Friday, December 10, 2021

The faux foot fumble

 Post #622 

4/12  One of these things is not like the others.

It's a bit like that eccentric uncle turning up at the yellow corduroy.  Saturday's at Sanctuary Drive can be a lucky dip (though the weekday crew is consistent) so the hopes were that it wasn't too heavy on horsepower, but today was a mixed bag - PistolPete, Rocket, Bruce, Grumpy, Greg, Emil, Lance, lil' Jodie, Liam, Trav and Nev rolled in.  (Lance and I exchanged looks of "Good to see you" ; we could pair for the ride home if the horsepower put us o.t.a.!)  But the yellow corduroy was Nev aboard the the flat barred, 40mm tyred, front suspension MTB , with a rear rack if you don't mind!  (missed the memo about road bike ride?) PistolPete and Rocket had the horsepower to deal with the 17-28 km/h south southwester in the face to Mitchell Rd ; I hoped I'd played my cards right to get a turn with the tail wind though found myself starting at that rear rack when the troops fell into line. 

Condolences went to Greg though, he had Liam's wheel ; a low, lean (and dare I say lousy) draft to follow.  The Couldabeens can't be too cantankerous, lil' Jodie was back for more but chose the observers role from the caboose.  A turn with a tail wind looked likely so that made joining the advance line less onerous, Nev and Lance lined up behind so my followers shouldn't cook me.  Feels like 7 was a let-down from Summer's opening salvo just three days ago, the hard men were sleeveless but the softer (like me) chose the arm-warmer option.  

Grumpy and Greg led the Coach Rd leg to the highway while I put my faith in Grumpy respecting his elders when my turn fell due in Boundary Rd.  He did.  I called half time at the fig farm and rolled across to have Nev co-pilot to Old Dookie Rd. the thought of being impaled by those wide bars was a little distracting.  Steered toward the sun, Nev and Lance then Emil and PistolPete guided us to the Toaster, from there the circuit gradually about-facing to point us to town.  Wasn't I in a good spot!  I'd get a tow almost into town and get the sheltered side to boot.  Let's hope I could accumulate the energy for a respectable second shift (hopefully with tree-lined shelter from the wind)    

Lance's puncture crossing Verney Rd shortened my lead role to just 100 metres, the five minute wait for repairs a bonus to bank some breaths, but Greg's puncture right on the re-start made it a holiday.  (You can bank on bindii rolling through the green stuff at the roadside Greg!)  Resuming the lead on the restart beside Rocket in Wanganui Rd was manageable with a tank full of oxygen and the heart-rate at idle, though the gauges soon showed grief by DECA.  Nev and Rocket did the dash to Mt.Wanganui.  
Knobs behind the wheel, road accidents and ageing joints was the Butter Factory babble while breakfast made the muscles shut up.

6/12  Echelon education.

A tail wind and a tow to the Sanctuary grid got the head in the right space for Monday's ride though I don't think it'd be all beer and skittles ; an east northeaster was bound to deflate egos and fret the brow in a few directions.  The Godfather was quick to pair with PistolPete at the front for the journey south to Mitchell Rd, seizing the opportunity of a tail-wind shift tells me he's been trained by Bo.  He received a lot of advice on wind direction so the tail-enders could get out of the gutter. Lenny, Emil, Bo, Rocket, Kreeky, Grumpy, Kel, and Wozza awaited their turn, KIm braving the Sanctuary speed again though content to keep the caboose seat occupied.    To Central Kialla then north to River Rd wasn't the task I'd expected, though I did have the sheltered side.  While Bo and Kel paired to tow us to River Rd's bridge, I was promoted to the advance line with Grumpy ahead and Rocket behind, possibly not thinking of the work needed in the drivers seat.  The harsh reality awaited. 

Kreeky bore the brunt of Garmin glitches, ears were overloaded with The Godfather's unintelligible dialect (making up for lost time with his Saturday absence) and Greg showing no side effects form Sunday's 6 hours and 40 minutes at 191 watts (just a lazy 202 km)  He has extra concrete on his Corn Flakes!  Bo called it quits and had Grumpy take his place well before the white fence of the quarter horse stud, so there was no hiding from the wind now.  My head was full of high hopes to reach rooster corner but the legs and lungs were having no part in that fantasy.  Rocket was kind to stay level when I rolled early to the left line, it's a wonder the Trek's disc brakes weren't glowing red as my engine mis-fired 300 metres shy of Coach Rd.  Tina had found her way from the north to u-turn and join the dozen while Rocket and Greg provided the propulsion toward the Midland.

Effort eased with the wind now at the starboard flank.  I could be sociable at the Broken bridges now that oxygen had brought me back to the land of the living.  Do many need to push the envelope this much I wonder?  (I can name the ones who don't!) Maybe others are just more subtle in their suffering?  (I should get lessons!)  Kel was right, drawing alongside near the fig farm ; the hard stuff was done and all that remained was to enjoy 1. Being towed back to town.  2. Soaking up the tail-wind, and 3. Satisfying the caffeine addiction afterward. Bo had a light-globe moment when reminded of the wind direction ; up the road another metre or so then most behind had the joy of shelter from the wind.  10 out of 10 for Kim still attached at the rear, probably relishing the ability to stay with the bunch to notice Emil's spirited speed toward SPC. 

7/12  Swifter squirrels. 

Nearly dragged off the bike by mosquito's at the Archer St shop, wheels got rolling a couple of minutes early.  Lil' Jodie had arrived in the role of special guest squirrel to join Emil, Kim and I for the Tuesday tap, Tina set to intercept somewhere on Channel Rd.  Itchiness slowly faded as Emil led the line to the truck route, being bitten in the middle of the back and the right ankle not the easiest things to scratch as mid 30's was put on the morning's menu.  Emil's handover at Doyles Rd got me in the habit to do duty to the Kinder, the breeze from the northeast barely trimming anything off the tempo.  Kim's on that rise of rapid improvement that many new to this addiction get on, several rides per week fostering fitness while the seniors (like me) struggle to shave a second off here and there.  Lil' Jodie admitted there were worries of conformity in joining a new crew but delivered a strong maiden drive toward the S bend when given the reigns at the cypress trees.  

No need for stress in the squirrels though, it's all about doing what's comfortable, short or long, just to so something under the heading of smooth.  Emil polished off Channel Rd and extended the shift to Boundary's bridge, so I took aim at New Dookie Rd as a not-so-Scottish donation.  The breeze seemed to strangle speed now, or was I looking for excuses?  Tina agreed when she faced the front to Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd, it was like pushing through treacle.  Kim took on the captaincy for the west leg, doubling her usual distance to reach Lemnos North Rd (Where has all this horsepower come from?  It may prompt the stewards to ask for a sample!)  Lil' Jodie opened the throttle into Ford Rd and stretched the line longer, me in the middle forced to play the tow truck role to bring Tina and Kim back aboard.  Plenty of torque in Jodie's turn got us to Grahamvale Rd though Emil didn't score much of a slipstream, but he's got wattage to burn, his standard shift to Verney then led us into town to satisfy our other addiction. 

8/12  What watts?

Maybe I'd worn away the watts straining into Wednesday's southwester (19-28 km/h) on the 20 minute drive to Sanctuary's roundabout?  I'd fluked a tail-wind turn with The Godfather nearly half an hour later and was in struggle street crossing Boundary Rd's bridge.  Calling an early roll, I scored Emil as part two's co-pilot, this old engine now on the red-line to reach Old Dookie Rd.  Giving in to the signals of stress at the fig farm, I called Emil over for the draft.  None of the others had problems with the pace so was it Strava's heart-breaking news of my 37% dip in 2021's performance that's doing it?  Maybe the clunky right knee still niggling and a little muscular discomfort of late wasn't helping.  Better not to dwell on it Foss.  Just revert to a diet rich in isocyanates and carboxylic acid to harden up that inferiority complex!  

The company of Bruce, PistolPete, Lenny, Rocket, Emil, Wozza, Kreeky, The Godfather, Kel, Boof and Grumpy had primed a bit of pace for the 30k circuit, PistolPete and Rocket had done the hard yards (3486 to be precise) to Mitchell Rd so the rest of the lap shouldn't have been a bother. Feels like 6 wasn't so summery but recalling those 32 days of 3 or below through winter reminded me it wasn't that bad!  Tina was awol but JJ had plied his way clockwise to intercept our travels at Hosie Rd.  (So where was I?  Oh yeah, me on the rev-limiter at the fig farm!)  Emil and Kreeky took on the towing task to Old Dookie Rd, the southwester delaying my recovery at second wheel headed west.  I'd managed to mute the gasps and groans though so that's an improvement.  

I'd regained some focus to notice Boof was back on the new Focus and that Lenny's old Cannondale still looks like new.  Cackles from behind were for JJ's wardrobe malfunction, the mix of left and right socks stirring sledges to the truck route.  A pause for truck traffic gained a breath or two but JJ dropped his chain on the restart. 

9/12  Suitably squirreled.

Fifteen minutes of suffering a headwind and the rest of the squirrel circuit should be a doddle. (Hopefully I'd avoid the last windswept leg on Verney). Doing the distance to Archer St's shop was a workout, all that wind in the face wasn't the introduction I wanted but the tail-wind later was the draw-card. Kim and Emil weren't in  love with the commute either so headed east into Channel was bliss.  Lil' Jodie was back for more so something about the squirrels suits. Predictably, Emil did the drive to the truck route and I did the bit to the Kinder (should I have a rubber stamp made up?)  though Tina had arrived a little earlier at the ChaCha and got the draft of Emil's wheel.  The change of order was as good as holiday (Cancel that rubber stamp)    

12 degrees but feels like 8 cooled the enthusiasm, not Kim's though to drive to the cypress trees.  Lil' Jodie hit the gas and luckily wasn't blown to Boomanoomana, her turn longer this time to the S bend prompted Emil to extend his effort to Old Dookie Rd as his two bob's worth.  Tina took on the Old to New Dookie Rd shift so I had the leg to Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd to alter the routine.  I'd be handing Kim the the shift with the southerly to shoulder (literally) but she was tough enough to take the torment beyond the channel bridge. Jodie guided the path around the rumble strips to Lemnos North Rd where Emil made himself the martyr to tow us to Grahamvale Rd, then Verney (I had avoided that windswept leg!) , then through the streets to the Butter Factory base camp. 

10/12  Uniformity.

Another struggle to the start line felt like I'd emptied the tank before the ride had even started!  I'd be avoiding any position near the front, there'd be a battle into the southerly to Mitchell Rd and those with real horsepower could have that task.  Like Bo, I'd tucked in for the tow, along with a few others doing the faux foot fumble, the late swig from the bidon or grabbing another gear to slip down the order and avoid the early shift as the bunch faced Archer Rd.  The tail wind to come might have been the main motivator for most.  Boof, Kreeky, Emil, Kel, Rocket, The Godfather, Greg, Bo, Wozza, lil' Jodie and PistolPete had done the Friday uniformity thing and set two rows rolling, Rocket and Wozz relishing the drive to Kialla Central.  Had I positioned perfectly for a turn with the tail-wind? Time and tempo would tell.   

The quiet that comes with the wind at our backs en route to River Rd was bliss til it was shattered by you know who. ( I pity the residents of Kialla Central who wanted a sleep-in!)  Faith was on Kreeky doing a long drive to rooster corner when he fronted with The Godfather at the dip, if that panned out I'd get a tailwind for a turn in Coach Rd.  Isn't Kreeky a good lad, delivered to rooster corner as required.  (I'm needing all the help I can get lately)    The Godfather generously set a comfortable speed toward the bridges, my target to roll across for part two with Emil to the highway  (with a conscious effort to mute the gasps and groans, I could spare the crew the theatrics)  

Lil' Jodie stepped up to pair with Emil in Boundary Rd, taking advantage of the breeze behind I'd say (better than constantly in the caboose) though slotted in behind Emil at the bridge before the watts evaporated.  Bo had manoeuvred to score the prevailing wind too, though Emil made sure he endured the side wind in Old Dookie Rd and Kel delivered a drive to tax him well short of School Rd.  PistolPete had drawn the short straw (again) for a second shift to Central Ave, Wozza with a surplus of speed to tow us to the truck route.  Kel, Bo, Emil, Tina and I shied from the turning B double and called a halt, the chase to rejoin the ranks at full throttle made effort the epilogue for the week (or should that be the weak?) 

This week 286km       YTD 13,004km        

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