Another weekend off the treadley, climatising to this erratic behavior is difficult, each comeback is fraught with the realisation of effort needed. Monday's temperature was at least cooler than the oven like conditions of last week. Almost a cool 16 degrees to reassociate with the bike on a cautious course 'cause creaking calves can't crank cracking cadence, curtailed courses causes cronic consistency. Northbound punters were rare on the main drag in the darkness of 5.30, maybe the Crit has many on a taper. Intercepted Cougar firing smooth and strong for a traditional lap of Channel-Boundary & Old Dookie, avoiding yet another pesty pooch to the south of the kinder. Caught up on the weekend's bike news, crossed paths with a single filed cat pack south of the pub (greeted by an unidentified figure in the darkness) and a pair here and there on the journey to Old Dookie. Suprised to see LegalSteve on the turn with a late P&W pack behind, a handful of Muppets a distance in arrears. Despite the strengthening southerly Cougar kept grinding homeward, a wake up for my lax legs but a good warm up for laps ahead.
By arvo, limbs had loosened, Wozza encouraging a short 30 clicks now that temperature was short of blast furnace proportions. Away at 5, it was up to the Golf course, out to the Emu, the Toaster then back via Old Dookie, the aim not to blow a gasket. (one should be careful riding with a younger and fitter gasket) A strong SSW propelled us to the Emu but the honeymoon soon ended with a slog to the toaster against the 26km/h of resistance with 30 degrees to warm as well. Just a hint of west to the wind made a chore of the return home, heart rate at 170+ to match Wozza's determination. Quite a workout for a short lap, wouldn't have put that effort into a solo ride, but I guess measuring up to another raises the incentive. Back into town within the hour, flags flapping, legs burning and a 760 calorie deficit to rectify.
Another reprive from toasting temperatures on Tuesday morning, 15 degrees even needed a base layer (my how we soften swiftly). Met Wozza in the main drag, climatised to the stiff southerly for the 5k roll to the Couldabeens start. Rocket, SuperMario, AvantiTrev, WobblyTrev, Trav, DiscoSteve and (lo, and behold!) BigMat out of self appointed seclusion (maybe motivated by Ro's great 100k lap yesterday?). The rusty lad needed a reminder to get up the road when his turn came, to at least give some draft for those behind from the 18-26km/h gust. Duty called for me again in Boundary alongside Trav, lads lacking legs & lungs lent leniency, lest left lonesome & lagging. DiscoSteve did his usual exit, HBK spied northbound half biking two Breakaways (presumed to be some form of assistance?). We had a little giddyup for Mitchell Rd now the wind was at our side, PistolPete arriving and u-turning to join in near the dog-leg. Wozza drove well to Central Kialla, but BigMat's phone did a dishonourable dismount beyond the intersection, lucky nobody used it as a speedbump. (bet there was a bump in the Strava data though). Across the highway without hold up, turns shortened post Roubaix and speed increased with the wind almost now behind us, Wozz & I scoring lead-out duty into Conrod straight. Rocket & Pistol hit warp drive with 400 to go (dragging a happy little SuperMario into the 50's in their wake). Missed my instant response boxed in, but let loose to pursue when the coast was clear to just pinch 3rd, Rocket vs Pistol won on calibre. BigMat paid the price of recent lethargy, humbled by Wobbly Trev passing in the closing metres.
Turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the howling wind of Tuesday arvo, gritted teeth and turned up to the hospital boom gate wondering if there'd be any takers for a ride. Suprised to find a dozen ready to roll with trees bent over from the southerly howling at 35km/h (with gusts to 50). Axel, new dad Dalton, Tony, Craig, Paul, Coggo, Wozza, Luke, Andy, Jamie, Steve the machine and Scott. With more wind than a dozen dim sims, we were shoved up Verney Rd at a good rate of knots, Coggo flew into the roundabout way too hot and went horizontal, a bent deraillier hanger the only injury thankfully. Slowed to a crawl for a minute whilst Coggo gained some composure and the bunch reformed, back into action beyond the rail line to have Bomber & Sticks join in. Mid to high 30's out to the Emu and a lot of speculation on who'd draw the shortest straw into the headwind. Trent & Trudy latched on as we passed at the ripple strips, my short straw on the front was the leg from Church to Toaster to valve bounce the old engine (grateful Paul was kind matching instead of despatching). Luke, Trent, Steve the machine, Bomber and Sticks drove like demons in Old Dookie & Boundary, I drew another short straw trying to match Sticks beyond the Broken Bridges at 33 clicks while the wind blew faster that us. Nearly half the field vanished in the westward slog of River Rd, a couple just content to hang on the back. Buffeting from the wind and speed variations were amplified to the back of the bunch causing big brake grabs and a few close to rear ending. Hands tightly gripped handlebars, arms and shoulders tensed trying to hold a straight course, furrowed brows facing the wind and highly focussed concentration made it a tough ride. Bomber & Sticks headed for home at Kialla Central, Axel shortcut via Archer leaving just 9 to continue on the usual route, nicely driven by Trent & Luke for a good distance. Seems the idea of a sprint was shelved into the Conrod dipper, but Paul, itching for action (with Dalton atttached) launched a move in the closing 400, Tony opened a door to let me at it, Paul was hung out to dry, but I couldn't match the Dalton Diesel in the last 100 (despite 640 watts at 60km/h), settling for 2nd fiddle.
The wind is as incessant and annoying as the Instyler ad, still blowing from the south in the dark of Wednesday morning, thankfully eased to 15-22km/h. The calmer karma of the Kialla course suited me nicely (legs still wrung out from last night), an effort though to push into 6k's to the start. Found Cougar on the way, and hooked up with FeltMat, Temple, Rocket, Jase, LegalDave, PistolPete and SuperMario at the roundabout. The first leg beside Pistol awoke some of last nights memories, half the wind of yesterday but still a grind for tired legs. LegalDave, fresh from coastal tours was a better match with Pete to the turn, Rocket, Jase and Temple were the motivated movers in Mitchell, undeterred by the side wind. FeltMat had the mainsail hoisted for the tailwind in Boundary (Choppy had his head down southbound, about to rip into River Rd) There was no expense spared in Channel Rd either, aforementioned movers applying tempo with gusto, seems it's hasta la vista to the quiet mid week roll around? (now to be Wasabi Wednesday's?) A thrash beyond the kinder pleased some and stretched others, quick enough for my Garmin to lose satellite connection and shut down. Roscoe was found meandering solo just after Orrvale Rd, tested his sprintability to latch on for a tow home. A laugh on the tour through town, easily rounded up and passed an asthmatic engined bicycle, tyres almost at 20psi, pilot puffing on a PJ and motor puffing out CO under the strain. The definitive EcoNazi.
Unseasonal use of base layers for January, even armwarmers and 3/4 knicks for some. Still, 13 degrees at 5.30 is far more agreeable than last weeks 30 degree start. Kenworth, Cougar, Temple, BigMat, AvantiTrev, WobblyTrev, Shorty, Rocket, PistolPete and (last as always) HBK formed the crew, joined by '51's Nev and Ron (most of their bunch desserted to TDU). Kenworth & I opened the Channel Rd account, holidays haven't harmed him, happily hurrying (&huffing) heroically hither. (ponders, perpetual poetic proliferation prompts psychiatric prescription?) Turns were kept smooth and steadily brought to the boil, the odd stone pinged from wheels ricocheted through the bunch. Kept an eye on the last to turn into Boundary, played joining link to the guns on the front accellerating away. AvantiTrev's turns at the front were just a k or two easier, a chance to get the heart rate below 160. The slightest suggestion of a south east breeze contributed to hot pace in Mitchell, our 51 guests with Rocket & Pistol driving the train westward (a blurred greeting to Blackie on his habitual solo east) HBK peeled off at Archer, the remaining dozen speared on to the highway and beyond. Several opted out of donating services to the front beyond Roubaix, Temple, Shorty, BigMat and even Pistol forming a long tail to Rocket, Nev and Ron now swapping shorter turns at the pointy end. Felt the weight of responsibility playing the stickytape to hold the bunch together as small fractures appeared, damn these guys can drive! We all swamped solo Fitzy in Conrod, Ron, Nev and Pistol (now with new wings) crossing the line, just 13 seconds shy of the record.
A night off Thursday, forecast rain and lightning arrived on cue in the early hours of Freaky/Faark Friday to cancel any plans , no riders on the storm today Jim Morrison.
Week 4 257km (Port Augusta to Adelaide outskirts) YTD 918km
"Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts" Jim Morrison (1943-1971) Singer songwriter "The Doors"
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