Saturday, July 9, 2022

A sight for sore legs.

 Post #652

2/7  Paying penance with pace.

GiantAndy joining the commute to Sanctuary spurred some extra speed ; can't have that big engine stalling in the low 30's !  That extra effort was eating into my reserves by Kialla Lakes so I was grateful a kangaroo bounded erratically along Waranga Drive to put some caution in the pace.  A small grid at Sanctaury Drive (Emil, Wozza, PistolPete, Bo, The Godfather, Greg, GiantAndy and Rocket) was boosted by Nev, Weapon and Crossy joining in, so odds of surviving the circuit improved a bit.  There's safety in numbers.   Hopes heightened a little more when three red leds appeared at Archer Rd's end, TatMat, DeterminedDan and TatPaul had made the trek from Tat to swell the numbers further.  

Nerves had calmed a tad with a few more of my league, the fresh spin to Central Kialla settling into a sort of social groove bound for River Rd.  A solitary light approaching from the truck route seemed a bit shy of getting aboard as we steered east but Nev and Crossy on the front were already cruising to let the Johnny-come-lately catch.  Superman was dragged up to the back of the bunch , the momentum returning at River Rd's bridge.   It doesn't really matter what wheel you're on in this crew  'cause none are in the habit of tearing your legs off, it's just that some make more comfortable co-pilots than others!  

TatMat's compliant (and has sympathy for seniors!), any reservations about joining the advance vanishing with Greg as partner for part two.  The chill of minus one kept cadence keen in Coach Rd, getting those Garmin numbers up in preparation for the work to face when out of the draft.  Weapon's term at the front in Boundary Rd was brief so TatMat rolled across at the bridge, leaving the door open for my drive north (that stretch to Old Dookie Rd again ; five times in eight days!)    TatMat and I might have been a k off the pace but we'd both planned to get the 2 k's done without cardiac arrest (this was TatMat's first real road bike ride in three months apparently, yet no signs off stress ; I must get the recipe!)     

Greg's happy to give a pensioners discount and kindly rolled across at Old Dookie's bridge when I couldn't ignore the complaints from heart and lungs any longer.  (isn't it funny that in that first few moments of a draft there's already calculations underway of when the next turn is due!)    Superman wasn't saying much in second wheel of the advance so when he paired with Bo across New Dookie, a short shift wasn't surprising.  Rocket and Wozz lifting the tempo a touch toward Lemnos-Cosgrove was the Kryptonite though, Superman slipping swiftly to the rear.  Strangely, The Godfather took up residence at the rear too.  I'd perfectly timed my shift to the advance line at Pine Lodge Creek, into the shelter from the slight south southwester that was slowly wearing away the watts.  (I was greedy, lots were needed for the highly likely second shift, calculated to be near the real work to face into town)  DeterminedDan showed his grit alongside GiantAndy on Ford Rd while I gritted teeth readying for the turn beyond Verney Rd (just my luck part two would be into Wanganui Rd)   

DeterminedDan's bidon going overboard became my saving grace, the slow on the short shift to the highway got some reserve oxygen aboard.  The bunch splitting for traffic into Wanganui was a bonus too, though serious wattage was brewing behind while the speed was turned up nearing the transfer station.  Greg and I were doing great at 36's till GiantAndy activated the afterburners at DECA with Wozz, Rocket, Emil, Nev and Bo co-conspirators in his slipstream.  Two orderly rows quickly scrambled to single file in a desperate search for a draft.  Mid 40's to Mt. Wanganui had emptied my tank and the effort needed to climb the 2% for 100 metres opened gaps in the rank and file.  Several at risk of going o.t.a. (including me) found a lifeline in PistolPete holding high 30's in Rudd Rd, so six (The Godfather, Crossy, TatMat, Weapon and DeterminedDan) were saved from the shame of being demoted to o.t.a.      Turns at the rushin' front were swapped about in an effort to keep the division one's in sight, the red traffic light at the town hall a sight for sore legs.  Government bureaucracy, the want for workers and the o.c.d. of rounding up a Strava distance carried the conversation over breakfast. 

4/7  The frozen few.

The search for more starters coming along Sanctuary Drive was in vain ; just seven occupied Monday's starting grid to commence the weeks ritual.  Clever thinking by PistolPete led an Indian filed attack on Archer Rd, there'd be some taxing turns if two rows had taken it on.  Pete had no problem driving into the 15-17 km/h headwind to Mitchell Rd, certainly a heart-starter for me (and that's the trouble of taking a slumber Sunday - it stings Monday!) Bruce plied our path to Central Kialla and Emil showed remarkable restraint (with the wind up the Khyber) in keeping high thirties capped to River Rd.  But that's easy for Emil, so he added the two k's to the bridge as an extension.  The Ninja survived at second wheel to deliver the goods to the dip.  

Wind direction is not The Godfather's forte particularly when he's in the drivers seat, Bo beckoning him to River Rd's centre so a decent draft was possible, but I was suffering second wheel syndrome with his variable velocity all the way to rooster corner.  Luck gave me a tail wind on Coach Rd where my turn came due and just as well 'cause the tank felt dry at the start.  Doing your fair share became the driving force to reach the Broken bridges despite an engine that wouldn't perform at the prior pace, kudos received from the crew as I gave Kel the reigns eased some of the disappointment. Keeping connected as caboose was taxing as Kel shot north but I knew heart failure had been avoided when Boundary Rd came back into focus.  Lungs lapped up the oxygen while Bo did his specialty of a tail-wind turn.  With PistolPete, Bruce and Emil lined up to serve their second shift I could (tentatively) sigh a breath to be towed back to town.   Strangely, the Butter Factory was in darkness, so Stellar's substituted the post-ride elixir. 

5/7 Five, fortuitously. 

Finding that second wind took a while, not until the smooth stretch of tarmac beyond Boundary Rd's bridge did the stars align to get on top of the 53/15, hold the heart rate below the bursting point and let the lungs settle into a rhythm instead of a gasp.  A waft of wind from the south helped.  Yep, I just can't escape doing duty on that Midland to Old Dookie leg!   Wendy had bolstered the Squirrel count to five and Emil had handed me the reigns crossing the highway, so the shift I can't seem avoid went well when all the positives dropped into place.  

I'd taken the cue from prior turns that 33's were kosher so that 3200 metre turn that's got my name on it wasn't such a big ask (three k's faster and it turns to hell!)    The challenge was enduring the temperature drop in some sections of road where the channels chill.  Wendy got a bonus draft from a passing truck en-route to New Dookie and Kim made haste anyway to Lemnos-Cosgrove.  Non-plussed with the wind at the port side, the 5ft Ninja put in a big effort to tow us to Lemnos.  Expecting another of Emil's epic efforts as we closed in on suburbia, the surprise came at Grahamvale Rd when his elbow promoted me to the front.  That short shift to Verney begged an extra effort, so I stayed on for the southern stretch to Balaclava Rd but by Pine Rd Emil's urge to lead the little train into town was too much to resist!

6/7  Eleven brass monkeys.

'Cause others would be! Well, that was my answer to "What the hell are you doing in feels like minus five Foss?!"  This was the polar opposite of mad dogs and Englishmen.....literally!  (I guess it confirmed the addiction)   Deliberately starting three minutes early eased the shock a little; a slow build up to speed accustomed the lungs to the refrigerated intake while the body temperature dropped to compensate.  The southbound commute on Archer Rd was punishing ; not that pace was the issue (barely breaking low thirties as usual), just that lungs refused to fill with the chill.  Or maybe the head was saying that?  Boof, Wozza, Emil, Greg, Rocket, Bo, The Godfather, Kel, Bruce and PistolPete showed their compulsion for cold assembling for the mid-week masochism too, no doubt there's some satisfaction in enduring what others won't.   

Maybe it was the cold that confined PistolPete to the mid thirties down to Mitchell Rd?  (I certainly appreciated his restraint)  A higher demand for watts still plagued me through Central Kialla but joined the advance line anyway.    It wasn't any warmer out of town.  The Godfather and Bo behaved on River Rd so when Kel fronted near the quarter horse stud, I'd be up next.  I figured it'd be even fresher at the front!  (Far f%#&'n fresher Foss!) Barely a minute passed and lungs were at bursting point though good old stubbornness got me to rooster corner, the turn north a bit squirmy out of the apex.  A slow puncture was all I needed with Boof now alongside!  (There'd be a bucket load of resentment bringing the bunch to a halt in this temperature, so press on and cross fingers, hoping it was imagination)  

The labor just to get me to One Tree Dam had me well into the red zone, the sensation of deflation playing on pace?  Boof saved me from detonation by delivering a draft while he paired with Emil (and set a swifter speed) to the highway.  Recovery would have to wait!  And I was still waiting when Rocket and Wozz led two lines west on Old Dookie Rd, that marshmallow feeling back again.  Still stuck well into zone four at Central Ave, there was little joy left,  it wouldn't take much just to drop off the back if it weren't for the thought of a hot coffee waiting just a few k's ahead.  The Godfather hurried up the hurt to SPC but cornering was now ranked a high-risk occupation with the quick commute to the Butter Factory.  (Do not foresake me oh mushy Michelin, I shall tend to thee in the cafe's light!)  The rim was just kissing the tarmac on small irregularities crossing High Street, so the cruise for half a k at least got me under more comfortable conditions for repairs.  Frozen fingers could at least be thawed on a mug of coffee immediately after. 

7/7  Cold comfort. 

The forecast 4 degree start sounded too good to be true.     And it was!  Thursday's reality was zero, the  east northeaster bringing the "feels like" down to minus 3.5.  (Optimism can be a dangerous thing eh?)  Pulling the pin would be letting the team down, so all those layers went on in the hope of avoiding feeling like an ice block (as if!) and rolled quietly to the rendevous.  If it weren't for dedicated squirrels, I doubt I'd have made it out of bed.  Fortunately, Kim and Emil had toughened to the temperature (or lack of it) and toured to Tarcoola and the Ninja arrived at the Archer St shop, so we could blame one another for making us face the freeze.  I was slow to form on the grid (a brief diversion aside to tend to nasal floodgates almost at overflow) and that got me out of the usual formation ; third wheel today when Emil set wheels in motion into Channel Rd.  I'd miss that second shift to Orrvale Rd like I'd miss a tax audit!   (the change would be as good as a holiday)  

For a moment I was guessing the drive to the ChaCha would be on my menu, but Emil did the extension thing to Orrvale Rd so Kim got the Kinder shift.  (No bother, I'd be happy with anything different)  So I had Central Ave to the cypress trees for a change of scenery and with 33's and 34's the vox populi, an extension to the S bend would be a decent donation.  (that decision went into the regret file as that chilled east northeaster froze the lungs).  Breathing got better in the draft of four while the Ninja did her drive to Channel Rd's end and up to the highway.  Hey, at last I'd miss that Midland to Old Dookie shift that had haunted me for a week!   Emil set his sights north with Kim in his slipstream and his target wasn't Old but New Dookie Rd.  So Kim did the labor to Lemnos-Cosgrove where I got the west way toward town, and blessed with the breeze at the backside made it an easy aim to Lemnos.  Driving was done and dusted for the day 'cause the Ninja did the Ford Rd work to Grahamvale and of course Emil would take us into town.  (I reckon I should steal that third place on the grid next time!) 

8/7  Every circus has one! 

There was relief reaching Friday ; back into the 6 days a week ritual and the old engine was feeling the wear and tear of that 300 km a week habit.  The coldest week of the year (so far) didn't help either.  Turning up a few extra watts to catch Boof, Wozza and Rocket at the Archer St lights had the benefit of getting a tow to the starting grid, an icy westerly certainly worth hiding from.  The tough had fronted Sanctuary Drive (PistolPete, Emil, Greg, Bruce, the 5ft Ninja, Kreeky, Kel, The Godfather and Bo) for another frozen lap (feels like minus .1)   Just back from two weeks holiday, Kreeky was understandably last in line when Pistol set the squad south and when I plucked up the courage to join the advance line in Mitchell, I got a good position (Bruce ahead and Kreeky behind) to hopefully get a turn done before the head wind in Old Dookie Rd.     

High 30's was understandable along River Rd, the wattage of Emil and Greg at the front combined with a tail wind (15-24 km/h) behind was to blame, but a large broken branch across the tarmac at the quarter horse stud wasn't seen in the dark till we were almost on it. That scattered the squad, but all remained upright.  A moment's cruise let nerves settle a little, though Kreeky took the chance to shift places and shy from duty at the business end.   Speed was restored and alongside Greg for the last k of River Rd should have been an advantage with the wind behind, but I was at full gas to reach rooster corner, a little comfort coming when Bruce called "your speed" when he drew alongside for part two in Coach Rd.  

Cooked reaching One Tree Dam, I called Bruce across for the draft, though The Godfather wanted to play the clown driving three lengths ahead.  How lucky was I that Bruce held the prior pace.  Bo wasn't playing The Godfather's game either, choosing to let him perform in his own circus several lengths ahead, so I had some chance of getting a breath or two back while Bruce and Bo set sensible on the speedo.  Still attempting to bait Bo in Boundary Rd, The Godfather continued his high jinks......but nobody was interested.  Kel, Wozza, Rocket, Boof and PistolPete faced the hurt of Old Dookie Rd, even Bo bailed out of taking a turn, though I did join the advance line again when the Ninja and Kreeky called me across (on the stupid presumption I wouldn't get duty at the front again).  But another turn looked definite sitting third wheel as we'd reached Central Ave, grateful that PistolPete let me into the left line to spare the suffering. What watts were left were on hold for the squirt to SPC, though the headwind had taken the edge off the tempo, leaving something in the tank for those surges of speed needed to stay in touch through the lefts and rights of the streets to the Butter Factory.  For the first time in ages I looked forward to a weekend off.

This week 307km     YTD  6,958km                   

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