A daily double was planned Saturday, touring the side streets to soak up time en route to the Couldabeens start. A dozen in the congregation included Breakaways Shazz and Jen, but minus the regular Rocket, resting for the evening Criteium. Underway at 6, we'd gained quickly on a cruising quadrella of Simon, Bo, Kel and Ron, adding to a long train at the kinder for the lap. I'd scored a pairing with Pistol again, no hope of a cruisy turn at the helm. Tucks, Temple, Shorty, Nick, Cougar, Jase, Shane and FeltMat all put in the wattage to keep the bunch mobile, Jen and Shazz are the Cheshire cats stepping up several rungs from their regular ride (how soon we forget our early days of achievement , pumped surviving a circuit with a faster bunch). The early mornings cool 13 degrees distracted thoughts of recent 37 degree afternoons, but a strengthening southwesterly made work for the long leg home in Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd. We finally found Rocket quietly idling along Ford Rd, tacking onto the rear of the bunch for a tow home. Another thrash up Wanganui hill by the eager stretched out the pack, but it reformed quickly in Rudd Rd to return to the Lemontree base camp. No time for coffee, the Goats had launched early from Friars (escaping an influx of uninvited apprentices), southbound to Raftery for a reverse of the usual week day Goat lap. Longer turns allowed sentences rather than words with Dipper, Hommy, Bazz, Sandy, LegalAndy, Deb, Tonksy, SpecialisedTony and MeridaAndy, but only minimal words with WobblyTrev to avoid distracting his line. River Rd was easy with the winds help, at the helm up to the end with Dipper then MeridaAndy, skirting around the ripple strips nearing Boundary Rd. (but this slight deviation unfocussed WobblyTrev, suddenly BMXing through the tabledrain...incredibly, upright) At Old Dookie Rd factions split. some westward home to coffee, others keen (so it seemed) to tour to the toaster. Only MeridaAndy, Dipper, Specialised Tony and I had taken the eastward option, the mathematics of few doing plenty changed hearts quickly, the vote was to chase the westward bunch (now a k ahead) home. Unplanned and unspoken, a single file formed intuitavely in pursuit, into zone 5 rapidly for a kilometre, I was greatful for Andy taking the drivers seat after my contribution. We reeled in Tonksy by Central Ave, and rejoined the others by Doyles, after some determined driving, coffee and convivial conversation continued at Friars.
Manged a peek at the Shepp Criterium on Saturday, Dion, Rocket, Nath, Robbo, Nev and other assorted top guns putting on a top show of rapid riding in A&B grades (photos to head this and forthcoming blogs)
A rare slice of normal life taken Sunday and Monday, the bike gathering cobwebs as legs regained feeling.
Weaved my way through a flotilla of early morning garbage trucks (and the awakening aroma) to Friars on Tuesday, ten Goats assembled for the usual 30k, Coggo back from holiday to lead the train out of town. JB and Tina were collected in the first leg to Doyles Rd, decent progress made east considering the northeasterly hinderance. I'd scored a good sandwich between smooth Principal Skinner and smoother Tina, new face Anton showing early signs of an engine misfire. The turn into Boundary Rd was Christmas on a stick, but the oncoming black car beyond the pub was saving energy without headlights (and intelligence?) We'd caught a wandering LegalAndy south of the bridges, Anton now joining the reartiring at the back of the bunch. The River Rd leg took a little time to get organised but soon was spearing west without sparing the horses, a bit difficult to keep the drivers up the road to echelon some ease to those behind. A little calm was restored in Central Kialla, Snow soon winding up the wattage to Mitchell (unwittingly splitting the bunch). Eight resumed the rotation in Mitchell to power to the highway, JB's astute call for traffic saving much bacon. The wind wore down many in just 2 k's, it was left to just JB and I pointing into Conrod, out of dipper and facing 20 km/h of headwind to wear down the enthusiasm. Belly emerged from the back with Snow in tow, thrashing out the last 200 for glory.
A rare easterly blew on Wednesday, at least it signalled a tail wind home on the Wednesday/Friday reverse Couldabeens circuit. Rocket, Tucks, Pistol, SuperMario, Nick, AvantiChris, Rudy, Chops, Cougar and Shane filled the roundabout path, enough attending to make light work of the task to Boundary Rd. Genesis, an OTA Ron, the Breakaways and a big Cat pack filled River Rd, me lucky to have put a turn in before the headwind leg. Six Goats plied south at the bridges on Boundary, I pondered the pace with our pack primed by the tailwind homeward. As is customary, the Cha Cha got the troops excited, SuperMario launching an all out effort, only to be swamped by Rocket, Shane and Rudy for Strava supremacy. Calm reigned till Kensington, just couldn't help myself to have a brief dip to the bus stop to clear the cobwebs.
Started Thursday with a puncture repair, waking to a flat craved conversation with the imbeciles impoverished of i q who decorated the street with smashed stubbies. The commute to the Couldabeens was spent investigating the wind direction, a promised northeaster had evolved into an eastsoutheast. Only Shane and recent inductee Rudy were at the car park, Pistol then Trav the only other starters arriving. My vote for a team time trail was accepted unanimously, Shanes' 38 km/h ammendment was tabled for leg one and two, but then defeated in the senate for leg 3 (figured I could manage 41 km/h to the kinder without passing out). Trav and Pete drove to Boundary Rd, Rudy to the Broken bridges where I was handed the reigns again. The wind added a couple of clicks to the cruising speed in River Road (my h.r. in neutral at 85 bpm with the heart rate strap drowned in sweat), Pistol firing strongly to the channel bridge, crossing paths with a handful of early risen Muppets. Rudy has quickly fitted in with turns strong and steady, the smooth and straight recipe easily digested when you're just a few centimetres off the wheel ahead in the 40's. I began to feel the wear and tear at Archer Rd, leaving a little in reserve to jump aboard the rear of the little train as the four passed with the cue from my elbow. Down to walking pace at the highway for traffic, Pistol considerately and gently dialling up the heat to Roubaix. Shane's call for rapid roll overs lasted just seconds, back to track turns and mid fourties by the horse stud. I was handed the lead at Conrod's dipper (again, of course!), the longest 700 metres ever measured, but just couldn't latch onto Shane & Rudy in the last 200 for glory. A solid workout at a 38.8 km/h average for just five.
A soft option sleep-in on Freaky Friday finalised the week.
Week 4 220 km YTD 801 km
Rider of the week
(no bites on last weeks puzzle, clues too cryptic it seems to identify AvantiLeigh. Two prizes await this weeks first correct answer.)
Former petrol station attendant, lover of lasagne, a one eyed helmet needing renewal, blue & black bike.
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