With my head in weekend mode I'd stalled the Saturday kit-up routine, finding myself five minutes behind the eight ball to reach the Saturday startline.....yet another sprint start to the day. The temperature was just 0.1 degree into the positive, but I'd well and truely warmed up on the 5.6k commute, reaching the carpark with a minute to spare. Another big grid of Bo, Kel, Ange, Linda, Fisky, Dion, Nick, Shorty, AvantiChris, AvantiTrev, Rudy, Hollywood, Cate, Cougar, Jen, Ron, Rocket, Pistol, MasiMario and the even later comers Jase and Trav (didn't make me feel so guilty). All set off into the cold darkness of Old Dookie Rd, I'd planned a double dip of Couldabeens with a Goat chaser, the lure of longer laps are fading with the temperature, but preserving some sort of form for future targets jump starts the enthusiasm again. The elongated social wheel of musical chairs revolved on the familiar Saturday track, exchanging snapshots of the peletons personality as each prepared to venture forth for the effort (or ease) contributing to the pointy end, keeping up the average (and the ego?). I was suprised to see Fisky in the pack, didn't think he emerged from bed till it was 5 degrees or better, Ange was giving the usual somewhat subtle (as a sledgehammer) calls. Thoughts of joining the sprint were thrown out when my turn came up beside Dion in Wanganui Rd, all reserves being spent by DECA just when the sprinters and sprintenders emerged from the rear at the whiff of Wanganui hill, Rocket reliably ruled till Bo bolted. I was content to plug away at the rear with several likeminded in tow, didn't want to empty the tank with more k's to follow. I peeled away from the bunch with Dion and Nath (on a similar agenda) and fronted Friars to find a trickle of Goats arriving for frappe fuelling in preparation for a Toaster lap. Almost needed a bomb threat to motivate Baz, Hommy, Deb, Sandy, Snow, Jan, Roscoe and Principal Skinner from their seats, Dazza, Dion, MeridaAndy, Nath and JamisScotty the ones keen to saddle up and fire the starting pistol. A casual cruise to the Boulevard eventually got the bunch together, Nath and Dazza setting the standard at a cool 30. There was quite a Ford Rd fragmentation with rusty riders retreating rearward, urging the six pack (MeridaAndy, JamisScotty, Nath, Dion, Dazza and I) to carry on, leaving the contingent to cluster and cruise. There was plenty of work to do with just five to team with, MeridaAndy on the road to lumbar recovery and JamisScotty fighting a bi battle of aerodynamics. A steady roll to the Emu and Toaster and down to the Pub, it was no suprise when MeridaAndy and JamisScotty bailed out for a Channel Rd exit but Dion, Dazza and Nath didn't have to turn up the tempo! Into zone 4 (but manageable) for River Rd we caught and passed the shortcutting Snow and Jan and plugged on to Mitchell, GiantMark intercepting at Archer Rd for the return to town, a SSE'er assisting our passage to the Butterfactory to refuel from 98k's.
Belly called a 32 x 32 for Monday, a calmer karma with seven degrees almost declared a heatwave. Principal Skinner, Phill, MeridaAndy, Sandy, Hommy, Snow, Coggo and Belly was a good turn-up, or maybe Tuesdays forecast brought the meeting forward? The roll out of town collected CatKel and another unidentified feline, Tina at the weighbridge making up a dozen. Hommy was struggling to get above an idle, Snow with his usual 8 degree toe out in the right knee, Phil back aboard after time off. All settled into a steady tap, seems to be the winter want as cold ebbs enthusiasm as kilometres are clipped and rides reduce. It was nice to get out of the easterly and bear south, my form guage reading lame lately was quickly boosted to beaut, witnessing the the work needed by those smitten by sloth (and gastronomic Italian holidays!). Rolling rather relaxed (h.r. @ 119) I took leave at River Rd's end exiting stage right, a mission to hastily head home (160 bpm) and prep for work.
Tuesdays damp denied kilometres (some boldly rode where others feared to tread) but consequently inspired a short Raftery Rd prologue on Wednesday, if only to re-educate the legs with a curriculum of cadence. Fog blurred the view as the head dealt with a esrever dornoC noitcerid, glancing back confirmed I was enveloped in a dark misty cloud. All bearings were lost without landmarks, feeling for the dip by effort, for lack of seeing it. Rounding Roubaix (certainly felt that!) at 6am was on target to intercept the Couldabeens clan in Archer Rd, it was just a case of finding a dozen l.e.d.'s in the pea soup. Hazed headlights emerged from the fog in leg 2 of Archer, so I u-turned to jump aboard, Nick, Pistol, AvantiTrev, Rocket, AvantiChris, Hollywood, even WhisperingJack (thought fog had miraged my imagination) being bolstered by the Breakaways, Cougar, Jen, Cate and Melissa. I'd slotted into blessed position between Jen and Melissa but had plenty of work to do in keeping up. With River Rd covered congenially we pointed north, but nearing the Broken bridges my Mavic marshmallowed with a slow flat. My call of 'puncture' went un-noticed so it was a private pitstop to repair as the bunch vanished into the cloud ahead. I counted it positive to be spared the burden of the bindii, a small wedge of glass was found and flung, back on the road with little delay, driving hard homeward to meet the time clock. A dog the size of a small horse emerged from the darkness in Channel Rd's Cha Cha (turbo boosting the pace with adrenalin), but thankfully stood in stunned silence. Home on cue to reach the coalface with seconds to spare.
Thursdays downpour donated another day off the bike, but Friday's 20km/h southerly gave a dose of driving duties for Wozz and I to the Archer Rd shop, finding Couldabeens collectively congregating in the carpark corner, cowering from the cursed first shift. AvantiTrev, Cougar, Whispering Jack (yep, again. Twice in a week is double BigMat's and SuperMario's effort) Hollywood, Pistol, MasiMario, Rocket, Kenworth and Cate shuffled positions for take off, Shorty jumping aboard at Kialla Lakes. I'd fluked a tow for the head wind but the payback was pairing with Rocket in River Rd when Cate ducked for cover under Pistols' wheel. The spin doctor on a reverse ride joined in the rotation, a quick trip east as Cats cranked west. Enthused with a tail wind, Pistol and Rocket paired (cream rising to the top) to propel us to Channel Rd, matching Rocket to the S bend spent my reserves, Shorty's short shift saving my bacon till Wozza's puncture at the cypress trees gave all a reprieve and sharpened our sledging skills. AvantiTrev wrestled with a recalcitrant C02 pump (blowing tube 2) but we finally set the wheels turning and belted into the Cha Cha. On Rockets' wheel I dug deep to pass and roll, Kel followed suit, (a MasiMario meltdown matching the motion) many boys coming out to play when the work had been done, I was swiftly swamped, elected to the ejected with an E.T.A. to the O.T.A. Another Wozz puncture on the last leg halted a few for pitstop duty, the craved for caffine crew continuing.
Week 25 230km YTD 7,242 km
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