Post 434
3/2 In-Saturday-somnia
Eyes wide open in the early hours mapped a course less travelled for a Saturday prologue, sleep escaped me so k's were the cure. Hitting the Garmin go at 4:51, I worked west for the sake of change to Mooroopna and beyond. Don't you just love the serenity of a deserted road? I made my moonlit way to an arid Ardmona, at one with the bike but at odds with the breeze while southbound to the Midland highway (What a sook! 13km/h was hardly a typhoon!) The unknown distance to the standard Saturday startline got me a wriggle-on, east back to Mooroopna with red leds ahead figured to be TeamTat on the Couldabeens commute.
Watt Rd took me through the Broken River bushland to Kialla, back to suburbia to zig zag the streets to time a grid berth at 5:56. SuperMario, TatMat, Boof, Rocket, BeerMat, Kel, Shorty, DeterminedDan, Tina, PistolPete, Liam, Grumpy, Softa, TatPaul, NewAvantiJohn, Trav, Travis, Sean, Bruce, Bo, CatCol and PvanP made up a swollen Saturday squad, Rocket rolled the train respectfully out of town, a bit of a breeze forgotten as the "chaturday" ritual captured the concentration ;
I'd finally fronted the bunch at the fig farm to pair with BeerMat, then an easterly effort with TatMat as the pungent piggery perfume punished our nostrils.
Heading home on Lemnos-Cosgrove and buoyed by the breeze behind, we'd collected a cruising Cougar into the crew, social sentences swapping at speed as the Wanganui worries drew slowly closer (looking like I'd get the tempo task at the testing time) . Concentration skewed with the slightly squeamish sight of lycra stretched beyond it's structual integrity (name witheld to evade embarrassment), a subtle sizing statement needed to broach a delicate derriere dilema! Over Numurkah Rd the wheels worked double time, turns rolling rapidly saved me from being hung out to dry. Shorty got gapped as the big guns fired off to the hill (two weeks hols has tainted his tempo) so I advanced to plug the gap, just in time to catch the regroup in Rudd Rd. A calmer cruise along the Boulevard balanced the breathing for breakfast, the long table at the Lemontree discussing rules of marriage, team rules and Fb housekeeping.
4/2 Eat, sleep, ride, repeat.
The track less travelled again captured thoughts as Sunday's eyes opened, 15 degrees and calm had an irresistable invite to tour. A crank to Congupna and beyond on an empty highway emptied thoughts, finding 12 k's longer than expected to reach Lemnos North Rd. Was it uphill or was a breeze at the brow? (the sook inside struggled southbound) Past Jubilee and Congupna East Rd, a kink past Jenkins and Farrell, then due south again, 12 more k's to reach New Dookie to turn west back to town to tally 30. In the craving for k's, part 2 was pedalled partnered by Weapon, frankly philosophising on all matters of bike business with a calous disregard for speed, cadence, average or heart-rate, 25k done distress-lessly, the real focus on Lemontree breakfast as a post ride aperitif.
5/2 Moovin' it Monday.
Feeling the force of a fresh southwester to the Couldabeens carpark on Monday hurried the heart rate, yet stopping at the traffic lights the air was as calm as ChrisA......go figure Foss! CatCol, Rocket, Kel, NewAvantiJohn, The Godfather, Sean, Bo, PistolPete, Tina, MyRideTrev, Nev and Lucy put popularity into the peloton, Sean and I starting the chuffing out Channel Rd (careful not to make his maiden Monday a masacre. Rocket reported a rider rearwardin pursuit, so a calmer cadence carried on for the ChaCha. Darkness has engulfed half the mornings' lap so quickly, a repite April 1st when daylight savings finishes, but it'll descend to darkness again quickly) It felt easier northbound in Boundary (bureau said calm), a 14 degree dew point carpeting fog in the paddocks.
Over New Dookie Rd, and dodging the rumble strips (to warn of a rail line that's no longer used), I'd started the mental preparation of another turn, MyRideTrev taming the tempo as he held the helm in Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd.
Sean put in a good turn to Lemnos North Rd, Bruce with the bit between his teeth was moovin' it in Ford Rd, measuring my masochism in the high 30's for 2700 meters while I over-rode the messages of murder from the muscles (kudos eased the mental pain but the legs were none too happy till repose came in the draft. Lucy's class in the Couldabeens kit, The Godfather was keeping a birthday under wraps, Rocket rolling at a mere idle while CatCol and I conferred on the chase of the late to bridge the bunch. Several were itching for a Wanganui sprint but a calm was called to keep one ride in the week sprintless.
6/2 Machines reborn.
A hurtle with the Hares was in my headspace for Tuesdays assembly, but surprise surprise, the Machines have risen reborn! Grumpy. BamBam, Pelly, Tina, BeerMat, Shorty, SuperMario, Trav and Ralphy had turned up for torture, inspiring an early exit to kick start the old 5:45 vs 5:50 pursuit. BamBam seems to think it's my duty to drive first, so I took the turn to Mozart Ave, pleased with the speed but hassled by hurt. The long wait for the tail meant reasonable recovery time, a chance to see how others were tolerating the tempo.
Ralphy ripped into his turn (trying to break bits off the back?), Grumpy's a frequent flyer, Trav started strong but soon subsided, Shorty and SuperMario doing determined drives as relative newcomers to the Tuesday thrash. Pelly let loose into Boundary Rd and despite the gusts from oncoming trucks, blasted to the Broken bridges where he elbowed my turn. A hint of descent off the bridge tipped me into the forties, content the old engine did ok to One Tree Dam. BeerMat took over as I retreated to the rear for recovery, called into second last spot by an unknown hitch-hiker we'd collected on the circuit. Thumbs up to Shorty and SuperMario having another turn of toil, Grumpy and Ralphy still turning up the heat and Tina flying the fast femme flag as always. I'd been well rested for River Rd, Pelly and I going halves in the hurt southbound through Central Kialla. Mitchell Rd blurred by but traffic halted us at the highway (cue heaps o' huff and puff) The scenario seemed sweet as we galloped to Galbraith Gate, I'd get another go at the pointy end, tuck in for the tow, recover for a k and be fit and fast for the finish. Pelly drove to the horse stud and did the handover, I powered on to Arcadia Downs and about to elbow BeerMat's turn when a small bump suddenly made a Michelin mushy, the bane of the bindii befell me to withdraw punctured. Ten sets of wheels howled on northward as I slowed to halt for repairs, a pink sunrise for company and a mass of molesting mosquitos to assist a sweaty repair. (there's a Tuesday Thursday understanding of all hurry and no halt, Rule #83 over-rules #84 on this occassion only) Almost done and the Hares hurried by, my calm crank back to town had a Weapon welcome as a kind consolation.
7/2 G'day girls.
It had been long-time-no-see Car+Mel and Cate en-route to Wednesday circuit of sociology, the car park filling with the usual peloton protagonists ; Sean, Whispering Jack, MyRideTrev, Nick, Shorty, SuperMario, Goose, Kenworth, Tina and CatCol. I was happy to head the crew south, blow me down, BeerMat partnered me at the city limits (that's 3 rides in a row for BeerMat!). An expanded early express (Rocket, Bo, Kel, Grumpy, BamBam, Trav, NewAvantiJohn, PistolPete and Ralphy) had already clockwised the circuit, u-turning to join us for leg 3, two dozen now to share the endurance of an easterly (15-22 km/h) on our varied velocity to Boundary Rd.
Car+Mel and Cate cranked their contributions like they'd never been away, I hit the helm haplessly half-wheeled by WhisperingJack (logged in the cranial cavity for future reference) There was a 6.7 on the whiplash scale as we entered Boundary Rd, but speed soon settled to sociable as the sun snuck above the horizon.
Stress went down and speed went up with the wind behind in Channel Rd and I put some hurry into the heart rates for turn three at the bend at Beckham. I'd almost reached the back of the bunch as we hastened to Hopeful corner, the cream had risen to the top as we pointed to Prentice Rd, the pack perforating under the pace. I tagged onto Bo as he bolted to bridge the gap, 55 km/h barely enough to reach midfield.
8/2 The Hare conditioner.
There was a blending of the bunches on Thursday, Machines and Hares opting for a combined 5:50 launch. Nev, Kel, Rocket, PistolPete, CatCol, PvanP, Bo, Trav, Liam, Grumpy, Travis, Tina, Boof and ChrisA strung a long line east, I'd berthed a bit beyond my league with the wattage of Nev and Rocket ahead and Bo behind, but I guess a little Hare conditioner will harden the heart (or Hiroshima it!) My contribution came at Orrvale Rd, flat out at the ChaCha till the stinging said stop. Tina and Kel called me in as we swung into Hopeful corner, the respite rather rigorous as Bo bolted into Central Ave. Others tested their mettle on motion toward Boundary Rd, my focus fixed on the fourteen cog Rocket rode the chain on (any distraction from the distress!) Travis drove his (new) flash Focus fast, young Liam setting the super smooth speed standard for half of River Road's length allowed the heart rate to settle at 140 (after we'd chicane'd a roadside busted branch). Shifts shortened (in comparison) for the rest of River, but Nev kidnapped the captaincy of Mitchell Rd dialling up the roaring 40's (to foster fitness?) An empty highway gave us a quick cross, my effort escalating at 3rd wheel under the specter of speed.
Nev went full gas into Raftery's bridge bend, stretching friendships, finally handing the helm to Rocket at Roubaix corner. His elbow exacerbated my energy expectations to take the drivers seat at Galbraiths Gate, suddenly silence from the cacophony of crucified carbon and just my Michelin music to gasp to. 43 was a fair flog for Foss (though the view was going fuzzy at the edges) but burning legs and the rising heart rate hinted the end was near. I handed-over to Bo and tried to time catching the caboose as real horsepower hit hard into Conrod straight, but that was asking a lot of labored legs. Kel called "in" (but I was givin' her all she's got captain!), running on empty to grab the last wheel had me in more trouble than selling a full filing cabinet! With 300 left, my mental rope broke, I couldn't over-ride the suffering signals and went unceremonially ota. Dissapointing in a way, but a classic cure for cockiness we all need take at times. (rolling in last with a 41.2 average was some recompense)
8/2 Friday's friendly.
I had a relaxed roll to Friday's friendly, there'd be no tempo torture today.......well, not until the end! SuperMario, Jen, Kenworth, Shorty, Sean, Pistol, Car+Mel, ScottMatt, Cate, MyRideTrev, Trav and Boof converged casually at the carpark, Nev's arrival cueing 6am. SuperMario was on captains duty by default of first to berth, I took pity at his turmoil into a hint of a headwind and paired with him to the roundabout as Kel, Bo and Weapon blended into the bunch.
Week 6 333km YTD 1,743km
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