Sucked socially south Sunday seeking cycling sustainance, strong southerlies stifling speed. Surprisingly, a Couldabeens crowd had converged, the afternoons Tour de Pub was expected to cull an early lap. Nick, Jase, Pistol, Jen, BamBam, Cate, Shorty, BassoDan, Hollywood, Mel, TatPaul, Bruce, Weapon, Troy, Temple, The Godfather, Gazzagrasshopper (from the clutches of extinction) and TrekTrev (a Nev/Kev bro) set forth, Kel, AvantiTrev and Bo arriving to get 42 wheels turning at 6. Winters hangover (8 degrees) mixed the wardrobe between short and long, funny the variety of people's temperature tolerance. Jen braved turn one, proving gridphobia groundless, I scored a strong BassoDan then Bo to partner for legs two and three. 9k's of Channel Rd later we steered north onto Boundary, pace pumped with the wind blowing at the backside, silence in the ranks indicating many at VO2 max. 3k's of Old Dookie Rd took us to the Toaster, the anxious anticipation of a battle against the southwester (20 km/h) homeward focussed thoughts to Emu corner. It was easy in the draft till reaching the front in Ford Rd, a short stretch with BassoDan was soon called over to battle with Bo. I surprised myself nudging 37 into the breeze, fitness a hard thing to measure till you're told you've gapped others. Wind wore at the warriors in Wanganui Rd, the pack turning skinny and Indian file behind Rocket at DECA. The flick of an elbow put Bo in the drivers seat, uh oh! I was next as Kittles Rd came into view. Bo's elbow handed me the front, all effort shoved into the cranks as the sprinters shadows swelled behind. I reckon the finish line is on the hill's crest, so Yay! I won! but Bruce, Gazzagrasshopper The Godfather and co (waiting in the wake of my wheel) came out of hiding to thrash to a further goal (100 metres ahead) Peloton personalities, travels and hills vs flats jabbered jaws at Lemontree's long table, I wondered who'd do the daily double on the afternoons Tour de Pub?
A 5k prologue into the midday (35km/h) southwester summoned the Peppermill hydration to commence the annual Couldabeens Tour de Pub (coarsely subtitled Tour de Trough) SuperMario, Kenworth, Trav, Cougar, The Godfather, BigMat, Bruce, Ro, BigRon, Weapon, Rocket, KillkennyPaul, Boof and Pistol enrolled as the draughts were dispensed, a wait for Nev's arrival seemed familiar.
Stage 1 to Pistols fronted Raftery Rd's headwind, a short 9k wind workout before beer and nibbles prepared us for stage 2. AvantiTrev and Bo broke free of employment to join, Shepp-Euroa Rd testing tenacity as gusts to 40 grew, gasps gave way to guffaws as the Godfather punctured, a now regular occurrence for the Tour. Repaired and remounted, there was a push to Union Rd, heart rate escalating paired with Rocket at the front, I scored some comfort from a call of "easy" to recouple the caboose.Over the highway and across the Goulburn bridge, Toolamba on the hydration horizon spurred SuperMario to stretch the bunch, the Junction hotel our pitstop. The Godfather's JD and raspberry made an early appearance, but time had ticked by to prompt stage 3 to start. Across the Mooropna-Murchison Rd and with Weapons' directional dramas done, it was west toward Dhurringile, but an explosion from The Godfathers tube brought on a special stage of sledging. Retubed and resaddled, the tailwind to Tatura put fourties on the Garmins, a thirst to quench at the middle pub with chips as the sporting supplement.
Stage 4 to Mooroopna weaved a weird BigMat course via Ardmona's finest goat tracks and pave sections (strewn with slashed grass), just to build a thirst for the Cricketers Arms to satisfy. Yarns, passions, past-times and philosophies were let loose by ale, a Pandora's box of personalities previously unknown. As evening drew near and a dinner date beckoned, I departed for town with Weapon, navigating the sticks and bark on the windswept bike path, one length of bark being a rather angry 3ft tiger snake when Weapon rode over it.
Stage 1 to Pistols fronted Raftery Rd's headwind, a short 9k wind workout before beer and nibbles prepared us for stage 2. AvantiTrev and Bo broke free of employment to join, Shepp-Euroa Rd testing tenacity as gusts to 40 grew, gasps gave way to guffaws as the Godfather punctured, a now regular occurrence for the Tour. Repaired and remounted, there was a push to Union Rd, heart rate escalating paired with Rocket at the front, I scored some comfort from a call of "easy" to recouple the caboose.Over the highway and across the Goulburn bridge, Toolamba on the hydration horizon spurred SuperMario to stretch the bunch, the Junction hotel our pitstop. The Godfather's JD and raspberry made an early appearance, but time had ticked by to prompt stage 3 to start. Across the Mooropna-Murchison Rd and with Weapons' directional dramas done, it was west toward Dhurringile, but an explosion from The Godfathers tube brought on a special stage of sledging. Retubed and resaddled, the tailwind to Tatura put fourties on the Garmins, a thirst to quench at the middle pub with chips as the sporting supplement.
I had a penchant for peace on Monday but the golf course loop begged a prior prologue, at last a double digit temperature and barely a puff of wind. Speissy, Phil, Sandy, Heady, Hommy, Tina, Coggo, Belly, Weapon, ApprenticePete and PinarelloTom (part-time Pussy) formed at Friars for a pacified peloton, JB making up a bakers dozen to egress east. Passing a cruising Straddles and Keeno, we slowly squeezed the accelerator to preserve peace, Weapons wheels playing a carbonaria with the singles singing soprano invoked velocity but. A study of ride styles presented a mixed bag, Tina's straight and svelte course contrasted with PinarelloTom's profuse pedal pauses (as easy to follow as Jackie Lambie's logic), Velominati's rule #3 of guiding the uninitiated is needed me thinks. Shadows stretched ahead on River Rd as the sunrise warmed the gluteus maximus, long shifts at the front by Hommy and Tina set a precedent for Weapon and I to long haul a 3k stint to Central Kialla Rd. I bid adieu to the peace train to tend to the wants of an employer, a squirt at the Crit sprint (2nd PB) satisfying an itch of intensity.
A sneaky suburban saunter with a keen cornea on the clock berthed me at the bunch back for Tuesday's turtles, at last a reprieve from the first shift at the front! Bruce, Cougar, TrekTrev, AvantiTrev, AvantiMat, Jase Hollywood, Nick and Temple was a good show for a Tuesday, a gentle stoke of the boiler on the first few legs to get a little train up to speed. All cruisy till the cypress trees, Hollywood and I turned up the tempo at the S bends, stopping the jaws flapping. AvantiMat is working the wheels well, several solo's spicing his speed of late. Variable velocity in River Rd as AvantiTrev and Nick turned the wick down (Temple turning it up again), Jase and Hollywood tackled the breeze through Central Kialla as TrekTrev sought comfort in the caboose with Cougar. Temple made me work to Archer Rd, the pack of ten still united to the highway and beyond. I'd recovered (145bpm) in the tow as Arcadia Downs loomed near, but had a problem with premature arrival at the bunch front out of Conrod's dip. Way too early to figure in the placings, my only option was to make the punters earn their chocolates, flogging the high fourties for 250 metres, my elbow signalling Bruce and Temple to thrash out the honours to Steptoe's. Contentment reaching the 1250k Strava monthly challenge, I pondered Amanda Coker's current effort at the world distance record, week 28 and she's covered 72,164 km. 366k/day is commitment!
Analysing frontphobia (drivers seat distress) with Car appeared to calm concerns en route to Wednesday's lap, it's a state of mind to brave the pointy end with the strong when most are respectful and co-operative. Weather was wonderful drawing a Couldabeens crowd; Kenworth, Pistol, Car+Mel, Boof, Cate, WhisperingJack, Chops, Nick, Weapon, Troy, Bruce, AvantiTrev, Temple, Marz, Jase, Rocket and Trav took to the tarmac on Archer at 6, Gazzagrasshopper last out of the cot converging. A train horn (with Landcruiser attached) passed trumpeting the tasty touché's at the bunch back, Mexican Angelo assimilated into the pack in Mitchell Rd. A welcome back to Marz (monstering the Masi big cogs), Kenworth was keeping a birthday under cover as the AvantiTrev / Nick handbrake clicked on a couple of notches in River Rd. A slow breach of Boundary Rd as Trav retrieved Gazza's bidon, a light tail breeze assisting our passage to Channel Rd. Gazzagrasshopper had skipped the sequence and drew alongside me at Sellmans ('focus Foss' on the straight and smooth to divert thoughts from the young whipper-snapper beside me), stubbornness driving a long turn to the cypress trees, the satisfying sequel that Gazza called the roll-over, not me. Kudos from Bruce egged on the ego to match my heartrate, Bruce was headed to the slaughter at the rushin' front while I mentally prepared for a ChaCha chance. Full bore into Kinder corner and down to Hopeful, the right lane was fracturing by Prentice Rd. Gazzagrasshopper shot past in a fish tailing thrash after Boof and Rocket , it was like following WobblyTrev on steroids while I played patience behind. Nearly out of road with Orrvale looming large, I poured on the wattage arrow-like past, snatching third with Rocket and Boof just a few lengths ahead (was good for the grandpa).
Riding random Thursday morning, soaking up 10k's of mind meandering before the 6am Goat gathering. Belly Sandy, Brendy, Coggo, HG, Snow, Phil, Hommy, Heady, Tina, Temple, HBK, DeepFry and Bickers formed at Friars, the surging subject and its ruination on a ride analysed with Tina (Rule #88 is gospel). Coggo and I led the escape from town, JB joining the rotational ritual, allowing me to speak steps with Sandy, bonkers blazers with Brendy, the Couldabeens crawl with Coggo and tepid temperatures with Temple. Barely a breeze in Boundary, I paired with DeepFry (smoother than the average Adams) as a pre-cursor to Coggo down to the Broken bridges, a smooth and steady mid 30's kept the bitumen blurring, Bickers content in the caboose. Just as I'd got into the Goat groove, the enemy of time pulled me away, into town via Archer I'd happily chanced upon Fox, Meags, Fee and Princess for a short social chin wag.
An early berth at the Couldabeens carpark put me at the business end of a big bunch Friday, Shorty, Nick, WhisperingJack, AvantiTrev, AvantiMat, Chops, Pistol, Kenworth, SuperMario, Rocket, Cate, Trav, Mel, Boof, Marz, Nev, Temple, Hollywood and Weapon, FDC's Ralphy, BamBam, Grumpy, Pelly and Troy rolling in with Bruce, making a long line for me to lead (the first k calm thankfully, the exit split by traffic). Doubled up with Choppy to the roundabout laboured the lungs as a southerly started, my recovery spent socialising with the lads and lasses cranking up the ranks. The role at the rear seems sometimes forgotten, a glance back and a call on traffic the responsibility of rear gunner, looking out for your fellow addicts. (just as passing on the message through the ranks)
It was beaut being berthed behind, blabbing beside BamBam, breathing blissfully Boundary bound, bike bunches blurring by buoyed by bravado, breast beating and boisterousness, but betwixt our band of besties, babes and beasts, brazen brainstorming and bombastic banter bounced between the the rows while two others puffed away in the drivers seat dragging us to Channel Rd. Two lines stretched long and thin at the cypress trees, sprintention boiling to the surface with the Kinder in view. The ripple effect as the lads at the front let loose is a hard wave to ride if you're not prepared or concentrating elsewhere, but I wasn't in the right real estate (midfield) to mix it with the movers.
It was beaut being berthed behind, blabbing beside BamBam, breathing blissfully Boundary bound, bike bunches blurring by buoyed by bravado, breast beating and boisterousness, but betwixt our band of besties, babes and beasts, brazen brainstorming and bombastic banter bounced between the the rows while two others puffed away in the drivers seat dragging us to Channel Rd. Two lines stretched long and thin at the cypress trees, sprintention boiling to the surface with the Kinder in view. The ripple effect as the lads at the front let loose is a hard wave to ride if you're not prepared or concentrating elsewhere, but I wasn't in the right real estate (midfield) to mix it with the movers.
Week 48. 317km. YTD 15,594km
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