9/12 That hurt, Arthur!
The windswept coast of Safety Beach was a different (solo) starting grid for me Saturday, another hilly holiday hiatus to test my comfort zone. A flat 10k warm up prepared the lungs and legs but the head herniated at the sharpish incline of Arthurs' Seat the moment I pointed up McCulloch St in Dromana. Down on the little ring at Wonga gate for the 3k's of road rising 300 meters, the physical chore wasn't too bad, getting the head around the rise was the tough bit. I'd almost settled into a rhythm on an incline when a hairpin would call on Hercules for help, up and up the tarmac twisted with super seaside scenes to divert attention from the physical flogging. A few riders were already on the downhill before 7, grinning like Cheshire cats at their ease (and my effort?), yet another hairpin crucifying my cadence with a ladder like lift in elevation.
Thankfully, three kilometers was eventually whittled away on the 38/25, the crest soon coming into view to drag a bit more grunt out of the gastrochs. Up to the summit somewhat smug (11.8 average), a posterity pic, then onto Purves Rd in a clockwise crank toward Rosebud (rather than straight back down again), the rolling hills and ocean views easy on the eye on the gradual descent.
Into Rosebud and on the flat oceanside road, the west northwester helped a little for pacy progress back to Dromana, but there was a seaside sandblast with the speed as I rounded up a few just venturing out into the elements. Back into Safety Beach ahead of schedule, I pressed onto to Mt Martha, the ups and downs of little consequence after Arthur's hurt. Local traffic was most patient on the narrow ribbon of road hugging the coast, confidence climbing on the return to use up the reserves and treat my tank to coffee at the end (shame the Safety Beach long black was like swamp water!)
10/12 SunBayDay.
11/12 Back to base.
Good to be back on home soil (though Melbourne's silken streets spoiled my undercarriage) to tap an early lap and intercept the Couldabeens expolring optional circuits (in a quest for quality cafiene) There was a light breeze to bear southbound to River Rd, a colorful daybreak to light my way east to Boundary Rd and enjoy a tailwind to Channel.
(Me thinks it time for some h.r. monitor maintenance when it shows 217 bpm) The Godfather, Bo, Trav, Rocket, PistolPete, Kel, CatCol and BamBam were found just beyond the cypress trees on Channel Rd, a quick u-turn to join them on a Boundary-Ford-Wanganui course for variety's sake. The past weekend kept the conversation rallying from left to right as I re-aquainted with the art of bunch riding, reliable and consistent company keeping comfort with a social side as a bonus. The smooth and solid spin passed the k's of Boundary and Ford quickly, the sprint-free Wanganui Rd felt foreign, and it was back to civilisation with time up the armwarmer for a few minutes of sociology at the Lemontree.
12/12 Fourplay followed by a threesome.
Just Tum and I were at the Tuesday grid at 5:44, we'd almost resolved to being caught by the Hares till Ralphy and Pelly saved the day fronting at the third stroke. Hindered by traffic on the carpark exit stoked the fire to reach Mozart Ave quickly, a silly idea really with a lot of work by few to do today. Ralphy poured on the pace to Orrvale Rd, Pelly a little more sedate to Prentice Rd. It was my turn again (so soon!) to drive to McFadyen, the fine balance of team expectations, what the legs would give, keeping breakfast where I put it, and leaving something to catch the caboose was a delicate jugling act. Pelly personified pooped as Channel Rd ran out, he'd dropped a few lengths as we wound up the tempo into Boundary Rd, and no amount of encouragement was going to get him back. With just three left to uphold the standards, the toil was going to get tougher, even Ralphy had eased the effort a whisker when he resumed the drivers seat.
Three long laboring shadows were cast northwest on River Rd, Tum then Ralphy captained us to the bridge where I felt compelled to drive to Central Kialla Rd. There was little left when I faced the music again in Mitchell Rd, though I guess the others were in that same sinking boat. Luck gave us a clean cross of the highway (surprised we weren't herded up by Hares already), more motivation with a hint of a tailwind helping us to Galbraiths gate. We gathered up Lucy at Arcadia Downs to press on to the finish, Ralphy handing me the reigns with 500 meters left of Conrod straight. Being swallowed by the Hares didn't eventuate, we'd reached Steptoe's 100 meters ahead, albeit hyperventilating from 28k's in 44:19.
13/12 Conviviality.
Kenworth, Shorty, Mel, SuperMario, Cate, CatCol, AvantiAndy, Chops, Jen, Goose, MyRideTrev, WhisperingJack, Boof, Softa, Lucy and The Godfather wheeled in for Wednesday's workout, I was happy to take the helm in a mild and windless 15 degrees but it was half way to Sanctuary before Shorty shared the front (Nick jumping aboard as we reached the roundabout). The peloton population propagated with the earlybirds (Trav, Kel, Wozza, Bo, Bruce, BamBam and Pistol) intervening on leg three, 23 moving forward for driving duty. Convivial conversation on photo bombing, addresses, holidays, controversial kits, house rennos, little rings, growling bears, proprietor priveliges, feeling a million dollars and the classic climate, consumed the k's to Boundary Rd.
14/12 Four-tuitous.
I was in a state of high powered inertia on Thursday, a big bowl on Kellogs Kourage needed to drag me to Thursday's thrash, but only Cate, Softa and Boof had bothered to front (when the going gets tough.......) On a mission of motion with a hoard of Hares about to start behind us, we set off on Channel Rd with a breeze to hinder, rounding up Cougar and Pat (getting an earlier break on the 6am crew?). Turns were swift an sweaty at 23 degrees, coming around way too quickly with just Softa, Cate and Boof sharing the slog (we were blessed to have Boof along as special guest, fast even with a knackered knee). My shift in Boundary Rd to the bridges taxed the tank as the breeze blew at us, there'd have to be a speed revision if I were to survive 28k's of this. I trimmed 20 bpm off as Cate and Softa put in their best (as usual), the tow from Boof long and smooth helping the recharge too. I'd scored the last long leg of River Rd from the bridge, just a 100 meters in and I was back on the thrash threshold (that breeze had swung against us again!). Surprised the Hares weren't nipping at our heels as we drove down and up from Dave's dip, a clean cross of the highway helped hopes but leds were closing in as I sneaked a peek at Galbraiths gate. We'd made it out of Conrod's first dip when Wozz wizzed by with a dozen Hares in his slim draft, me thinks us 4 had done well to hold off 13 this long. With just enough in the legs to catch their draft, we stole a free tow to the finish, pleased to have clocked 38.7 for the circuit.
15/12 There's pills for that Wozza!
I'd looked forward to a social cruise after the energy expense of Tuesday and Thursday, but paid the price of first berth at the Friday grid, the job of the long lead to exit town. Car+Mel, NewAvanti(not-OldAvanti-not-Merida)John, Nick, Whispering Jack, Goose, Kenworth, Chops, Troy, Tina, MyRideTrev, Cate, The Godfather, PistolPete, Nev, Boof, SuperMario, Shorty and CatCol were clever enough to roll in later for the tow.
Clockwise crews worked west as we entertained east on River Rd, how the bunch has evolved when the memory is rewound to the early days of the Mitchell Rd course. Up to Channel Rd, MyRideTrev led to Kinder corner (again), Wozza launching prematurely (there's pills for that!) causing concern to the ChaCha contenders. Rocket, Bo, NewAvanti(not-OldAvanti-not-Merida)John, CatCol and co set off in earnest effort, not until Prentice Rd was Wozza reeled in. I reckoned it was Rocket who took the chocolates, I'd gone a bit blurry to make fourth place.
Week 50 297km YTD 13,250km
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