8/2 A rusty return.
Starved of the ride routine for seven weeks (while nine ribs repaired), it was with some trepidation I swung a leg over the bike Saturday morning. How much form had I lost? Would I quickly be busted off the back of the bunch? (I deliberately ignored ironically it was the anniversary of my stick incident). I reckoned a steady solo hour might be a good starting point to judge just how rusty I was. Surprisingly, thirty k's an hour wasn't a big ask, thought the heart rate was in the heavens to maintain it. The tentative tap east on Old Dookie Rd to the toaster was my metaphoric toe in the water, I guess a week or two would tell if previous performance would return. The bunch could hunt me down today and I'd attempt to hold on.
(Temple, Lance, Vince, Ralphy, Rocket, MyRideTrev, Wozza, Shorty, Bruce, Pi
(not Tony), The Godfather, TatMat, GiantAndy, Tina, TrekTrev, Molly, Kreeky, Dalts, Whispering Jack, Boof, Bo and a couple of new faces) drew me into their fold, a reminder of the benefits a bunch brings.
Physical and mental. The recent settling of Saturday speed standards was a bonus, being towed along in the mid thirties calming my cardiac convulsions. Confidence was on a rapid return, I reckoned I could hold on providing a sprint didn't spit me out the back. The fellowship of familiar cyclusts comforted the ten k's back into town, the sprint was supressed and speed through the streets stayed sensible (wasn't wanting any close calls with cars this soon). The split for cafes of choice on the Boulevard appeared almost fifty fifty, allegiances turned me to the Lemontree for the brew and banter but was drawn to the Butterfactory afterward to soak up the social stuff with the others.
10/2 A sweaty spin.
It'll be a while to regain prior pace. The early tap around the golf course loop turned into quite a workout so to group with the Goats (Sandy, Heady, Phil, Brendy, Snow, Hommie, Principal Skinner, Speissy, Dipper, JB and Belly) was judged swift enough under my soft circumstances. There was a warm welcome in warm weather (19 degrees and 100% humidity), six bells struck and the dozen took to Old Dookie Rd Indian file. Sandy was the white jersey contender with a determined drive to Dobson's (Heady suffering the speed) as I settled into the smooth draft on Snow's wheel, facing the front for the last k of Channel Rd when his elbow flapped. 36 was happily manageable in the drivers seat, though I didn't dare peak at my peaking heart rate. The draft at the back when Dippa took over in Boundary Rd was bliss. Tail-lights of the early escapees (Roscoe, Brother Andrew and HG) baited our pace, turning it into a sweaty spin on a muggy morning.
All had voted for a Channel Rd course back to town, coarse stone covering the reseal of River and Mitchell Rd none too appealing. JB drove us to the S bend keeping the squad swift and silent, Hommie had gone missing in action and I thought I'd get the job of the charge at the ChaCha but Snow did the long drive from Hopeful corner to save me the effort. Back into town early, a squirt along Kialla Lakes Drive reeled in the early escapees, the lure of coffee driving most toward Mandy's but a return to work redirected my route to home.
12/2 Wanna, coulda.....
The search for a sedate spin for my ride rehab took me to the 'Wannabees' on Wednesday, many old familiar faces (Temple, MyRideTrev, Jase, Oscar, Tommygun, Pelly, Kenworth, Laura, AvantiAndrew, BeerMat, Nick, WhisperingJack, Marion, KillkennyPaul, Hollywood and Softa) forming at the carpark for the 5:50 spin. (One could be cruel and call 'em Couldabeens cast-offs) It was comeback day for the cautiously cobwebbed ; Hollywood, KillkennyPaul and Softa). A queer course out Channel, down Boundary, over the Main Eastern and U-turn at the phone exchange was called (avoiding recent roadworks), so two rows toured east of town, my eyes peeled for the unfamiliar styles of some as seventeen settled into a sort of rhythm. I'd drawn the position between BeerMat ahead and Oscar behind, advancing for a drive at the front at the S bend beside BeerMat to Boundary Rd (feeling the odd one out as I positioned to echelon for the 20 km/h southerly)
Was BeerMat baiting me a half wheel ahead? I hadn't escaped the hurt of the headwind, Oscar keeping me silent in Boundary Rd to the Broken bridges where I succumbed to his speed. Turns shortened thereafter so perhaps I wasn't going too bad after all? Over the Main Eastern and bits of bunch were breaking off the back (some in course confusion?) though the about face at the telephone exchange gathered the dawdlers. I was almost back to the business end in Boundary Rd when the Couldabeens entered from River Rd, a chance for those Wannabees with wattage to score a tow home. A tailwind to Channel Rd kept most in touch with division one (Boof, Bruce, Col, Grumpy, The Godfather, Rocket, Bo, Wozza, Kel, Shorty, Tina, PistolPete, Superman, Cate and Trek Trev) but the continued tempo west on Channel Rd was taxing the tailenders. The big bunch was breaking up as the division one drivers stepped up into the mid 40's at the Kinder (probably not the best scenario for those on the comeback trail), some from the front demoted as Temple and I found ourselves the tow trucks for the tailenders.
14/2 Yay! It's F-ride-day!
Legs are right back into it and the heart will hopefully harden up with time, but preparing the posterior to get back into the 250k a week habit is the hard task ; how quickly we soften off the bike! Easing gradually into the routine, the forth ride for the week was a calm circuit with the Wannabees (not yet ready physically or mentally for the master class on it's midweek mission), Temple, Nick, Pelly, Whispering Jack, Laura, Hollywood, Tommygun, Marion, MyRideTrev, AvantiAndrew, Steve, Kenworth and Jase filling the grid (seems KillkennyPaul and Softa's comeback is already cancelled?)
Pelly set the smoothness out Channel Rd, headlights piercing the early morning darkness (and the lycra of one stretched beyond it's limit. Eyeballs averted post haste) Nick and Whispering Jack set a swift standard for Channel Rd's last leg, Laura and I blessed by the breeze at the backside in Boundary Rd. AvantiAndrew must be new to bunch riding, there were multiple violations of Rule #86 beside me to One Tree Dam but I'll concede that one yet to be versed in Velominati might benefit from a quiet and courteous chat. The bunch kept together over the main eastern (a testament to smooth captaincy) and soon enough we'd arrived at the phone exchange to about face for the return.
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