Post #668
25/10 Steamed dim sims.
The night sweats, that nasty red rash, the fractious temper and blurred vision was getting a bit much..... Three days being denied bike therapy by incessant rain had nerves red raw, so a window of opportunity on the bureau's radar in Tuesday's early hours was a life-line. 72 hours off and the bike felt foreign on the roll to Tarcoola, though the labor in the legs to stoke up a reasonable speed soon recalled the reality. (Those standards in the skull just won't let up will they?) Kim and Emil appeared from the darkness of the Boulevard, Tina and Jen were rolling Rae St in wait but light rain at the Ninja's kept her in the cot. (LiamM and Lili were missing ; might need the SES to track down their motivation?) Still, five's better than none and 14 degrees is nothing to grizzle about though 100% humidity steamed the squad well just commuting to the shop. Wearing a base layer wasn't such a good idea - I felt like a dim sim at the starting grid.
Doyles Rd's continuing roadworks must be part of VicRoads 'dig-up-the-road-plan-for-congesting-traffic-scheme' so the Feiglin and Poplar diversion was driven by Emil with his usual early effort. I scored the southbound stretch of Orrvale Rd to find Channel Rd, so added the eastern assault to the Kinder for good measure (a different drive broke the monotony of the usual Doyles to Orrvale shift I always seem to score). Tina made it to the cypress trees and Kim to Beckhams bend but Jen was the one to watch providing plenty of pace to Coach Rd (then an additional effort to the highway just to prove it) Maybe she'd found a Spanish doctor on the recent holiday? (I'm forced a few days off and end up wanting the watts that Jen had in bucket loads!)
Emil's shift on Boundary Rd had the usual energy of 37's and 38's to New Dookie Rd, then he added the extra to Lemnos-Cosgrove. (The tempo might have been taking it's toll for some, so the slow for water across the road with 300 metres remaining got a few breaths back in the bank). The lack of wind or even a breeze removed any reason to complain, so taking aim at Lemnos Rd for my shift west was easy. A light fog above the damp farmland steamed up the specs but I managed to thread a path between the puddles and hand the reigns to Tina for Ford Rd's opening salvo. The distance to Grahamvale Rd was divided with Kim so Jen was back in charge of the charge to Verney Rd. Expecting Emil's usual effort south to Balaclava was presumptious ; Jen stayed in the driver's seat with her aim set at the traffic lights (and believe it or not, Emil let her do it!) With lots of torque to tow us, she'd scored us all a Strava achievement into the bargain. The pedestrian button was unresponsive to Emil's prod. Lots of worms, a snail or two, plenty of mud spots and a sense of being well steamed completed to course.
26/10 Deja vu?
A certain comfort comes from a couple of new tyres wrapped around the wheels - the pair that worked their way through Winter (cut and slashed like they'd been in the shower scene from Psycho) were now in the hands of the recyclers. I'm almost puncture-proof now ; till the Bindii's have their wicked ways! (Change the subject Foss, avoid the gospel according to tubeless ; Emil was about to arrive at Tarcoola!)
Yesterday afternoons rain had wet the Wednesday lap, the Squirrel circuit judged the safest for a social speed spin by the stand-in Roadranger, so the shop became the starting grid like days of olde. Wozza, Kim, Rocket, Kel, Boof, Tina, Lenny, Jen, Kreek, Bo, Greg and PistolPete had circled in wait for 5:40 and despite the change of launch pad, PistolPete performed the opening move on Channel Rd. A west southwester helped the hurry on what's become the roadworks route around the excavated Doyles Rd till more tarmac is laid. Wits were sharpened for the unfamiliar road furniture , the footpath width of Feiglin Rd and the rumble strips on Poplar Ave, but the familiar ground of Channel Rd was found again headed to the Kinder.
Bo had ducked for shelter in the left line soon after the shop departure but my bravery joining the advance line early had an ulterior motive ; making use of that breeze behind to boost my turn at the front. (I need all the help I can get!) Boof was the kind co-pilot when I fronted for duty in Central Ave, there was wind to work into at first but a helping hand pointed toward the cypress trees where Kreeky came alongside. Caution for kangaroos was our excuse to stick to 35's (it was social Wednesday after all) to the S bend where my donation was done and Lenny paired with Kreeky toward Coach Rd. Boundary Rd's mineshafts (well, oversized pot-holes really) had finally been patched and several became keen to get their shift done and avoid facing a headwind homeward.
Hill Rd was again the alternative to wet socks at the top of Boundary Rd but Bo found karma had come to haunt him with the headwind toward Lemnos. Tina didn't test him for part one but Emil relished the opportunity. A red led ahead dangled the bait for pace on Lemnos North Rd, the Ninja finally finding the bunch after missing the WhatsApp memo on the revised start line. With PistolPete, Wozza, Rocket and Boof ahead of me, hopes were on their usual long drives so I'd be spared the headwind hurt at the front in Ford Rd. (And they did!) The reserves I'd saved were soon spent on Verney Rd as Lenny bolted toward Balaclava Rd, stringing the squad to single file and scoring several a Strava badge as a bonus.
27/10 Headwind heroics.
A westerly whistling through the rangehood played a tune of torture for part of Thursday's circuit, but we'd all go soft if every day was as calm as Tuesday wouldn't we? I could only hope there'd be a few turn up to share in the suffering! Wendy, Emil, Tina and the 5ft Ninja agreed the Sanctuary squad could do the chasing today and just as the chocks were released at 5:30, a sixth squirrel arrived. Troy was on a comeback mission and figured jumping in the shallow end was the safest option. That tailwind (a west northwester at 20-28 km/h) might not be the slowest start.
Emil's lead via Channel and Feiglin had the heart rates quickly into zone 4 and my number was drawn a little earlier than usual to make an effort in Poplar. (it's probably fair to share the tailwind, if only to pump up the ego for a while before the headwind deflates it!) I spared the squirrels the task of the side wind on Orrvale Rd and found Channel Rd for Tina's turn to the Kinder. 38's were certainly a swifter standard but that wouldn't be lasting long. (best not to ponder the pain to come on Hill and Ford, just soak up the speed while the wind was your friend!) Wendy kept the wheels humming to the cypress trees and the Ninja continued their tune east while Troy sat in the minimalist slipstream till he was given the lead at the S bend (his shift to Coach Rd with an additional effort to the highway) A suspected slow puncture kept the Ninja at the back while Emil had the zone 4's back on the menu on Boundary. Where I'd get his elbow was pure guesswork. Hopefully before the headwind!
The Old to New Dookie shift isn't such a challenge but starting it suffering sustained second wheel stress put the head into survival speed....the heart was about to hand-grenade! Tina took us to Hill Rd and dodged the bullet of the headwind facing west ; that was Troy's task (so much for that little dip in the shallow end!) He made good progress given the long lay-off and handed the reigns to the 5ft one to reach Lemnos (that possible puncture apparently wasn't a problem anymore, she continued north to Ford Rd in fine form) Emil had the heroics set high to head west, 35's weren't fun even at second wheel into the 28 km/h gusts ; just as well the young fella enjoys a bit of masochism! Grahamvale to Verney is only 1200 metres but again, starting it well worn doesn't help, so I had much pleasure in handing over the southbound leg to Balaclava to Tina and get my view at the back into focus. Of course Emil had the heroics back before long to lead us to the traffic lights, green on our arrival was like winning the lottery.
28/10 Sustained spring rains (frustratingly) stalled any attempt to get a few more k's done while in Melbourne on Friday (so less of this rubbish to read for you!)
This week 144km
YTD 10,754 km
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