Dull, grey and windy Sunday morning, so like a strung out junkie needing a fix, set off down the road at 6am to join Temple & Daniel (needing to fulfil 10 am roles at home) for an early OC lap. Concensus on a single file effort with a battle against a 18 - 28 wsw, we took turns for the circuit (Daniel 10% up, clearly on performance enhancing supplements!) Wind favoured in Mitchell & Boundary, but a tough adversary in all other directions. Steve Fairless spied rolling down Boundary was spotted again doing lap 2 when we got to Rudd Rd. All worked hard into the wind heading west, and were rewarded with a 34.7 over the 40k's. I left Temple & Daniel to their domestic deeds, and peeled off at the lake to see who may front. Nick, Danny, Graham, Chris & Ryan braved the chilly breeze (now swinging a bit southwest) for a 45k lap. Again (and in the same direction, just to keep me giddy) the best leg was east and north. THM spied on the TT in Mitchell (the Fairless machine as well, nearing his lap 2 finish) , Miah TT'ing a few k's later. We rounded up a slower group of Mooroopna-ites at the eastern end of Mitchell and plugged on. Again, in Ford Rd, the going was tough, thankfully at a slightly more relaxed pace. Just to inspire, rolling east past Connelly estate was Mr F on lap 3! Back to the Butterfactory for us mortals with 45k @ 32 under the belt, caffine, banana bread, lemon tart and scrambled eggs eagerly ingested. Home with 107 clocked up.
Monday felt like winter revisited. Dragged the 3/4 knicks out of hibernation for the knees to survive 12 degrees. 9 brave souls at the start, great to see Fee back in (conservative) action. Bart waiting up the road after an early 30k leg (Chaddy awol, Minto retreating home without the added P&W circuit, Big Pete waiting further out) A steady & familiar tour, Greendog successful in dragging the Goose along. (welcome back big fella) Good to see Choppy hammering away anti-clockwise, preparing for a return to the bunch i hope. Sly on the TT rolled to the front, his equal 2nd in the Vets aggregate must have frightened Pete to retreat down Archer Rd. Bart & Sly shared a lot of the engine driving, nice for the group to finish together, Sly easing ahead across the line. A 35.5 average thrashed the Melbourne bound train by 6 minutes.
A fine 23 degrees urged a late arvo lap on Monday, specifically instructing myself to tap quietly away on a gentle toaster loop. An easy roll with a light breeze from behind out to the Emu, but enthusiasm had over-ridden logic holding 36 eastbound. Felt the breeze strengthening turning south, i dont know what drives the mind & muscles to hammer out the lap on the pain barrier? The i-pod provided some motivation with the Wombats and Trial Kennedy and pondered Tame Impala's "Solitude is bliss" (it isn't, but the song is.) Turned into Mitchell Rd and found two newborn kittens in the middle of the road! Couldn't help but think they'd been put there (sick people) Earned a humane society cheer placing them out of harms way. Felt the legs would suffer tomorrow but pushed on anyway (contrary to specs imposed on self at the start) a great reward to clock 50 @ 34.1 into a w/sw blowing at 15. Will see what pain tomorrow brings.
Only a couple of degrees warmer than Monday, but felt a lot milder. Sighted the Vince & Steve roadshow on an extra 15. Couldabeens poularity rising with 20 assembled in the carpark. Great to have Matt back again, a self confessed "buffet boy" now needing to shed a bit of ballast? Nev made a welcome return too (divorcing Area 51 for the day, even ditching a lap with Brett for our company!) Big Gav had the turbo wound up (last nights suffering revisited) Bo keen to set fire to Matt as well. Turned into Boundary Rd and a km down the road Trev's light ejected into the weeds. Pace eased for the retrieval, then back on the gas for a belt down Mitchell, steady speed and smooth roll-overs helping all. It was Nev vs Rocket to the finish, Rob's lethal kick winning the day. 36.2 av got us all back with time to spare.
Got ready to roll Tuesday night and noticed a small nail in the rear tyre (amazingly, no pressure lost). A lightning tube change and down to the start with just a minute to spare! 15 rolled out, 10 more hooking on over the next 10k. (unfortunately 2 Ford chicanes tonight) Brendan a bit of a monkey half wheeling, but a long stretch into the headwind whittled him down to behave. Good to chat with Chris, Sean, Jamie & co. So many remarkable people who've turned their lives around a bike. Quite inspiring. Asked the young chicane (politely) to f off for the sprint (in light of last weeks shambles) which seems to have been heeded. Nath, Sly, Chris & Bomber providing lots of kilowatts at Arcadia Downs, the bunch strung out in the last km. Sean's mule-like kick got the chocolates, 36.5 av earning us all dinner.
An early start at work on Wednesday, regrettably missing my favourite recovery ride. Had to travel that way for work and spied Norm, Marion & Chris plugging away like true soldiers, headlights visible from almost 2k's away.
Had no luck sleeping early Thursday, stirring at 3.30, climbing out of the cot at 4, breakfast at 4.10, so (of course) a 35k loop at 4.30! A worthwhile venture for the stunning sunrise, the orange glow in the sky with the moons' massive silvery crescent above. Different to "fly blind", not being able to see the speedo. My favourite gadget the i-phone providing Caribou's Swim album to entertain the ears. Back into town with a 32.2av and in time for a massive grouping of Couldabeens at the startline, a record 22 today. Newbie Matt introduced himself (Trev had suggested he join in) but was struggling to hang on in the 1st leg. He relinquished till fitness allows, the "allstars" team steaming onward and eastward. Great to have the Goose and the Greendawg along, respectful team players despite greater ability. Graeme, usually seen on lake group rides, made the pilgrimage from Mooroopna and little Tom (Tri club) were welcomed aboard. Trev absent (on his NZ trek) but a great team spirit enjoyed in a decent push around the course. Very pleased to see Choppy again, putting the effort in anticlockwise. In conrod straight Goose and the Dawg hit the gas very early (spreading dread in the ranks) but had Mattys' and Robs horsepower to deal with when they'd run low on steam with 100 to go. The rocket took the honours again, i was delighted just to finish 65k's before 7am. A decent 35.8av.
A personal goal for this year was achieved on the roll home, the odometer rolling over 20,000k's five weeks earlier than expected. (18,7 and 18,8 in previous years) I think madness helps!
Lots going on inside the skull lately (not worth elaborating on) , so opted for a quiet toaster lap lateThursday arvo. Big Hilly rolled past effortlessly (training for the Wagga Tri) even had long-time-no-see Silvio hanging on the back for a bit. Young Hayley recovering from a tibia stress fracture (ouch!) was in IMNZ training so happily joined her for the loop. Her puncture repaired in the latter part of Mitchell and a steady tap home wound up an enjoyable 50k's. Good to get those k's under the belt, as Friday morning served up a damp and miserable serve of weather, riding unthinkable.
Week 47 449km 16568 calories (368 pieces of sushi......yuuummmmm!) 34.1 av
Quote of the week "More people should apologise, and more people should accept apologies when sincerely made" Greg LeMond (3 times TdeF winner)
Special runner up quote of the week "What's the use of having a Garmin if you forget to turn the friggin thing on!" Ironman Ayto