front for rearmost retirement). I dug into the determination depths in Mitchell Rd beside Pistol to go the extra mile (well, 2.3km anyway) heart rate peaking at 180. Just 4 rotating now but preserving a tight knit team, back for another stint with Pete to Archer Rd (2.1k) before Rocket and Jase allowed me a brief breather. Some hesitation nearing Arcadia Downs by Rocket let Pete and Jase take the lead for Conrod, a fine 3rd place by Cougar finished a good lap, content I'd removed a little of the festive flab.
Numbers down at the library on Thursday evening (culled by Christmas cheer?) but a quality collection of Coggo, Jamie, Wozza, Harpo, Clive and Tony departed at 6. A perfect 25 degrees with a light SSE breeze helped the tour to the Emu, LegalSteve was found loitering with intent near the kennels, MachineSteve continued his westbound path however, nursing injuries. Clive's on new (Christmas?) carbons, Jamie's present a new son and Wozz on his first Library bunch, but all faced the breeze heading to the toaster (minus the usual heavy artillery). Axel attached as we neared the pig farm, each contributing a turn toward River Rd (a treat without the usual south wester), Coggo skipping a turn till re-appearing in Central Kialla Rd. A steady run for most of the lap in the mid to high 30's kept things smooth. The natives became restless as Arcadia Downs drew closer, gradually building tempo into the 40's. My shift at the front came early with 400m of Conrod left, so it was all eggs into one basket or be swamped with 100 left. Mr.Garmin showed a 194bpm redline I tried to ignore, a glance under the armpit showed a big slab of tarmac before the next contender (LegalSteve) so eased the throttle to prevent a bent valve, twas yonks since the last Library bunch podium (lack of big guns helps)
Word of a quiet lap from HBK and Rocket sounded alarm bells Friday morning (as believable as "I did not have sexual relations with that woman") so took the safe option of a steady circuit with Cougar. Wozza, HBK and Rocket were in Archer Rd as we turned in Channel, seems BigMat, PistolPete, Temple, AvantiTrev and Jase joined up on the Wednesday circuit to rekindle Faark Friday. Cougs and I toured east to Boundary smooth and steady for the FreakyFriday feature. Rabbit was the carrot for Supercats (Matho's flouro green unmistakeable), a two pronged 51 pursuit close behind. Just two P&W's, Shirms and buddy soon after with one or two scattered here and there for Boundary's remainder. A large Goat gathering (Muppets and Gazelles aboard too?) had nearly topped off Old Dookie as Cougar ramped up the return to town. A good finish to a somewhat erratic week of holidays and indulgence.
Week 1 312km (somewhere on the Nullabor plain to Ceduna) YTD 139km
"If you learn from defeat you haven't really lost" Zig Ziglar (1926-2012) US author
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