One of those weeks where social and family obligations restrict the k's on the bike and put some into the cobwebbed car. Missed the regular Saturday lap (may need to enrol on a Methadone program?), not even a leg thrown over on Sunday. So, a rusty start to the week on Monday with a short lap in magic temperatures (16) to shake off the corrosion and remember how the cranks rotate. Le femmes de Breeze were presumed to be 2 k ahead in Archer with a red led light display in the distance, but wasn't about to set off on a chase, a quiet lap was all that was needed. The weeks temperatures of blast furnace proportions had cancelled any ideas on evening rides, only reserved for mad dogs and Englishmen (and local 'WorldChampions' it seems)
Tuesday's Couldabeens roll call included Temple, Trav, DiscoSteve, Kenworth, Rocket, Jase, AvantiTrev, FujiTrev, Chris A, Wozza, Brent (long time absent part time recruit) and last, of course, HBK.
A 20 degree moderate start by AvantiTrev for leg 1 and considerate leg 2 for a recovering DiscoSteve made way for an increased tempo for the rest of Channel Rd as the muscle was applied into the ENE breeze. Arriving at Boundary found the breeze now favourable from the NE, amplifying the speed. HBK and Brent were locked into a head to head battle to the Broken bridges but tempo was moderated to survivable when AvantiTrev called for calm. Pistol Pete had arrived from the south (missing the start) as DiscoSteve departed to his driveway. Content staying at the rear was FujiTrev, who is now an AvantiTrev having bought a new Avanti from AvantiTrev (who's sometimes RidleyTrev) but usually AvantiTrev 'cause the Ridley's disAdvantaged by Avanti's. But the new Avanti of AvantiTrev (who used to be FujiTrev) has no Advantage over the Fuji steering (but fits AvantiTrev better) so FujiTrev who's now AvantiTrev will be called WobblyTrev so we don't disAdvantage AvantiTrev who's rarely RidleyTrev. Get it?
A few skipped turns in Mitchell to join WobblyTrev in tail-light position as speed got serious with Team Tempo (Rocket, Jase, ChrisA, Kenworth and the Pistol) driving west. My turn beside Pistol at 183 bpm was a little shorter than normal to prevent cardiac arrest, flying up Mt.Nicolaci in the 40's taxed the tenacity too. A halt at the highway to take oxygen on board while traffic passed was welcomed, but all too brief. Relinquished my turns entering Conrod straight fighting a losing battle with a stitch, Wozza put in a fine maiden journey for the Tuesday/Thursday lap, but it was Rocket and Jase stretching their lead taking the 1-2 in that order. 14 seconds shaved off our best lap was pleasing, considering the few earlier quieter turns and some traffic delays.
Skipped Wednesday, Thursday was the next outing, habitually with the Couldabeens. About time to turn off one of those women and put some more ice on the fire, already 30 degrees for the roll to the start at 5.30am. Queensland & holidays has poached a few regulars (Kenworth, WhisperingJack and Nick) but FeltMat, Cougar, Rocket, AvantiTrev, WobblyTrev, Trav, Temple, PistolPete and Jase fronted for duty at the carpark.
A little northeasterly to push against in Channel Rd but FeltMat had a sensible starting pace, the contrast was Rocket setting the supersonic speed standard beyond. Nearing Channel Rd's end WobblyTrev had a trajectory twitch, tenuously tight to Temple's tyre to terrify, time to try tactful talk? A sudden halt for a car in Boundary was called, parklights as useful as candles in the dark. A thoughtful build up of speed for the southern leg kept a united bunch, my Garmin showing 208 bpm didn't add up though (unattached monitor). Fowl were swapped for ducks at the last bridge to be todays chicane, the trek west kept fast and very smooth with an orchestra of carbon wheels playing the symphony of speed. Not a lot of chat going on, enjoying the 56/11 combo though, good to see AvantiTrev having a dip at front of house . FeltMat poured on the motivation up Mt Nicolaci and a clean run across the highway kept legs busy, Rocket, Jase, Trav and PistolPete were the usual star performers as most lost a bit of sparkle in Conrod straight . The smaller field was just 1:36 off the fastest time (Tuesday), but each ride turning to a race is tiresome.
A change of course for Friday, a tour de Archer-Mitchell-River-Boundary-Channel with Cougar, both of us keen to avoid HBK's "slow and steady in view of the hot weather" ride (a spy on Strava showed their "slow" 36km/h average). Set off a little earlier (hoping not to become 'carrots' for HBK, PistolPete et al) enjoying a cool 23 degree start. The east-northeast breeze became obvious in Mitchell, meant a tail wind for the homeward leg in Channel, so all was well. The short north up Central Kialla then east up River Rd put up a different scenery, seemed longer with a headwind though, certainly easier headed north in Boundary Rd. Hurt Lockers' thin line of 5 were the lure for a supersized SuperCat pack in pursuit half a k behind, dragging quite a draft of wind with them. The 3 in P&W Part1 were at the bridges, we'd turned into Channel with no sign of others southbound, our reward of a tailwind home (and a little cooling from orchard irrigation) a fitting end to a short but hot week.
Week 3 : 160km (Kimba to Port Augusta S.A.) YTD 661km
"To play a wrong note is insignificant, to play without passion is inexcusable" Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) German composer & pianist
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