6/4 A breezy bay.
Back in the home state and Beach Rd was my bike bait for Saturday, how can you turn down this tempting tarmac in a temperature of 17 degrees? A 6:10 start northbound from Mordialloc didn't find many moving toward the city, but the two or three red leds ahead were a motivation to get moving. A west northwester (13-25 km/h) added a bit more grief to the rising road at Black Rock but making some progress on those lures ahead kept the spirits up and the head down. By Sandringham, big southbound bunches were becoming common (amusing to eavesdrop on the bunch banter as our paths crossed), I'd passed half a dozen by now and one had passed me, but maintaining a 10 metre gap to him (thou shalt not play wheelsucker) was emptying my tank. I put it down to the advantage of youth.
A few k's of pursuit and by Mentone I was beginning to make ground, but the lad was slowing to turn off so that extinguished the incentive. Beach Rd swings a little inland at Brighton, the big dollar real estate shielding me from the westerly, and I managed to score a clear run through all but one set of traffic lights. Bunches were forming in the side streets for southbound spins, I kept my nose north for a target turn around at Station Pier.
The beauty in the beach aerobics was a distraction at St.Kilda, a few more cars and a lot more bikes now filling the southbound streets. Cranking a couple of k's of the palm lined Beaconsfield Parade got me to Port Melbourne, time to U-turn for the ride's return. Several smaller packs were at a plodding pace and I wasn't really looking for a free ride back, so was happier setting my own speed and hoping to tick a few Strava boxes along the way (there's only 467 segments to strive for!)
Of course you eventually find your own level and others gather, so it was no surprise to find myself among a dozen (mostly the Cycle-Inn team) steaming south of Sandringham.
The wind had a tad of WNW about it which helped the hurry through Beaumaris, though the turns hadn't rolled for a suburb. By Mentone I was hankering to hoist the heart rate above 125 so with just a couple of k's remaining I bid my adieus and put the hammer down at the Edgy, mid 40's getting the Garmin numbers growing and earning a post ride indulgence (muesli slice) at the Tour de Café finish line.
8/4 Finally, fellowship on the flat.
I set sail south on Monday, back on the flat home soil with just a hint of hesitation if I'd hang on to the pack after a long break bunchless. Level ground was a novelty and the consequent lift in average speed lifted spirits. The welcome back was warm in 9 degrees, not-so-newAvantiJohn, Kreeky, Cate, The Godfather, Boof, Wozza, Cobbles and Col had assembled in the carpark, keen to have the sun-up earlier (if only to better see the wildlife!) Boof and not-so-newAvantiJohn opened the account into Channel Rd as I sat second last, assimilating to the velocity.
I'd survived the speed of leg one in the tow, The Godfather and Cobbles moving up for driving duties as I assumed the position for pace at the front with Kreeky. My moment came at the cypress trees and went well to the S bend, Cate as co-pilot to Boundary Rd completing my contribution. A good feed of oxygen up to the Pub brought me back to sociable, news of recent weeks spills and thrills absorbed as others did their drive. The smoothness of the team effort was outstanding after three weeks riding solo, and the draft delivered was delicious! Concerns the light westerly would whittle me down on the return to town was unfounded, keeping up with Kreeky's pace in the final fling of Ford not so flabbergasting. Wanganui Rd was kept customarily constrained (the tempo didn't tempt too much talk though), the Boulevard effort bringing a bit of banter, most heading for Lemontree latte's but I had the woes of work to face after three weeks leave.
9/4 As good as a holiday? Well, almost.
With the 5:45 train rusting in the siding (see what FDC "commitment" does!), I took the 5:40 tamer train on a different course with Bo, Pelly, Kel, TrekTrev and Temple, the change almost as good as a holiday. Bo led the pack single filed south into Archer Rd at a considerate pace, only when reaching the front did I realise it was the southwester (22-37 km/h) handbraking the hurry. Reaching Mitchell Rd was a relief, handing the helm to Pelly and retiring to the rear for respiratory restitution. The emptiness of Central Kialla and River roads was a comfort, the assisting wind adding to the pleasantries of pace, though a section of sticky stuff (tree sap, spillage or something?) caused a concern. Temple had slowed perceiving a puncture, so a relaxed roll to regroup was in order. Temple's flat was a fantasy, so we were back up to speed albeit shuffled I sequence. I'd lost the super smooth wheel of Kel to draft but had the svelte speed of Temple's tow instead, no complaints. The synchrony is sweet when all are on the same page of pace, effort seems to ease, speed steadily climbs, a calm descends and all seems smooth in the world, particularly with the breeze up the backside! Another turn for me in the drivers seat came up at the fig farm, it's always a winner to get your shift done buoyed by the breeze then tuck in for a tow when the bunch turns into the wind. Bo was speedo-less with Garmin glitches but drove a swift shift into Old Dookie Rd, Kel with a fast follow up before TrekTrev took over. Pelly had the squad by the scruff of the neck at Dobson's estate as we were anointed by a sprinkle from the heavens, Temple keeping tempo on agenda into town. The early arrival allowed the luxury of a Lemontree pit-stop for Pelly, Bo, Kel and I, and a catch up with an almost recovered PistolPete.
10/4 A wee bit winter.
Fronting up to five degrees with fingerless gloves and short knicks was farcical, that'll teach me to browse the bureau's temperature beforehand! Rocket, Kenworth, Travis, TrekTrev, Cate, Wozza, SuperMario, BamBam, Liam, Superman, Shorty, Kel, Kreeky, Bo, Pelly and The Godfather had braved the wee bit of winter weather, but the bunch broke into bits a k into Archer Rd. (tail-end tardiness rather than Rocket's rapidity me thinks) I faced an early shift at the front with Wozz to Mitchell Rd, the southwester none to helpful. My head threw in the towel half way to Central Kialla beside TrekTrev when legs and lungs laboured, annoyingly they would have done the job if the cerebellum hadn't surrendered. That safety valve of survival is frustratingly fickle! The draft felt great as TrekTrev and Shorty supplied the tow, slipping into social mode for the north leg to River Rd (finding the HurtLocker still soldiering the circuit)
River Rd's westbound warriors have been whittled away by weather, the Zwift zealots will soon multiply when temperature tests their tenacity. (I'd rather climatize to the chill and see the scenery blur by than sweat all over the garage floor chasing PlayStation pedalers) Keepin' it real rules! Attendance today was better than expected, even BamBam braved the almost Antarctic atmosphere (but mid July is the time to add up the hard-core). I was pleased to see the Goats had the gizzards to field five for a fresh pain train and happy the horizon was lit with first light so early, but that'll last as long as a Whispering Jack comeback. The cool had noses running like beer at BeerMat's birthday, most with the decorum and courtesy to clear the canals at the back or the oncoming lane. Promoted toward the pointy end as we worked west in Channel Rd wasn't a concern, Rocket and Wozz held the helm and clamped the ChaCha, simmering speed at 40. Superman seized the opportunity to bolt for glory but Kenworth squashed his stardom pouncing for the podium.
11/4 Two tested.
Crawling from the comfort of a cosy bed was Thursday's five degree test (doesn't winter turn a doona heavenly heavy!) and ditching the comfort zone of being drawn along in a bunch, choosing 30k's of cruelty swapping turns with Cate, the only 5:45'er rolling up to ride. Stretching the boundaries of muscles and mind isn't the easy option (and a bit anti-social on the 5:40 crew) but a lap on the limit will pay dividends...or so I told myself over and over! Half shifts were preferred as the survivable method, so it was heads down for the hurry-up into Channel Rd, halving the hurt but with less rest between. Forecasting the work ahead quickly sets a labour limit, high thirties guessed as best with plenty of turns to go. A couple of minutes of hurt made the next two in the tow deserved, the suggestion of light in the distance helping navigation through Rabbit Row. Another shift fell due before I knew it, two minutes listening to moans from muscles and laments from legs, or was it sooks from the skull that caused the elbow to gesture Cate to the front again? Half way along River Rd and the shifts steadily shortened, the efforts accrued and the heart rate refused to recover, some satisfaction though noting the Hares were yet to hassle us. The smallest decline in the tarmac was now like winning the lottery, a sure sign the old engine was "givin' her all she's got Capt'n". Dave's dip was a delight downhill and unspeakable up, a timely clean cross of the highway but the Hares hurry was reeling us in. Hopes of heading them home were lost by Arcadia Downs, Rocket, Liam, Wozza, Bruce and Kreeky smoothly sailed past at 40, depths dug deeply to catch their draft for a free ride to the finish line.
12/4 A calmer karma in the cool.
Slowly the temperature sorts the hacks from the hard-core, down to Kel, Nev, Rocket, Bo, Wozza, Kreeky, Kenworth, Nick, Shorty, MyRideTrev, The Godfather, TatMat and Col for Friday's fresh frivolity. Wozza had assumed the lead role (Boof on holiday) for first shift into Archer Rd, the temperature (5) taming the tempo to 37 which pleased the pack. The morning's greetings were collected from the previously un-identified arriving in the dark of the carpark, a hint of horizon orange highlighted the diminishing daylight as darkness drags us toward winter. MyRideTrev's headlight jumped ship in Central Kialla, left for dead as a following car turned it into a speed hump.
HurtLocker (5) hurried toward Mitchell Rd as we steered into River Rd, MyRideTrev now with an excuse to sit at the back but I don't know what Nick's excuse was. The rarity of riding? The Pussycats seem to be lacking the libido to lap, a slim single filed squad working their way west as we crossed at the dip. First time at the front for me was with The Godfather for River Rd's last k then with Wozza to the Broken bridges, the effort (embarrassingly) opening the olfactory floodgates. Dignity was restored in the draft as Rocket and Wozz (there's that pairing again!) drove to Channel Rd. Wheels west and homeward bound, the sting had gone out of the speed, or was the eau de blood & bone fertilising my fitness? Bo and Shorty led us into Hopeful corner while I sat at forth wheel (behind The Godfather) patient but prepared to pounce to prevent him pinching a podium. It was a sprint in slow motion as Bo led out at 42, so I pulverised the pedals to 50 to keep The Godfather goal-less.
Week 15 253km YTD 3,990km
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