Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 9

Breakfast didn't last long, the bakery (half way to Saturday's OC start) pumping out aromas to salivate by. Thoughts of what lay in the Butterfactory cabinet didn't help either. Focussed on the wind direction instead, but it would help if Autobarn (my usual wind sock) replaced it's flags.  Liam & Kylie approached from the south, a 25k warm up made interesting by spotting and reporting a grass fire. The usual band of rascals trickled in, 21 degrees failed to attract big numbers, but 14 were big on quality. Liam & I took the first shift, impressed with the apprentice's  early style.  We spotted young Eddy half a k ahead of the Cats, wonder if his breakaway was successful?  Some discussion amongst our lot on an alternate finish line for Saturdays,  with roadworks and a roundabout due for Rudd Rd.  Boundary Rd was not so welcome with a northeasterly pegging pace, some exerted, but some excelled facing the music. Bo & Kel peeled off in Old Dookie Rd with other duties beckoning, the remainder soldiering on probably spurred on with tailwind assistance offered for the leg home.  Hoffy called a pause to retrieve keys dropped (a dodgy ploy for a breather?) notably pleasing that all obliged in solidarity.  Quite a wait at Nurmurkah Rd, and a moment with cars turning into DECA at the last moment (well predicted and called by Cougs to avert drama). Not a lot of stretching of the bunch in the Rudd Rd finish, Vince had procrastinated, Nev had pounced, victory easy.  The 32.5 average down a bit on the usual, possibly less numbers the reason. Unusual to have just one other group at the Butterfactory, but a great yarn anyway.  Ploughed into raisin toast, the earlier bakery memory not lost.

A dull Saturday night with nought interesting on tv, Rudd v Gillard positively depressing, so hit the sack early (to pay the price of an early rise). Gran used to say early to bed and early to rise but wide awake at 4.30 is plain silly. A small argument in the mind on the pro's and con's of a toaster circuit, with the addiction to dopamine winning. A hint of light on the horizon revealed lots of cloud, the distant ones dragging grey curtains of rain with the mild northeast  breeze.  There's a mystery of the unknown with the speed invisible in the dark, but I was being well distracted by Massive Attack, Oliver Tank and Kimbra via i-pod.  Didn't feel so crazy when two others were spotted just after 6 near Mitchell Rd. Suprised to clock a solo 33.2 over the 50k, a brief chat with Jamie at an intersection (tucked into his ute, with bikes on the back)  then teamed up with Cougs for a steady 25k lap, with coffee and brownie (yearned and earned) after. 75k logged before 8am. Quite a few out taking advantage of a mild morning before a hot and blustery day. 

All attention on the BOM radar at 5.15am Monday, are we in for a drenching or not? Took a gamble on gut instinct and rolled up to a P&W start, but a bindii through the front tube made a 5.55 start impossible.  Repaired and underway quickly, (thought it was worth a try to chase) but just passed the 15 Cats as they rolled off from their 6am start.  Next challenge on an adjusted agenda was to hold them off for as long as I could.  Again, tempo was unknown in the dark (might have to get the speedo light out of summer mothballs) until an overhead light at Dobsons estate lit up 37 into the 22k northeaster. (mmm....not bad old man) I was reeling in one rider ahead (turned out to be a cruising Cat waiting for his bunch) and was very relived to finally reach Boundary to make use of a little wind assistance,  instead of resistance. An irresistable urge ruined the theory of not looking back, pleased they hadn't made much progress catching. Got lucky at Benalla Rd with a clear run through and held on till River Rd when the mathematics of 16 rotating overrules 1. Had a little horsepower left to jump on, a brief greeting to Kelvin & Graeme, recovered for a k (noticing Cobbles and two other Area 51 reps in the mix)  , then joined in the clockwise rotation for Mitchell Rd. Just enough light to read 45km/h (didn't help the tired legs), turns were fairly brief thankfully, though hanging on the back was becoming more popular with the Cats.  Only Sly, Straddles  and one other working with the 51'ers and I from Archer Rd onward, almost releived to get to Conrod and see the end to the pain.  Hung onto 4th (no jellybeans left in the jar) with a great 39.2 average as reward, debit was legs of lead for the rest of the morning.   

Almost gathered animals two by two Monday arvo, rain and more rain put a halt to ride plans.  Saturated roads and threats of more precipitation Tuesday morning made a sleep-in easy too.  There was a big enough gap in the green blobs on the radar Tuesday arvo though, so off to the Hospital boom gates to see who was brave.  10 had fronted so we departed east, doubling the attendance out Ford Rd with hoards cruising in wait. Gools, Brendan, Leigh, Mitch, Steve, Carla too, keen to join. A big slow called soon after Lemnos North Rd, water over the road.  Just up to speed again and the process was repeated, even more water (enough to chill the inner thigh rolling through) from last nights downpour yet to clear. More was on the horizon, the decision up front was to re-route via Boundary Rd.  Again, progress was thwarted with a flooded section just before Hill Rd , almost lapping at the deraillier ( cranked from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock position to avoid soggy shoes) u-turning 8  homeward.  Finally through the water, the bunch had stretched ahead,  Brendan, Dave and I left to fend for ourselves and set about chasing.   A south wind blowing at 25k's didn't do any favours, nor did the bunch oblige us  looking back or slowing.  12 to the power of 3 didn't add up.  A long 26k chase later (averaging 34) we crossed the finish, to our credit,  the others still visible albeit nearly a km ahead.   Vengance planned.

A slightly calmer paced ride with Cougs Wednesday morning was most welcome, a chance for these old muscles to recover. 16 degrees wasn't too bad, sky appeared clear enough, so a slow build up out Channel Rd. was in order.  Got the guilts approaching the pub, a sole P&W headed south. Grasshopper , the only starter , quickly u-turned to join us, we were far better socially than the Cats apparently! A random spot of water, a moment later another, soon followed by a couple......we were about to be annointed from above. Turned into Old Dookie and the drops became a shower, tolerable for a while, until the socks became sponges. Soon it was a grubby bike, foggy glasses and a wet bum, but a few laughs to be had in good company. Smooth and upright for the rest of the journey, nice to get home, showered and respectable. Raisin toast tasted better than ever.

The heavens had opened for Thursday, a lot of the usual circuits out of action with shallow lakes forming on them. Despite favourable skies on Thursday arvo, I gave the usual Library bunch a miss (a quiet week wouldn't hurt for a change)  Friday morning reported for P&W duty, Grasshopper & Cougs the only others willing.  Supercats had left early, so us three amigos upheld tradition for a solid lap, even a 16k southeaster didn't deter (but muscles complained) The dip in Mitchell Rd (at Mt Nicolaci) had closed with water over the bridge, so a revised route via Archer Rd was the only alternative.  Just about to reach the truck route when the 51  lads caught and passed, then nearly to the finish the not-so-super Cats slowly eased by.  We were happy little Vegemites achieving a neat 33 average, the laughs and fellowship put a big layer of icing on the cake.  And got home dry as a bonus.

Week 9  304km (what a slack week!) 11,217 calories  (49 Cornetto's) 32.6km/h average   YTD 3565km

"If I can bicycle, I bicycle"  Sir David Attenborough  OM CH CVO CBE FRZ FZS FSA  1926-

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