Rocket, Wozz and Temple were the sole early birds Saturday, colder weather revealing only the dedicated (or is it the delirious?) to do the distance. Attempting to shake a cold had pegged my performance, hurdling the hurt barrier (to score a second wind) respiratorily restricted was difficult, even with a tail breeze to Mitchell Rd. Visits to the front were frequent with the few four, felt I was short changing the lads with my curt contributions, if only the heart rate would climb down from bpm! Almost over that hurdle in Rockets then Wozza's tow, the westward drive in Channel Rd finally found that second coming, full length sentences finally possible as we felt the celcius rise and fall (irrigation channels vs cypress trees) back to town. 10 minutes ahead of schedule allowed a little loop of Kialla Lakes drive then back to the Archer Rd assembly, Nev, PistolPete, Boof, Shorty, Mel (-Car), AvantiMat, AvantiTrev, Cougar, SuperMario, Cate and Jen had plied their way to spin, socialise and sustenance Saturday. Not a lot of words spoken on leg one, the effort reaching cruising speed in the cool taking priority. Sentences started slowly for most, a westbound Troy u-turning to attach nearing the S bend, finishing my turn and tucking in for the tow was cherished with a sandpapered throat making life difficult. We sliced through the dark north, east and north again, an oncoming light about faced and hitch-hiked a tow at the Emu, our work west on Lemnos-Cosgrove eased by the northeaster. What was thought to be a tiny stone hitting my forearm evolved to be large raindrops, possibility of a drenching flooded the pre-frontal cortex as eyes rolled to the heavens in search of sinister clouds (but found nothing), ten drops later it had ceased. Our hitch-hiker had rotated through the ranks to draw alongside me as we crossed Grahamvale Rd, without a glance sideways I sensed it was the StravaStalker who'd infiltrated, a decent dose of half wheeling now on my to-do list. (two attendances for the year and bragging weekly k kudos on the team page spells strange in my book) Determination with a side order of retribution drove away thoughts of my throttled throat to crank the speed to 40, his plea to roll left unanswered, the silent message signed and delivered. My position proved positive as the assault on Mt.Wanganui neared, I was back on the up line past the test track as Troy, Boof and Wozz set the sprint speed sizzling, considering myself blessed to catch their draft in the mid fifties to fifth spot as others imploded. There was no slacking off at the helm with Pistol Boulevard and Lemontree bound, legs screaming a break (and breakfast) back to base camp. Breaking into cars, do we need a $56m art gallery? and Daniels' #3 #4 & #5 discussed over poached eggs on toast.
Short knicks and a base layer was wishful thinking as the mercury battled to beat eight, a solo Monday Toaster felt to be a worthy start to the week (simmering the heart rate at Zone 4) The long effort East to the emu passed as thoughts drifted, a short slog to the Toaster then an easier drive to Boundary as eastern standard time gave some pre-dawn light to guide the travel to Boundary Rd. The bait of a red led (entering from Channel Rd) ahead added a few km/h, slow and steady progress was better than a thrash to catch. Not till the billiard table section of River Rd did I recognise the solid gait of BigRon, three weeks off two wheels paying its price on performance. A chat till Mitchell Rd made a welcome social interval, the Couldabeens peace train emerging from Archer Rd tempted BigRon to u-turn, my schedule slim, completing the Toaster lap home early (to remain employed).
A short Golf course lap to defrost on Tuesday, trying anything to transition to tough out a quick Couldabeens lap. Wozz and I arrived early to an empty car park, a short loop to Kialla Lakes soaking up the minutes had us arrive back surprised to a packed house. Chops, Rocket, Boof, Shorty, AvantiMat, AvantiTrev, Kel, Bo, BigRon, new dad ChrisA, Nick, Pistol, Trav, Temple and Jase swelling the attendance from last weeks feeble five. Positioned six wheels back at the start made a pleasant change, a steady build of heart rate beats being over-revved early. Gently paired at 34 clicks at the front beside AvantiTrev was soon swapped for a furious 41 with Wozz in River Rd, recovery slow till the draft of several brought me back to 150 bpm. Jase paced Mt.Nicolaci's ascent, the long 1100 metres to the highway toasting me early. A clear cross of the highway meant it was back on the gas to the bridge with Wozz, struggling to endure his inertia. I hadn't really recovered by duty's next call but joined the up line at Galbraith's gate nudging 40, needed 47 at the rushin' front passing Arcadia Downs though. Fighting for survival in Pistols tow at Conrods first dip meant the last k was going to be hell, younger and stronger engines stretching out the pack in the last half k broke my joining link to finish fourth last.
Like rednecks swarming to a Republican picnic, Couldabeens (and the odd wannabee) converged on the Wednesday carpark, Rocket, Pistol. shorty, Nick, WhisperingJack, Jen, AvantiAndy, Cate,
Car (-Mel), SuperMario, AvantiTrev, AvantiMat, Chops, GazzaGrasshopper, Vince, Bruce, Temple, Bo, Kel and young'ns rolled in, what inspires this sudden boost in attendance? A split for traffic on the exit made it a determined drive to Kialla Lakes to reconvene, GazzaGrasshopper taking a short turn out of sequence in Mitchell, Bruce and I stirring the tempo pot in Central Kialla. A tangerine skyline painted River Rd, the sunrise sight soon to be endangered when winters grip takes hold. Poppa pierced the eardrums as Cats cranked west, Goats crossing paths as we steered north into Boundary. It's a long way to the front if you want to rock a roll, twenty one heads worked fourty two wheels toward Channel Rd. My arrival at the business end into Hopeful corner was a short straw (1200 metres to the finish line), Bruce then Pistol started the early rolls but the up-line vanished into an Indian file, hanging Pistol out to dry. Feeling charitable, I mustered muscles to the front again to donate a draft, still no up-line as the sprintenders bade their launch time. Rocket, with Cosmics copiously complaining, cranked past convincingly, GazzaGrasshoppers' shambled pursuit in vein, this old bloke content with third, the large servings of oxygen after my delicious dessert.
Below standard thoughts struggled to get the wheels turning on Thursday, a wardrobe malfunction (short knicks and one base layer against six degrees doesn't win) not motivating either. Only Wozz, Rocket and I at the carpark was a formula for a flogging so the relief at others rolling in (AvantiTrev, Temple, Boof, Trav, AvantiMat, Pistol, Nick and Jase) was resounding. 1300 metres of leg one alongside Wozz was a tough induction, but a rest break possible when AvantiTrev and AvantiMat took control of the helm.. I found myself the meagre meat in a Wozz and Rocket speed sandwich in River Rd (retirements to the rear starting so soon!), a thin fog resting atop the paddocks a sign of the season to come. A little daunted beside the rapidity of Rocket in Central Kialla, my roll goal shifting to the next white post (or maybe the one after) pushed the legs limits, "Butterfly's and Hurricanes" on the cranial playlist. The retirement rate grew quickly in Mitchell Rd, what had become of the energy engines of Trav, Boof and Temple? There was only Jase, Rocket, Wozz , Pistol and I swapping turns in Raftery Rd, my last hurrah at Galbraith's gate was short lived, two rows had become one with Pistol, Rocket and Wozz taking the lions share of Conrod straight. The cold air restricted lungs and froze muscles in the mid fourties, digging deeper to stay in the tow the specs fogged up as patience to reach the finish line thinned.
Three quarter knicks came out of the archive Friday, ye olde knees welcoming the warmth. Regrettably missed the pain train (work commitments) for an early solo tap around, assistance on New Dookie Rd from a passing Quicklift crane lifted the spirits but a Boral blast from an oncoming Mack dragged me back to reality. Nice to dissolve dilemmas and calm concerns in solo mode, a tame tap to treat testicles, holiday the heart rate, calm calves and diet the determination. The 17 cog hadn't seen this much use in ages, cruising along at zone three most therapeutic (gotta keep the pleasure/pain balance just right) a relaxed epilogue to the week.
Week 14 303km. YTD 4,497km
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