Saturday, September 2, 2023

Full gas on the garble.

 Post #712

26/8 How come fast guys buy faster bikes?

The bike, just serviced, purred like a kitten, even seemed a little faster on the roll toward Tarcoola, but the old engine struggled to hold the new found speed.  I guess I could search Bo's encyclopedia of excuses for a reason but a hint of fog seemed to make the air like soup to push through.  (That'd do for a reason, till I could find a better one!) Yeah, I had checked; the tyres weren't flat!    The usual spin of Sanctuary's side streets till six bells chimed found GiantAndy and allen key adjusting the seat height of a brand spanking new Cervelo. (it looked like it was doing 60 k's an hour standing still!)  As if he needed something faster! 

5:59 found Lance, Troy, Emil, Boof, Julz, Gazza, Wozza, Grumpy, Rocket, Greg, the 5ft Ninja, Nev, Bo and PistolPete at the grid and ready to roll.  Without a plan or a thought on position, I found myself near the pointy end of the advance line rather early, well out of my league between Rocket and GiantAndy no less.  (Not so clever Foss.)  It was highly likely my time at the business end would be brief, particularly with 37's early on the agenda. 

PistolPete, Emil, Wozza and Rocket had shown their abilities to River Rd, time now for me to play a part for the drive east.  Happy that the wind had taken a day off, the celcius wasn't interested in rising much above three, so that soup-like consistency made the push toward River Rd's bridge a burden.  Rocket had let me set my own pace (kind lad that he is) but there's a standard to uphold isn't there; a standard that was cooking me too soon.  I had to call part one of the shift short, then having GiantAndy alongside for part two hoisted the mental white flag straight up the pole.  Bursting at the bridge, GiantAndy supplied me a (substantial) slipstream for recovery, but with Gazza now his co-pilot, respite would be scheduled for later (maybe at breakfast?) 

Speed snuck up to 37's again while the two happily chatted at the front to rooster corner, me doing my best to silence a Chewbacca impersonation.  I had hoped to drive something decent at the front so settled for sub-standard (though seeing some others struggle similarly in the driver's seat was some consolation).  Lots of light lit landmarks previously camouflaged by Winter's darkness, the effect on the mindset immeasurable.  Trophies should be awarded to those who soldier on through Winter.  There's certainly a tax imposed on those who don't! (You know that, don't you LiamM?)   

Saddle height needed tweaking for Gazza and Andy to pit stop at Pine Lodge North Rd and having the horsepower to hunt us all down, they were left to adjust while the rest rode west into Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd.  Plenty were seeking shelter in the left line before facing the front in the advance; understandable given the wattage to keep company with at the pointy end of the pack (and the reputation of the rush into town).  

Word had it the horsepower was taking a holiday into town today, although 37's and 8's started to take it's toll toward Mt.Wanagnui.  The sun blinded the path along the Boulevard where single file was mandatory for survival.  I could see Julz ahead, battling  to hold a wheel so when the rubber band broke, team ethics had me donate a tow to breakfast.  A team of two o.t.a. beats the shame of solo doesn't it?  The sense of direction, bike fitting and cholesterol vs fat made the noise across the Eighty8 breakfast table. 

28/8 Profit from pain?

Maybe it's Mondays that make motivation hard to find? The struggle to find some sense in a stupid o'clock spin was eventually overcome; Social stimulation is half of it and coffee the other! (fostering a fraction of fitness might come of it too).   BamBam, Wozza, Bo, Julz, PistolPete, Lenny, Emil, Kel, The Godfather, Rocket, the 5ft Ninja and Gazza found their mojo to make it to the Sanctuary grid.  My usual place in the left line was under threat 'cause Bo's getting greedy for maximum draft and a placid partner to pair with.  At least I have the lack of horsepower as an excuse! 

Gazza was confined to the caboose with a lack of voltage keeping him in the dark, so my place in the advance line behind BamBam wasn't going to be knocked back.  For a moment the Ninja looked likely to be my partner for part two till Lenny braved the advance line too.  The usual pairing of Emil and PistolPete made the movement to Mitchell Rd a gentle baptism to the effort needed to hang onto the hurry supplied by Rocket and Wozz.  Kel had dragged Bo (almost kicking and screaming) toward the business end on River Rd but his part two had a discount with the drive beside BamBam.  I got the promotion to the lead role to rooster corner.  Lenny made part two the pleasure with an offer to roll when I wanted, but I'd already set sights at reaching the bridges on Coach Rd. 

I could have opted for the short shift but there's got to be some pain doesn't there? (just hoped there'd be a profit from it).  Lenny stuck the Cannnondale into drive for his part two with the Ninja to measure her to Channel Rd, PistolPete then measured to the highway by the 5ft one.  This old motor had just returned to manageable levels when division one spiced up the speed a little more; and it only takes a two or three k increase to get the needle to the red line.  I blame Rocket and Wozz (on this occasion) for the hurt, though us (in division two) would rarely explore those limits without them, would we?  There wouldn't be many exploring the heights of heartrates riding solo.  The city appeared quickly, the shift to SPC seemingly swifter than usual, but it gets coffee into the system sooner.

29/8 Squad 'o seven.

Yeah, it's the same old same old Tuesday ritual, two years running for the squirrels now.  Head to Tarcoola at stupid o'clock, find like-minded addicts to commute to the shop, pick up a couple on the way and find one or two there to spin the Channel, Boundary, Lemnos-Cosgrove, Ford and Verney circuit, then reward the stupidity / endeavour / habit (you choose the appropriate word!) with coffee and chat on whatever afterward.  Not much alters from week to week,  other than the weather and a face or two sometimes. 

Kim, Wendy, the Jenerator, Julz, Emil and Greg rolled up for the same circuit and the usual turn or two (maybe three), the predictable long drive from Emil and as always, the same satisfaction of braving the elements and finding a fraction of fitness in the process. (Whether there's any improvement is open for debate, but like always, it feels good when you stop!) There were a few minor differences today; it was Kim's birthday, Wendy had returned from the search for snow at Falls Creek and the odd spit of rain fell through the patchy fog at one point.  Oh, and an east southeast breeze turned into a light northeast wind on the way. I still had a struggle to meet the expectations of pace at the front but got the reward of the slipstream after, and yeah, Emil's heroics drove the length of Boundary Rd.  Naturally Balaclava's traffic light went red to give us a short intermission. Comedy and coffee was the conclusion at the Butter Factory.

 31/8  Hasta la vista Winter, don't hurry back!

Just like the last 80 odd days, the feels-like number gets scrutinized in the wee small hours to gauge the insulation required and how much concrete to pour on the Corn Flakes to face another day of Winter.  But this was the last! Spring tomorrow makes it more bearable, even if the temperatures take a while to resume to reasonable.  (Feels like 1.5 said Winter wasn't wanting to leave!)   Emil's always as keen as mustard and Wendy overcame a reluctance to ride, but Rae Street was as empty as a politician's promise.  Devotees are dwindling?  

Hopes hinged on a squirrel or two at the shop, or this would be a lap of hard labour for three.  Greg and Julz arrival at the car park saved the day.  Wind direction is usually debatable between the Bureau and self's senses; Mr Meteorology reckoned it was a west southwester, internal instincts said more like southwest.  A relaxed Thursday roll in the low thirties didn't feel that relaxed, even at second wheel, although that wind and the "feels-like" didn't put a lot of positives in the skull.  (Rain stopped play yesterday; maybe I'm rusting already?)  Boundary Rd might be better?  My usual contribution from Doyles to Orrvale didn't blow a gasket but I was happy to retreat to the rear for Greg to be the boss to the Kinder. (That new knee knows how to transmit torque already!)   Wendy reckoned she was weary but performance to the cypress trees said otherwise. 

Smoothing a shift takes a bit of practice and a lot of focus (and some never do or even try to perfect it) but Julz is tuning her technique not even a year into her apprenticeship.  Practice was paid off with pace to the S bend.   Emil on early duty might mean I get a different length of Boundary's tarmac as second shift; alas his drive dominated to Old Dookie Rd, so I got the very familiar 1200 metres to New Dookie to drive.  Whether the wind was WSW or SW, it hadn't helped with much hurry but a super moon helped light the way north.  Wendy's work west on Lemnos-Cosgrove Rd went long, my big surprise was Emil's elbow after just three k's of Ford Rd covered.  The short shift to Verney Rd was a rare third turn for me, and now I agreed with the Bureau's decision on that wind's direction. Greg got the hallowed drive toward Balaclava Rd........but someone just had to take a charge to the traffic lights. (Julz, Wendy and I paid the price of a slower approach with a red light). 

1/9 Somebody spike his coffee with Ritalin!

Sanctuary's serenity was shattered (as standard) with The Godfather's arrival at 5:39, entertainment for Troy, Rocket, Boof, Emil, Grumpy, the 5ft Ninja, Wozza and Bruce awaiting the 5:40 launch.  PistolPete, Kel and Bo chose an earlier effort (I'll bet they just wanted peace!) so Rocket and Emil opened the proceedings toward Mitchell Rd.  The shelter of second wheel (in the left line) helped me hide from the southwester, though I hadn't allowed for the horsepower driving at 37's for the first few k's (too much talk in the bunch and you're not going fast enough they say!)  Wozza's pairing with Rocket to Central Kialla kept things quiet......except for Grumpy flat chat with chat and The Godfather full gas on the garble).   

Boof was my guide into the advance line and with Bruce in charge of the caboose, Emil became my backstop as BamBam arrived late via the truck route.  It was just a waiting game now before the dramas of doing duty at the front.  The Godfather and the Ninja led out of River Rd's dip though the 5ft one shortened her contribution shy of the quarter horse fence to put Boof and I at the business end.  Performance was partially pleasing with the southwester's help at the hindquarters though this engine was under maximum load just 1500 metres on.  I could count on compliance with Emil partnering for part two but felt compelled to stay on tempo to save brake pad wear for those behind. 

A double shot of oxygen was wanted by rooster corner.  Bless BamBam for preserving pace north toward the bridges; my heart rate got out of the heavens by the highway.  Emil, Rocket and Wozz made muscles mumble murder to Old Dookie Rd, tactically getting The Godfather into the wind for the way home with an in-form Troy to deal with.  A chorus of "Full Blocks" was replied to The Godfather's call for mercy at Dobson's bridge.  I thought I'd be spared from a second shift at the front again but was dangerously close to imploding at second wheel to Boof reaching the truck route, legs burning in protest of pace, but The Godfather was gracious in letting me into a gap as Emil opened the throttle to head the hurry toward SPC.   Ten days of serenity are to follow with Bo and The Godfather holidaying in Hawaii (sincere sympathies extend to Kel and Lynda as their reluctant chaperones!)
It's a shame Wozz can't read!

                               This week 260km
                                YTD 8,919km 

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