Friday, March 9, 2012

Week 10

The radar showed rain surrounding the town Saturday morning, and after getting properly wet last week, i didn't fancy a repeat.  The lure of good coffee drew me to the Butterfactory though (a brief chat with a few Cats) enjoying the second sip of a flat white when Temple, Bo, Kel, Vince, Steve and Daniel fronted on grubby bikes (but sporting grins of achievement) Discussion on plotting a new Saturday course took to the agenda, must admit a change will be good, a safer finish almost madantory.

Sunday's weather similarly ordinary, an indulgent sleep in till 6.30 took precedence.  Decency returned Monday morning with a dry but cool 14 degrees. Princess and Minto were lined up but defected to the heroes of hurt, Cougs and I set off as sole P&W representatives, only a light southwester against us. Felt a bit rusty after a few days off the bike, but a few steady k's solved that, pleased to tap out a 32.

Felt an urge to measure out the new course (discussed Saturday) Monday after work, a SSW wind blowing at 24k's (and gusting to 35) did it's best to discourage. Headed out on the Karamomis loop, heaps of crickets on the road escaping the water.  The going was particularly tough southbound, relying on Tool, Muse & Butterfly Effect to motivate the speedo above 30 (all the while craving a B double to overtake for some never happened by the way) Slowed for a bit of H2O over the road near Curries Rd, then relief in Karamomis Rd with the breeze to my side. Great to be alive turning north onto the Shepp- Euroa Rd, able to get onto the 12 tooth and put the head down.  The road's a bit narrow until the bridge over the Honeysuckle, but a fine run all the way up to a left turn into Old Dookie (with thanks to a tail breeze)  and back to town to finish up with a 34.8av.   Should make a good Saturday loop (check the MapMyRide Fb post)  

Seemed like ages since a Couldabeens lap, 17 turned up Tuesday morning, clearly craving a ride with last weeks rain denying some outings.  Vince & Steve had roped young Chris into their magical mystery tour of the suburbs prior.  Great to have Ryan back, good to catch up with several others too, missed in recent weeks.  Some slight speed variations in Channel Rd grew in contrast by Boundary Rd, one moment at 40, two turns later at 32, causing some grief toward the back of the bunch.  Time for a happy medium to be reached?  Smoothed out a bit in Mitchell Rd, maybe a side wind instead of the head wind was a factor?  There was a short turn or two before Euroa Rd, the quick take-off stretched the bunch for half a k, but finally settled for the altered course down Archer Rd.  The tailwind was a bonus, of couse speed increased steadily as a result. Moved up the order to the front in the mid 40's when Chris A polished his sprint skills (look out Bendigo Crits at the end of the week) over the Rocket. The 35.4 average took the slack out of the legs and earned the raisin toast.

The south wind only built strength during the day, up to 38km/h by 6pm.  So, of course, a lap with the hospital bunch was in order.  Only 7 at the start (the big bad boogey man wind probably frightened a few away?) but as always, recruits were further out the road.  Deano drove a hard bargain at 40, but did my duty on the front with him (again, not many keen to pair up) till Bomber arrived for his turn, a lengthy hit at 43.  Pace abated on the leg from the Emu (the blast of a headwind had something to do with it) but 32 - 35 seemed to be de riguer.  Had the olympians wheel for several k's, twas poetry. Copped a turn with young Reece from Benalla Rd to Channel Rd, 34 into 50k gusts,  just way to strong for this dinosaur.  Mitch, Bomber, Deano, Steve and Reece shared the drivers seat for the duration (not one protest lodged in such conditions, all content to sit down, shut up and hang on) River Rd, Euroa Rd then Mitchell Rd all a chore, but overwhelming and overdue relief for Archer.  Just ambled along in the mid 40's,  over the alternate route, then into the low 50's for the final 2.6k. Craved a 56 ring, but content to watch Brendan launch a futile lead-out, Nath (out of character) bailed out,  Mitch powered away taking the honours in the mid 60's.  (Glory short lived with his puncture rolling back through town).  Travelled with,Scott, Brendan and Pom Neil for the suburb leg home, all amused at some non-thinkers driving cars, but chuffed with the 35.7 average. (does that make an upsized dinner acceptable?)

Thoughts of a dear departed summer Wednesday morning, three quarter knicks the more comfortable option of late.  Armwarmers are getting a workout too.  The lament confirmed with condensation on parked cars,just 12 degrees,  guess there'll be long gloves, winter base layers and booties soon. A recovery ride was well in order and the breeze behind a bonus.  No evidence of P&W's today, just a collection of Cats (and only one vocal enough to say g'day)  

Numbers lower than usual for Couldabeens Thursday (cooler weather maybe?) just 12 for a lap.  Vince was awol on not so secret 51 business, but regulars Steve, Nick, Jason, Rob, Gav, Glenn X2, Chris, Temple and Trev were ready.  Right to the end of Channel Rd when Rob spots a chasing Daniel, an alarm malfunction maybe?  A bit of wind resistance in Boundary Rd kept the head down but smooth sailing aided all. Turns varied in length in Mitchell, (dependant on horsepower) a massive moon glowing orange was worth the journey. The decision was to head into Archer, despite the road closed sign now missing for the Mitchell Rd dip. A gentle help of a southerly propelled all to the finish, Rob cleverly bolting when contenders were boxed in. Took off in chase ( and in vein) but only assisted Daniel towing him up to 58 so he could pounce a 2nd spot. 34.7av a decent workout, 3 less k's gets me home a whisker earlier to enjoy breakfast part 2.

Broke with the Thursday library group tradition,  change as good as a holiday (a holiday from the wind and 300+ weeks too). Glad I did really, flat as a pancake Friday morning. Joined Cougs (recovering from flu) for an easy paced short loop. A cheery greeting from a reasonably sized bunch of P&W's, Cats on a "freaky Friday" hot pursuit.  Nice to finish week 10 on a cruisy note.

Week 10   292km  10,774 calories  (10 tins of Spam) 33.2km/h average  YTD: 3857k

"We are made to persist, that's how we find out who we are"  American author Tobias Wolff (1945-   )

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