16/9 : Wet & windy weekend workout.
A wet and windy start to Saturday invoked Rule #9 rapidly at 5am, the phone pinging bail-outs from the 0.2mm of damp and a 25 km/h SSW'er. (You know it's going to be the fast and the few to front up as you roll the damp and windswept road to the car park.) Rocket, Boof, HBK, Bruce and PistolPete were the warriors of all weathers to strike south at 6, "single" called to battle the elements, luck giving me the draft as Rocket, Boof and Pistol sliced the SSW'er to Mitchell. Bruce worked the eastward effort and mine was the treat of a tailwind through Central Kialla. HBK's turn to the River Rd bridge may have burnt his biscuits 'cause it was his only visit to the rushin' front (I must admit I was wilting under the workload and already wondering if there was another turn in my tank). Rocket, Boof and Pistol ripped into River Rd in the 40's, though Pistol was keen to work a double shift to Boundary Rd's Broken bridges. I was committed to another turn at second wheel to Bruce, but it wasn't going to be at 42. Shorty had short cut via Channel Rd to join us from his delayed start, front of house for me from the pub to the channel bridge, pegging the pace at 39 (discount for senior citizens?) as tomorrow's Gran Fondo weighed heavily in my head. The pace picked up as Rocket resumed the drive, swinging east to the Toaster with Shorty and HBK in permanent caboose residence. Into Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd and a workout westward, I'd booked a rear seat too (but with the role of gatekeeper) as Bruce, Pistol, Rocket and Boof passed the pain around. The damp track made a mess of kits, specs and bikes, dodging the bigger puddles in Ford Rd 'cause some hid holes. Thoughts of breakfast spurred on the speed, a surge over Grahamvale Rd sending HBK o.t.a. Time spent on the rivet is meant to be a tonic for tempo, but it's torture at the time (funny how you push way beyond in a bunch what you'd do solo) Many were showing spent signs in Wanganui Rd and it was almost Christmas to go without the sprint, but the pace was unabated via the Boulevard to breakfast. Seated at last in the Lemontree's warmth, chat was on groupsets, gear ratios and peaks, but more importantly, how to get beer up to Willunga hill.
17/9 : Amy's Fondo (but I'm not fond 'o hills!)
The bait of a car-free Great Ocean Road was swallowed entering the Amy Gillett Gran Fondo, so I made my way to Lorne for the oceanside experience along with 4000 others (there was just the matter of 1800 meters of ascents!) It's been many moons since entering a big event like this.....
Straight down to business at 8:45 climbing the 450 meters to Deans Marsh, threading the needle of a massed start uphill (a closed road helped but its' full width was used). It was sugar for the soul to pass so many already with chains high on cassettes and low on little rings as I stuck stoically to the big dog. Seeing zip ties in helmets, saddlebags the size of suitcases, M sized kits on XL bodies, knee high socks and so many other Velominati violations, I made it safely up and over the hill.
Crowds had pitstopped at Deans Marsh (so soon!) but I was keen to keep rolling, onward uphill and down dale to Murroon and Forrest, in bunches for a bit (riders from Griffith, Perth, Hawthorn and all places in between) to recover then move on. Another big climb loomed out of Forrest, 600 meters upward to f with Foss's favor for flatlands. Picking off all those philistines who flaunt Rule #90 was gratifying, spotting the Strava Stalker and slogging on by oh so sweetly satisfying! Grinding the pinchy switchbacks on the 56/21 fueled the fire (well, the legs were burning), a big show made of the K.O.M. at Tanybryn massaged more motivation. A cool retro Merckx and a vintage steel Willier were standout steeds, kudos too to the 65+ lads and 50+ ladies slogging the slopes with some young'ns unable to stay in touch. The crest and a 10k downhill to Skenes Creek was a rich reward, the deep blue ocean below worthy of a pause for a pic.
And so to the Great Ocean Rd, a billiard table tarmac, sea air in the nostrils, sun shining and postcard scenery....but more climbs to curse! Small packs formed to tow the tested home, but suddenly a rattle and clunk and I'd lost my Garmin! I peeled off carefully and u-turned to search, found just 100 meters back and scooped up before the next bunch squashed it. (lugs on the bayonet mount had sheared off!) A rubber band (from round my spare tube) secured it, so it was carry on climbing, an ego boost to pass some in the 35-39 y.o. class.
Riders in the 50k event filtered in to create a few chaotic chicanes, why do some amble and meander 3 wide when 100's far faster bear down behind? Through Wye River the k's counted down, the tank turning to a trickle till the 5k sign brought on a boost. Satisfied to go under the chute in 4:19:50 I found the main street was choked, but I'd spied the scenic and serene Swingbridge cafe on the edge of town for the perfect post ride refuel.
A little thigh therapy Monday morning, gently on the throttle up to the roundabout to join the peace train. Daylight had drawn a few rare Goats from under their blankets (Brendy, Belly, Principal Skinner and Heady) to join regulars AvantiAndy, Tina, Sandy, Spartacus, Hommy and Jen. Sly slipped in along with special guests Bo & Kel while I slid stealthfully into the bludgers seat (2nd wheel in the down line) as the train slowly steamed from the station. Lightweight conversation on the weekend's pastimes with Sandy, AvantiAndy and Principal Skinner, but serious Zwift specs from Sly (of course). Rolling round at zone 2 was sweet, the perfect prescription for all that uphill nonsense yesterday. I chose a Channel Rd exit to avoid a rush back to town, even a light northeaster helped homeward, but multiple magpie strikes reminded me it's September.
19/9 : Way too much fun!
Faith was fertilized Tuesday morning with a good roll-up, BamBam, Softa, Tina, CatCol, Cate, HBK, KillkennyPaul and Temple proving some hath not softened. I had the first shift (yet again) to the truck route, concerns Sunday's climbing had tainted my tempo were unfounded (or was the tailwind inflating the ego?) Cate, Tina and BamBam drove us to Jameson Rd with caution at the corner for a fertilizer spill. (thanks for the heads-up MachineSteve) KillkennyPaul towed us to the S bend where Softa hardened up to get us to Sellmans. CatCol captained a long turn to the Broken bridges but complacently close to his wheel (such was the smoothness), I forced a foot back to divert disaster. Into the speed seat to River Rd I felt a bit guilty handing the reigns to the others for River Rd's headwind, HBK did it long and strong to the dip, Softa slowly fading as his legs denied his will. CatCol put in another long shift through Central Kialla then passed the baton to me for Mitchell Rd. Temple and Softa sat back as backstops as all others stepped up for more, a clean cross of Melbourne Rd a sign of hope over the Hares. Cate & Tina worked their wattage, KillkennyPaul's sights were on Galbraiths gate, CatCol's on Arcadia Downs, I'd reached Conrod's dip wondering if there was anything left. BamBam lit the fuse with 500 to go, KillkennyPaul ran out of legs to stay in touch, so I went round and into BamBam's draft. I could hear CatCol closing in behind so sank all into the sprint, almost bursting a boiler to beat him home. Twas a happy roll back through town ahead of the Hares but I guess we had the numbers.
20/9 : Cool, calm and collected.
Cats hammered west and the Goats sped south while my work was cut out dodging Nev's nasal nasties. Finally to the front with Shorty to finish off Boundary Rd then with Nev in Channel Rd to the S bend, I'd decided that chatting in the drivers seat at 36 wasn't doing too bad. The calm strangely continued to Kinder corner, almost believing the sprint was off the menu till Boof wound up his wattage as late as Prentice Rd. (it was Kenworth in prime position to podium for the Wednesday chocolates)
21/9 Missed it by that much!
It sometimes seems the same old same old, rising to ride before passeridae flatulate, but each day is different, there'll be a laugh and a sledge to share, workaday worries can be binned (or balanced) and an investment in fitness made.
Driven by differing demons, Tina, BamBam, KillkennyPaul, Cate, Temple, CatCol and HBK gathered in the cool carpark, the position tradition making mine the mind-over-matter 3100 meters to the truck route. The relief from driving duties is shortlived, catching that last wheel can be a heartbreaker! Temple had elected himself lantern rouge so I had CatCol's draft for recovery. Coronary convulsions had calmed by the time Cate, Tina, HBK and KillkennyPaul had done their duty, mental mapping of my next turn was under review as CatCol drove us to Boundary Rd. My fuse burned quickly aiming at One Tree Dam, legs limp to climb aboard the rear carriage of the train as Cate captained to River Rd. And so, seven played swapsies westward, some long and some short but the spirit of teamwork doesn't need a tape measure. Just a hint of an easterly egged me on to the 40's for the next shift toward Archer Rd, a mental note to pace not race the bunch in future. The tempo lifted in Raftery Rd for the culmination in Conrod, 2nd wheel to CatCol with a k to go was the way to go, but a 10 strong harem of Hares whistled by with just 600 meters to go. (Missed it by that much!) Euphoria was still high in the respite of Raftery's last k (a 37.3 average was boastable for the B team), a rare chance to socialize with the swift (ChrisA and TrackStan) on the recovery roll home.
22/9 Friday's fairweather flock
Fair weather flocked the faithful (Wozza, Car+Mel, Cate, Lenny, Jen, Kenworth, PistolPete, Boof, Rocket, Trav, Shorty, Bruce, BamBam, WhisperingJack, Pelly, Ralphy, Lucy, Kel, The Godfather, Bo, AvantiTrev, Hoges, Temple and CatCol) to the carpark to end the working week, the starters stretching south on Archer as 26 reactions whipped the tail. Daylight engaged enthusiasm touring to Central Kialla and eastward on River Rd, out of winters obscurity a Cat collection catapulted westward at the dip and, like seasons ago, '51 were in pursuit a k or so behind. Our Wednesday / Friday ethic of ease the speed finds favor with the Couldabeens on a comeback, Goats were spearing south on Boundary Rd with Belly seriously o.t.a. at the bridges (so where's Heady?) Our workload wasn't too taxing up to Channel Rd but the speed got serious nearing the ChaCha (of course). I was rising up to the podium possibles when Boof (nudging 50 clicks) pulled his foot, evasive action by the skilled sprinters and catastrophe avoided (but Boof grinding his shoe into the tarmac), promoting me to take the chocolates (by default) for a somewhat exciting finish.
Week 38 362 km YTD 9,744 km
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