30/5. The fast and the faded.
A casual crank to the carpark contemplated the Couldabeens heydays of summer where a packed grid of 35+ would form for the Saturday soiree. Long gone are those days when overpopulation forced a split into two manageable bunches, temperature has trimmed the pack down to the party faithful, Boof, The Godfather, BigLen, Shorty, Tina, MyRideTrev, Wozza, PistolPete, Kreeky, TatMat, DeterminedDan, TatPaul, Mark, CatCol, TrekTrev and Bruce. Lots of NNW'er had volunteers aplenty for the spin south on Archer Rd (and right on cue, Trish joining on leg 1 and Sean on leg 3) but many turned shy headed north. In the drivers seat, The Godfather dished out the distress to Mark through Central Kialla (the NNW'er nasty at 25 km/h), the turn into River retreating Mark to the rear for recovery.
The fear of the front took up talk time toward Boundary Rd, many relieved to have served their time in a cross wind rather than head-on. Braving the blast of the breeze with Bruce then Boof in Boundary Rd hammered hurt into my hippocampus, breathing in to reduce the aerodynamic drag didn't help as the signals of suffering did their best to raise the white flag. Just beyond One Tree Dam Boof called the roll over just as I was about to, trying to supress those growling bear breaths in recovery was a tough task too, instant inferiority complex as Wozza and PistolPete made it look easy driving into the wind all the way to the highway. With composure almost regained, MyRideTrev, Tina and Trish called me back into the up-line, I'd reached the rear and was lining up for another turn at torture (Sean had seen sense and corralled himself in the caboose too) I don't know how TrekTrev and Shorty manage on jus one or two rides a week, maybe it's time I backed off to see if that makes it easier? (Wash your mouth out Foss! Concrete's the cure!)
I'd lucked a draft up to the Big Ring, the Cats at the corner on their calm clockwise cruise of the Toaster circuit as we worked west. Over on the roads' right with Boof then Bruce to echelon some ease for those behind, the wind still wore away the willpower to the bridge (a kind comment from Bruce psychologically soothed), then back into the delight of a draft while others went forth for their flogging. The Godfather, Kreeky and CatCol kept up the cruelty but the Wozza & Pistol pairing showed how it was really done as the now northwester blew to 32 km/h.
Rolling counter-clockwise was contrary to common sense while the wind hit our starboard bow, but one rolls with the ritual of the bunch, on the windward side in Ford Rd not a good preparation for the pain to come in Wanganui Rd. DeterminedDan went back for more masochism so why should I weaken in the back stalls, lined up behind Bruce it looked as though I was in for the deep end at DECA, a brief bout at the rushin' front was all I could muster. Hanging on as the big engines fired up split the bunch in two at the test track, several trying the tough job of trying to patch the gap as some popped off the handful ahead. The fast and the faded made a long scattered line rounding the bend to the Boulevard, the front turned up the tempo again but bits were still busted off the back struggling for survival. I did my bit at trying to tow the broken from the bunch back, but I felt like a spark plug had disconnected all the way to the Lemontree (a mushy Michelin the real cause). A bon voyage to Boof and Sim over breakfast with babble about servicing, foibles with food and the weakening of walking.
2/7. The ride to rid zee rust.
Somewhat seized from a slack Sunday, a ride to rid the rust had Zeerust on the 5am radar Monday morning. Minus 2.4 made for a fresh and foggy start on the northern exit from town, the course was coarse (of course!) berating the backside, all I want is a road as smooth as PistolPete's style (oh, and a tailwind too while you're at it!) On and on northbound on Zeerust Rd, another road less travelled to twist the structure of the average day. East on Bunbartha Rd for 4 k's (telling myself this will do me good), I found the deserted highway to steer south toward Congupna (hoping I'd miss peak hour). Smooth sailing on a slick surface helped the spirits cope with the cold, swinging onto the truck route to decide a course to intercept the Couldabeens. New Dookie Rd won over Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, my easterly effort eroding energy as the head dealt with "feels like minus 5".
I backed-off in Boundary Rd saving some semblance of speed to keep up with the Couldabeens (feels like I'm the old nag among the stallions). U-turning at the fig farm I was caught up in the collection of Bruce, Nev, Wozza, Kreeky, CatCol, The Godfather, not-so-newAvantiJohn and PistolPete. The draft was a delight after 27k's solo, a bonus breather on the back till my turn came up at the frosty front with Kreeky in Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd. Somewhat chuffed to be maintaining tempo (far better than my previous solo speed) on the drive to Lemnos North Rd with Kreeky then Bruce, there was a greater happiness to get back into the draft though. Carrying positive vibes on the up-line, I was slowly promoted toward the front in Ford Rd, looked like I'd have the labor of Wanganui Rd but the velocity wasn't too far out of hand. Ooops! (spoke too soon) Nev got the bit between his teeth beyond the test track and the eight thinned into Indian file behind, legs weren't too happy providing the power to keep up and the lungs weren't enjoying the supply of minus atmosphere. Thoughts of getting home a little earlier to defrost motivated my motion down the Boulevard, bidding adieu at the roundabout as the lads stormed on for the cure for cold......caffeine.
3/7 The fetish for freezing.
If it's to support the stupidity of a fellow cyclist out in the cold, proving your perseverance or some freaky flagellation of frost, this fettish for freezing needs some professional counselling. Why I set off on an early prologue is probably beyond help, but a 15k spin got the old engine a bit above the cold mark for the 6am Goat gathering. Maybe therapy is beyond Heady, Tina, Coggo, Brendy, Phil and Belly too, but they turned up rugged up like Eskimos, Tina toasty with heated gloves and socks!

I relieved Heady of his usual job as pilot to leave the city limits and just couldn't help myself doing the dip to Dobson's bridge, unsocially single file, but hey it's survival in the cold.
Heady, Tina, Coggo and Belly tapped out their turns in turn for the team but Brendy baulked at the captain's job as we swung into Boundary Rd. Phil put in a great double shift to the bridge for my second contribution to reach the pub (still not reopened). Heady had a crack at the frosty front despite being a bit short on form but Brendy was concreted into the caboose as we worked down to River Rd for Phil's charge as captain.
My eye was glued on his right elbow waiting for the signal, but on and on his wheels hummed to the Angora farm before I was given the flick. Coping rather well at 36, I soldiered on to the main eastern channel (why 32 was such a chore earlier solo I'm not sure). Brendy was missing in action as I joined the rear, hooray for Heady

A tamer tempo tapped to town and the glimmer of a few lumens of light on the 6:45 horizon gave hope, fingers and toes signalling hurry up Summer!
4/7. Wearied Wednesday.

Drive was down to a dribble for Wednesday's lap, or was it the headspace hindering the horsepower? Saddling up early eased the pressure on the commute, cranking calmly to the carpark to keep conrods connected. 6 degrees (almost a heatwave for this week) was irresistible to Kreeky, Tina, Wozza, The Godfather, Cate, Mark, not-so-newAvantiJohn, MyRideTrev, PistolPete and Trish turning up for a bit of midweek movement. I took the first shift on Archer Rd (funny how you call a halt for traffic and some still ride on), Wozza joining me at the front at Kialla Lakes Drive where Sean jumped aboard (or did he?), the northeaster feeling useless with my tank almost empty by the roundabout. That Wozza & Pistol pairing made me dig deeper to the truck route, some composure coming in leg 3 to Mitchell Rd, a trio of Trish, Tina and MyRideTrev already in permanent caboose residence.

5/7 Collecting crumbs.
A little leg loosener lap prepared the pectineus and peroneus for punishment, a northeaster would dish up some work to Boundary Rd this morning. Goats gathered at Friars for the 6am flagfall (Brendy, Tum, Cate, Heady, Tina, Hommy, Sandy and Belly) , deja vu departing town with the team in tow, the drive to Dobson's bridge rather testing into the 17-26 km/h wind.
I gave the elbow to Cate and joined the back on Belly's wheel, watching as others lined up to offer themselves as a sacrifice to speed. Tum took over at Central Ave and soldiered on beyond School Rd, but Heady had a hernia and Sandy sank as the front seat's reality struck hard. Rather than the disappointment and defeat of being dropped, a calm was called to collect the crumbs (well, at least they're trying instead of retiring, or suffering the zzzz of Zwift). Brendy had bonked by Boundary Rd, so Hommy, Belly and I assumed the captaincy south to River Rd. Another ease of effort was needed as we pointed west, the fragmentation was fixed but echelon education sadly lacked with the tail in the gutter searching for a decent draft. Riding the road's crown, Belly and I became a midfield windbreak, Tum, Heady, Cate and Hommy rode on regardless ahead. (seems there's only a few with drafting diploma, the wisdom of working the wind is becoming a lost art) Donating to the needy delivers the warm and fuzzys to me, so I stayed on to block the breeze till River's end, but being tested for time turned me to the shortcut home (minus the minutes, Cate came too). We enjoyed a windswept way west to Archer Rd but the payback was pain into the wind to town, contemplating Rules #20 and #67 diverted the hurt. Back into the suburbs raised a worry, cars passing minus lights and drivers wearing dark sunglasses 40 minutes before dawn makes you wonder.
6/7 The plodding pace and peace prescription.
There comes a time for calm and quiet, Friday's damp and dismal start was it. South on Archer and keeping the cadence cruisy, I pondered the past when pace was painful even at 30. The millimetres of Archer's ascent and descent were magnified at a snail like speed, barely noticeable at the usual Wednesday / Friday charge. Clouds of gloom rolled low from the northwest, the glossy road guaranteeing bike cleaning duties tonight. With a zone 3 cap on the h.r., I meandered to Mitchell Rd, the unchallenged legs and lungs in heaven (I could turn marshmallow and get used to this!). The down then up of Dave's dip done without blowing a head gasket, I rolled up to the highway and was rewarded with a clear cross. Even the north northwester gusting to 26 clicks didn't deter on Raftery Rd (caution for kanga's though), mind and eye off the Garmin and content just to roll the legs back to town. What better than to put icing on the cake with a GJ coffee to close the week?
Week 27 255km YTD 7,391 km
And so another week of babble and scribble ends, thanks for the kind feedback on the blog in the bunches (do have your say in the comments section or Fb and pass on the oldfoss.blogspot.com address to a fellow cyclust ) Checkout other links and the Foss dictionary on your tablet, desk or laptop (hidden from view on your mobile unfortunately)
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