Friday, December 30, 2011

Week 52

16 keen to start Christmas eve with an OC circuit, a pleasant (and long overdue) 18 degrees making the decision easy.  The regular legends rolled in full of Christmas cheer (or full of something!) only a light ESE breeze to contend with.  Graeme set a very early pit stop with a puncture less than 100 metres from the start, Nev quick on the spanners and levers to repair post haste. A good roll out Mitchell Rd (even the Cats had the Christmas spirit holding formation) A few reminders from the back of our bunch formed a proper echelon for the breeze in Boundary Rd, now swung from the northheast slowly gaining strength. Cougs suggested poking Nev to see if he was awake, but most were working time and a half up front.  Good yarns with Hoffy, Dave and JB.  Noticed the Bo and Vince rollover ramps up the speed by 15%, might need an octopus strap if these two pair up again. Good to have a bonded team today, a bit more care in smoothing out the starts & stops. Nev idled along Wanganui at 40 (i almost burst a gasket to stay level) so was pleased to let the gunners go, turning into Rudd. Finished well with the Norm, Chris & Cougs team, Nev taking line honours with Daniel san a fine second (Bo scouring his volumes for excuses i think.) Great yuletide banter over a caffine fix. Hard to leave after, could have sat for hours.

Santa must have been noisy (eyes opened at 5.30am) but he didnt leave any carbon fibre goodies under my tree on the big day. No hope of sleeping in when the grey cells turn on, so breakfast and kit up for a lap before the forecast rain arrives. Set off on a toaster loop with Thievery Corp & Abel Tesfaye for company on the i- pod  (the awesome Ayto, often a starter on the xmas day divorcee ride, was deservedly resting after a 180k hit in the hills yesterday) Looming dark blue clouds in the west spelled dampness, but when, was the question. A south easterly had swung  to north-northwest making sure i had no tailwind to enjoy for any of the toaster loop. Pressed on down Boundary reeling in and passing another rider (plodding slowly) and catching young Abbey near Euroa Rd just as a few drops fell. A very large tree was down and out across the road a bit before Archer, the constabulary minding it with reds and blues flashing.  Abbeys' dry ride home in her boyfriends car had arrived, i shortcut down Archer but got drenched anyway, a merry Christmas with socks soggy and a wet arse. Pleased with  a 33.7 in the conditions though. Oh well, the bike got a good clean, i got warmed in the shower then cocopops and raisin toast as my 2nd course Christmas breakfast treat.

No takers on Boxing day to ride, so a solo Couldabeens lap in 20 degree comfort was on the agenda. Lots of kamikaze insects swarming about in town (finding their way into one's orifices, but hardly a car about. The northerly wreaked revenge in Mitchell Rd tossing wheels off course, only one rider anti-clockwise on the circuit. Fair amount of headwind torment for the final 4 k's of Raftery but 33.6 was ok with the wind factor. The favorite coffee haunts were closed for the public holiday so it was the Scottish restaurant for vienna and raisin toast (a half baked comparison to Adams skills at the Butterfactory) .

Guilt over turkey and pudding excesses brought out a few for the Couldabeens effort on Tuesday morning. Trev, Jason, Glenn (times two), Graham, Rocket, Daniel and Chris  rolled out Channel, picking up Nathan & Laura half way out. A Boundary-Ford-Wanganui was optioned (the ssw @ 22 may have influenced Trev's suggestion) but sensibly paced for those carrying a few of Christmas's kilos. The rocket unaffected by drag co-efficient held off Daniel to claim honours at the Rudd Rd chequered flag, Nathan saving legs for the track tomorrow handed me third. All retired to the Lemontree for coffee, tall stories and true in good supply. The pursuit of an annual goal dragged my motivation on another lap at 8 , at last going with the wind rather than against it (well, for Boundary Rd anyway) Caught Ken with 7 other cruisers on a gentle amble at the top of Mitchell, so rolled leisurely with them to the Butterfactory, taking in scrambled eggs with more caffine. 70 clicks in the bank.

Procrastinated Tuesday arvo with a tough s-ssw wind, but sucummed and rolled to the hospital boom gate at 6 to see who'd survived Christmas. Only Dave, Gav and John A were brave, so we set off promising each other a sensible lap without heroics. Steve joined us in Verney Rd, the Eggman out near the kennels enrolled too. (we needed a big engine for the headwind) All considerate and chatty, but tough work to be done heading south into 30-44km/h torture. Young John was clearly unfazed at 32km/h , i was hanging out for the next roll (way too long later). We passed Gazza just beyond Channel Rd, he held on for a tow but dropped  2 k's down. A bit easier turning westward but John had a 35k rate set to match. Much relief a few kilometers later to have some rest with a rotation.  No sprint at the end just a good group finish to cap off a solid lap. 42 k's bagged (even closer to the goal now).

Little mate Cougs is off on well deserved holidays, Norm & Chris apologies too; nearly turned marshmallow and had a sleep in, but the addiction kicked in dragging me out at 5.30.  Considered attempting to hold onto Rockets' wheel for his anti-clockwise Wednesday group loop but doubted there'd be starters. (turns out he'd escaped to the Test match anyway) Spied Rhino heading to the P&W's so rolled up to SPC where just he and i waited.........and waited.  No others fronting (Benalla Tri yesterday a good reason) so just a pair to tackle the southerly blowing at 24 -33 kays.  Rhino had his Sydney Marathon legs well sorted for the push (was he at his limit or just diplomatically holding my speed?, one wouldn't know; the great poker face gave nothing away) Much relief turning out of the headwind into Mitchell Rd, but the wind was now shoving us sideways. A few looks back identified a dozen Cats a kilometer or so behind. Legs had turned like Gumby's (kids of the late 60's might remember) but i was in good hands, Krakey's no killer. Very satisfying rolling through the Raftery bridge with 33.5 logged, Cats flogged and train bogged (at the station) The poor old BM clocked up 22k for the year on the way home, deserves a little treat to endure me that much.

Thursday morning i'd intercepted Graeme coming in from Mooroopna on the way to a Couldabeens get-together.  No Matty (on a solo attempt to banish Santas waistline syndrome) but good to see Leon, Ryan, Bo & Kel and even Gav emerge from festive retirement.  Even without Vince or Steve, Bo was keen to up the ante with whoever came up front. I thought Boundary's headwind (de rigeur) may have induced a reduction of pace but Rocket was eager to burn some of yesterdays carbo loading at the cricket.  Was informed Rabbit had tacked on in Mitchell Rd as I sided with Graham for the lead duties but had unwittingly burnt him half a k later (sorry mate!) tucking in behind to hand the shift to Trev. Mick rolled past (after a breather?) beyond the Mitchell chicane but the team held ranks (nobody up for torture i guess).  Endorphins and adrenalin in abundance beyond Arcadia Downs, up in the high fourties (aided by the wind at our backs) I should have known better than to hit the gas with 200 to go with Rocket and Bo preying behind (should have packed a JATO to be sure) 'cause 58 aint enough to capitalise the front with the Rocket's kick.  Bo had glued to his wheel for 2nd, this wannabe Renshaw (maybe a jurassic homebrand version) satisfied with 3rd.  35.2 average got us all over the railway line before the train.

Just 8 at the Library Thursday night. The ever present wind (from the south west) was varying from 26 to 39 to make the homeward legs go jelly like. A few reminders needed to have some leaders move up the road to protect those behind from the elements.  A friendly group though, joined by Gools and Gav near the piggery (the aroma thick enough to photograph on a warm afternoon!) Dave was doing it tough into the wind, but then anyone else carrying those injuries would be sooking in bed. One tough lad.  Our Queensland visitor was showing signs of buckling too but thanks to the smoothness that is Gools on the front, all survived to turn westward, homeward.  Gav's had a good tune-up, a difficult boy to stay with when he's in the drivers seat.  Copious relief from the wind when turning into Raftery upped the tempo at the cost of dropping our Queenslander and a kay later, Dave.  Down to 6 doing turns for the remainder, i got lucky at the 150 mark to attack successfully, a 58 max relegating Gav to 2nd and Danny 3rd.  Halted at the Raftery bridge to gather up Dave and roll back into town. Pondered possible dinner recipes to replace calories burnt. A low flying duck would have done nicely!

Great to enjoy a recovery ride Friday with my little buddy back from holiday.  Still a bit fresh but a delight to have the breeze behind for a change. A cheery greeting from the P&W's in two neat rows, mainly a mumble from the Cats a km later (Area 51 lurking on the back, about to cause mayhem) and the rebel alliance cemetary group another k back with a cheeky g'day from Nev. Good to witness, greatful to miss. A steady smooth lap void on headwind struggle most beneficial to tired legs and a fitting end to the week and almost the year.

Week 52     471km  17,379 calories  ( 7 fruit mince pies, 8 shortbread biscuits, 2kg of roast turkey, 20 thick slices of baked ham, 10 large roast potatoes, 2kg of baked pumpkin, 8 roast carrots, 4 heads of brocolli, 2kg steamed beans, 2 litres of red wine, 1kg of plum pudding with 1.2 litres of custard and 6 scoops of ice cream and, of course, just one wafer thin chocolate mint!) Funny, i reckon we all had nearly that for Christmas lunch!  33.1 average.

No quote this week, just a big genuine thanks to all for a year of fantastic rides (all upright too) and really great fellowship.

A special 2011 review next post. 


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