11/11 Saturday satisfaction.
BassoDan, TatMat, BigLen, AvantiAndy, Bo, Jen, Nick, Shorty, MyRideTrev, NewAvanti (not-OldAvanti-not-Merida)John, WhisperingJack, TrekTrev, Car, TrackStan, Tina, Sam, Cate, Tum, Softa, Hamish and SuperMario filtered in like ants to a picnic Saturday morning to soak up the social stimuli and sweat out the circuit to justify breakfast. Taking the first turn with BigLen to Sanctuary roundabout was a taxing tempo but the payback was a dream draft behind the big fella when he rolled across for leg 2. The pre-dawn division (Wozza, Rocket, Trav and Boof) arrived making the most of a mild and windless morning, I felt almost naked without arm warmers and insulating gloves (standard attire for the last 6 months), a warming and welcome sunrise (measurably earlier) streaming in from the distant Strathbogies.
Two disciplined lines pointed arrow like toward Boundary Rd, socially updating with the clan not seen for a day or six. A chorus of carbon played under the weekend chat, Thursday's explosions with Bo, the Cairns climate with TrekTrev, Tina's MTB injuries, Hamish's forthcoming Tassie trek and talk with Trav on a heritage getaway. I find myself a bit close to the wheel in front at times, too trusting I guess among the super smooth operators but it can all go horizontal in a heart beat.
The rubber band syndrome stung on the corners and intersections until I was promoted further toward the pointy end (it's sometimes better to tolerate the toil at the front than suffer the whiplash at the back) Was there a helping hand from behind when we turned for home? The work westward on Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd had propelled us easily into the high 30's, the Saturday speed limit all but a distant memory (no protests on pace). I was sitting on for the sprint as the bunch neared town, the tempo tortured lined up behind as the prime movers went forward into battle. Past DECA in the high 40's, the pace was popping off the early lead-outs, finding our little troupe of tailenders being promoted up the ranks to witness the Mt. Wanganui warriors fight out the placings. Not a lot of time was wasted to reach breakfast (Strava handing out trophies to many), Bruce, Leah and ScottMatt already seated joined the natter on old recipes, heritage and horroscopes.
13/11 Goats 'n ducks.
With legs lax from a lazy weekend, the Goat train of peace was a no brainer Monday morning. Speissy, Spartacus, Tina, Hommy, Belly, Sandy, Phil, Cindy, Snow, Dippa and Principal Skinner were all in a tame frame of mind to start the week, even that riding rarity JB joined in at SPC as the train puffed slowly out of town. It was a cruisy crank out Old Dookie Rd (114 bpm) with catch-up conversation, it's been many weeks since I last gathered with Goats, high time I was sociable. Dawdling ducks copped a hurry up under Tina's wheel in River Rd, the sun up and the breeze behind chasing away any hint of Monday-itis. My exit right at Rivers' end stepped up the heart rate for a solo spin home.
14/11 A dozen dynamos.
Foss fortunately felt fairly fit and frisky for the fast fest Tuesday, an easterly wind sure to knock the cockiness out of me in Channel Rd. With just Tina, Cate and Grumpy on the grid, the task seemed testing, but KillkennyPaul, TatPaul, PvanP, BamBam, Lucy, Tum, Lenny and Shorty turned up to make it a dynamic dozen! We set sail swiftly east with a goal of shorter turns into the wind, murdering myself to Mozart Ave, peeling off the front then the long wait for the 11th wheel (which took as long as a citizenship disclosure) till I could calm in the tow. Plenty kept the cadence cooking as we zigged and zagged Channel Rd's directional diversity, Tum turning up the turbo and testing those still gasping on the tail.
Everyone had a share at the breeze on the brow, it was turn two for me at the Broken bridges with a scenic sunrise to distract the distress. It took some cussin' to catch the trains' tail as it steamed into River Rd, settling into the 40's as the gasps slowly subsided. I was back at work from the dip to the bridge, kudos soothing the soul but it didn't ease the exertion. Although on the edge of his comfort zone, it was great to have Shorty along, Greg LeMond's "it doesn't get any easier, you just get faster" quote swirling in my sub conscious. Lucy and Lenny smoothed the turns through Central Kialla, BamBam and KillkennyPaul seeming to suffer more than others. Lenny's elbow put me in the drivers seat to Dave's dip, relaxing the shoulders, jaw and grip to let the legs soak up all the effort works well. Weapon appeared eastbound at Roubaix as we worked west, plenty sharing the turns meant recovery was almost achievable this late in the lap. TatPaul was beginning to fade into Conrod straight, I turned up the wick with 400 left but PvanP had the performance to take the line honors from Grumpy's determined drive. (great teamwork by all to crack a 40 km/h average for the 30k).
15/11 Wozz wins Wednesday
Of course I braved the front on the first long turn to Sanctuary roundabout, a northeaster was pumping up my performance, I could put in a turn then tuck into the draft before we pointed into the headwind. TrekTrev, Nev, Boof, Cate, Sean, Greendawg, The Godfather, Goose, Shorty, Car+Mel, Nick, NewAvanti(not-OldAvanti-notMerida)John, MyRideTrev, SuperMario, Tina, Kenworth, (long time-no-ride) Lynda, CatCol, Softa and ScottMatt rolled to the truck route as part of Wednesdays social soiree. Early energisers Wozza, Kel, Bo and Trav joined on the leg to Mitchell Rd, Lucy the last addition in Central Kialla.
16/11 A badass bunch (#rule9)
Somewhat sceptical the radar would reveal a ride window in the wet, Cate messaged the motivational maxim, just ride f.f.s! In spite of the damp road, rooster tails of water up the nose and a filthy bike, Tina, Bruce and BamBam proved their worth to roll up for a lap too ; if you're out riding in bad weather, it means you're badass!
With few in the crew, an internal regulator and the primal urge of survival said a gradual turn-up of tempo was best, though I was done reaching Doyles Rd and happy to hand over the helm. Cate and Tina captained the crew to Orrvale Rd, Bruce putting in a drive to the Kinder as I sat in BamBam's wake till the cypress trees. The drizzle had disappeared but the ESE'er hurt all the way to the S bend, a stormy sunrise to view was worth the effort as I caboosed to Boundary Rd. Bruce poured his power into a long drive to River Rd as an oversized orange orb squeezed between the horizon and the low dark clouds. It was my turn again when BamBam peeled off the front at the white fence, great was my comfort in new knicks (belissimo on the bum Pedal Mafia!) to drive at 40 to the dip. Bruce ground out another big turn to Mitchell Rd, Cate, Tina and BamBam putting in their cracking contributions, but suddenly I was back to the front again! We had a clean cross of the highway and without Hares to harass, we ripped into Raftery. Bruce still had reserves in Conrod straight, BamBam in tow, I hung back to offer a tow to Tina and Cate (tested by tempo) finishing stuffed but chuffed with a 38 average.
17/11 F-ride-eh?
Just 3 degrees cooler felt like a different season, how quickly we soften after just a few warm mornings! Maybe 14 degrees trimmed the usual numbers, but Boof, Rocket, SuperMario, AvantiAndy, CatCol, NewAvanti (not-OldAvanti-not-Merida)John, Mel, Kenworth, Cate and MyRideTrev turned up to the Friday socialise ride. Boof and Rocket provided the pace to Santuary roundabout, Bruce, Ralphy, Trav and PvanP from the early edition finding us in Mitchell Rd, Sly slipping aboard too. A wormless and squeaky clean bike (scrubbed from yesterdays drizzly lap) ran silent and smooth, wind direction of little consequence (till I was pointed into it!).
The procession of Pussycats and '51 continues in River Rd, but the pain train was cancelled (craving Coggo?) and replaced with a reclaimed ride of relaxation for a handful of Goats. Plenty of chat and babble in our clan up to Channel Rd then west toward town, my enthusiasm for the sprint evaporated. MyRideTrev and SuperMario had handbraked the speed leading into Kinder corner, all holding station waiting for the inevitable sprint to strike. Rocket shot past on lead-out duties with Boof in tow, a magnet for the movers CatCol, Trav, Kenworth and NewAvanti (not-OldAvanti-not-Merida)John, Cate and co to chase. Satisfied to finish among the rear ranks, a little time for post ride coffee made mine a fitting finale to the week.
Week 46 241 km YTD 12,111km
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