Post 472.
3/11. Tappin' a ton.
The Tat 200 draws near and it's caught me napping on distance preparation, so plans to tap a ton were afoot for Saturday. The Couldabeens carpark had crammed with Boof, AvantiAndy, Cate, PistolPete, Ralphy, TrekTrev, BeerMat, SuperMario, Kel, MyRideTrev, Grumpy, Shorty, Temple, Bo, Liam, Tina, Superman, Col (battling the breeze from Zeerust) and TeamTat (TatMat, DeterminedDan & TatPaul) tapping in with southwest assistance.
With early loopers due, the bunch may balloon to bursting point! Southbound into the southwester, many were planning peloton position that would benefit from the breeze, a long tail playing the waiting game as the up-line struggled to gain volunteers. Bruce, Rocket, Wozza, Kel, Kreeky and not-so-newAvantiJohn joined on leg 3, I'd perfected my placement to pair with TrekTrev in Central Kialla for the pace to River Rd, then with Ralphy for his half measure of the leg to the bridge. I'd almost calmed the cardiac count when Kel punctured with a POW! (none of that half-measured hiss thing). Kel's repair war rapid (Bo taking a backseat), the restart shuffling the order but at least I wasn't back at the business end, the velocity varying as factions of fitness fronted the bunch (frustration festering within the fast fellows?)
An unfamiliar face paired with me as we crossed Channel Rd, Luke knew me but my recall struggled. Liam and not-so-new-AvantiJohn turned up the tempo towards Boundary Road's bacon barn, a few of the not-so-fast now questioning their placement in the up-line. Eastward on Old Dookie Rd plans among the pacemakers for a split were hatched, the launch coming in Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd as 28 turned into the wind. Rocket, TatMat, Bruce, Liam, PistolPete, Wozza, not-so-newAvantiJohn, Grumpy, TrekTrev, Kel, ,Col, Kreeky, Bo, Boof and TatPaul on full gas effectively halved the bunch but caught many by surprise.
I jumped to the front of division 2 to close down a futile and fragmented chase and keep the survivors together, Determined Dan, Cate, Superman, Temple, Shorty, MyRideTrev, SuperMario and BeerMat working the SSW'er together, Tina and Avanti Andy content in the caboose. High 30's was commendable, perhaps driven by Grumpy and Col (dislodged from the breakaway), slipping back into our fold. Nearing town several were voting for a Verney Rd shortcut, but DeterminedDan, Cate, Grumpy, Col, Tina and I were determined to do the distance. Muscles mumbled murder as the mind urged on the speed in Wanganui Rd, 6 now Indian filed in survival. Col attacked at the test track and opened a gap, but 5 against 1 came to the fore by Kittles Rd and we'd made him see the error of his ways. A few seconds to regroup in Rudd Rd and the push was on again, the southerly hurting heading to the Boulevard as I tried to set a respectable speed at the front (kudos calmed cramping calves) Col and Grumpy took rest off the agenda to reel in not-so-newAvantiJohn at the roundabout, so there was relief reaching the Lemontree, but Cate and I had set a second lap with the Goats.....
Cate's speedo-less enthusiasm lengthened the line but Coggo's call for calm restored some rhythm (if only to keep Brendy from blowing off the back) River and Boundary Roads gradually blurred under the wheels, the posterior protests of distance building as the work back west drew near. Brendy turned for home as we steered east to the Toaster, each getting one more assisted shift before the true toil started in Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd. Coggo's wattage first into the headwind masked the muscles needed, when he peeled off the front the real effort was exposed. Heady's turn in the drivers seat was in struggle street, his shift as short as Jodie's seat post. Two gasps to catch the tail and he'd gone o.t.a., so then there was three to thrash out the lap. It was crucial to leave a little in the tank after a drive at the front, the next turn would come around well before you wanted it! Coggo's big engine ran swift and strong, Cate's too keeping the towed speechless as we worked toward the relief of Rudd Rd. Out of the breeze in the Boulevard was bliss, breakfast at Mandy's beckoned (where Brendy was refuelling) to soak up the due diligence of 110 k's.
5/11 Raindance.
The precipatory pitter patter during breakfast didn't deter Monday's ride, there was gaps in the radar's green smudges and 19 degrees with a NNE'er would dry any damp. The Godfather, Bruce, PistolPete, Bo, Cate, Wozza, Kel, Nev and Col braved the fickle conditions to assemble for the 5:45circuit and I'd fallen victim to the first shift again by berthing early. PistolPete paired fair to the truck route and I spent legs two and three supressing the gasps of respiratory recovery, The Godfathers grin and gabble a good distraction. Bruce, Nev and Wozza had suffered the Strathbogies on Sunday, so I had no cause for complaint, the weekend's chores and cheers kept the chat going at the back while a sky full of blue-grey was slowly revealed en-route to Boundary Rd.
Col chatted kits and their comfort as Kel poured on the power into the NNE'er to Old Dookie Rd, I was back into the up-line and due for the drivers seat again as I hoped Wozza and Bo would drag me to Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd to spare me the head wind. Bearing west was a little easier and I was surprised to see 40 on the glance at the Garmin, Cate's contribution commendable to the bridge, my focus on rhythm to reach Lemnos North Rd pairing the power of Pistol Pete. A few spots began to decorate the tarmac in Ford Rd and by Grahamvale Rd the rooster tails of wheel water were revising the route to home, an exit via Verney Rd gaining full support. The breeze now behind us spurred on the speed but my exit at the roundabout was punctuated by a puncture to flabbergast the finish.
7/11 Windurance.
If only to make up for the lack of a lap on Tuesday (way too weather wary), I tapped out an early edition (16k's) prior to Wednesday's 6am circus. AvantiAndy, Tina, Shorty, MyRideTrev (on a flash matte black Scott), Cate, Rocket, The Godfather, Kreeky, Wozza, Kel, Boof, Jen, Bo, Superman, SuperMario, Nev, Temple and Whispering Jack filled the carpark, a slapdash start spreading bikes along a long length of Archer Rd before composure collected the crew on the outskirts of town. The up-line was slow to form with a southwester keeping a long thin tail on the bunch.
Weapon joined the ranks at Sanctuary's roundabout, early loopers not-so-newAvantiJohn, Col, Grumpy, PistolPete and Ralphy filtered in on leg three as a few did the hard yards to Mitchell Rd, others then bravely stepping up for a turn at the front, though a tailwind through Central Kialla kept the speed speechless. Echeloned across River Rd we needed a little adjustment as the passing parade of pelotons worked west, all frowning Indian file fighting the wind on the port bow. I was ready for the whiplash a long line delivers as we swung north into Boundary Rd, a few gallant Goats southbound about to absorb Hommie and Sandy on an advance mission.
Good to see Temple having a go at the front, Tina and Weapon too rolling through for a contribution is a sign of speed to come. I was positioned for penance as the ChaCha drew near, Nev, Wozz and Rocket kept a cap on the excitement till Hopeful corner, the line thinning as Rocket tore into the southwester possessed with pace. I lay in wait for the elbow (which finally came at Prentice Rd), the wind hitting me like a ton of bricks trying to keep 48 on the Garmin. It wasn't long before I was swamped by the sprinters in their flog to the finish, actually checking I didn't have a soft tyre such was their speed.
8/11 Motivating muscles.
The appeal of an early lap was quickly lost as the temperature fell on Thursday, a search party sent to find base layers and winter gloves to insulate against the 'feels like' 2.4 degrees. Tum, Cate, Belly, Hommie, Phil, Sandy, Tina and HG assembled for the 6am flagfall from Friars, Tum and I with the job of pilots to point the pack out of town. JB joined at SPC, and with a decision on singles or doubles going unanswered, single file ruled at Doyle's road. It took a k or two to capture consensus as JB, Belly and I worked the front, but by Central Ave a line of nine got organised (HG driven o.t.a.) The sun shone the way for Hommie to take us to Boundary Rd, Phil leading the assault south.
9/11 Fortuitous Friday.
Friday's 6 degrees was just a bit better than Thursday's 4, motivating an early edition (seeing I'd succumbed to the soft option yesterday)
A golf course loop to start then south on a KML (to see what all the FDC fuss is about) put 30 k's on the odometer, chasing Ralphy and Pelly a k ahead. Northbound on Archer, Grumpy and The Godfather joined them as I caught the tail nearing Sanctuary's roundabout for a tow to town. Tina, MyRideTrev, TrekTrev, Travis, Boof, Pistol Pete, Rocket, Whispering Jack, Temple and Liam had lined up for a lap, setting sail at six. Being breeze-less, the up-line formed quickly, not-so-newAvantiJohn and Kreeky attaching to the pack from an early Tuesday / Thursday loop as we worked toward Mitchell Rd. ScottMatt appeared from the depths of obscurity and climbed into the caboose, I'd berthed between The Godfather and TrekTrev, the earlier k's maybe making me a mental mountain 'cause the legs were lacking and the lungs labouring through Central Kialla.
Weapon appeared in River Rd which distracted me from my driving doldrums, Temple's tempo (and confidence) is on the up and up, Liam's enjoying sitting on a Scott (following his Focus fracture), Whispering Jack seems to be suffering silently still but The Godfather's overactive oratory made up for it. River Rd was covered quickly, I'd transferred to the up-line (four residing in the rear ranks keen to avoid promotion) reckoning I'd probably find myself at the pointy end as the speed spiced up for the sprint. Boundary Rd was bearable with the advantage of 10 ahead to slipstream, but ever closer to the front in Channel Rd loaded the legs and languished lungs to throw doubt on my drive at the front. Liam and Travis had the pace percolating as we turned toward Central Ave, and with not-so-newAvantiJohn, Boof and TrekTrev bearing down behind, a gap opening in the down-line was too good to resist. I slipped into the draft and onto the 14 cog as the bunch swung into Kinder corner, using the tow as tempo to survive the sprint midfield. I felt I'd sold short taking the easy way out, but satisfaction from clocking 63 k's before 7.
Week 45 : 294 km YTD 11,891 km
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