Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 16 : A premature problem & rolling in the wet spot.

The three musketeers assembled at Raftery Rd in the wee small hours of Saturday, Vince along too for the (almost habitual) prologue.  A spin against the grain of Conrod straight warmed up the gastrocnemius, Vince spying lights behind, went back to retreive 'em.  Expecting the rear brigade to catch us, Wozz, Temple and I steered slowly and silently to the highway, a hint of SSE breeze helped our Central Kialla cruise, but the backmarkers were content to tail off. I was suprised our slightly longer prologue still got us to the Channel Rd Cha Cha before the blossoming bunch arrived ;  AvantiPaul, Fisky, AvantiAndy, Ange, Linda and Steve amongst the regular Couldabeens Pistol, Hollywood, Cougar, Shorty and Nick ; wait for it, comeback kings Whispering Jack and SuperMario the suprise additions.  Into Old Dookie Rd, Nick eased the pace to keep a kangaroo at a safe distance, bounding into a driveway after leading the bunch for 50 metres. The rising sun lit the Mt.Major clouds orange for a great start to the day, shame to turn our backs on it for the Lemnos-Cosgrove leg home.  Speed was keen with many to share the load, a good effort at the front by a rusty SuperMario and WhisperingJack, many impressed with another co-ordinated classy couture kit modelled by Hollywood.  Wozz and I took care on the throttle after crossing Grahamvale Rd, Temple soon on fourty at Ford Rd's end. PistolPete was first to feel frisky at DECA launching the sprint, Hollywood, Wozza, Jen and AvantiPaul unable to resist the pursuit and the mamoth ascent of Wanganui hill (at least 3 metres elevation).  A collective cruise in Rudd Rd and the Boulevard put icing on the lap, AvantiPaul and I peeling off, u-turning to join the Goat group, clockwise and Toaster bound (curing dizziness?)         Numbers swelled wheeling west, pairing with Sootie to head the herd to Numurkah Rd.  Not a lot of effort needed with 20 sharing the load at a casual rate, a chance to wag the social tongue with YipYouPhil, Coggo, Comet, BigBen and co, Roscoe's respiratory restrictions avoided. Spice was poured into the speed steering south on Boundary Rd as rotations ramped up, a collection of reartirees grew in River Rd as the driving got serious into the 40's. The temptation to withdraw into the rear stalls was strong after a 100k's clicked over, but a case of cranial concrete concentrated the effort. SpecialisedTony, Greendawg and others were intercepted at Mitchell Rd, mixing into the circulation as the pack speared to Melbourne Rd, MeridaAndy's so-slow puncture (sensed at the Toaster) finally flattening at Mt.Nicolaci. Some of the intercepted ventured into the driving force but aspirations exceeded respirations (one at mixmaster cadence) to relegate them rearwards. The Conrod clothesline hung out BigBen, AvantiPaul and other punters to dry at the pointy end, me perfectly positioned to pounce a podium with 100 metres left, a sweet desert to a 120 k main course.      

A little dusting of the cranial cobwebs on a golf course-DECA precursor circuit Monday, 6 degrees to inspire some cadence but the h.r. monitor was still asleep at 56 bpm.  A pause to adjust bumped the numbers back up (temporarily) but I contracted a case of the "hurry-ups" noting the time, a Wanganui to Friars express (11 min) to get me to the church on time. Brendan, Hommy, Sandy, Coggo, Belly, BigPaul and Heady were prepared for a smooth and steady roll of the legs, a bridge building exercise for those struggling with the hastening weekday pace. Holding a low 30's limit seemed difficult for some but protocols were observed, weekend chat occupying the jaws rather than legs getting frisky.  Coggo, Tina and I stuck to the limit, others began to slowly draw ahead in Channel Rd, but it was soon policed when Hommy inherited a bindii to peg the progress. Coggo's pit stop skills (and comedy) saved the day, a quiet roll back into town made a refreshing start to the workday week.     

Porthos (Foss) and Aramis (Wozz) set south on a tepid Tuesday, down to Raftery Rd in search of Athos (Temple). Vince arrived from the south to ply a prologue to the Couldabeens circuit with a mere hint of a breeze (senses suggested a southeaster). Wozz and I took the turn to Roubaix corner, a damp drop or two on the skin at Archer hinted at rain, but not till nearing Channel Rd did spots litter the tarmac. Jase was parked under cover at the shop, Rocket, Pistol and Kenworth arriving, radars keenly scanned on the likelyhood of getting soggy. On the stroke of 5.45 the spots stopped, eight heading forward ho into Channel Rd, Vince and I in the drivers seats, slowly squeezing the accelerator.  We caught Mexican Angelo just before the cypress trees, the quick speed slowly roasting Temple at the S bend. Jase hit the boost button on the last leg of Channel nearly cooking me, a relief when Vince called for calm so the wrecked could recouperate. West in River Rd seemed a little easier so the speed kicked into the 40's to ensure nobody was asleep. Matching the Jase pace braced the nerves for a go at the front, soon at ease when he called a roll before my point of explosion. Wozza, Pistol and Rocket were in fine fourties form in Mitchell Rd, keeping on top of the 13 sprocket my purpose till Mt. Nicolaci. Crossing Melbourne Rd set the squad single file, Rocket sensing all were near the limit took the helm for a freaky drive at 40 for 3 kilometres.  Mere mortals, Jase, Pistol, Wozz and I offered our (slowly sinking) services at Arcadia Downs for some relief to Rocket, my turn out of the Conrod dip at 48 emptied the cookie jar, mentally abandoning ship to roll in all but last. 

The horizon's distant rumble didn't deter determination on Wednesday (thunder heard most of the night), the "glass half full" mindset drove the enthusiasm for a Toaster lap at 5, or was it a case of OCD? (obsessive cyclist disorder) After Tuesdays spots quickly stopped, a positive cranial karma cranked out the Boulevard, but I was prepared to face the errant easterly (15-20 km/h) on Wanganui Rd. Happy holding low 30's (but legs conflicted that opinion) to Ford Rd's end and commenced Lemnos-Cosgrove only to hear, the dreaded metronome of the bastard bindii injecting the front tube. Pegging progress at the main eastern channel with steering going as soft as the mining tax, repairs commenced, lit with lighting mid pit stop. Thunderumble hastened the handywork, back on two wheels eastward, a spot or two swiftly schemed shortcut scenarios. Southbound on Boundary the drops duplicated, by Hill Rd a downpour drenched desires, an Old Dookie damp off ramp chosen to turn tail homeward. Rain up the nose from the front wheel rooster tail, squelching socks and slipping hands on saturated bar tape ponders the joys of Autumn cycling rolling in the wet spot. Hammered home to the thought of a hot shower, tip toed round SPC's skating rink (roundabout), an incoming (and impatient) Camry testing it's ABS brakes (and my heart rate) seeing and avoiding me . 

A long l.e.d. procession to Friars on Thursday, 21 fronting with clear skies promised, a subtle southerly the only hinderance. A (correct) clockwise roll was set in motion on Old Dookie Rd (to counter the southerly) till the Goat head pulled rank to anti the roll, throwing a little confusion into the ranks. Halting for traffic at Central Ave, Kate's sequipedalian track stand was most impressive! Back into motion for 39 on the upside and 37 on the downside, then easy into Boundary to keep the pack intact.  Fresh volts in the h.r. monitor and cadence sensor smoothed the data, the svelte syncronicity and sublime speed simply stunning from Stace and Comet. 549 turns of the chainring in River Rd (yep; number nerd!) passed quickly, whittled down to a dozen driving with nine as caboose. Ironic to pair with David at "wait for David", then slowly back to the boil to Mitchell Rd kept the volunteers keen for more. A split at the highway allowed a brief breather (between Belly's sledges) till the congregation congealed, building to the mid 40's for Conrod straight. With the common problem for young men (premature accelleration), AvantiLeigh went for broke with 200 to go (try the nasal spray to last longer Leigh!), Sootie in tow with sprint sights set. I was in luck to be on the upside and broke free to launch at the finish line, thought I'd left the run too late but was saved by the last dip to hit 56 (OMG, 104 cadence!) commandeering the chocolates.        

Wozza's What'sApp weather warning waried me Friday morning, after Wednesday's wetting I shied away from riding in favour of a dry and warm bed.

Week 16 :  299 km   YTD 4,811 km

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